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The bad news is

time flies. The good

news is you're the
Michael Althsuler
Lost time is never
found again.
John H. Aughey
What may be done at
any time will be done
at no time.
Scottish Proverb
The great French Marshall
Lyautey once asked his
gardener to plant a tree. The
gardener objected that the tree
was slow growing and would not
reach maturity for 100 years.
The Marshall replied, 'In that
case, there is no time to lose;
plant it this afternoon!‘
John F Kennedy
Don't say you don't have
enough time. You have
exactly the same number of
hours per day that were
given to Helen Keller,
Pasteur, Michaelangelo,
Mother Teresa, Leonardo da
Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and
Albert Einstein.
H. Jackson Brown
Time is the scarcest
resource and unless it
is managed nothing
else can be managed.
Peter F. Drucker

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