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The goals of peer review are 1) to help improve your classmate's paper by pointing out strengths and
weaknesses that may not be apparent to the author, and 2) to help improve editing skills.

Read the paper(s) assigned to you twice, once to get an overview of the paper, and a second time to
provide constructive criticism for the author to use when revising his/her paper. Answer the questions

Weak Okay Strong CRITERIA

___ ___ ___ Assertion: clarity, importance
___ ___ ___ Evidence: relevance, strength, credibility
___ ___ ___ Organization: arrangement of ideas, guiding the reader
___ ___ ___ Mechanics: spelling, grammar, punctuation
___ ___ ___ Overall effectiveness


1. Were the basic sections (Introduction, Conclusion, Annotated Bibliography, etc.) adequate? If
not, what is missing?

2. What was the thesis of the paper? Can you clearly tell?

3. Did the writer use transitions well between paragraphs and subtopics? Were the different
subtopics clear and related to the thesis? Explain.

4. Was the material ordered in a way that was logical, clear, easy to follow? Explain.

Eng 102 DeCuir Page | 2

4. Did the writer cite sources in MLA format adequately and appropriately? Note any incorrect

5. Were all the citations in the text listed in the Annotated Bibliography section? Were all the
citations listed in the bibliography cited in the text? Note any discrepancies.


6. Were there any grammatical or spelling problems?

7. Was the writer’s writing style clear? Were the paragraphs and sentences cohesive?


8. Did the writer adequately summarize and discuss the topic? Explain.

9. Did the writer use at least two scholarly sources? Do you think that the research done was
sufficient and relevant to the topic? If more could have been done, regarding what specifically?

10. Was the writer persuasive in their position on the topic? If not, what would you suggest to make it
more persuasive? If so, what was most persuasive to you, the reader?


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