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Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Part 2
Chapters 6-12

Before You Die…

Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God
A Guide To The Hidden Realms Of Thought, Belief, Prayer, Intercession, And Being

By D. James Sell
 2007 All Rights Reserved
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

© 2007
Jami Sell
603 East High Street
Apt. 1
Oakland, MD
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
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Before You Die…

Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God
A Guide To The Hidden Realms Of Thought, Belief, Prayer, Intercession, And Being
by D. James Sell
 2007 All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 God Juice………………………………………………………….…..1
Chapter 2 The Work of Christ…………………………………………………..19
Chapter 3 The Dynamics of Thought and Belief…………………………......34
Chapter 4 Habitation of Demons……………………………………………..…54
Chapter 5 Being…………………………………………………………………..82
Chapter 6 Self Worth……………………………………………………………107
Chapter 7 How To Minister Through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit…………..117
Chapter 8 Awareness…………………………………………………….....…148
Chapter 9 Manifestation………………………………………………….…….157
Chapter 10 Intercession and Prayer……………………………….…………..178
Chapter 11 Interacting With The Hidden World…………………….….…….186
Chapter 12 Advanced Manifestation…………………………………….….…194
Chapter 13 The Art of Creation Through Faith..…………………… …….…230
Chapter 14 Solution Orientation…………………………………………........242
Chapter 15 Awakening To Ultimate Truth…………………………………....248
Chapter 16 The Authority of the Believer…………………………….………256
Chapter 17 How To Operate In Faith and Authority….............................265
Chapter 18 The Final Word…….……………………………………………..277

Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God By D. James Sell  2006 All Rights Reserved
A Guide To The Hidden Realms Of Thought, Belief, Prayer, Intercession, And Being
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God


“But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:
for whatsoever that makes manifest is light. Therefore He says,
Awake oh sleeper,
arise from the dead
and Christ shall give you light.”
---Ephesians 5:13-14i

The purpose of this writing is to free the spirit, by revealing the “unseen things” of the spiritual realm through education
of the mind. This is revelation knowledge. It cannot be detected by the five physical senses. Those who demand scientific
proof may stop reading now, as you will not find this within the following pages. The only reason that “scientific proof” is
not available is that I have not found any physical elements that enable me to weight the following spiritual insights. I can
understand and convey these insights and experiences in a way that the mind can encompass them, but I have yet to discover
any methods of mathematics, science, or quantum physics that can define them. Perhaps I never will discover a method
among the five physical senses, but the intellect and imagination can grasp this truth when aided by the spirit. I see no
reason to wait until I can scientifically prove what I have encountered since the minds of others can immediately conceive
and so receive the benefits of my experience. Columbus didn’t wait to set sail “after” the world was proven to be round. He
set sail when the world was thought to be flat.
Those who understand and even exercise the “multi-senses” beyond the five physical senses, may want to continue
reading. This material is of a “spiritual” nature and in order to understand it, you must be willing to activate your own
spiritual senses, and to cultivate these within the vast recesses of your mind.
I am not an “expert”. God alone is the author and creator of the marvelous realms of the unseen. I am a man, simply on a
journey through this temporary life to a place and state of being that is infinite. I do not know all of the lands, or all the
knowledge. I only know, and have been shown---the way to the Father. In this journey, which I have not chosen, but which
the Father has chosen for me, I have been able to learn some things. I have observed how many things “work”, and how
they interact. I have seen how people can be affected and even controlled by unseen forces. I have seen lives destroyed
needlessly through a lack of knowledge of the truth.
Years ago, I began studying medicinal herbs. I read about their healing properties and studied every book I could get into
my hands. I looked at photographs and drawings and longed to see and handle the actual herbs. I would go off into the
woods hoping to find the herbs but for a long time could not find them. I had no “teacher” to guide me in my pursuits. One
day while driving through a wooded area on an old dirt road, I spotted yarrow growing alongside the road. I slammed on the
brakes and jumped out of the car to get a firsthand look. As soon as I got up close to it, I realized that I had actually seen this
plant many times before. In fact, I realized it had been growing in my yard for years and yet I had not recognized it! From
that point on, I began to find the herbs I had been searching for everywhere! I got as many seeds as I could find and afford
and began to plant gardens of herbs everywhere I had space. The herbs that at one time I could not even find, I now notice as
my car whizzes down the road at high speeds. I can even spot plants growing on distant hill sides.
Just as finding that one plant, accelerated my knowledge and experience of herbs, one encounter in the spiritual realm can
accelerate your knowledge of the unseen. What you must be willing to do, is to exercise perseverance and cultivate your
own spirit. Just as I planted herbs and enjoyed their beauty as well as the harvest, you can begin to develop and cultivate
your spirit.
The process is simple, but it takes time and commitment. You must be willing to collect “seeds” of truth, and then plant
these in your spirit. You have to allow the “seeds” of truth to sprout and grow within your spirit. You must then tend the
tiny “plants” of truth that result, like you would tend a very special garden.
It’s the garden of yourself. A garden where you must “weed out” any false ideas, beliefs, and attitudes. A place where
you allow nothing but truth to grow. A place where the Spirit of God can dwell within you.
One encounter with the truth of the spiritual realm can accelerate your growth and understanding. This has happened to
me many times over the years. I encounter some spiritual dynamic and suddenly I “see” and “sense” that same dynamic all
around me in every situation. I find that I begin to understand this dynamic and how it frees, influences, or even controls
The process of continual spiritual insights and encounters has been my journey and my experience.
This writing is about those journeys and experiences. It is my attempt to communicate what I have seen
and experienced in the unseen realms. It is a book about truth and faith. Truth is part of the nature and character of God, and
faith is the substance of the unseen spiritual realm. This is a book about the nature and character of God as I have come to
know Him and as He has revealed His creation to me.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Walk with me now in spirit, and I will show you what I have “seen” and what I have learned; and perhaps, my adventures
will in some way enrich and benefit you…

A word to the skeptics. I remember as a young boy, watching the moon landing on television. It was exciting as I was
always interested in the exploration of space, the oceans, and in medicine. The black and white picture of the TV screen
made the moonscape look very cold and too dark on the horizon. It was foreign and a little scary. I had followed the Apollo
space program, built model spaceships, and even visited the NASA Space Center.
I also loved science fiction, because it transcended the boundaries of what was currently possible and allowed me to
explore either real or imagined places with my mind. I was Captain James T. Kirk at Halloween, trick or treat, but I was not
a “trekkie”. I knew that Star Trek was a TV show and I still enjoy watching it like I enjoy reading a good fiction novel. Still,
as a young boy, I was Captain Kirk, and I was “Mike” in Sea Hunt and I was even Dr. Ben Casey. My back yard was the
ocean floor, complete with sea monsters. It was also a galaxy of other planets with alien invaders that I had to fight off. Our
pet dogs were never sick as long as Dr. Ben Casey was there for any emergency. Their regular dog food was transformed
into miracle cures and this “medicine” was feed to them regularly; and you can conceive that they enjoyed playing with me
for this reason.
I do have a very good imagination, but I am grounded in reality. I enjoy “fiction” and “play”, but I know what is “real”
and what is “imagined”. With this, I can make the confession that I firmly believe that our astronauts landed on the moon
and returned to the earth. I have never met any of these astronauts. I have never ridden in a space craft. I have never been to
the moon, but I still believe that the space program has sent the astronauts there.
If I were to be skeptical and go to NASA and demand proof of the moon landing, they might offer me tapes of the landing
or even allow me to talk to the astronauts personally. (Actually they would lock me up as a “lunatic”---pun intended---and
throw away the key, but stay with me on this….)
But let’s say that I’m not satisfied with tapes or people who “say” that they have been there. If NASA can’t take me to
the moon and let me walk there, and if they can’t take me right now, then I don’t believe that anyone has ever been to the
You can easily see the problems with this kind of demanding thinking. “Prove it to me, now, or it doesn’t exist.” This
line of thinking presents problems. What if there is currently no space craft built? What if the “window” where space
launches are planned, is not there? If a launch occurs outside the launch “window” the space craft would veer off into deep
space and be lost forever! It would never reach the moon. What about training? Could I pass the training that is necessary
for a space voyage to the moon? Even if I was only a passenger, I would still need to learn some safety and emergency
NASA might bring any of these situations to my attention and explain that they could not take me to the moon at this
time. These are valid reasons. Preparations would need to be made, and conditions would have to be right for a launch to
The purpose of this discussion is to point out that many skeptics have the attitude that if you can not prove it to me now, if
you can’t duplicate the experience on command, then I don’t believe it, and if I don’t believe it, then it isn’t true.
As I stated, I believe that men landed on the moon, but if I adopt the same skeptical mindset of “prove it to me and prove
it now”, then I too would become a skeptic. I would limit any possibilities of ever experiencing anything beyond what I
could experience on command.
This is a dangerous mind set because this universe operates in cycles. Some things are only possible at certain points in
the cycle. For example, you can plant tomatoes in the snows of February, but you will not get any tomatoes! Why? Simple,
the plants will freeze and die before they produce. Take the same plant and wait until May to plant it, and barring any major
frosts (another cycle) you will have tomatoes in about two or three months. Planting in February does not warrant a
“disbelief in tomatoes”. Planting in February demonstrates a lack of understanding of the current points of the cycle (the
seasons of summer, fall, winter, and spring). People can live as neighbors and one can disbelieve in tomatoes, while the
other enjoys tomatoes all summer long!
The disbeliever demands that the cycle “produce on demand”, and the believer studies and works with the cyclic pattern
and enjoys the harvest! Both live side by side, experience the same conditions, but have different perceptions of, and
interactions with, those same conditions, and so experience different results.
The point that I am making here is, that if you adopt the attitude of “prove it to ME and prove it now”! You may limit the
possibilities of your experience. If you want to be skeptical, then do so. Expose the lies and the frauds who tell them! But
in your journey, do not be so small minded as to exclude the journeys of others. Do not “demand” with arrogance that you
are the measure of all things, and that all things must met with your standards before you are willing to explore their potential
existence. Do not condemn the cyclic patterns that do not move at your beckoned call. Instead ask yourself if you are
willing to study these patterns on their terms? Ask yourself if you are willing to observe conditions for long periods and to
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

change or alter your thinking to include the possibility of something that can not be experienced by the intellect or the five
physical senses? Journey into new territory!

In this book, I will be introducing some new terminology. Since I have found little or no writings on some of the subjects
discussed, I have “coined” certain phrases and given names to what I have experienced. It is my hope that no one will be
“offended” by these terms that I have given to certain spiritual realities. It is also my hope that no one will be offended by
the topics I discuss, and that no one will call what I explain as being “unscriptural” or “occultist”.
Much of what I am writing has been revealed to me through the “gift” of the “discerning of spirits”. (See 1 Corinthians
12)ii If I had to define, simply, the gift of the discerning of spirits, I would have to say that it is the gift of “awareness”
through “connection”. It is a gift where a person is able to connect to another person or thing and “read”, or become aware
of its true nature, character, and intent. It is a way of gaining insight and knowledge that is not accessible through the five
physical senses. This is not “new” knowledge or truth but is an aspect of that same knowledge and truth that has been lost or
distorted over the centuries.
This writing is my attempt to “set the record straight” and unravel some of the mysteries of life, and of the afterlife. It is
my undertaking to expose some of the false ideas about God and His Word to us. What you are about to read, is based in
scripture, but bare with me through some explanation. This is not a “new gospel” but is a clarification of the original one.
God has been given a “bum rap”! He has been viewed for centuries as a vengeful God Who is ready and waiting to throw
His thunderbolts at us and who delights in sending us to the fiery pits of hell! This is how the mind apart from God’s Holy
Spirit reads the bible. To the intellectual mind, the bible is just a book of “fables” and contains nothing but inconsistencies.
But for those few who allow the Holy Spirit of God to enlighten their hearts and minds, the bible is a love story of a caring
Father, in search of His children.
And now, I give you a word of caution. There is information within the following pages that a dark force does not want
you to have. This dark force would do anything within its power to keep this knowledge away from you. It may be at work
already within your mind. Silent but forceful, it lurks within the dark recesses of twisted attitudes and beliefs. This dark and
evil force would like nothing better than to ease you into a deep sleep and cause you to “miss” the following truth and so
“not share” in the prize of reward that it carries.iii This sinister force would prefer that you remain blind and fearful of the
following discussion. This evil would like nothing better than for you to turn your head away from this truth or even to call
it blasphemous.
As long as this adversary can keep you in ignorance of the following truth, he can control and influence you; “steer” you
in any direction he chooses, and all without your conscious awareness of his actions. This entity, and those who follow him,
do not want you to understand with clarity, how they are able to affect the way that you think and what you believe.
In the following pages, I have pulled back the curtain that separates spiritual and physical realities so that hidden things
can be revealed. I have no doubt that many readers will encounter these realities for the first time in this writing. I caution
the reader not to make a quick judgment of these writings, particularly in the first six chapters, but to examine the work as a
whole. These early chapters may be
Disturbing or new information to you, but they must be considered in light of the later chapters to
Understand their inclusion within this material.
The purpose of this writing is to reveal information that can free the reader from oppression of which he may not even be
aware. This material is intended to free the spirit, by revealing the “unseen things” of the spiritual realm through education of
the mind. This is revelation knowledge. It can not be detected by the five physical senses. If your idea of Christianity is
sitting in church on Sunday morning and analyzing the message of the priest or pastor, then this book is not for you. This is
not material for the squeamish or for those religious folk who are “set in their own ways”.
If you are a person who is hungry for the deep things of God then this book is for you. God’s prophetic word to me many
years ago is unchanged today just as He is unchanged. “I send you out to the hungry ones, to feed them and to dress their
wounds. Go now and proclaim My truth.”
If you dare to enter territory that has been overgrown and forgotten since creation, then read on…! Because “all things
that are reproved are made manifest by the light:” and whatever it is that “makes manifest is light. Therefore He says,
Awake oh sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”iv

Examples given in this material pertain to real events and persons; both living and dead. The illustrations remain factual
and in certain examples, some details have been excluded that may identify specific persons. Also, because of the candid
nature of the discussion, certain names and locations have been changed or intentionally omitted in order to protect the
privacy, and in some cases, the identities of these individuals.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Chapter 6
Self Worth

Knowledge of the self is all important. Not a “selfish” concept of our identity or an over inflated “ego”, but a clear
picture of who we really are.
Many writings that claim to be of an “enlightened” nature impose a standard that the “self” must cease to exist and it must
be recognized that each individual is a part of the greater whole. While this idea contains truth, there are still several
problems with this belief system. The “self” must not only survive, but it must be connected and submitted to the will and
purpose of God.
One problem is the “extinguishing of the self” or what has come to be known as the “ego death”. In its purest form, the
“ego death” is the realization that while we each maintain separate bodies and minds, we are essentially connected to all
creation, and God, at a spiritual level. The “ego”, which is basically the mind’s opinion of itself, stands in the way of this
realization that we are all connected to each other and to all things and so it must die.
There are various texts that also speak of enlightenment. They teach that in order to reach the state of enlightenment, the
ego, or self, must die and the essence of the individual must realize that he is not separate, but is a part of the greater whole.
The Buddha aptly explained enlightenment as: the absence of suffering.
Whether we call it enlightenment or ego death, the result that is desired is that of an end to suffering and of being alone.
The individual becomes first, at peace with the self by extinguishing the mind’s opinion of itself, and secondly, the individual
becomes at peace with everyone and everything by perceiving the connection to all creation and God. It is realized that
whatever you do to others or to creation, you in fact do to yourself.
In order to understand this concept more fully, we must examine in greater detail, just what the “ego” really is. Different
people and belief systems have different ideas about this. For the purpose of our discussion I will summarize these ideas and
As I already stated, the “ego” is basically the mind’s opinion of itself. The mind is a device that is housed in the physical
structure of the brain. It is designed to help a person navigate through the physical world in which we live. Used as a device
in this manner, the mind is a tool under the control of the “real” person behind, or within the physical body. This “real”
person is the spirit of the individual. It is the essence of the individual or the real person. The “ego”, however, is when the
mind takes on an identity of its own making, and the spirit of the individual identifies with this false image, or phantom self.
The proper order of the spirit using the mind as a tool is distorted. It is like a hammer, “thinking” that it is the carpenter,
because it is pounding nails into wood. The hammer is just a tool, it can not function without the carpenter. It is designed to
be put to good use for the carpenter so that he can create whatever is desired. If the hammer’s idea of a carpenter is to
hammer nails into wood though, and the hammer convinces the carpenter of this, creativity stops and we would have nails in
everything wooden and an incessant never ending hammering. The mind, or hammer in this example, becomes “fixed” onto a
series of movements and tasks that support its idea of what a carpenter is. Since the mind is only a tool that is useless and
“dead” without the carpenter, it must convince the carpenter that it is real. It must cause the carpenter to think like a
hammer. To “be” the hammer. Without the carpenter’s identification, the hammer doesn’t exist or have any purpose. It will
lay dormant until the carpenter picks it up and starts to use it. The hammer, or mind, must convince the carpenter to give it
his full attention. If the individual does not give the mind his full attention, the mind will go dormant. The individual, the
true self or spirit, will still be “alive” but the mind will be laid aside like the tool it was designed to be.
This is how the “ego” finds its creation. The mind is simply a tool, but when it is used to find a solution to some situation
in the physical realm it continues to “run” until it is consciously shut off by the spirit. If, however, the spirit does not shut the
mind off, the mind will continue to do what it was designed to do—navigate the physical realm. The mind is designed to
“find solutions”. If it is not turned off, it will continue to view the world around it as a series of tasks that must be performed
over and over, or it will seek to find a solution to whatever it observes in the physical or mental realms. What occurs in a
mind that is “left running” or that is continuously “turned on” is that it begins to have a need to “fix” things. It doesn’t just
run through its list of tasks that need to be completed anymore, it has a need to resolve any situations that present themselves.
Since the mind is designed to be “switched on” and then “switched off” after use; the mind perceives that if it is not
“switched off” that there is more work to be done, more “problems” to be solved. When the mind looks around and does not
perceive any “problem” but the spirit does not shut the mind off, the mind then perceives that a new standard has been set
and it begins to look for anything it can find with intent to “fix” whatever it finds. What occurs is a mind that begins to have
a need to control and manipulate the physical surroundings. The physical body is of course needed for this. The mind will
cause the body to speak, move, hear, see, and taste, everything that supports its need to “solve problems”. The mind is
“switched on” and it has gained enough momentum that it will resist being “shut off” at this point. If the spirit attempts to
shut the mind down, the mind will immediately present its growing list of “problems” that must be solved. The mind will
use the body to demonstrate to the spirit that the “problems” are real. It will present all evidence it can produce to prove that
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

