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Que: what the purpose of ur trip to USA at dis time?

What makes u to go to USA a

t this time? Why u want to go there?
Ans: i jst got merried in july and ddnt get much time to spend with my husband s
o as its gonna be new year celebration in december there, so.....
Que: whos gonna be your sponsorer?
ans: its my parents sir.
Que: are you guys thinking to settle down in USA?
Ans: No sir, there isnt a single chance for that.
Q: why?
ans: sir, as m doing my own business of designing of clothes and my husband n my
father is going to start their own business after completing his business manag
ement ( MS).
Que: Dont you think that ur financial condition cant afford ur trip?
Ans: no sir, as my trip not gonna be so long, m just going for 1 or maximum 2 mo
nth. So its not a big deal.
Que: What u doing here in india?
Ans: M designing the clothes for bridal, casual and doing exhibition after every
6 to 8 months.
Que: why ur husband has taken a new course nammed "Construction Management"?
Ans: Actually my dad is in the constrution feild from last 25 years, n he is thi
nking to start their own business with my husbands so my husband choose this cou

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