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A Buddhist Monk’s Day

The monks get up at 05.00 one will wake up and hit gong to
wake all.

The monks start prayers at 05.30. They will do a Alms

round at 06.30.

After Alms while the laymen or laywomen are preparing

food, the monks will pray in the “BOT.” This is the room
with the main image of the Buddha. At around seven o’clock
a Monk will hit a gong several times to indicate that meals
are ready.

Everyday monks care for the temple compound, they cut the
grass, clean the inside of the buildings by sweeping the

The second and last meal must be eaten before noon. They
eat at around 11.30 am they only eat the left over’s of the
previous meal.

After this they will go to Pali Lounge and pray.

Did you know that when a famous Buddhist monk dies they
are not buried but they are actually mummified!

It would not Fell bad to go out into the community for alms
as the Buddhist people are happy to give to monks.
It would not be bad having so few possessions as you would
have little time to do much with them as you would have
such a tight schedule.

It would be nice living with other monks and nuns so you

could pray together etc.

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