it should not—can not—be shut off for even an instant because the result would be devastating. The spirit, folds under the
overwhelming evidence and pressure from the mind and instead of just turning the mind off, the spirit just “goes to sleep”.
At this point, the “ego” is born. The spirit has relinquished its ascendancy and has agreed that the mind knows best and
should be left “on” in order to solve all its perceived “problems”. The mind then perceives that it now has all the power.
The spirit has folded to its pressure, and the body does whatever it says to do. The mind has taken on an identity of its own
based on its thinking about itself. This identity, is the “ego”.
A host of problems arise at this point. The real, true self, is the spirit and it has gone to sleep. In this “sleep” all the
spiritual qualities of joy, peace, creativity, and intuition are lost. The physical body is at the mercy of a problem solving
tyrant who will not stop. The body is inflicted with tension, stress, sickness and disease because the mind keeps “poking” at
it. The mind creates conflict with everyone and everything around it. Nothing is deemed acceptable save the incessant
“hammering” of the mind, that keeps pounding out orders and directives. No one and nothing is safe from the attacks of the
mind to “correct” or “solve the problem”. Everything within, and outside the mind is perceived as either a threat, a problem
to be solved, or a puzzle that must be constantly put together. The mind is caught in an endless loop of thought that will
never end. The “ego” continues to maintain this loop and it continues to make lists of things that need to be done, problems
that need to be solved, what it has accomplished, and what other people have done “wrong”.
With the true self, or spirit, asleep, the identity of the self has become this opinion that the mind has created of itself—or
the “ego”. Understand that the mind itself is not evil. The twofold problem is when the mind is left “on” and the true self
then believes that it is what the mind thinks about itself. Instead of being a tool for the use of the true self, the mind and its
incessant thinking, becomes the self.
Having now explained this, we can return to our discussion of “enlightenment” and “ego death”. It is not hard to see at
this point that having the mind in charge of running your life creates massive problems. It fact, all this does is “creates
problems”. The truth is that there are no problems, only situations which require resolution. The idea of a “problem” that
must be “solved” comes from the ego. Without problems, the ego would cease to exist. Without problems, the spirit would
awaken and shut the mind off, which would cause the death of the ego. In order to survive, the ego needs to create more and
more problems so that it can convince the spirit that it needs to be left “on”. As long as the ego successfully convinces the
spirit to let it handle things, the spirit will sleep and the process will continue.
To break this unhealthy cycle, the spirit must awaken and the mind must be shut off. This results in the death of the ego.
This “spiritual awakening” is what is called the “ego death” or “enlightenment”. It is when the unhealthy cycle is broken and
the spirit regains its ascendancy by shutting off the mind.
This “spiritual awakening” is a good thing. The human spirit must awaken and the mind must be shut off before any
spiritual work can be done. The problem is not “spiritual awakening”. The problem is more of how this “awakening” is
accomplished and to what degree it is carried.
What is often considered as the “ego death” or of “enlightenment” is simply the “experience” that we are not just
individual units but that we are all connected in some way. Notice that I defined this as “experience” and not “knowledge”.
A person can have “knowledge” of the “ego death” and still not “experience” it and make changes in their life. Still, simply
shutting down the activities and ascendancy of the mind until a “oneness” is “experienced” is not the same as knowing a
loving heavenly Father personally.
This “experience” can be attained through meditation, certain religious practice, or even the use of hallucinogenic
compounds that are both synthetic as well as being found in nature. Many “users” constantly increase the dosage of
hallucinogenic compounds in hopes of losing themselves in the greater consciousness, or what they perceive to be “God”.
Some experience a cosmic sense and “ego death” while others simply experience either good or bad “trips” that can cause
changes in personality.
Many of these natural compounds do not do harm to the body, but the attempts made to extinguish the self may lead to
journeys into the self and exposure to sudden bursts of awareness that have largely been kept secret in the unconscious. This
sudden awareness can result in outbursts of emotions that range from frustration and anger, to anxiety, depression and even
suicide. Users of natural hallucinogenic compounds can have drastic changes in personality and can become psychologically
dependant upon the drug. They can at times, adapt weird ideas of “aliens” or of some cosmic “truth” experienced on a “trip”
and end up withdrawing from normal societal life. Most will use the substance for recreational purposes and never
experience “ego death”. Use of these natural compounds ends up being a journey into the self and the exposure of the
unconscious. Those who do experience the “ego death” find a higher “truth” but not “the truth”. They experience a miss
placed identity that is associated with either pride or apathy. Some will become arrogant and “all
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

knowing” in their perception of themselves, while others will take on a dreamy “peace on earth” attitude of acceptance of all
things. What they perceive as “ego death” is really a slip into their own unconscious mind and the realization that after they
have explored themselves, “something else” also exists. This “something else” is viewed through their particular personality
trait and they wrongly perceive that they have attained a state of enlightenment where they either know all the answers, or
where they just drift and roll with whatever comes their way. They experience a pseudo-transcendence.
What began as a search for “ego death” has become actually a withdraw from “normal” perception into a realm of “ego
acceptance”. Instead of peering out of the self, they move outside the self and look inward and through the self as if it were a
lens. It is kind of like a train that partially derails but which does not wreak. This concept of “ego death” is actually the
infatuation with the self. Since the conscious awareness moves outside of itself, it gives the perception that there exists
“something else”. This “something else” is viewed through the personal personality traits of pride and apathy. What is
perceived as a “spiritual” experience, is actually a perception of the world “through” the self.
While natural substances of this nature are relatively harmless to the physical body, users of synthetic compounds, on the
other hand, risk addiction or overdose of the substance. Synthetic compounds are tough on the body and the mind. They
almost always lead to physical and psychological dependency. While intense sensual experiences occur when taking these
substances, “ego death” is not normally accomplished. The user most commonly develops a habit that centers around the
sensual experience and which can only be repeated by taking more and more of the substance. Addiction, whether physical
or psychological usually occurs. Both natural and synthetic compounds pose the risk that while “under the influence” the
user’s motor skills are reduced and injuries to the head and body are common from tripping and falling.
This widespread idea of ego death, is then revealed to be a deviation from truth. A pseudo-transcendence. A pseudo-
spiritual journey. Ego death of this persuasion is then a journey into the self and has nothing to do with “enlightenment”. It
is the a cone shaped void where life can be viewed through one’s own being of existence and which results in a twisted
perception of reality. This ego death perceives its “oneness” with things through the filter of personality. It is not truly “one
with God”, but is actually “one with the self”.
True self worth comes from becoming “one with God”. This is not accomplished through the extinguishing of the self, or
through pride, apathy, and drug use. Becoming “one with God” is accomplished by the “seed” of the truth of God being
planted within an individual and the process of the growth of that seed into maturity. That “seed” of the truth is the work of
Christ. The restored connection to the Father through the combination of perfect man and perfect divinity. It is a process of
seed time and harvest that is a repeating, cyclic pattern of growth and revelation of deeper and deeper perception and so
experience of ultimate truth. The true Christian realizes that the life he experiences is on a collision course with death, and
that the only way to avoid this is to take on the life of God through the work of Christ. (For more information, consult Chapter 2: The
Work of Christ.)
This process of self actualization is similar to the drug experience. It differs from the drug experience in that it does not
become infatuated with the self through pride, or apathy, and it is not physically unsafe, or physically and psychologically
addictive. Both perceptions of pride and apathy reflect the work of Christ. Both mimic the work of Christ in various ways.
The pride experience is one in which the individual believes that he has extinguished the self through the fallacy of ego
death. What is perceived as “ego death” is really a slip into the unconscious mind and the realization that after they have
explored themselves, “something else” also exists. This “something else” is viewed through their particular personality trait
of pride and they wrongly perceive that they have attained a state of enlightenment where they know all the answers. In the
pride experience they “die to the self” in their own mind and then become “God” within this mind. Their perception shifts
into a realm of “ego acceptance” or “self acceptance” and they hold the belief that whatever they believe is of a divine nature.
Many in this state of mind become arrogant as a result of their belief that they have attained divinity. What is perceived as a
“spiritual” experience, is actually a perception of the world “through” the self and their own personality of pride.
The apathy experience is similar to that of pride but the pseudo death of the self comes as a realization that divinity can
not be attained because of a lack of self worth and so the world becomes a view through the apathetic self of “all is one”.
Divinity is accomplished by a casual “all is one and so nothing has to be done” attitude. The belief is held that nothing has to
be done in order to reconnect to God. God is in all things and so God is all things and the apathetic self is a part of all things
so the self becomes a “peace on earth-good will toward man” “whatever happens” mentality. These beliefs arise from a low
self worth that can include self hatred. The apathetic self cannot reach God on its own, due to a lack of self worth and it does
not want to “work” in a growth process due to the fear of failure, so it assumes the belief that “all is one” and so the self is
already joined to God its source.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

The revelation of these insights adds a new dimension to what has previously been viewed as “spiritual”. The wise man
on the mountain or in a secluded monastery is not necessarily a “wise man”. He may well be a person who has “reached
enlightenment” through pride. He may believe that he is divinity in humanity only because he has viewed the world through
himself. He might tell you that the self is dead.
But how can one continue to “live” who has died unless he lives to someone else?
This man would say that he has become God, and now lives for the greater good of all concerned. Through meditation or
drugs he believes that whatever he holds as truth is of divine origin.
This so called “wise man” may in contrast be suffering of low self worth and may inflict great pain or suffering onto
himself for what he calls the greater good of mankind. He could be a man looking at the world through apathy and not be a
“wise man” at all.
Pride denies the work of Christ, and apathy twists the truth and says that it just isn’t important. Pride says the work of
Christ isn’t necessary because the self has accomplished its own death, and apathy says that the work of Christ is one man’s
experience and there can be different experiences.
I have witnessed “Christians” manifesting these characteristics through religious tradition. Some become arrogant and
critical of others and inflict guilt and shame, while others may die of a disease or live in poverty and say that “it just must be
God’s will for me to suffer”. What separates Christianity from other religious systems is that all other systems reach a point
where the “self” proclaims that it is acceptable and free of any guilt (pride), and or responsibility (apathy).
The concept of “duality” has been a point of conflict between Christianity and other religious systems since the beginning.
“Duality” is the belief that the self is not really apart from God, but only perceives that it is apart from the source of all
creation through its limited perception and perspective, which is the foundation for the “ego”, or “subliminal self”, or self
image. “Enlightenment” then is believed to be the state of mind where the individual transcends this limited view by
understanding that the “self” is really a part of the greater whole and everything is connected to everything else. Man is not
separate from God but God and man are actually the same. You don’t need the sacrifice of Christ or any sacrifice to reach
God because you and God are the same and have never really broken your connection, but you have only come under the
illusion of a broken connection through the “self awareness” of the development of the “ego”. Spirituality and advancement
is then viewed as the realization that the self is a part of all of creation and therefore affects all things. The primary
difference from this belief system and Christianity is that in Christianity there is the belief that the connection between God
and man has been broken and can only be restored through the work of Christ. Other religious systems deny “duality” while
Christianity is based upon it.
True Christianity is founded on the premise that God created the individual with a purpose, and for His pleasure, and that
the individual is found to be acceptable to God through the work of Christ. God created the individual and He formulated the
means for the individual to be reconnected to Himself. I speak of this as “true Christianity” because in most cases, what is
proposed as “Christianity” is really just religious tradition that is fueled by pride or apathy. It is true that in order to
reconnect to God, the self must become actualized. A person must become self aware and also recognize their connection to,
and influence over all other things outside the self. The difference in Christianity, is that these responsibilities are viewed not
from the self, but from the Creator’s perspective. In true Christianity, the self allows the Creator to do the work. It is a
decision made by the self, but it is a divine work brought about by God. Other systems proclaim that either through self
imposed standards of some sort, God can be reached, or that the self and God are already connected and nothing needs to be
Pride believes that the “self” can restore this connection through actualization, and apathy denies that the connection was
ever broken. An individual driven by pride believes that God can be found through experience and self imposed standards of
conduct. In apathy, an individual believes that God is all around us and in all things and that the road to finding God is to
just be still and recognize the connection to Him. Both ideologies contain truth, but both are incomplete.
What is lacking in both is the perspective of God, as opposed to the perspective of the self. Pride and apathy view the
created glory of God through the self. God is either viewed as “attainable” through the filter of pride, or He is viewed
through apathy as being already a part of the individual self, or more concisely, the self as being a part of God and creation.
Great observations, but still, observations that are void of the perspective of God. In apathy, there is no such thing as “the
fall of man”. In pride, “the fall of man” is seen as something that can be overcome by a self imposed standards of conduct.
In both cases, a decision is made by the self, but what is excluded is the divine work that is brought about by God through the
work of Christ..
Actualization of the self that excludes the divine work that is brought about by God, can gain a certain level of mastery
over the created realm, but without the reconnection to the source of life, or God, has a limited duration. God is eternal, but
the will and manifestation of the self is of limited duration according to the boundaries of time and space. It has access to the
“God juice” of creation, but not the “Father God” Who did the creating. (See Chapter 1: God Juice)
Actualization of the self that does include the divine work that is brought about by God, is where the self will is submitted
to the perspective of God. Man understands that he is separated from God and that he can not restore the connection. He
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

also realizes that he must allow God to do the work that He has planned from the beginning and restore the broken
connection. This is accomplished through the work of Christ. Man accepts the work of Christ and then enters a growth
process where he is in restored relationship with God. This growth process includes the Holy Spirit Who is introduced to the
“born again” believer and Who becomes a teacher of the truth of God. The Holy Spirit reveals the will of God to the
individual and assists him in manifesting this will. The self recognizes that it has a dual nature. It can produce what it
desires and so produce the nature and character of Satan through the “flesh” or human nature,v or it can be obedient to the
will and purpose of God and produce the nature and character of God. By exposure and resistance to the nature and
character of Satan, the self makes a conscious decision to take on the nature and character of God in its being. The self
becomes all of the things which God has said about it and it becomes the nature and character of God in its being. From this
standpoint, the self is not destroyed. What is destroyed is the “flesh” or human nature. The self is able to manifest the will
and purpose of God into the physical realm by the daily, moment by moment decision to consider the “flesh” dead, and to
remain in the state of “being” of the nature and character of God. If “ego death” and “enlightenment” are anything then they
are created in the image of the death of the “flesh”. The “self” as I speak of it, is not only the human spirit taking
ascendancy, but is the human spirit that is submitted to the will and purpose of God and which has destroyed the human
nature and self will. You can experience “enlightenment” or “ego death” and still not put to death the “flesh” or human
nature. You can experience your connection to all of creation and still be a part from the Creator. You can still the mind and
live for the greater good of all concerned and still be in a state of pride or apathy because you have not attained the
perspective of God. You are still functioning from a state in which your will is active in making the decisions in place of
seeking God for His perspective.
This knowledge of the self from the perspective of the Creator is absolutely necessary for our own personal growth and
for ministry to others because you can not give to others what you lack in your own self. When the self will is submitted to
the perspective of God and the nature and character of God taken into one’s being, the individual has the resources of God
available to him. He can use these resources to provide his own needs or can use them to minister to others.
Without submission to the perspective of God, the individual has access to the nature and character of Satan and to certain
of the higher or lower energies of this world (the “God juice”) and of the self. It has been widely stated that you can not give
away what you do not have. If what you “have” are the energies of an actualized “self” or of the higher energies of the earth,
then you have only a temporary solution to any problem, whatever its manifestation. You knowingly, or unknowingly, have
access to the nature and character of Satan and the consequent results of this intimate access. You also, knowingly or
unknowingly, have cut yourself off from access to the nature and character of God and all that this connection offers.
In light of this insight, the believer also can not give away or benefit from, what he does not know that he “has” or “is”. If
there is an area of your life where you do not “know” God and so do not “know” His nature, character, and will for your life,
then you will not be able to manifest that aspect of God in your life.
In this state of not “knowing” the truth that could set you free, the sick will remain sick, the poor will remain poor, and the
unsaved will remain unsaved. It is the truth that you know that will set you By “knowing” the truth, I specify that it is
the truth that you have made a part of your being, and not just the truth that you have learned in your mind to a state of
“mental assent”. The truth of God’s very nature and character must become the state of your “being” in order for the power
of God to manifest into your situation. Once you have experienced God’s nature and character as a part of your self or being,
then the truth of God can set you free.
This is especially important to keep in mind before attempting to minister to other people. You need to keep yourself free
from connection to, and influence of the nature and character of Satan. If you are connected to the nature and character of
Satan then as you “minister” to others and impart to them your very “being”, you will be administering the nature and
character of Satan just as a person with a cold or flu infects others with a virus.
This is also an operation that can occur with your own soul or human nature. You never want to give another person a
dose of yourself when the awesome power of the Almighty God is available to assist them. If you do not purge yourself of
the “flesh” by making a moment by moment decision to be obedient to the leading of God through the Holy Spirit, you will
administer your own human nature to those to whom you “minister”. This can have devastating results and the individual
can fall under your powers of “mind control”. (See also Chapter 7: How To Minister Through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.)
You can speak truth to others but you can not “minister” truth unless truth has been made part of your state of “being”.
Hypocrites often speak truth (or “truths”) to others but do not apply that same truth to themselves. You can not give away or
benefit from what you have not made to be a part of your nature and character or state of “being”. Unless you know God
personally through “experience” you can not give the nature and character of God to anyone. You will inadvertently give
them of your own “flesh” or human nature or you will give them the nature and character of Satan. Ultimate truth can only
be given to another if you have become that truth in your being. All else is sin, or the missing of the mark and so not sharing
in the prize. You will either give the nature and character of God by making Him a part of your being, or you will miss the
mark and administer your own flesh or the nature and character of Satan.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

