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Be 'free' or free, does not require official visits to his girlfriend, perform the promised call, buying
gifts every month, inviting your partner to a special dinner etc.

In a free you don’t have to listen complains be jealously. The rules of open relationships are clear:
No complaints, no exclusivity, and friendship above everything. The early game seems easy, but
eventually the dice can rotate, move your chips and you are the loser who never asked for love.
Therefore, it is inevitable that gaps when you accept to have an open relationship.

Appear sooner or later those who would not feel jealous when your partner establishes a real
relationship with another person and you continue in the second place.

From the moment you decide to accept these relationships without serious commitments should
be clear that you do not have the opportunity to gain emotional stability.

Empezará a temblar su autoestima, llegarán los interrogante

Tampoco podrá actuar con total libertad y espontaneidad, pues cada paso que dé en la 'relación',
estará prevenido. Nor can act with complete freedom and spontaneity, for every step in the
'relationship' will be prevented.

Risks of an open relationship

3 It may end up accepting situations that u does not like and proposals do not go with you, but
that you have to accept not to appear 'moral' because you accepted an open-minded relationship.
4 Puede terminar distorsionando su idea de la sexualidad. 4 To end distorting your idea of
5 Podrá cambiar ese concepto de amistad por frustración e incluso odio hacia esa persona. 5 You
can change the concept of friendship in frustration and even hating that person.

Rules set for couples 'free'

1 None makes claims.
2 None is kept secret.
3 None of the other falls in love.
4 No man can be jealous if the other person goes to someone else.
5 It is not an obligation to call the other.

Why occurs more frequently among young people tend to open relationships?
This trend is presented by the fear relate directly to someone, so establishing a model for
behavior that in the end are those who do not want to have.

So you have to think about what do you want with her or him and what do they can give to you.

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