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Step 1: Determining type of hospital whether it’s primary, secondary or tertiary

Dragon Slayer hospital is 75-bed capacity tertiary Hospital

Step 2: Categorize patients according to levels of care

Category Tertiary Hospital Patients needing
Minimal care

Minimal Care 35% 26

Intermediate Care 45% 34
Intensive Care 20% 15

75 patients x 35%= 26 patients needing minimal care
75 patients x 45%= 34 patients needing intermediate care
75 patients x 20%= 15 patients needing intensive care
Step 3: Finding the Nursing care hour (NCH) by patients per day and
getting the sum

Minimal Care 1.5 hours

Intermediate Care 3 hours
Intensive Care 4.5 hours

Minimal care = 26 x 1.5 = 39 NCH
Intermediate care = 34 x 3 = 102 NCH
Intensive care = 15x 4.5 = 37.5 NCH
TOTAL: 208.5 NCH/day
Step 4: Finding Total NCH x 365 days
208.5 NCH/ day x 365 days = 76102.5
nursing care hours.

Step 5: Find number of work hours per year

*48 hours/ week
268 x 8 hours = 2,144
working hours/year
Step 6: Finding the number of personnel needed
Number of personnel needed = __NCH per year_
Working hours per year
Number of relievers Needed = No. of personnel x 0.95
* Nursing Personnel
76102.5 nursing care hours = 36 nursing personnel
2,144 work hours per year

*Nursing Relievers
36 nursing personnel x 0.95 = 3 nursing relievers
36 nursing personnel + 3 relievers = 39 nursing employees
Step 7: Categorize into professional and Non-professional
*Tertiary = 65:35
65 + 35= 100; 65%: 35%
65% x 39 = 25
35% x 39 = 14
Therefore: 25 professionals: 14 non-
 Step 8: Distribution by shift

AM 45% 18 nursing
PM 37% 14nursing
Night 18% 7 nursing

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