The way in which to avoid the pitfalls of pride or apathy of the self and of Satan, is to view your self worth from the
perspective of God. In God’s perspective He does the work and we align our self with it and come into agreement with it.
We say what God has said about sickness, or finances or any other needs or situation. God produces the healing. He
provides the finances. He is the One Who meets every need and deals with every situation. Our part is to submit to Him and
to say what He has already said instead of speaking what we think is best. Our self worth is then not based upon what we
“do”, but upon “who we are”. Self worth must be a part of your very “being”. Self worth must “be” who you are, not what
you or others say, do, or think about you.
Many people get caught up in “talking a good game”. They believe that if they can say enough about their
accomplishments to others that this will affirm their own self worth. Others participate in an endless treadmill of “doing”
works in hopes that God and others will find them acceptable. Still others follow intellectual pursuits where they win
arguments within their own “talking heads” and believe themselves to be spiritual because of it.
True self worth is a state of being that originates with the love God has for you as His creation. You were created “by”
God and “for” God. You were never meant to be separated from Him. You are God’s child. Your self worth was generated
in the mind of God before the foundations of the universe were laid.
Galatians 4:6 tells us, “And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into you hearts, crying out,
“Abba, Father” ( which is interpreted, Daddy…)”vii
And in Romans 8:16-17, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children,
then we are heirs, heirs of God and coheirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share
in his glory.”viii
Psalm 139:13-18 tells us about how God planned us in His “thoughts” and prepared the framework of our life. “For You
have formed my inward parts; You have covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I
was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. How precious also
are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than
the sand; when I awake, I am still with You.”ix
Jeremiah 29:11-14a, explains that the framework created by God’s “thoughts” toward us is designed in such a way that
we can reach for and find God if we search with all of our heart or what is “as the most interior organ”.x “For I know the
thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you
will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for
Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord,…”xi
When we search for God with our most inner desire, we have the promise of finding Him. The mistake that most people
make in seeking God is to attempt to reach Him with a sense that the self knows more than He does. Most people struggle
through life needlessly, because they deem themselves to either be “spiritual adults”, or “spiritual adolescents”. An adult is
someone who has knowledge that is backed up with experience. An adolescent is someone who has come to have
knowledge but who lacks experience. The “spiritual adult” is not in any way the same thing as a mature believer. The
“spiritual adult” is a person who has come to have knowledge of God’s nature and character and who has had “experience”
in dispensing this to others and into their own life experience. They benefit from the life of God and even help others but
their fault lies in a prideful sense of the self where they reach a place in their own thinking that “they know” more than God.
This person doesn’t need to check with God about what to do in any given situation. In their mind, God has sanctioned them
to move in His behalf and so whatever they do is mistakenly deemed as the will of God. The “spiritual adolescent” is one
who lacks real experience but who has come to understand a certain level of knowledge of the nature and character of God.
They dispense this knowledge freely but don’t necessarily apply it to themselves. They easily fit the profile of hypocrite.
They know about God, but they truly do not know God. The self becomes inflated with the “knowledge” and yet misses the
The Word is plain about who actually reaches God. It is the one who seeks with all their being and who approaches God
as a “child”; not an adult or an adolescent.xii A child doesn’t know everything about everything. They don’t care to know.
They get bored if you try to show them the mysteries of life. They would rather “play” and “experience” things head on! A
child is dependant upon his parents and he doesn’t have a complex about this dependency. If anything is wrong, the child
comes running to mommy or daddy for comfort and correction of the situation. Children don’t worry about shopping for
food or clothes or get concerned about where they will live. They trust that mommy and daddy will provide for their every
need; and in fact, they expect that their parents will not only provide for them but will even give them the desires of their
little hearts! Young children don’t have the “smarts” or the physical brains to survive on their own. They must have
someone to look after them or they will perish.
The Word tells us that we must become like a child if we are to find the Father. The self must not be inflated with pride
or unresponsive in apathy if we are to reach God. The self must not take on an attitude of “self sufficiency” and so shut our
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

loving Father out of the picture. The self must draw its worth from the plan of God. The self does not gain worth through
endless “doing” or by ignoring the separation from God. The self must see from the perspective of God and then allow God
to do the work that He has intended from the beginning of His “thoughts” toward us.
The truth is that God has so structured our lives by His many thoughts toward us, that the framework leads us to Him.
Even though we experience pain and struggle, the roads of our life curve and point to the plan of God, and His love for us.
Psalm 56:8 tells us that God records our life experience so that it can be celebrated with Him forever. “You number my
wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?”xiii
This verse could be interpreted to say, You God, keep a record to recount and later celebrate my exile from and return to
You. Every tear I shed is known by You as though You saved them in my current human form which belongs to You. It is
as though my entire separation from You and the pain I went through are recorded in a book so that You and I can read and
recount how You have brought me back to You. We can celebrate over and over how You designed that I should wake up
and find You.xiv
Imagine in earth terms, what would be eons of time passing by, and God calls you to Him and brings out the story book of
your life! Like looking at baby pictures, you and God reminisce about your struggles in life and how they now seem so
small. You muse at the fact that God had your life so perfectly planned out even in those times when things seemed to be the
most difficult. All of your roads led to the loving Father. God turns to a section of the book you have never seen before and
allows you to read. It was that one dark moment in your life when you felt so alone and abandoned. This section describes
in detail how God was there for you, hiding in the shadows of your limited perceptions. It reveals how angels watched over
you as you slept, and how they averted accidents that surely would have taken your life. Everything is there. Everything is
recorded forever. God’s faithfulness in every detail, finally revealed. At the time you went through this experience, it all
seemed so hopeless. You didn’t know what to do or where to turn. After reading the book though, you realize that God
made all the roads lead directly to Him! He had angels directing situations in your life and steering you to where you would
turn to Him. Even though you felt all alone, God’s thoughts toward you created a framework where you were protected from
the enemy. Just like our brother Job, God had told Satan not to take your life. You were protected but didn’t realize it.
Looking at it now, you realize that God had built a fortress of protection around you!
Experiencing God as a child is the only way to receive His love. There will be time for adolescence and adulthood in
eternity. This life is the time of childhood. A time of dependency upon Him as a loving Father. A time when we experience
more questions than answers. A time to implicitly trust Him. We can not understand the full spectrum of the cyclic patterns
of God’s design. What we perceive as chaos is really God’s design that is beyond our ability to understand. His ways are
higher and greater than our thoughts can be. As His children, we see only from the perspective of our current earthly
existence. A child knows of no other provision than the parent. When we become “born again” we must adopt the mindset
that we know no other provision than the Father and of His love.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 13, we are given a glimpse of what “love” is, and so we are able to comprehend with a good
degree of accuracy Who God “is” since He “is” love. The following paragraph is a paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13, that
includes the original meaning of the Greek.
Though I speak with (the tongue/language) of men and of angels, but have not (affection/benevolence/a love feast) I have
become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of (prophecy, prediction, or inspired speaking)
and understand all (mysteries, through the idea of shutting the mouth through initiation) and all (knowledge), and though I
have all (faith/being convinced of the truth and seeing and understanding and being convinced of a “spiritual” reality) so that
I could remove mountains, but have not (affection/benevolence/a love feast) I am nothing. And though I bestow all my
goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not (affection/benevolence/a love feast) it profits
me nothing. (Affection/benevolence/a love feast) is (patient/”long spirited”/forbearing/with long enduring temper) and is
(useful by showing oneself as useful and benevolence) (affection/benevolence/a love feast) does not (have warmth of feeling
for or against, boil of liquids, glow of solids), (affection/benevolence/a love feast) does not (boast or be a
“braggart”/”pierce” through i.e. across) is not(inflated with pride or haughty) does not (be or act in an unbecoming
manner/shapeless or in-elegant) does not seek its own, is not (sharpened alongside/i.e. figuratively exasperated-a rapid
movement alongside or like the action of an acid), (thinks/or takes no inventory/or makes no estimation) of no (intrinsic
worthlessness/or injurious thought) does not rejoice in (injustice or wrongfulness) but rejoices in (the true as in not
concealing anything/the truth) (roofs over or covers with silence) all things (has faith in all things and situations-acts in faith
in the face of what is not faith) (anticipates with pleasure [the good to come] had expectancy with pleasure) (has fortitude,
undergoes, or bears [trials]) all things, (affection/benevolence/a love feast) (not even at anytime) (drops away/or can be
driven out/or loses).xv
This passage reveals the characteristics of what love is and is not. It dispels some common beliefs that are held by many
Christians. It begins by saying that even though I speak with a particular language of men and of angels through the power
of God’s Holy Spirit, but I don’t truly have or express affection/benevolence/a love feast toward my brother or my neighbor,
I have become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal which makes a great deal of noise but does not produce the nature and
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

character of God which is love. Its loud but it does not harmonize with the other notes being played. Many charismatic
believers think that if they can “speak in a tongue” that they have reached a place of spirituality and they can be as bold and
direct as they chose. This passage reveals that if someone gets prideful in their gift and doesn’t act in a loving manner
toward others, then they are missing the point, and just “making a lot of noise”. Love is the goal of any form of ministry. It
further goes on to say that if I have the gift of prophecy, prediction, or inspired speaking and understand all mysteries,
through the idea of shutting the mouth through initiation, and even if I have all knowledge, and though I have all faith/being
convinced of the truth and seeing and understanding and being convinced of a “spiritual” reality, so that I could remove
mountains, but have not affection/benevolence/a love feast I am nothing.
Now that’s a pretty tall order! This tells us that even if we could produce wonderful prophesies, even if we possess all
knowledge, and even have faith to the extent that we could remove mountains; if we do not manifest “love”, we are nothing!
Imagine that! God is revealing to us that all we do must reproduce His nature and character which is love or we are nothing!
That means that there are pulpit pounding, hellfire and brimstone preachers who are beating people with the word of God,
and because they are not acting in and manifesting love, they are nothing! That means that there are great teachers of faith
who can do amazing things and bring great words of prophetic insight through the power of God, but if they do not act in
love and reproduce the nature and character of God in their lives and ministries, they are nothing.!
A sobering thought that one can live their life for God and have a huge ministry to others and still miss the whole point by
not loving. A person can “do” the work of God and still not truly know God in their being. They can show results and
provide fantastic services, but still not do this “in love”, and so they and their works are nothing! The explanation continues
to say that even though I offer all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not
affection/benevolence/a love feast it profits me nothing.
Love is affection, tenderness, fondness, warmth, devotion, respect, and friendship. Love is benevolence, good will,
kindness, altruism, charity, compassion, philanthropy, and unselfishness. Love is, a love celebration, a carnival of affection,
a banquet of sharing, a fondness of commemoration, a ceremony of adoration, a fiesta of joy with each other, an anniversary
of union through faith.
Affection/benevolence/a love feast is patient, or ”long spirited”, forbearing with long enduring temper, and is useful by
showing oneself as useful member of the body of Christ, and who is unselfish toward others. Its really important as a
believer to control your temper. In order to be a useful member of the body of Christ every believer has to exercise control
over their own feelings of anger. They must become patient, or “long spirited” with others and their faults and unreasonable
This is because these verses explain that affection/benevolence/a love feast does not have warmth of feeling for or against,
as though you might boil of liquids, or heat metals until they glow with the heat. Again stating that the control of the temper
is important to walk the way of love. The reason for this is very simple but is often overlooked.
Anger-begins as a thought process, but progresses to a physiological response. In other words, anger starts out in your
thinking. Someone does something to you, or something happens to you and in your thinking you make a value judgement
that this event is “wrong” and should not happen to you. It is as though you have a little “list” inside of you and this list tells
you what “should” and “should not” happen in your experience. This list is comprised of your expectation of what “should”
and “should not” occur. Its your very own personal list of what’s “right” and what’s “wrong”. Whenever any event occurs,
you compare the event to your list to see if what you expect to happen is happening. Your list can be accurate, or it can be
filled with unrealistic expectations. The more unrealistic your expectations are, the more easily it is to anger you about any
given event or situation. Once you become angry through this thought process, you trigger a physiological response that
releases chemicals into your body. You become keenly aware of what is happening around you and increase your state of
physical and mental arousal until you trigger what is called the fight or flight response. If you are in a life threatening
situation, this response can pull you out of danger very quickly. But the problem arises that you can “feel” threatened by
unrealistic expectations and can reach this physiological state in every day “non-threatening” situations. Once you enter this
state of arousal, you begin to consciously think less, and begin to unconsciously react to whatever is on your “list”. The
same part of your brain that controls heart rate and breathing, begins to control your actions, and reactions to events around
Now you don’t tell yourself to breathe or have a heart beat. These are unconscious functions of your physiology. Your
brain simply controls these functions without your conscious awareness of this control. The trouble is that your “list” is
housed in that same part of the brain. Once you reach this state of physiological arousal, you will not longer “think” about
what you say or do; and in most cases you will regret your words and actions later. This is why it is so important to control
your temper and be patient so that you do not reach this physiological state of arousal where you “act” instead of “think”.
Another aspect of what love does not do, is that love does not boast or be a “braggart”. It does not attempt to ”pierce”
through i.e. across, another person. Did you ever notice that a braggart always makes some kind of “stabbing” comment to
put you down. That they are inflated with pride and are haughty. They often act in an unbecoming manner. You might even
say that they are shapeless in that they have no inner stability and this makes them appear socially in-elegant. They always
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

disregard others and “seek their own way”. They are, figuratively exasperating-like a rapid movement alongside in
sharpening something. How many people do you know that have a personality that is like the action of an acid that burns
and corrodes everything around them. The thought processes of such a person are very corrosive and critical. Love on the
other hand does not think critically. It takes no inventory and makes no estimation that any person is of no intrinsic
worthlessness. Love does not harbor any injurious thoughts. Love also does not rejoice in injustice or wrongfulness which
are falsehoods.
Instead, love rejoices in the true. Love rejoices in not concealing anything. Love roofs over or covers with blessed
silence all things and has faith in all things and all situations. Love acts in faith in the face of what is not faith. Love
anticipates with pleasure the good to come and is filled with expectancy and pleasure. Love has fortitude, and it undergoes,
or bears trials, and all other things. In fact, affection/benevolence/a love feast not even at anytime drops away or can be
driven out or loses.
Love is God’s very nature and character. It is the foundational framework of your self worth.
Knowing your self worth, is knowing God’s individual plan and purpose for your life. It is knowing that you were created
with intention. Knowing that God loves you and has a specific plan and purpose for you to fulfill in your life time is to know
your “self”. Walk in the way of His love.


While it is important to not allow the ego to run your life through the operation of the mind, the death of the ego does not
automatically connect you to the Father in heaven or to His perfect will for your life. You can reach a kind of
“enlightenment” and still be a part from the Father.
It has been widely stated that you can not give away what you do not have. You also can not give away or benefit from,
what you do not know that you “have” or “are”. Knowledge of the self is absolutely necessary for our own personal growth
and for ministry to others. You can not give to others what you lack in your own self. You can speak truth to others but you
can not “minister” truth unless truth has been made part of your state of “being”. Hypocrites often speak truth (or “truths”)
to others but do not apply that same truth to themselves. You can not give away or benefit from what you have not made to
be a part of your nature and character.
Knowledge of the self is all important. Not a “selfish” concept of our identity or an over inflated “ego”, but a clear
picture of who we really are. Self worth must be a part of your very “being”. Self worth must “be” who you are, not what
you or others say, do, or think about you. Self worth is a state of being that originates with the love God has for you as His
creation. You were created “by” God and “for” God. You were never meant to be separated from Him. Your self worth
was generated in the mind of God before the foundations of the universe were laid. Knowing your self worth, is knowing
God’s individual plan and purpose for your life. It is knowing that you were created with intention. Knowing that God loves
you and has a specific plan and purpose for you to fulfill in your life time is to know your “self”.

The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.

The King James,
The New International Version, International Bible Society 1984.
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s
Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Chapter 7
How To Minister
Through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Throughout the years of my ministry, I’ve had people marvel at the abilities in which I flow as I reach out to help others.
Many people want to exalt me. Many people are afraid and want to avoid or discredit me. But flowing m the gifts is not
something spooky that we should fear and it is not something that exalts us.
You see, any “abilities” in which I flow, are God given, and Holy Spirit empowered. I can operate in ANY gift, but this
is only because I have exercised the gills which are a kind of “second nature” to me. As I have opened up to the Holy Spirit’s
direction in one gift, I have found that He is better able to assist me in following His direction in the other gifts. Whenever I
offer a word of encouragement or instruction, it is God’s Spirit of Truth speaking through me. If! operate in one of the gifts,
it is not in my “ability” but through the direction of the Holy Spirit.
In 1 Th 2:13, it states, “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God
WHICH YOU HEARD FROM US, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also
effectively works in you who believe ‘Y
When we speak a word, or operate in one of the gifts, we should always do so according to the word of God and be
guided by the Holy Spirit of truth.
1 Peter 4:11, tells us that if anyone speaks, LET HIM SPEAK AS THE ORACLES OF GOD. If anyone ministers, LET
HIM DO IT AS WITH THE ABILITY WHICH GOD SUPPLIES, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus
Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.2
An oracle means “an utterance (of God)” (3051 Greek: logion).3 Therefore, when we speak to anyone we should be
speaking only the things which God has already spoken. If we operate in any of the gills, we should make sure we use the
ability which God has supplied so that it is not a work of our own mind, will, or emotions but something which brings glory
to God. People can be injured by works of our own creation (the mindset of the flesh). When we assist others, we must
always be sure to be in tune with what the Spirit of Truth, (God’s Holy Spirit) is telling us.
In order to accomplish this, we must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s direction and be willing to look at things as God
looks at them. We must allow the Spirit to show us the true and eternal things, and treat certain “facts” as only temporary.
2 Cor 4:18 explains that we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For things
which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.4
What I’m about to say next is so simple that you may have to think about it a little while, in order to get the full meaning.
Think about that. It is such a simple truth that it is easy to over look it’s profound importance.
Think of it another way. WE ONLY SEE WHAT WE LOOK AT. Notice that according to this verse, you don’t SEE
anything, until you LOOK at something! This verse talks about the two realms, the physical sense realm, and the spiritual
Look at a paraphrase of this same verse: while we do not LOOK at the things which are seen (the physical sense realm)
(physical “facts” that surround us in this world), but at the things which are not seen (by the physical eyes) (in the spiritual
realm). For things which are seen (in the physical sense realm by way of the sense gate of the physical eyes) are temporary,
but the things which are not seen (by the physical eyes) (in the spiritual realm) are eternal.
Each of us has a choice in what we LOOK at Do we look at what is around us in the physical sense realm with whatever
our physical eyes see? Or do we choose to be directed by God’s Holy Spirit of Truth, to first. LOOK at what God SEES.
Notice that we have a choice in what we LOOK at The physical “facts” around us,--- or what God SEES.
The first step in the process in not seeing anything. The first step is to choose what we LOOK at. Only after choosing
what we have decided what we are going to LOOK at, do we SEE anything.
When it comes to flowing in the “gifts”, God doesn’t move to perform anything until we have, first, LOOKED to Him,
through being obedient to His Spirit, and have fixed our gaze on the truth of His word. Then we are able to SEE, and only
after we SEE is God able to PERFORM.
The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
2 Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Jer 1:12, states, Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word. “~ Keep in mind
that whatever you behold, is what you become.
Lets look at how this process applies to the gift of the discerning of spirits.
Folks always seem amazed when I am able to convey large amounts of information concerning people or situations that
in the natural I have no knowledge of or contact.
The process is really very simple. I LOOK to the Holy Spirit’s direction, and as a result of my choosing to LOOK at
what God says or knows about the situation, I SEE the truth and I am able to recite what I SEE to the people around me to
whom I am ministering. The Holy Spirit reveals the truth. I simply rely on and believe what the Holy Spirit shows me and I
believe the truth of God’s word.
iCor 2:10 teaches us, “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the
deep things of God. “~
The only things that I see, are the things which the Holy Spirit shows me. III stick to only these things that the Holy
Spirit shows me, I can be free from error, and be 100% accurate and certain of the truth of what has been revealed to me.
My task, at this point, is to convey these truths in comprehendible, concise, and accurate language. Again, this involves
obedience to the instruction of the Spirit of Truth. Mastery of this skill will reveal any pertinent information in the spiritual
(true or eternal) realm.
Its really simple. Matthew 10:26b says, “For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not
be known. ~
Ministering in this gift, involves the revelation of eternal things, and so the entrance of these eternal things into the
physical realm. Hearing clearly, the voice and prompting of God’s Spirit at this stage of mastery carries the promise of more
(eternal things) being given to the believer, and also carries the caution that not functioning in this step of obedience, will
result in eventually losing what one appears to have (in the physical realm).
Look at this example in Luke 8:17-18. “For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that wi/l
not be known and come to light. 18 Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him (more) will be given; and
whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him. ~
It distresses me to see people who are afraid to function in the spiritual realm, and so in the “gifts of the Spirit”. People
think it is “spooky” or that they might make a mistake and say or do the wrong thing. You must minister according to the
prompting of the Holy Spirit or you will be operating in the “flesh” or human nature. You must avoid using only the life that
you appear to have or this will be taken from you at the end of time. Minister God’s nature, not your own.
What it boils down to is this. Many people are afraid to “lose control” of themselves and their abilities, and give this
control over to God.
After all, it does take a certain amount of “guts” to open your mouth and speak, when YOU are not really sure what is
going to come out! It does take faith to lay hands on the sick when you know that YOU can not heal them.
It can be “spooky” to get a phone call with a frantic voice on the line, that describes some supernatural manifestation and
then asks, “What should I do?”
YOU don’t know all the facts. YOU haven’t lived that person’s life. YOU don’t know if there is some “door-way” that
the enemy is using to gain access to this person’s life. YOU don’t have the ability or power to deliver this individual-
--but God does! God’s Holy Spirit knows ALL and we have the promise that God will reveal whatever is necessary to deliver
this person.
If you believe that God’s word is true and if you believe what you are shown by His Spirit, then ANY truth can and will
be revealed by Him.
Its a very simple process. LOOK. SEE. GOD PERFORMS. I MINISTER Its not about me or my ability. It is about me
getting into a state where God is able to perform what is needed.
Notice that God does not PERFORM, until I SEE, and I cannot SEE until I LOOK at the truth God has provided through
His word or His Holy Spirit. Then the Lord said to me, “You have SEEN well, for I AM READY TO PERFORM MY
It is my part to chose what I LOOK at and then a mental process unfolds. God’s Spirit reveals the spiritual realm to me, I
SEE it and convert what I SEE into language that can be understood by others.
The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
6 The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
8 The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Often times, the information about what I SEE, when referring to the function of the gift of the discerning of spirits,
comes very quickly but it takes time to PROCESS the insights into language that can be understood and passed on to other
When this “flood” of information occurs, it is often something that can only be described as a “sense” or a “feeling”.
There may be a “sense of dread” or a “feeling of caution” or even a “question”. The mind may be uneasy, and there may rise
a sense or feeling of anxiety. Often times there may be a feeling that something is wrong, or that something is just not right,
or doesn’t fit.
This is a gift most people would find VERY uncomfortable to operate in. It is my belief that we do not have more
believers with this gift because they either become emotionally exhausted, or mentally unstable after exposure to the gift.
With this in mind, after operating in this gift, it is important to learn how to “turn it oft” and to disconnect from the
situation that you have been observing. Failure to do this can result in persistent feelings of anxiety, tiredness, the previously
mentioned emotional exhaustion or mental instability, or even physical illness and disease if left unchecked.
It is vital to remember that this is a ministry gift and not a side show act. Anyone operating in this gift also possesses the
power to abuse it by overstepping the exercise of their authority.
There is a saying: Knowledge is power. This is true. Being shown intimate details about a person’s life is an awesome
power. But one must always keep in mind that the power is God’s, not our own. One must always avoid overstepping the
exercise of God given authority.
James 4:13-17 tells us not to boast in our authority. We are reminded that authority is God given and we are entrusted
with it. James reminds us of the inunortal God Who gave us the authority and reminds us of our own mortality. “...For what
is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away...
We are encouraged to keep God’s ability and perspective and avoid our own willfulness. When “you boast in your
arrogance (to carry out your own plans, even if they are plans to fulfill your “ministry”) ... all such boasting is evil.
Therefore, to him who knows to do good (and not over step the authority God has granted him) and does not do it (but
instead follows his own willfulness and carries out his own plans instead of waiting on God), to him it is sin.
James tells us not to say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and
make a profit”; ... “Instead you ought to say, If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or thai... “
Often times, I find that God’s Holy Spirit will reveal to me more information than what I am to reveal to the person. This
is done so that I can either intercede on their behalf, or it gives me an insight on how I should minister to the person. This gilt
is NEVER about displaying power, or showing how much I know.
It has always been a belief of mine that God grants us more power than He gives us the authority to use. This is how we
find out if we can be trusted.
For instance: God gives us the power of speech and then instructs us to bless and not curse.
In the New Testament, two basic reasons emerge for this teaching.
One is that we have been invested with the life of God. We live a life that is borrowed. We are cautioned as well as
encouraged to “lose” our life for the sake of Christ in order that we may find and retain it at the end of time. Our job is to
produce more of the nature and character of God that is in us. Cursing does not produce the nature and character of God and
so does not produce an eternal reward. We must bless, even those who curse us, because blessing is a part of the nature and
character of God.
The second reason we must bless and not curse, is that cursing is connected to group minds and collective souls that are
in opposition to the will of God and so, in opposition to His nature and character. Being connected to, and so participating in
a group mind or collective soul like this will open us to attack and influence of Satan and demons.
Blessing in place of cursing fuffihls the principle described in Romans 12:2 1, “Do not be overcome by evil, but
overcome evil with good. ~12
Evil is defeated by the work of Christ but evil is still present in this world and can operate through the flesh mindset
which is in opposition to God. The only way to defeat evil is to overcome it with the nature and character of God. We must
submit the life God has entrusted to us, to His will and purpose, and resist our own willful desires of the flesh mindset. Bless,
even when you feel like cursing!
Allow me to make a statement that will transform your mind. It is not what “happens to” you in this life that matters.
What matters is “your reaction to” what has happened to you. Understanding this insight gives you an “eternal”
Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
10 Authors paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Authors paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
12 The New International Version, International Bible Society 1984.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

perspective and that tends to takes the “fight” out of the flesh. I don’t mean that you will never be tempted again. What I
mean is that when you understand that no matter what “happens to” you by people, situations, or circumstances, you can still
secure your reward in heaven by “how you react” to any given situation; then the flesh loses its “puffing” power in the face
of God’s truth.
This means that if you are wrongfully fired from your job, raped in an alley, run over by a drunk driver, beaten by an
angry parent, abused by a spouse, bullied in a school yard, pushed around by an abusive employer, stolen from by a break in,
lied about by friends, kicked out of the church, become pregnant at sixteen, get put injail, have to declare bankruptcy, get
cancer, or any other situation: It doesn’t matter! What matters in any situation that you face is your reaction to it and whether
you produce the nature and character of Satan or the nature and character of God.
Understand that I’m not making light of any situation which you have dealt with in your life. I am simply pointing out
that in this life, you have a choice to make with your mind. When faced with any situation, no matter how small or how
tragic, you have the choice to produce either the nature and character of God or the nature and character of Satan. The
choices that you make and the resulting production of either the nature and character of God or the nature and character of
Satan, will follow you into the next life. If you resist the flesh mindset, and so the nature and character of Satan, then you
open yourself to the truth of God so that you can produce the nature and character of God and so secure your reward in
Matthew 5:43-48 encourages the right choice, “You have heard that it has been said, You shall love your neighbor, and
hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and
pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that you may be the children ofyour Father which is in
heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For ifyou
love them which love you, what reward have you? Do not even the publicans do the same? And ifyou salute your brethren
only, what do you more than others? Therefore, be perfect, even as you Father which is in heaven is perfect. ~~13
Keep this scripture in mind the next time someone is rude to you. Keep your mind fixed on the eternal perspective that it
is not about the rudeness of this person and how they are treating you unfairly for no reason. It is all about your reaction to
the situation and whether you produce the nature and character of Satan or the nature and character of God. The word
“perfect” means to be complete.14 If you are complete it means that you are lacking nothing. So be complete in every
situation and always lack nothing!
Also in Matthew 20:26-28, Jesus explains how to be “great” in the kingdom of heaven, “... whoever wishes to be great
among you must be your servant, and whoever desires to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of man
came not to be waited on but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”5
We can choose to curse if we CHOOSE to LOOK at cursing, but then God is left out of the picture to PERFORM. This
leaves a spiritual void open and of course the god of this world (Satan) will be happy to fill that void and PERFORM the
curse. Actually, the devil and God only have access to the physical realm through the invocation of a man (member of the
human race).
Whatever choice we make when faced with everyday situations and frustrations, will produce either the nature and
character of God or the nature and character of Satan. We must submit the life God has entrusted to us to His will and
purpose, and resist our own willful desires of the flesh mindset. We must train our minds to bless, even when we feel like
cursing and must resist the temptation to overstep the authority that God had given us.
Authority, is when I have the physical, mental, or spiritual power and ability to overpower an enemy, but I stay my hand,
control my temper, and LOOK to the word of God and to the instruction of His Holy Spirit, and then SEE what the Spirit
instructs me to do-then trust God to PERFORM and deliver me from “the power of the enemy”. I resist the temptation to
curse, and instead bless my enemy. I defeat the power of the enemy through the power and performance of God.
This “power of the enemy” is not the person giving me the trouble or even Satan and his demons. Being delivered from
the “power of the enemy” is a process where I am delivered from all of my thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes, that conflict with
the truth of God. Spiritual warfare, is not something that occurs on some distant plane of existence. It is within the mind. It
involves renewing the mind to the truth of God, in place of the physical or spiritual facts of resistance. Spiritual warfare, does
reach out to the far planes of existence, but it does so not by my might, or my power, but by the invocation of the truth of
God which then extends to these areas. Its not: ME! ME! ME! Its: GOD! GOD! GOD’ I must walk uprightly and believe
God to reveal and deliver to me the good of the land!
13 The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
14 Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

So when you minister to others consider Hebrews 3:1 “Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling,
consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus, ... “and then do as Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let us hold
fast the confession of our hope without wavering for He who promised is faithful. ~~16
Always keep in mind what Ephesians 3:20 tells us, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all
that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, “because (Colossians 1:13-14) “He has delivered us from the
power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His
blood, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 2:9-10) For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10 and you are
complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” (Hebrews 3:14) “For we have become partakers of Christ if
we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,...” (Phil 4:19) “And my God shall supply all your need (5532
employment, an affair, occasion, demand, requirement, destitution, business, lack, necessary (-ity), need (ful) use, want)...
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.’7
So (Hebrews 6: 12b) “... imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises “. And (Hebrews 10:35-36)
“Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense of reward. For you have need ofpatience, that after
you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise”’8
I have noted earlier in this writing that the insights I share come to me through a gift of the Holy Spirit called, “the
discerning of spirits”. Not much has been written about this gift, and what has been written is largely by those who do not
function in the gift. This has led to some misunderstandings and misinterpretations about the gift and those who function in
This is also a gift that must be managed meticulously. Failure to properly manage it can result in mental anxiety and
illness, or physical and emotional exhaustion.
The simplest explanation of this gift, is that it is “awareness” through “connection “. All things came from God. All of
creation is invested with His the nature and character. But because of “free will” not all of creation “flows” with the nature
and character of God. This means that there must be a separation between what is “good” (the nature and character of God)
and what is “evil” (the nature and character of Satan). In the design of God, things which are aligned to His nature and
character “vibrate” at certain rates or frequencies, and things which are aligned to the nature and character of Satan vibrate at
other rates and frequencies. These different vibratory rates, allow beings to exist in the same proximity and space and yet
remain “separate” from each other. Every person and every being, has a unique “signature vibrational rate” that sets them
apart from all other beings. This allows for personal identity and separates individual beings of the same species or spiritual
I have combined the discussion of the discerning of spirits and psychic influence because the gift of the discerning of
spirits not only deals with “visions”, and discerning “angels” and “demons” but it also discerns the energetic vibrational rates
that are all around us.
The gift of the discerning of spirits, is when a person through the power of the Holy Spirit, “reads” these differing
vibrational rates and interprets the information. In fact, when an angel or demon is discerned, it is done so by the recognition
of its particular energetic signal. This gift is “awareness” through “connection” because in order to “read” the energy of the
particular vibrational rate, a person must first become aware of the vibrational rate through a connection. Whether we are
discerning a person, an angel, a demon, or any other influence; we experience a kind of “energy sampling”.
Imagine walking into a room where someone has just baked an apple pie. The wonderful smell fills the air and tantalizes
the taste buds. Imagine the same room but this time, instead of a fresh baked apple pie, someone had set a bucket of manure
in the corner of the room.
In both these examples you remain separate from either the apple pie, or the bucket of manure; but in both examples, you
also connected to these things by your sense of smell the moment you walked into the room.
Reading the energy of a person or place functions in a similar manner. You remain separate from the person or place, but
there is an unseen “sense” that samples the output of energy, just as the sense of smell samples odors. You maintain your
personal identity, but a connection has been established.
It is this connection that makes the gift difficult to manage. Those who function in the gift can feel overwhelmed with
information and they can also feel as though they are losing their personal identity. This can result in the feelings of mental
anxiety or the experience of mental illness, or it may result in physical and emotional exhaustion. These
Authors paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
17 Authors paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
18 Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

individuals are constantly receiving information in the form of “impressions” and this information must be identified, sorted,
and recognized as an outside influence.
Failure to accomplish this will result in the individual becoming confused and anxious. The reception of outside
information into themselves will be mistaken for some internal conflict and doubts and insecurities will arise in their
unconscious. These doubts and insecurities will attract “like” thought forms and the individual will find himself the victim of
mind control.
Those who are successful in functioning in the gift, develop a kind of “recognition and filing system” within their
conscious minds. In short, they learn how to differentiate between what is happening in their own mind, and what
information is being sent to their mind, and they categorize and “ifie” this information for reference.
These individuals must learn to accurately recognize their unique and personal “signature vibrational rate” which sets
them apart from all other beings. Only by gaining an immediate recognition of the unique signal can they recognize any
“outside” signal. For these individuals, “know thyself” is the only way of life and is the way in which they recognize and
differentiate between the energetic signals or outputs of others.
God is omnipotent, or all knowing, and individuals who function in this gift share a tiny amount in the “all knowing”
nature of God. Even this tiny amount can be devastatingly overwhelming if it is not properly managed.
What complicates this process even further, is that not only is there a general “buzz” of energy that is constantly
bombarding us, but people are also projecting thought forms at us for various reasons in attempts to influence us into some
Some of these people mean you no harm and are just “thinking” about you. Maybe mom or graimnal just got sentimental
or nostalgic about when you were a kid and off goes a thought form in your direction. Some people just want to “sell” you a
product of some kind. TV conunercials, infomercials, billboards, radio “jingles” all attempt to influence you into some
action, which is usually to buy some product or service. Other people may try to control or punish you. Somehow, they feel
that you are a threat and so they “inflict” their energy “at” you in hopes of bringing you under their mind control. These are
called “psychic attacks”. Most of the time these people gossip about you (pooling their energy with the energy of others), or
they silently “stew” about you with hatred and think about what they would do if they had the opportunity.
The combination of this general “buzz” of thought energy and the thought forms that are intentionally “projected” “at”
us, is called “psychic influence”. Psychic influence can be malicious, benign, or even non-descript. It is all of the unseen
information that eventually reaches us. Much of this information is like background noise. We don’t really understand it
because it doesn’t make a sound connection to us. It is when a sound connection is made that we must process the
information or fall victim to its potential effects.
An interesting example of psychic influence happened to me recently. We had experienced a heavy snowfall in my
hometown and the snow was piled too deep for me to park my car in my usual parking space. I found an open spot in front of
the apartment building a short distance away and parked there. I then went inside and got comfortable in front of the TV and
relaxed for the afternoon.
Suddenly, I got a terrible sense of anxiety and began to wish that I had been able to park my car in my usual parking
place; I didn’t want to upset the landlord or draw attention to myself. The feeling was one of a warning. Like an alarm that
suddenly went off because an intruder had entered my apartment while I was comfortably relaxing. I quickly dismissed the
thought and decided that in the future if at all possible, I would park in my regular parking place. I dismissed the thought but
the anxiety just seemed to “hang” in the room.
About two and a half minutes after this experience, my voice mail picked up a message. I had the ringer of the phone
turned off so the phone went directly to voice mail. When I listened to the message, it was the landlord’s daughter. She said
that she was encouraging her father to plow all the snow out from around the apartment and clear out the parking spaces. She
suggested that I move my car in the next twenty minutes if I wanted the snow removed.
Now I want to point out to you the elements of “psychic influence” in this situation. First lets look at the thought form
that was projected by the landlord’s daughter. She said that she was “encouraging” her dad to plow the snow out of the way.
She “suggested” to me, that I move my car, so the snow could be removed. She had stopped at the apartment earlier that day
and seen that I was parked in a different parking place and that my usual parking place was piled with snow. She spoke with
an urgency to move the car quickly, both for my sake and for the sake of her dad who would be plowing the snow.
Keep in mind, the landlord’s daughter did nothing wrong. She was concerned about the ever increasing piles of snow and
about where the tenants and herself would find space to park our vehicles. It was a normal, reasonable request of a landlord
to ask tenants to move their vehicles for snow removal. It was actually a “favor” to myself and the other tenants
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

as the service was free of charge and kept us from wadding deep snow or from getting our cars stuck. The landlord’s
daughter was doing me a very thoughtful favor.
But consider now my initial reaction before the message was left on voice mail. It started with a terrible sense of anxiety.
I then began to wish that I had been able to park my car in my usual parking place. I didn’t want to upset the landlord or draw
attention to my sell’. I had a feeling of a warning. I sensed an intruder had entered my apartment. The anxiety and sense of
intrusion “hung” in the room even after I dismissed the thought and attempted to dismiss the feeling I was experiencing.
Looking at this you can draw parallels between the request of the landlord’s daughter a few minutes later and my
reaction before the message was left on voice mail. It becomes obvious that “something” got to me in my apartment before
that message was recorded. That “something”, was a “thought form”.
This kind of thing happens to me all too often for me to write this experience off as just a coincidence, and then there are
the parallels between the landlord’s daughter’s request and the impressions I received before her call reached my apartment.
As I said, the landlord’s daughter did nothing wrong and did not intend me any harm. She was doing me a favor. But
when she set her mind to the task of having the snow removed, she focused in on me to phone my apartment, and sent out a
“suggestion” that I move my car, and that I do this quickly.
I became anxious over this suggestion that just “popped” into my room and began to think about how I wished I had
parked in my usual parking place and how I didn’t want to upset the landlord or call attention to myself. There was a sense of
fear of exposure, because I strongly perceived the thought form as it entered the room when I was comfortably relaxing and
watching TV. The thought form felt to me like an intruder had entered the room and I was startled by its presence. I was
perceiving that the thought form was in the room but had nothing in my five physical senses to confirm this. I knew it was
there, but didn’t understand immediately what it was. My anxiety was of a fear of exposure and I didn’t want to upset the
landlord or call attention to myself. This sense of exposure initiated from the fact that I was comfortably relaxing, and then
suddenly perceived the energy of the thought form that said, “move the car and do it quickly”. I was accurately “reading” the
energy of the thought form but got anxious because there was an “urgency” to move the car. This emotionally charged
“urgency” is what gave the thought form a “punch”. If the snow was going to be removed, everyone would have to move
their cars quickly.
I use this example to explain “psychic influence” because it demonstrates how we can be affected by the thoughts of
others, even if they mean us no harm, or even if they have our best interest at heart. I also use this example to remind the
reader that “psychic influence” of this type is bombarding us around the clock. Much of the fatigue that we experience is
actually a result of unprocessed “psychic influence”.
Imagine bow I would have been plagued by anxiety, had I not been able to process the information that I had received.
Even with just one incident such as this, it would only be a matter of time until emotional exhaustion had set in.
I’m reminded of another time when it was difficult or impossible to accurately process a flood of information which I
received. I was at work one day, just doing my job; but felt out of sorts. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t quite “put my
finger on it”. I tried to line up anything that might be amiss at my work place, home, church, or with myself personally. I
couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary.
There was a foreboding sense that something was terribly wrong but I couldn’t figure out what it was. To complicate this
sense of “foreboding”, I kept having a recurring feeling that I was falling and that I was dying. It was a terrible impression
and it carried with it a kind of “finality”. It was as though something terrible was happemlig and there was nothing that could
stop it.
I continued to complete the tasks at my job and went home. The feeling remained but I couldn’t seem to define it any
further. That was September 10th, 2001. 9/11 will, of course, go down in history as the terrorist attack on the twin towers in
New York.
The tendency when this type of situation occurs, is to internalize it. To look within yourself to find some cause for the
unsettling feelings. Here in lies the most dangerous element. Internalizing what is happening outside of you. As this example
demonstrates though, it is sometimes difficult or impossible to connect the internal impressions with an external source, and
so the tendency is to internalize the “sense” to something personal.
I have written off impressions of this nature many times, simply because it is too exhausting to discover the source of
what I am receiving. The information is not “clear” or “complete” but comes in the form of feelings, or impressions to my
mind and emotions. What is actually occurring is one of two situations. In some cases, my spirit views or experiences an
event and sees every detail clearly and completely, but my mind is not able to receive the massive amount of information.
This results in my body receiving only “emotional feelings” or “impressions”. The information that I receive is too complex
to process, so I just get an overall “sense” of the “essence” of what my spirit viewed or was shown.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

The other situation that occurs is when some form of energy, comes into my proximity, and I “read” its contents. This is usually a
thought form.
In the above examples, the “urgency to move my car” was a thought form, while the impressions about 9/11 were a result of my spirit
“seeing” the event, and my mind’s inability to process the massive amount of information.
Whether information comes through a perception of the spirit, or by a thought form; it is important to “read” the “sense” or
“impression” of the information as opposed to the actual images in the scenario that is being played out by the mind. This is also true for
dream interpretation.
The “impression” that I received when the aforementioned thought form entered my room was one of an “urgency to move my car”.
The fear of exposure, a wish that I had parked in my usual spot, the idea of not wanting to upset the landlord, a feeling that I did not want
to draw attention to myself; all were my mind’s attempts to make sense out of the perceived directive of an “urgency to move my car” and
of the realization of the thought form that entered the room and connected to my consciousness.
The “sense” that I experienced on September 10th, was one of “falling” and “dying”. Two very concise and accurate descriptions of
what eventually occurred in the form of two feelings. Surrounding these two ‘senses” or “impressions” was the foreboding “sense” that
“something terrible” was happening and nothing could be done to stop it. In this case the “essence” of the event that was about to occur
was put into experience that my imnd could comprehend and understand quickly. “Something terrible is about to happen. I am falling and I
am dying.” The essence was all that my mind could handle. The total of the accumulated information was far too much for my mind to
This massive amount of available information is why this gift is not necessarily good for finding lost children, or hunting down
criminals. The gift requires focus and the ability to quickly and accurately process vast amounts of information. Discovering the
whereabouts of a lost child or war criminal is first hindered by a lack of focus, then massive amounts of information, and finally the
inability of one mind to process the Intel once it is received. Then there is the sad but true fact that “offenses must come, but woe to those
by whom they come”. It is a terrible situation but some things must be played out. Some people have chosen to do horrible things and
commit appalling acts. If God were to allow for no expression of evil in the world then there would be no free will. For this reason, God
will not always reveal all information and that means that in some instances, children will be abducted, and criminals will remain at large.
Another advantage of “reading” the “impressions” that you get from an individual, is that you immediately know the intent of a
person’s heart. People can say and do whatever they want, but when you perceive the “essence” of a person, their secret intents and ulterior
motives are revealed. They can polish their act to where they look “squeaky clean” on the outside, but when you perceive their “essence”
you understand what they are really like. You can also discern with which group minds and collective souls they have aligned themselves.
At this point, I would like to issue a word of caution to those who do not function regularly in this gift. Do not make the mistake that
every “first impression” you get is the “essence” of an individual. “First impressions” are a result of a person’s collective “take” on
someone when they first meet. If you are a person who lives according to the nature and character of God and if you regularly are involved
in self improvement and study in the Word of God; then your “first impressions” may be correct, but they are still not a function of the gift
of the discerning of spirits.
What you have done to get a “first impression” is that you have taken in visual information and compared this to your collective life
experience and with the information available to you through the group minds and collective souls of which you are a member. The
infonnation has only a 50% chance at best of being accurate and if you are aligned with darker energies, the information that you receive
may be biased or completely inaccurate.
I recall one evening watching a well known minister on TV when a woman came up behind me and said, “There’s just something not
right about that man”. The perception of this woman was that something was not right about the minister. The man is actually a spirit filled
son of God who has a world wide ministry. This woman, on the other hand, is a lying, gossiping, hypocrite who did little else than cause
dissension and conflict wherever she went. She accurately perceived that the man was different and “of another spirit” than herself, but her
perception was that she was “right” in her ways, and therefore he was “wrong” in his. The collective soul of which she was a part,
immediately “sensed” the different energy vibration and “warned” the woman to stay away. She even went as far as to warn me to stay
away from this man and not watch the television broadcastt The warning and sense of “something not right” was a true perception, but
because this woman’s mind was steered by the demons of the collective soul, this perception, was not recognized as a “deception~’ of the
collective soul. This woman went on in her sinful condition and did not recognize that this minister demonstrated God’s truth. She was
blind to the fact that her actions, attitudes, and way of life were in conflict to the nature and character of God. Her “first impressions” of a
spirit filled man of God were completely wrong and enabled her to continue in the ways of Satan while criticizing the man of God.
To minister to others, you must be “void” of any spirits who oppose God and be open to the Holy Spirit.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

I was sitting in my apartment one evening when I heard a knock at my door. I walked over to the door and opened it to find a
very distressed sixteen year old boy. He told me that he needed my help. I asked what the problem was and the young man
responded that he needed me to come over to his house and cast the demons out of his bedroom. I continued to listen to the boy
talk, but immediately got a “check” in my spirit that “casting demons out of a bedroom” was not the right course of action. The
conversation continued. I kept fishing for information, and the boy kept talking about “demons” in his bedroom. The “check” given
to me by the Holy Spirit enabled me to focus on the real issue and I began, by the discerning of spirits, to “see” that the boy was
doing a lot of talking “around” a central issue, and that issue was not “demons in his bedroom”.
As I looked away from what the boy was saying and looked into this central issue, I saw in my mind a woman in a turquoise
bathing suit on the cover of a magazine. I recognized this as the swim suit issue of Sports illustrated that had been on the news
stands about a year or so earlier. I then suddenly received a flood of information about this boy and a “confirming sense” that this
information was correct. The information was a combination of “knowing” and of “seeing” in my mind. It turns out that this boy
had concealed the swim suit issue of Sports Illustrated in between some boxes in the closet of his bedroom. Periodically, he would
pull the magazine out and look at it. When he did this, he would become sexually aroused and would masturbate. After the
experience, he would be plagued by guilt and would swear not to do it again. The process repeated until the guilt so plagued him,
that he showed up at my door.
This boy attended the same church as I did and his father had not been in his life very much since he was a baby. The youth
leader of the church was more interested in promoting himself as a “good Christian man” to the adults than he was interested in
truly helping young people. The pastor of the church and most of the elders, would probably have gone to the boy’s house, anointed
it, and cast out devils! No questions asked! Can’t have devils in our church! (Yes, God did lead me to another church eventually...
At any rate, here I sat in my apartment with a very distressed sixteen year old boy who was talking to me about how he needed
me to come to his house and cast the demons out of his bedroom. I knew what the problem “really” was but I also knew that this
was such a personal issue for this boy that he was too embarrassed to discuss it openly. I listened patiently to what he had to say and
then very calmly told him that I didn’t “feel right” about casting out any spirits right now. I talked to him about God’s love and
protection and urged him to pray about how he felt. I let him know that whatever we face in life, we can tell God anything. I
mentioned that there were times when we had “personal issues” that were “too embarrassing” to tell anyone else, but we could
always talk to our Father. I then told him, after he was “all talked Out”, to keep me informed and let me know how things were
going. At that point the boy left.
For about a month and a half I privately prayed for this young man and the very personal struggle he was going through. I also
opened our regular conversations, to include the mention of sex, masturbation, and “girls” in a “Christian” context. I knew the boy
wasn’t able to initiate his personal issue into conversation, so I occasionally would just casually drop a few words into the normal
dialogue and then change the subject. I was introducing the topic of sex, and sexually feelings as a very natural topic to discuss. All
the while I kept the boy in my prayers and when I had contact with him, I listen closely for any indication of his readiness to talk
about any problems or issues.
I drove him home from a youth service one night and we began to joke and laugh and then he informed me that he had thought
a lot about what I said earlier and that God had helped him. He suddenly just “confessed” what the Spirit of God had shown me a
month and a half earlier.
At that time, I asked him if he remembered our conversation when he wanted me to come and cast out the demons from his
bedroom. He laughed and said that this issue was what he was talking about. He said that he thought if I cast out the demons then
he could control himself. I then told him, since he was now able to discuss the problem that he had faced, what the Holy Spirit had
shown me in our conversation a month and a half ago. I instructed him that he wasn’t facing “demons” that needed to be cast out,
but that what he needed to do was to go to his bedroom and do a little “house cleaning”. Take all the magazines that he had and
throw them in the trash. He proudly told me that he had already done this, and I told him that I was impressed with him for his good
I then pointed out to him how much God loves him. How God had revealed this very personal struggle to me and instructed me
to intercede for him and to tell no one. When this insight got through to his experience, this boy was ecstatic! He was so happy you
would have thought that he was high on street drugs! But he was just rejoicing in the care of a loving heavenly Father.
Beloved brothers and sisters, we need to talk! So many times I have seen the gifts of the Spirit “lorded over” people like a club!
I have seen people hurt and distressed because some “fool” spits out a bit a truth in a hurting person’s face.
When are we, the spiritually mature, going to awaken to the fact that we a dealing with hurting people? When is the body of
Christ going to be humble instead of haughty in the ministry of truth?
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

This young boy would have been devastated, had I spit the truth in his face as he sat in my apartment that evening. Had I not
listened carefully to the voice of God’s Spirit, this boy would have broken off contact with me and probably would have continued
the habit. This habit, left unchecked, could have created problems in his marriage and with his own children later in life. It may
have led to a lifetime of addiction to pornography or maybe involvement with adultery or prostitution.
Let me ask you, how much information and truth can you be trusted with? How much can the Spirit of God reveal to you, and
trust you that you will “minister”, instead of club someone over the head? Are you willing to intercede for a boy or girl who has no
father figure in their lives? Are you willing to keep confidential, personal information that is shared by the Spirit of Truth?
How many of God’s children leave the church in embarrassment because someone told the truth, but didn’t “minister that truth
in love”? How many hurting people refuse to bring their problems and issues to the church because they know from observation
and experience that they are going to be publicly “flogged” in front of the whole congregation?
I have news for you. Many people who are gifted individuals, and who have power and authority from God, are running the
hungry and hurting off from church! Satan has a lot of “little helpers”. These “helpers” are not vial disgusting people who lay in the
gutter stinking. They are the people sitting next to you in church. Its the guy on the platform leading the church in prayer. Its the
Sunday school teacher, the pastor, and members of’ the eldership. These are people who “love” God and “love” to serve Him, but
who don’t experience that same “love of God” for themselves. These are people with unresolved feelings of guilt, shame, fear, or
insecurity. These are people who have come to the foot of a cross, repented of sin, and received a savior, but people who have not
experience “son ship”. They know “about” the love of God but haven’t “experienced” that love within themselves. When they
minister to others, it is with a disgust for the “sin” but this disgust condemns the one seeking help. They will say that they hate sin
and love the sinner, but it is clear that they have never tasted of His love, and that they live a life filled with “dos” and “don’ts”.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, lets get our heads on straight and our hearts in the care of the Holy Spirit; then as we experience
personally the love of God, our mouths will speak only the truth in love.
Let’s examine how the Holy Spirit led me to minister to this young man. The very first thing to keep in mind when approached
for help is to listen to what the person is saying, but only in the context of what the Holy Spirit confirms. This allows you to get an
over all picture of the person’s “perception” of the issue and it allows you to hear the Spirit of God Who may give you a “check”
that something is not right about what the person is saying.
If you simply listen to the person, you can very quickly and easily fall under mind control. People with problems got into those
problems by being connected to group minds and collective souls that are in opposition to the nature and character of God. if you
“listen”, sympathetically, to a person pour out their troubles, you are inadvertently connecting to their mindset, and that mindset is
connected to particular group minds and collective souls. The group minds and collective souls may be steered by demons, and your
connection can influence you into seeing something other than the truth. It can sway your thinking to support someone who needs
to break with certain behaviors and actions. You may view the person as a poor victim and actually they are an abuser. You will
miss the insight needed to help them and may find yourself drawn into a group mind or collective soul that is in opposition to the
nature and character of God. So you must first, listen to the person, while allowing everything that they say to pass through the
Spirit of Truth for detection of errors, intentional deceptions, and emotional and spiritual imbalances.
I was in a Christian bookstore one time and a woman there had a terrible headache. A few of us gathered around her and were
about to pray when the Holy Spirit told me that the woman had known this other man for a number of years and who was also there
in the store. This woman felt a real sense of confidence in that man’s prayers. She wanted that man to pray for her instead of the rest
of us. I asked the woman if she would like to have this particular man to pray for her and she said yes with a sigh of relief. We
asked the man to pray for her and she was healed in just a few minutes.
The point here is that I listened to the woman, who was “willing” to have us pray for her, but I let the Holy Spirit guide my
thinking about what the woman said. She would never have told us that she preferred the other man to pray for her, but when I
brought the subject up, she agreed and sighed with relief. She “knew” (and believed in her heart) that if this man prayed for her, she
would be healed. Its kind of like a baby who only wants its mother. No one else will do. So are the “babes” in Christ. This is what
“she” wanted. So I gave it to her. The rest of us could have prayed for her, but her “faith” was based on the track record of another
man. Ok attitude for a baby in Christ, but not a good practice for a mature believer. But let the babes not be too upset They will
grow, and so will their faith. The point is that the Holy Spirit showed me her heart, and I ministered from that point, not from what
she said or from what any of the rest of us wanted to do.
Once you have listened through the filter of the Holy Spirit, the next thing to consider is that you speak only to the
“impressions” that the Spirit gives you and not to what the person is saying.
Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

I have observed troubled people who never run out of things to say about their problems. They can literally “go on” for hours
until they just get tired of talking, then the next day, they will start all over again. This “talk” is thought by some to have a cathartic
effect, but it is really counterproductive in ministering the gifts.
A little discussion is often helpful but when a person has told you something, and then repeats it to you again, it is time to break
off their discourse. Anyone who tells you a situation(s), and then immediately repeats this, is not seeking help for their problem,
they are processing their emotional upset externally and using you as a sounding board. Some people are low on energy and they
will suck you dry of yours if you allow them.
Ever been around a person who just “drains” you. You hate to see them coming and you don’t want to hear the latest “crisis”,
but here they come! What to quiet them down? Speak to the real issue, not to what they are saying. The Holy Spirit will reveal the
“real”, “central” problem and if you ask for wisdom on how to minister this. He will show you clearly.
Now a word to the wise. If you do not get immediate “impressions” or specific information when a person is coming to you
with a “problem”; my advice is to refer them to someone who functions effortlessly in the gifts.
You don’t want to give someone “bad” advice do you?
Let the spiritually mature handle tough situations.
Now don’t crawl off and feel like God can’t use you. If you desire to function in the gifts then ask the Holy Spirit to give to
you. But remember, the “gifts” are a deposit, for our inheritance in heaven. The gifts, are really the physical embodiment of the
nature and character of God. We are not “gifted” for some grandstand, vain glorious, self inflation! We are gifted with the nature
and character of God to minister the nature and character of God to those without Him.
Asking for the nature and character of God is going to change you forever. Its not about, “Oh, look what I can do!” It about,
“Hey, did you know God already did this-just for you? Why don’t you accept it now...”
So ask what you will, but remember, you are asking to be filled with the very nature and character of God so that you can
minister that nature and character to others who need Him.
So once you have listened through the filter of the Holy Spirit, and considered only to the “impressions” that the Spirit gives
you about what the person is saying, you speak at the Holy Spirit’s direction or take the action He tells you.
In the case of the boy, I interceded in prayer, I made discussion of “personal matters” a normal part of every day
communication, and I stayed open for the Holy Spirit’s continued direction for opportunities to minister, should these arise.
I’d like to point out that I never had to confront the boy about his habit of the use of “mild” pornography. I never had to “get in
his face” or coerce him in some way. I just prayed for him and God helped him to make the right decision. I also did not “labor” in
prayer or “plead” with God to change the boy. I maintained an attitude that God is able to help him through this situation and that is
what manifested.
I would like to note here, more information about the mention of “mind control”. Earlier I discussed that if you simply listen to
the person, you can very quickly and easily fall under mind control. People with problems got into those problems by being
connected to group minds and collective souls that are in opposition to the nature and character of God. When you “listen”,
sympathetically, to a person pour out their troubles, you are inadvertently connecting to their mindset, and that mindset is connected
to particular group minds and collective souls. The group minds and collective souls may be steered by demons, and your
connection can influence you by what is called “the transference of spirit’.
Transference of spirit can exist in two ways. The first is that you can come under the influence of another person’s “mindset”.
This means that you have connected in some manner to the individual’s thoughts, attitudes, or beliefs. Their particular “mindset”
then dominates, or influences you to a certain degree. You tend to be loyal to the person and to “think the best of them” even if they
have overt behaviors that speak contrary to this. It is as though you are lulled into a deep sleep and you become blind to any
obvious truth. You see, feel, think, and speak only what the other person desires for you.
Many “friendships” and “relationships” actually exist at this level. These of course are not true “friendships” or healthy
“relationships” but knowing this does explain why there is often conflict in such arrangements.
The second way in which transference of spirit can exist is by transfer of a demonic spirit. This is not the same thing as
“demonic possession”. When a “spirit” transfers, it does so through the mindset that is connected to the group minds and collective
souls. The person that you are connecting to, usually has a very strong tie to the collective soul and so they are more strongly
controlled by the spirit that is steering the soul. When you connect to the person’s mindset, the strong influence of the spirit is
“transferred” over to your mindset and you come under its influence. This is called “demonic oppression”.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

These two methods of transference of spirit are actually the same thing, but at differing degrees of influence. It is like talking
about Hypoglycemia and Diabetes; they are both different “stages” of the same disease. Whether you are
influenced only by an individual’s personal “mindset” or come under the influence of a spirit, you are still “under the influence” of
something outside yourself and so are not in complete control of what you think, feel, see, and do to some extent.
This interaction is very common and occurs constantly. Think about meeting people and interacting with them. Some seem
very “warm”, “friendly”, and “concerned” about your wellbeing; while others give you a “funny feeling”. You can’t put your finger
on it but “something” makes you uncomfortable when you are around them.
This “funny feeling” could be your perception of “a different spirit”, meaning that you and the other person are influenced by
very different “spirits” from two very different collective souls. It doesn’t automatically mean that your impression is “right”.
Remember the woman who criticized the minister I was watching on TV. She felt uncomfortable around him because she was
aligned with some very diabolical spirits, while he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
This “funny feeling” could also be a perception of either the person’s “mindset”, or their personal thoughts, attitudes, or beliefs;
or it could be a perception of the collective soul or group mind that they have connected with.
The “funny feeling” could also be your unconscious detection that the person is intentionally trying to influence you through
mind control.
Remember, that a “controller” in most cases, attempts to “control” other people in order to “help” them. Mind control is not
some sinister character spinning a pendulum in front of your eyes and saying, “Sleep! Sleep!” Mind control is not that overt.
Think of it this way. Lets say that you have some friends over and everyone sits down to a meal. After dinner you sit
comfortably in the living room and talk for an hour or so. People begin to say their good-byes and leave for the evening. One couple
starts to leave and then stops to tell you they are going to catch a movie. They invite you to come along with them. You thank them,
but graciously decline.
The husband then looks at you and says, “Ah, come on! It’ll be fun!”
What has just occurred is an attempt at mind control. Not an evil, sinister plot to bind your mind, but none the less, an attempt
to influence your thinking and so your actions.
Think about being in this scenario. An offer is made to you to go to the movies. It is a “suggestion” that you go with this
couple. They obviously enjoy your company and are probably drawling strength from their relationship with you. You graciously
decline the offer (suggestion). Then the “suggestion” is intensified. There is a very define “push” of psychic energy and the
command of “come on” with us. Then the cover statement, “it will be fun” for you. The cover statement is intended to hide the
command. It draws your attention to the idea that the “controller” is really trying to “help” you not “control” you.
Actually, if the controller had your best interest at heart he would have accepted when you declined his invitation. He actually
wants you to accompany him because he is pulling energy from you, and this makes him feel good. He has no interest in you
“having fun”, he is only interested in himself, “feeling better”.
A simple example, but you can see how subtle mind control can be. You can relate this example to countless situations that you
face daily and understand how mind control can creep up on you in seemingly very innocent every day situations.
The point I’m making here is that we must be “aware” of our interactions and take deliberate steps to ensure that we are not
influenced by other people and that our normal interactions do not attempt to control others. We must maintain a clear channel
through which the Holy Spirit can flow. We must keep our mindsets connected to the nature and character of God and His truth.
We should not go around suspicious and paranoid, afraid of the control of others.
For example, I understand that crime exists but I don’t fret and worr about my car being stolen or my house being broken into.
I lock the doors and take the necessary precautions to prevent the crime from occurring. We need to do the same when guarding
our minds from outside influences. Remember Peter’s advice to “...gird up the loins of your mind... ~ Don’t sit around and be
“worried” over the possible “psychic influences”, be prepared to recognize and avoid them.
I mentioned earlier that in some cases, other people may try to “control” or “punish” you with the energy of their mind and
body. In any event, these people feel that you are a threat to them in some way and so they “inflict” their energy “at” you in
hopes of bringing you under their mind control. These are called “psychic attacks” and they deserve further explanation at this
Most of the time a simple “psychic attack” takes the form of either “gossip” about you, or it involves the “threatened”
individual silently “stewing” about you with hatred and thinking about what they would do if they had the opportunity and could
get away with it.

19 The King

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Gossip is an attempt to pool the energy of the “sender” with the energy of other people. The person doing the gossiping
is drawling strength from the listeners in an attempt to gain an “agreement” about the focus of the gossip. Remember that if .
. any of you agree as touching anything... it shall be done for them. The “gossiper” is looking for another person or persons to
agree with him or her so that a more powerful thought form can be released to attack the person being focused on.
Let me say this, if you listen to gossip you are coming under the mind control of the person who is gossiping and if you
agree, even by your silence, you are helping to create a thought form that will attack another person. These controlling
people are attempting to catch your energy output and align it with the thought form with which they wish to attack their
The whole idea behind gossip is to bring down the energy of the person who is focused on. When you are strong in your
beliefs, even if those beliefs are wrong, people will perceive this “strength” at an unconscious level and many will “fear” it.
The more controlling a person is, the more they will “fear” a person who has a strong broadcast of energy. Controlling
people can’t stand the thought of someone else having more power than themselves. They must be in control of everything in
their world. This is, of course, an impossibility, but one which a “controller” will pursue all of their lives and to any extent.
Whenever a controller lacks control or perceives a power source greater than themselves, they seek to expose an “external
source” for any lack of power in themselves, or any problem which they face. For this reason, controlling people always
project thought forms at others and are the ones who viciously assault others through “psychic attack”. Whatever they “feel”
or “experience” that is at all unpleasant, becomes the “fault” of some outside source, usually another person.
The difference between the use of gossip, and when a person “stews” with hatred about another person, is that through
gossip, a person is attempting to “pool” their energy with the energy of other people, while “stewing” with hatred is an
attempt to fuel the thought form with more and more of their own energy.
Whether it takes the form of gossip, lying, slander, or the silent “hatred” toward another individual, the psychic attack is
“blame” for how the sender “feels” or what they have “experienced” and this is projected “at” that individual. Rather than
take accountability for their own feelings and experience, the sender seeks to bring down and stomp out the person of their
focus. They do this at an energetic level.
People who would be reluctant to physically harm another person often think nothing of destroying that person in their
thoughts. The idea is that if it is only done in the mind, then it doesn’t really hurt the other person. Often this idea is masked
as “venting anger” for some real, or imagined offense. The attacker/controller will unleash their anger in a fit of rage and
direct this at their target. Doing this privately, or at least not in the presence of the person whom they hate, seems to them
harmless, and even healthy. They are abusive and sit in judgment of anyone who will not submit to their controlling mindset.
Psychic attack affects the target individual through suggestion. This is done at an unconscious level. The
attacker/controller uses their own energy broadcast and projects this at the target in either rage and anger, or with some
particular “desired end result” in mind. It is important to differentiate between a “psychic attack” and a “demonic attack”.
Demons, once recognized, can be bound and cast out of a situation. People are a different matter.
You cannot “bind” a person and cast them out of your life and situation. People have free will and if they chose to
exercise this “at” you for some real or imagined offense, the only defense you have is to ignore the “suggestion”.
An individual’s “energy broadcast” or a suggestion from a demon has no real power. Its only “power” is that of the
target, if the person receives the suggestion and makes it a part of them. The suggestion is received by the target through any
doubts, insecurities, or unresolved issues that exist in their unconscious.
Even the strongest person can break down under an assault of negative psychic energy. They may show symptoms of the
attack immediately, and succumb to the attack within three days. An attack of this type is where an individual continues to
“think” about the target and what they desire to happen to them for at least three days or when they generate a thought form
that is powerful enough to assault the target for at least three days. In either case, the attacker/controller may resort to gossip
to “pool the energy” of others and direct this toward the target individual.
You might think that this baffle in the mind is easy to resist since the suggestion must be received by the target
individual through doubts, insecurities, or unresolved issues that exist in their unconscious. This is not however as easy as it
sounds since, in most cases, the attack is not perceived consciously. Even a strong person can lose sleep and be weakened
without warning. They may “have a bad day” and so be more insecure than usual. They might drink too much coffee and get
slightly tense or experience a minor hyper anxiety. Too much tension at home or in the office can cause a headache. A
change in sleeping schedule may make them irritable, or mildly depressed. Any of these situations, and a host of even
countless more, can become good ground for a projected suggestion to take root in the unconscious.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

When a suggestion connects to a person, it may manifest as anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, heartburn, nausea,
headache, insomnia, minor bleeding, unusual “cuts” that bleed suddenly and then stop, mosquito-like bumps that appear on
the skin, tiny fang-like “bite” marks, or a burning sensation on the face and ears called “psychic sunburn” (so named,
because it feels like a sunburn).
Just because a person manifests one or more of these symptoms does not automatically mean that they are under a
psychic attack, but any or all of these symptoms could indicate an attack. This is why it is difficult to detect psychic attacks
accurately. Too much spicy food can cause some pretty bad heartburn, and psychic attacks can create some really bad
heartburn as well.
How can you tell the difference?
The answer comes in knowing yourself.
Do you usually get heartburn after eating whatever food you had or is this something unusual? Do you have any of the
other symptoms mentioned? Is anyone very upset with you about anything? Have you suddenly noticed any feelings of anger
or violent thoughts that “come over you” in a rush, and these don’t seem to be your normal everyday thoughts and feelings. If
so, you may be under attack.
The key to overcoming this type of attack is to first recognize it for what it is, and then to find the unconscious place
where the suggestion has found its mark. This means looking inward to discover any doubts, insecurities, or unresolved
issues that exist in your unconscious.
Do not confront the person you believe is attacking you. In most cases, the attacker/controller does not consciously know
what they are doing. Any action on your part toward them will in all probability cause them to intensify their efforts in your
direction. You also will look like a complete “nut case” accusing someone of “projecting their thought energy at you”!
The good news is that if you can “ignore” the suggestion for about three days, the person’s energetic attack will return to
them and you should feel some relief. This means that you must first consciously recognize the attack for what it is, and then
resist the suggestion, consciously for about three days.
I remember when I was just coming to understand how energy and the spiritual realm work. I lived in an apartment
building in the city with my two cats. Several other people shared the building as well. One not so elderly woman was nice
most of the time, but about every couple of months, she would find reason to “cuss” me behind my back for some “offense”
that she perceived. It was usually about the positioning of a bag of trash waiting for pick up, or some such trivial thing. The
woman would “get on a roll” where she would “cuss” me to the other neighbors or to the landlord about something I had
done that she didn’t like.
At the time I was young and just beginning to learn about how thoughts affects others. I would “sense” a kind of “static”
around me and it bothered me but didn’t hinder me in my normal activities. It was kind of like going about your business and
an insect comes around and starts “bugging” you. At any event, this situation would last about three days and during that
time I would find out that the woman was “at it again” about something I did that she didn’t like. If I could change something
to accommodate the woman I did, but mostly I just ignored her periodic complaining. I don’t like being around angry people
who just like to “pick” at anything you do.
Gradually I began to notice a pattern. After about three days of this “cussing”, this woman would just disappear. You
wouldn’t see or hear her around the apartment. You didn’t see her go to work or to the grocery store or even pick up her
mail. About five to seven days later, she would emerge from her apartment and announce that she had been very, very sick.
After several of the woman’s “cussing spells” and then this strange “sickness” that followed, I realized this was too much
to be just a coincidence. As I said I was just learning about how energy affects others at the time.
What I eventually came to understand, was that this woman was projecting her energy broadcast “at” me in various
thought forms during these “cussing fits”. She was attempting to “power up” these thought forms by talking behind my back
and trying to get other people to support her cause and also attack me.
I largely ignored her ravings since there was no foundation for what she said about me. As I said, it was always
something trivial like the placement of a bag of trash awaiting pick up. Just a periodic “pickiness” about something she
didn’t like. I ignored this, and without realizing it at the time, defended myself against her psychic attack. The energy that
she projected “at” me snapped back to her and made her sick.
Now let me state clearly, I did not make the woman sick. The energy she threw in my direction was ignored by me and
then her energy returned to her. I did not accept her psychic suggestions.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

In witchcraft of various sorts, it is widely said, “And harm none to which you will” Meaning that when a person
practicing witchcraft casts a “spell” they are not to wish any harm on the other person. The reason for this caution, is
something called “the threefold return”. It is stated in the “Wiccan Rede” “...mind the threefold law ye should, three times
bad, and three times good... ~‘21
People who practice witchcraft have observed that if you send negative energy “at” someone, and that person resists your
efforts, your own energy will return to you-threefold. This is exactly what was happening to the woman who “cussed” me.
She was practicing witchcraft without even knowing it and when I ignored her “spell” it returned to her threefold and made
her sick!
If this woman had understood how this type of energy works, she would not have allowed herself to react in the manner
of an attacker. Its important to note here that this sort of attack did not contain a demon that was sent to me. This was the
energy broadcast of a woman not a demon.
Demons who attack you are simply to be bound and cast out.
With an attack of thought energy from another person though, you must recognize what the attack is and ignore its
suggestions for at least three days. Do not let the attacker or the suggestions be the focus of your thoughts. Do not respond in
kind and “get mad” at the person who is doing the attacking. These people are having their mindsets influenced and steered
by demons who have access to them through the particular group minds and collective souls which the people are feeding
energy into and avoid connection to these group minds and collective souls.
You need to focus your thoughts on things that counter the suggestions sent to you. You must consciously become aware
of the suggestions in order to accomplish this. It is not always necessary to “know” who the attacker is, but you must always
define consciously what suggestions have been projected “at” you by the attacker. Seek the direction of the Holy Spirit and
pray for the person if so instructed.
Whether you are dealing with psychic attack, mind control, transference of spirit, or any other control of the mind; you
will find that once a person falls under this dominion, they are more prone to be brought under its influence in future
interactions. In other words, if a person grows up with a controlling parent or other authority figure, they are more likely in
adulthood to suffer from psychic influences. This initial control that they received fills their unconscious mind with doubts,
insecurities, and unresolved issues.
Its kind of like taking briars, thorny vines, and thistles and planting these in the unconscious. They multiply and fill every
area with the doubts, and insecurities; and they “grow over” large areas where unresolved issues lay undetected. These
doubts, insecurities, and unresolved issues are magnetic to “like” thoughts, and to attacker/controller individuals.
These briars of the unconscious are difficult to “clear”. Every time you get near them they “stick” you! It becomes
“painful” just to go there and the suffering person begins to develop an avoidance defense mechanism. They avoid facing any
of their deeper issues and so make themselves a target for psychic attacks and influences. Not only are they a target, they are
equipped with an internal “homing device” in the form of the doubts, insecurities, and unresolved issues, that are magnetic to
like thoughts and thought forms.
Lets look at it another way. A person who was sexually molested as a young child is magnetic to future molestation and
is quite likely to meet someone who will attempt to control and dominate them in some way. A person with low self esteem,
will attract into their lives, people and situations that will assault their self worth. A woman who was not endorsed as a child
and who was physically abused by her father, is likely to marry a man who will also physically abuse her. Someone with a
lack of self worth, may take numerous jobs only to find that “something” keeps them from being promoted and they end up
going to another job, only to find the situation repeating itself.
These people find themselves “locked” into a process that keeps repeating itself over and over. A molested child wants to
be free of molestation, a person with low self esteem wants to be free and to feel good about themselves, an abused woman
wants to be free from the abuse, a person suffering with low self worth wants to be promoted. These continually suffer, but
are unable to escape the situation which they fear and hate. They are victims of unconscious minds that have not been
renewed. They may consciously attempt to “sow the good seed” into their unconscious, but the briars, and vines choke them
out. The good seed dies and the doubts, fears, insecurities, and unresolved issues continue to grow.
This is also the reason that a person who confesses healing, usually doesn’t get healed right away. The briars and vines of
all their doubts, fears, anxieties, insecurities, sicknesses, diseases, and unresolved issues continue to grow within their
unconscious minds. They choke out the thoughts of “healing” before these thoughts even have a chance to grow and
20 Wiccan folklore, author unknown.
21 Wiccan folklore, author unknown.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Looking at this situation, you can also understand how a person who gets healed immediately, can often relapse and
regress physically. The “healing” they receive is like pulling out a bunch of the briars and vines and planting the healing in
the open spot. Over time, the briars and vines surrounding the area that has been cleared, start to encroach in on this open
area and soon the healing is choked out. Once this occurs, the sickness or disease will once again manifest physically.
We are also reminded in Matthew the twelfth chapter, that when an unclean, or “impure” spirit goes out of a man it goes
into dry, or “waterless” places, seeking rest, or “intermission” or “recreation” but finding none, it returns to find its
“house” empty, that is “vacant” of work, swept, or “brushed” off, and “put in” proper “order”, or “decorated”.22 The spirit
then takes seven other spirits, more wicked than himself and they enter and dwell there. This last state of this man is far
worse than the first state.
The key element in this example is that the “house”, or man, or mind, if you will, of the man is “vacant” of work. It has
been “brushed” off, and “put in” proper “order “, but there is still a problem of no “work” being done to keep it clear of
negative influence. A mind can not simply be “cleared” of negative programming, it must be renewed and “filled” with
positive thoughts. An empty mind, or one that is void of “work” is a habitation for demons. This type of empty mind is a
good description of a mind that is largely functioning from the unconscious. Instead of living and thinking deliberately from
a conscious view point, the person is steered by unconscious motivation of which they are unaware. They are controlled and
in turn seek to control others and they are unsure why they react in this manner. They are driven to control others and are
constantly faced with unpleasant or unbearable feelings of discontent.
The word “spirit” used in this chapter largely refers to the “rational soul” but can also mean a “mental disposition ~ So
when we are reading about an “unclean spirit” we could substitute the phrase “unclean mental disposition “. A “disposition”
is a nature, character, makeup, or mindset of a particular individual. So this verse is not only warning us about “demons”, it
is also warning us that if an “unclean or impure mindset” goes out of a man, it will return and if the mind of that person is
void to the necessary mental work of bringing the unconscious into the conscious; then the mindset (which can also be the
group minds and collective souls) will not only take up residence but will also bring seven other mindsets “more evil” than
itself and they will also take up residence in the unconscious mind.
Remember that the only thing necessary for a demon to influence a person is to have that person connect to a negative
group mind or collective soul. A person does not have to be “possessed” in order to be controlled by a demonic spirit. People
who fall under this type of control are not aware that they are being controlled. Since demons have direct access to the
human mind through group minds and collective souls, they can manipulate emotions and make a person “feel” that the
actions they take are of their own will and volition.
Another way in which people can be prone to psychic influence is through what is known as a “generational curse”.
This is where someone in your “bloodline” living before you, has aligned themselves with a particular group mind or
collective soul and the demons who steer these mindsets extend their influence to include others within that same bloodline.
These demons “lay claim” to anyone who is connected by “blood relation” to the individual that aligned themselves with the
particular group mind or collective soul. A person with a generational curse is born with a predisposition toward serving the
group mind or collective soul that their ancestor aligned themselves with. Such a person will be aligned with this mindset
automatically, and so driven and affected by the demons who inhabit it, until they make a conscious “break” from the
mindset. They will be prone to any psychic influence extended by the group minds and collective souls as they have inherited
numerous unconscious doubts, fears, anxieties, insecurities, and unresolved issues.
In other words, a generational curse will control you without your conscious awareness of it. It will shape your view of
what is possible or impossible and you will find yourself doing the same things over and over again, or facing the same
problems over and over again, and not knowing why this happens to you. You may become frustrated that you habitually do
all that you know to do to serve God and yet you do not receive the promised blessing. The reason for this is that someone
else has aligned themselves to the group minds and collective souls that prohibit the blessing and promise of God. You have
inherited their choice in the form of a generational curse and you can not escape this choice until it is brought to a conscious
level and rejected by choosing the promised blessing of God; or what is His truth to replace it.
People who suffer from psychic influences brought about by a generational curse should not blame themselves for what
they experience. They were born into the problem and did not do anything directly to cause it. These people must be
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s
Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers I 984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive
concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

strong though and take responsibility for their own deliverance from this influence. This may mean a great deal of personal
study and renewing of the mind, and at times, they may need to seek out help from those who are spiritually mature and
experienced in these matters.
The important thing is not to feel “bad” about your situation, but to take positive action to correct it. You didn’t create
the problem, but you must be the one to confront and overcome it; often times with someone’s help.
Another situation facing many people that is affected by unconscious guilt and shame, is when you have done something
“wrong”, whether intentionally or by mistake, and you can not “undo” the situation.
If you break a window, intentionally or by mistake, the window can be replaced but many decisions that we make do not
contain the possibility of a “clean up” factor. You can not “unscramble eggs”. Some things, once they are done, can not be
“undone”. This can create an attitude in the unconscious of, “I’m guilty and I can’t undo what I did”.
It is true that some things can’t be taken back, or undone but having unresolved guilt such as this at an unconscious level
can be devastating. It can ravage the body with sickness and disease, or affect the mind with various mental illnesses. This
kind of unresolved guilt can cause a person to constantly face the same struggles and impasses in life, over and over.
If a person is delivered suddenly in a situation such as this through prayer or therapy then this is a good thing, but most
people will find that deliverance comes gradually. It will not be a single revelation but a walk with God that eventually leads
to an empty tomb, and then to the person of the risen Jesus Christ. Knowing Jesus and knowing the work of Christ can
deliver you, but you must go beyond just mere knowledge to personal experience.
This kind of unresolved guilt and shame is what often keeps a person in bondage to everything from simple “bad habits”,
to sexual crimes, and other addictions. In many cases, transference of spirit occurs at an early age, or a person is born into the
predisposition for a particular life style through the influence of a generational curse.
This in no way automatically “pardons” an individual who is involved in a life style and in behaviors that are
inappropriate or which injure others. It does however, give insight into why the person is so involved and provides a means
to free them. Each person must take personal accountability for his or her actions and take responsible steps to be delivered.
I’m reminded of a sixteen year old young man that I was counseling who had a serious problem with alcohol and
marijuana. After months of therapy, the young man broke down in tears during a session and began repeating, “I always
(deleted) it up1 I always (deleted) it up! No matter what I do, I always (deleted) it up!”
This young man came from a background of abuse. His father beat him and occasionally became violent with the boy’s
mother. The mother would make excuses about her abuse and say that she had gotten dizzy and fallen down. She demed that
this boy was being abused. The boy’s sister also denied the abuse and blamed this boy for all the family’s troubles. She said
that it was his involvement with alcohol, drugs, and the boy’s friends that was the source of all the conflict. The family
attended church regularly.
Caught in the middle was this young man. He was loaded with conflicting feelings of guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, and the
desire to escape the physical and emotional abuse. His escape came in the form of alcohol and drug use with his friends, who
also had similar experiences. This boy had very deep seated feelings of unresolved guilt.
it is not surprising that this young man also often injured himself by engaging in reckless behaviors. He would be
covered with scratches from a dirt bike accident, or would dislocate his thumb, or some such “painful” experience. He
laughed and boasted about the “stunts” he preformed and his friends could easily talk him into doing something risky or
Unknown to him, this young man was punishing himself from the deep seated, unresolved guilt. His bragging about his
latest “stunts” was a way of covering up his self destructive behaviors. Laughing and bragging about what he did and then
showing off his injuries just made these self destructive behaviors look and “feel” more acceptable. Friends were delighted
by his antics and this further reinforced the acceptability of what was really self destructive. The alcohol and drug use also
mirrored this self destructive attitude as he and his friends “got wasted” as often as they could. It was a badge of honor
among his peer group to become extremely intoxicated and do something that was bizarre or which resulted in personal
injury. This young man was being steered by a mindset that connected to his unresolved guilt.
Strangely, this boy was one of the kindest, most loyal individuals I have ever met. He was very respectful and attentive
and if you were to meet him, you would never suspect his alcohol and drug use, or that he had a “criminal record” at sixteen.
It was obvious that this boy treated other people the way that he wished people would treat him. He was very good with
young children. He became their “protector”. No one had been there to protect him, so he protected the little ones around

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Still, buried deep below his kindness, was a hurting, guilt ridden little boy. A little boy who was not “innocent” like the
little ones around him. A little boy who needed to be punished for his “guilt” on a continual basis. Alcohol, marijuana, and
reckless behaviors that resulted in regular personal injuries were his punishments.
Laughter and “bragging rights” made this appear “normal” and acceptable among his peers. He was even “cheered on” to
engage in even more reckless and dangerous behaviors by his friends.
Parents and family didn’t understand his behaviors and this just reinforced the idea that “they just don’t get anything”.
This made their denial of the abuse easier to deal with emotionally. They just didn’t get it and so their attitudes and
emotional distance were just a result of their lack of understanding.
Unresolved guilt and shame can be killers. If denied, these deep seated feelings can result in a person becoming pushy
and controlling. These people fight anyone whom they perceive to be opposing them.
Unknown to them is their connection to the group minds and collective souls that allow their unresolved guilt and shame
to exist. They are steered and controlled by a mindset of blaming others. Their guilt and shame can’t be “faced” so the
punislunent for their own offenses is acted out upon other people.
Then there are those people who recognize their own guilt and shame, but who can’t live with it. Instead of externalizing
this and attacking others, they internalize their feelings and like the young man in this example, attack themselves.
Unresolved guilt and shame are often at the root of suicide attempts, or extremely dangerous or self injurious behaviors.
Every time that a person escapes death, it is proof to them that they deserve to live today, but only so that they can outwit and
escape death another day. Reckless behaviors that result in painful injuries are a way of “paying” for the offenses a person
has committed; sois “cutting” one’s self with knives or razors. The pain and shedding of blood “pay the price” for the offense
and the healing process allows them to “self nurture” themselves back to a state of personal acceptance. This is a kind of
“slow suicide”. Suffering for offenses but staying alive. This is very similar to the diseases and sicknesses which result from
unresolved guilt or shame. These conditions provide “daily punishment” for the crimes and offenses committed.
All of these behaviors and circumstances can result from unresolved guilt and shame. We are all imperfect and have not
always made the right or best decisions. Isaiah 53:6 reminds us that, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned,
every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him (Jesus Christ) the iniquity of us all. ,,24 It does not matter what
offense was committed. Jesus Christ paid the price for all offenses and released us from our guilt and shame. God is not
looking for you to provide a sacrifice through your blood or pain. God has redeemed you from guilt and shame and provided
the sacrifice and suffering of Christ. Verse 5 states, “... but He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our
iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. ~~25 Verses 1012 continue, “Yet
it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His
seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand. He shall see the travail of His soul,
and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities. Therefore I
will divide Him a portion with the great, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong, because He poured out His soul unto
death, and He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the
transgressors. 26
Whatever the “transgression” or “iniquity”, the work of Christ has borne this sin and made you free from guilt and
shame. You do not have to suffer or punish yourself, because Christ suffered for you and died in your place so that you could
be redeemed to your Father in heaven. Accept the work of Christ now and apply it daily to any feelings of guilt or shame!

The simplest explanation of the gift of the discerning of spirits, is that it is “awareness” through “connection “. All
things came from God. All of creation is invested with His the nature and character, but because of “free will” not all of
creation “flows” with the nature and character of God. This means that there must be a separation between what is “good”
(the nature and character of God) and what is “evil” (the nature and character of Satan).
In the design of God, things which are aligned to His nature and character “vibrate” at certain rates or frequencies, and
things which are aligned to the nature and character of Satan vibrate at other rates and frequencies. These different vibratory
rates, allow beings to exist in the same proximity and space and yet remain “separate” from each other.

24 Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
25 The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
26 The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Every person and every being, has a unique “signature vibrational rate” that sets them apart from all other beings. This allows for
personal identity and separates individual beings of the same species or spiritual actuality. The function of the gift of the discerning of
spirits, is when a person through the power of the Holy Spirit, “reads” these differing vibrational rates and interprets the information.
Whether we are discerning a person, an angel, a demon, or any other influence; we experience a kind of “energy sampling”. It is this
connection that makes the gift difficult to manage.
Failure to properly manage this gift can result in mental anxiety and illness, or physical and emotional exhaustion. Those who function
in the gift can feel overwhelmed with information and they can also feel as though they are losing their personal identity. This can result in
the feelings of mental anxiety or the experience of mental illness, or it may result in physical and emotional exhaustion.
These individuals are constantly receiving information in the form of “impressions” and this information must be identified, sorted, and
recognized as an outside influence. Failure to accomplish this will result in the individual becoming confused and anxious. The reception
of outside information into themselves will be mistaken for some internal conflict and doubts and insecurities will arise in their
unconscious. These doubts and insecurities will attract “like” thought forms and the individual will find himself the victim of mind control.
Those who are successful in firnctioning in the gift, develop a kind of “recognition and filing system” within their conscious minds. In
short, they learn how to differentiate between what is happening in their own mind, and what information is being sent to their mind, and
they categorize and “file” this information for reference. These individuals accomplish this by learning to accurately recognize their own
unique and personal “signature vibrational rate” which sets them apart from all other beings. Only by gaining an immediate recognition of
the unique signal can they recognize and differentiate between the energetic signals or outputs of others.
God is onmipotent, or all knowing, and individuals who function in this gift share a tiny amount in the “all knowing” nature of God.
Even this tiny amount can be devastatingly overwhelming if it is not properly managed.
To minister to others, you must be “void” of any spirits who oppose God and be open to the Holy Spirit.
The very first thing to keep in mind when approached for help is to listen to what the person is saying, but only in the context of what
the Holy Spirit confirms. This allows you to get an over all picture of the person’s “perception” of the issue and it allows you to hear the
Spirit of God Who may give you a “check” that something is not right about what the person is saying.
If you simply listen to the person without paying attention to the context of their speech given by the Holy Spirit, then you can very
quickly and easily fall under mind control. People with problems got into those problems by being connected to group minds and collective
souls that are in opposition to the nature and character of God. If you “listen”, sympathetically, to a person pour out their troubles, you are
inadvertently connecting to their mindset, and that mindset is connected to particular group minds and collective souls.
The group minds and collective souls may be steered by demons, and your connection can influence you into seeing something other
than the truth. It can sway your thinking to support someone who needs to break with certain behaviors and actions.
You must first, listen to the person, while allowing everything that they say to pass through the Spirit of Truth for detection of errors,
intentional deceptions, and emotional and spiritual imbalances. When you have listened through the ifiter of the Holy Spirit, and
considered only the “impressions” that the Spirit gives you about what the person is saying, you speak at the Holy Spirit’s direction or take
the action He tells you.
Another advantage of “reading” the “impressions” that you get from an individual, is that you immediately know the intent of a
person’s heart. People can say and do whatever they want, but when you perceive the “essence” of a person, their secret intents and ulterior
motives are revealed. They can polish their act to where they look “squeaky clean” on the outside, but when you perceive their “essence”
you understand what they are really like. You can also discern with which group minds and collective souls they have aligned themselves.
Do not make the mistake that every “first impression” you get is the “essence” of an individual. “First impressions” are a result of a
person’s collective “take” on someone when they first meet. A “first impression” is when you have taken in all available visual information
and compared this to your collective life experience. This is compared to the information available to you through the group minds and
collective souls of which you are a member. This information has only a 50% chance at best of being accurate and if you are aligned with
darker energies, the information that you receive may be biased or completely inaccurate.
To minister this gift to others, listen through the “filter” of the Holy Spirit and consider only the “impressions” that the Spirit gives
you about what the person is saying. Then speak at the Holy Spirit’s direction or take the action He tells you and avoid getting or giving
false information through “first impressions”.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Failure to accomplish this can result in mind control, psychic attack or influence, and demonic oppression.
To overcome or avoid psychic influences you must become aware of the prograniming within your unconscious mind. The
unconscious mind is not a different part of your mind, it is simply a part that you do not “consciously” access most of the time. It is like
discussing your thumb in particular, apart from the rest of your hand. The thumb is a part of the hand but you are now focusing in on that
one member of the hand.
You must consciously bring to light the things of the unconscious mind. Unresolved issues, guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, that are
resident in the unconscious, are magnetic to like thoughts and thought forms. If you experience any of these conditions you may have
aligned yourself with a group mind or collective soul that allows these situations to become resident in your unconscious, or you may have
inherited them through a generational curse, or by the transference of spirit.
Issues and beliefs held in the unconscious mind may result in some sickness and disease, or they may hinder a person from receiving
God’s promised blessing. These unconscious issues and feelings must be located and delivered into conscious awareness where they can be
examined for errors and brought to the light of truth. This will often be a process and not an instantaneous release.
In order to dislodge an untruth, it is necessary to replace it with the truth.
Mind control is real. Most people who use mind control do not know that they are using it. Most people who find themselves the
victims of mind control do not know that they are being controlled, but only experience negative feelings and circumstances that upset
them in some way. Mind control is subtle. It is usually the operation of a demonic entity that is steering a group mind or collective soul in
order to “act through” individual people.
Mind control is dangerous in that it affects the controller and the victim negatively and usually without their knowledge except for
upsetting them in some way. The person affected is often upset but not sure about what it is that is upsetting them. They often have a sense
of “fore-boding” that something is wrong but this does not effect change. It only serves to heighten their sense of anxiety. Some people
begin to act hostile toward others. They seem to sense the unseen control and lash out at just about anyone close to them as the cause for
their negative feelings.
Mind control, as stated, is usually the activity of a “spirit” or demonic entity that is steering a group mind or collective soul. The entity
does this in order to carry out its wishes upon certain people or situations. Mind control is a way for the entity to put pressure on people by
using the energies of thought forms, group minds, and collective souls. The entity uses the energies of people against themselves, and
against other people. In order to accomplish this, the entity must first find a person who has some personal willful desire that they wish to
impress upon another person.
This is where the diabolical nature of mind control is revealed. The person sought out by the demonic entity to be the “controller”
often has the impression of himself that he possesses a truth that must be shared with others. He is “driven” to share this “truth”. This
“truth” is, in fact, the personal willful desire that he wishes to impress upon another person but the controller is unaware of this. The
controller perceives his truth as the ultimate truth. It is, however, his “personal truth”, not “the genuine truth”. “A” truth, in place of “God’s
absolute truth”. The controller’s problem is a combination of abuse of authority and a distorted or incomplete perception of truth.
The controller firmly grasps some isolated concept within a truth but will not see this concept as connected to the ulthnate truth. For
example, a man sees violence and crime in the city streets and the consequent oppression and abuse of the people living there. He firmly
understands that this is wrong, but fails to see “the big picture” and so he gets frustrated with law enforcement and becomes a vigilante.
This man goes on a killing spree to rid the city of its oppressive criminals and yet breaks the law himself. In his attempts to rid the city of
criminals, he becomes a criminal himself. He firmly grasps the concept that violence, crime, oppression, and abuse are wrong; but fails to
connect this to the ultimate truth of God, and the current law enforcement authorities. He has a distorted view of “truth” and abuses his
personal authority and abilities as a person and a citizen. He takes the law into his own hands and disregards the civil authorities. He is
“right” that crime and violence are problems, and it may be true that the current authorities are doing little or nothing to solve the problems,
but it is not right for him to take the law into his own hands and start his own personal killing spree.
Yet often, vigilantes are applauded by the general public, in short, a “killer” gains popularity and support because he only “kills” the
socially undesirable. Here one can see the roots of prejudice and connection to, and participation in particular group minds and collective
souls involving hatred. True, the mindset starts out by “hating” crime but its end of “purging” society of the undesirable, is a pretty name
for murder!
Having discussed this, you can see how mind control can be very deadly. It is possible, but not always the case, to have the existence
of mind control in any interactions among people. When people interact, a leader usually emerges. This is not always through mind control
and is not always a “negative” interaction, but the possibility always exists that it could be.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

That means that politicians, teachers, parents, ministers, or even friends; can become involved in attempts to control the minds of
others in order to spread their personal agenda. It means that they can be controlled themselves by the activities of demonic entities who
steer the thought forms, group minds, and collective souls.
Ephesians 6:12 states, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers. against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.27
As mentioned, one outstanding characteristic of a controller is that they are “driven” to push, or in their opinion “share” their truth
with others. This can be boisterous and overt in nature, or it can be more subtle. The controller may calmly “state” his truth and then write
off anyone who disagrees with it. The controller may break off contact with anyone who resists his mind control. There will often times be
statements made about the person being controlled, that they don’t measure up to the controller’s standards; which will be presented as the
person not measuring up to the truth.
This reminds me of an incident between two men; Jeremy and Devin. Devin moved into an apartment near Jeremy and after initial
introductions, immediately began to make attempts to involve Jeremy in his criminal activities. Jeremy was polite, but firmly resisted any
involvement in Devin’s criminal behaviors.
It turned out that Devin was a very controlling individual and in fact “controlled” all of his friends and extended family. His method
was to calmly pass himself off as “the one who always knew what was best for everyone, and for every situation”. Whenever this was
resisted, he exploded with cussing fits of rage, and the family and friends would “back down” and let him have his way.
His family and friends were of a “back-woods-y” type and were largely uneducated. Devin ruled over his “kingdom” and told
everyone around him what to do.
As Jeremy resisted Devin’s control and attempts to involve him in illegal activities, Devin began to “shame” and “put down” Jeremy.
He began to tell all of his “subjects” that Jeremy just wasn’t a good person and that they should stay away from him. Devin then began
very subtle tactics of intimidation with Jeremy.
Whenever Jeremy would be outside of the apartment, Devin would stand and stare at him. Most of the time, Devin would not say a
word but would just stare at Jeremy. Other times Devin would take a fork and pick his teeth with it and then belch loudly. On one occasion,
Devin took a garden tool and walked near Jeremy as he tapped the tool up and down in his hand, as though he were about to “beat” Jeremy
with this. This treatment continued and Devin initiated a few verbal encounters with Jeremy where he attempted to shame and ridicule him,
often in front of others.
Jeremy, however, was not an easily intimidated man. He ignored Devin’s childish browbeating tactics and walked away from the
verbal encounters.
Devin was infuriated that Jeremy would not submit to him and that he refused to be upset by Devin’s rage. Devin could not do
anything about this except explode with rage on his family and friends about how he felt about Jeremy. He finally told Jeremy that he did
not like the way he did things and refused to speak to him anymore. Devin also ordered all of his “subjects” not to have any further contact
with Jeremy.
This story shows a good example of how mind control works. Devin controlled his family and friends through subtle intimidation, and
rage. He passed himself off as having the “truth” that everyone needed.
When Devin encountered Jeremy though, he found that intimidation and rage would not work, and so broke off all contact with him
and ordered all his friends and family to have no contact with Jeremy either. Devin was the spokesperson for the collective soul that was
actually being-steered by demons..
Jeremy became the target of the entity because he was a strong, moral, individual wbo would not give in to the temptation to engage in
illegal activities. In short, Jeremy’s belief system did not include or allow the operations of the particular collective soul which steered
Devin was nothing more than an uneducated, weak minded, criminal who was an alcoholic and drug addict. He controlled all those
around him through the influence of demons and neither he nor his family and friends understood ,what was going on.
Just as Devin was unaware of how he was being manipulated and controlled by demons, he was unaware that he controlled others. To
him, he simply knew what was best for everyone around him, but to any onlookers who were not under his “spell”, he was a very stupid
man who had repeatedly been in trouble with the law all his life. He was a hopeless alcoholic who frequently vomited in the yard after
heavy drinking sprees. Yet, Devin maintained that he was the wise man of his family and friends and flew into a rage with anyone who
wouldn’t. accept his so called “wisdom”. He had no idea he was controlling so many people and actually became hurt and offended when
people did not obey him.
To Devin, he was a lone crusader who people just didn’t understand. In his mind, he had “the truth” that people needed and he was
driven to share this with everyone around him.
27 The King James.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Devin had a history of violent behaviors, which included beating his own mother. Yet one of his “subjects” remarked to me that Devin
was a good man. This particular “subject” had a failed marriage where she had been repeatedly beaten by her ex-husband.
A collective soul has the ability to blind you to everything outside of its power. It can cause great hardship and destruction in your life,
but tell you that this is the only way it can be for you, and that this way is right.
Devin was controlled by demons through the collective soul and was not aware of this domination. He controlled nearly everyone
around him and was also not aware of this. The people he controlled were not aware that they were being controlled, but many of these
victims had emotional problems, mental illness, and were addicted to alcohol and drugs. They experienced the negative feelings and
circumstances that upset them in some way, but they did not understand what was causing this.
As I said, mind control is subtle. It is actually demonic control through a person who has some personal willful desire that they wish to
impress upon another person.
Again you can see the potential dangers of mind control especially in situations where a “leader” emerges. Think for example, of a
church where the pastor believes that he implicitly knows what is best for each member of the congregation, based on what is really his
own personal and willful desire to impress his own will upon them. He may believe that he is being directed by God when in fact he has a
distorted perception of God’s truth, and is abusing his position as pastor to “lord” his ideas over the congregation. In many cases, he simply
believes he is doing what God has called him to do. Remember the Reverend Jim Jones,. and Jonestown, Guyana. An avert example, but
mind control can and does exist in churches at lesser levels of influence than mass suicide.
The overt examples are the easiest for us to recognize and point a finger at “something terribly wrong”. Think of a pilot who flies a jet
plane into the world trade center and calls it an act of a “holy war”---Jihad.
But what about the less socially visible, more subtle acts of control?
Think of a parent who imposes his own ideas upon his children instead of gently teaching them the truth of God. Imagine a bully who
terrorizes a school yard playground, gym class, or a school bus. Consider a “white supremacist” who is attempting to maintain “racial
purity” by persecuting all other races through propaganda.
All examples represent a distorted view of truth and an abuse of personal and civil authority. All think that they are “right” and that
their message must be extended to all. All are driven. Driven by demonic spirits who steer the group minds and collective souls.
I say that mind control is driven by demonic spirits as it contains the three elemental tactics of attack used by Satan:
to “steal”, “kill”, and “destroy”. Or, as we have discussed in earlier chapters: “seduction”, “control”, and “deception”. Having discussed
these examples, the first thing to do to avoid mind control, is to make certain that you are not a
“controller”. As I stated, most controllers are unaware that they control others. They see their control as necessary help to their victims.
Controllers believe they have a “truth” that MUST be shared with others. Controllers are “driven’ to share their “truth” with others.
Ask yourself as honestly as possible, if you are a person who is “driven” or “compelled” to share what you believe to be “truth” with
others. Are you “pushy” or “relentless” with your beliefs and opinions? Do you just “write people off’ who disagree with you or who have
different ideas than you? Do you “hit people over the head” with the way you think things should be done? Do you speak negatively about
people who disagree with you, in order to gain the support of others? Do you find that much of the time, you are “rallying people around
the banner” to support your own agenda?
If you can answer any of these questions with a “yes” you are probably involved in controlling other people at least to some degree. If
you are compelled, even to do “good” things then you may be focused on doing works as a means of finding your self-worth. You may feel
that there is great work to be done for God, and then coerce people into performing what you feel is important.
Controllers must “do” instead of “be”. They equate their worth with their accomplishments. They “prove” that they are good people by
the things which they accomplish.
Good advise for a controller is: let go and let God. Controllers are often people who don’t understand righteousness or peace. They
don’t understand that they have been “pardoned” and that they have nothing to prove to anyone. Their lot in life, the life of God invested in
them, is to produce more of His nature and character. They need to be at peace, or to be “set at one again” with God. Controllers must be
cautious not to allow the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, or the desires for other things to come into their lives and “choke”
the word until it becomes unfruitful. They must be cautious not to believe only what they can see or feel, with the five physical senses.
Controllers often pile up a consciousness of sin which produces inner anxiety and turmoil instead of the nature and character of God. They
reason that if things are not going good there must be “sin in the pile”. They are plagued with insecurity at a deep level.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

The second thing to do to avoid mind control is to follow the Holy Spirit instead of a leader. I’m not talking about rebelling or not
submitting to authority. When a person “hears” and obeys the direction of the Holy Spirit, that person is the best assistant that a leader can
have. The Holy Spirit can use a person submitted to the will and purpose of God to support a leader in troubled times.
When a person Submits to the will of God, they encounter truth, and as we have discussed already, “truth” is what sets you free.
Armed with the truth of God, they will maintain the appropriate attitudes of service to make them good followers.
When a person submits to a leader, that person takes on the perceived “truth” of that leader, not the “truth” of God. A perceived
“truth” will not set you free and in order to get results the leader must “drive” the people toward his goal. What is actually taking place is
that the leader is offering higher status to those who support him, within the respective collective soul. He encourages members to “pool
their energy” into the collective soul or group mind and creates an “in crowd”.
As a result, a crowd that is not the “in crowd” is also formed. These are often expelled from the collective soul or group mind. Those
who do not openly support the leader, are sent away in hopes that there will be no possibility of contaminating the rest of the group. The
remaining members often develop and undying dedication for the leader.
It is of vital importance to submit only to the will of God, and to avoid submitting to any leader. This does not mean that you resist
authority. On the contrary, submitting to God reveals the appropriate way to serve one who is in leadership. Submitting to God, cuts away
the mindset of the flesh. Submitting to a leader encourages the flesh mindset and gives it opportunities to operate.
In his Second letter to the Corinthian church, the Apostle Paul encourages the people to remain separate from the pagan influences of
the region. In chapter four, verses 16-18, and chapter five 1-8, Paul tells the people to not lose sight of the invisible realm and of God’s
faithfulness to do what He promised. Throughout portions of this letter, Paul tells the people not to be discouraged by what is here, now,
and only temporary. Look to the eternal things and the God Who is able to do all things.
He begins to talk about ministiy, and how effective ministry is a partnership with God where we allow His will to be done, and not our
own. After briefly discussing how the church has done well in giving to the spread of the gospel through ministry to those who preach the
word; Paul talks about the importance of the proper exercise of authority.
Authority, as Paul defines it in chapter 10, is when a person is endued with power by God and given a particular sphere of influence in
which to operate.28 It is when the “fleshly mindset” has been put to death and when the believer is open, and obedient only to the will of
God. This kind of believer is “sold out” to the will and purpose of God. There is no turning this saint from what God desires. This saint
will not over step his authority.
I have seen many ministers, and ministries get into trouble by trying to speed up the process of spreading the gospel. They seem to
catch a vision of what God wants to do, but somewhere along the line, God gets left behind and the people start to do their own things-”in
the name of God”. They have the “vision” but get over into the flesh and their own efforts, and so lose the power God gave them.
I am a firm believer, and have said that God always gives you more power than He gives you authority to exercise. By that I mean
what Paul is saying, that we don’t walk according to the flesh, and even though we walk in a body connected to the flesh in this life, we
must not war according to the ways of flesh mindset We must use our spiritual weapons that destroy the flesh mindset that opposes the will
of God. This warfare includes the “fleshly” belief that we must be “driven” or “compelled” to do the work of God in our own efforts.
People who “strive” to produce the work of God, are striving in their own fleshly efforts. People who “push” others to do the work of
God; those who “drive”, “compel”, and “coerce” others; are operating in the flesh.
Paul states how we must cast down such arguments of the fleshly mindset and be obedient to the will of God through the work of
Christ. Obedience, not striving for achievement, is the key to producing the work of God.
Think about it for a moment: If the work of God is to reproduce His nature and character, how can anyone expect to accomplish
anything by being disobedient? The “work” that we are to do is to manifest, and so reveal the truth of God. The truth, not our own effort, is
what sets us free. The only way to reveal truth, is to be obedient to God, and allow His power to flow through us, by the work of Christ.
Paul reminds us when he says, “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord. For not he who commends him self is approved, but whom the
Lord commends”.29
28 Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive
concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
29 Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Powerful words, for how many people grasp the “vision” of God and then lose all of the power to accomplish this vision because they
get over into their own power and abilities of the flesh. They “commend” themselves for their many efforts, but are they commended by
What they have done is step outside of the proper exercise of their authority. God gave them a realm, or sphere to rule over, spiritually
speaking. He showed them a vision of His will for this realm. He then endued them with His power to exercise authority in this sphere of
influence. They increased and did well. Insights, revelations, and many successes followed. But then, the adversary sent a messenger to
cause the “grass to look greener in other pastures”. The adversary enticed them to “desire to expand” in their ministry. Yet God, had not
given them the authority to go beyond the barriers and boundaries which He had set. Rule your kingdom, but by all means, stay in your
It is reminiscent of a garden in which you may eat freely of every tree but one. You have the power, but God has not granted you the
exercise of authority. It is within your power to expand, but you have been given a realm to rule and you are expected to remain at your
Paul reminds the people to not lose sight of the invisible realm and of God’s faithfulness to do what He promised. He tells the people
not to be discouraged by what is here, now, and only temporary. Don’t let sethacks, disappointments, or resistance spur you into turning to
your own strength. Bring to your remembrance that it is God who does the work through us; it is through faith in Him that we do works.
Look to the eternal things of the invisible realm and the God Who is able to do all things. It is not your own effort or accomplishments. It is
obedience that counts.
Paul knew from experience that this was difficult. This is a struggle that all “mature” Christian believers face at some point. It is the
temptation to turn from God in disobedience, to our own fleshly mindset, instead of “seeing” the big picture and remaining obedient to
God. It is the temptation to “leave your post” and go conqueror new territory. It is seductive in nature because it is the temptation to fulfill
your ministry by either some short cut, or to jump ahead of God and have your own way.
In Matthew chapter four, it is recorded for us that Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness for forty days. What is overlooked in
this verse, is that Jesus was “led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil”.30 The Spirit of God, led Jesus to a place
where he would be tempted! First, Jesus fasted forty days and was hungry. At this time, the tempter (one who tests, through the idea of
piercing) came to Him and tempted (pierced) him three times.31
The first temptation was one where the tempter basically said, “if’ you have the “power” from God, then use it. An attempt to “kill”
and restrict sight to the “temporal” in place of living by the “eternal” word, vision, and purpose of God. Control.
The second temptation was one where the tempter said, “if’ you have the “authority” from God, then prove it! Demonstrate it now! An
attempt to “steal” the mindset and replace it with the “flesh mindset”. Seduction.
The third temptation was one where the tempter said, “all that you see by what I show you, I will give you, if you worship me.” An
attempt to “destroy” by separating the spirit from God. Deception.
When Jesus did not respond to the only three tactics that Satan has to pierce and attack Him with, the devil left Him and angels
ministered to Him.
What’s that? Angels not ministering to you? Maybe you need to overcome the piercing of the enemy.
As I already stated, the Spirit led Jesus, through obedience, to a place where He could be tempted by Satan by the only three tactics
that Satan has1 In short, through obedience, Jesus was exposed to, and gained mastery over, the only tactics in which the enemy can
operate. These tactics were exposed and therefore recognizable. Mastery over these tactics enabled Jesus to fulfill His purpose and ministry
according to the will of the Father.
When the Apostle Paul gave cautions to the Corinthian believers, he knew what he was talking about. Let me challenge your thinking
away from traditional teachings for a few moments.
After eleven chapters of cautions and encouraging advice, Paul discusses what he calls “a thorn in the flesh”. It has traditionally been
taught for centuries that this “thorn” was some sickness or infirmity that was placed on Paul so that he wouldn’t “get too big for his
The reasoning here is utter nonsense! At the point in his writing where Paul refers to the “thorn in the flesh” he is talking in the context
of not over stepping your spiritual authority and of remaining obedient to God. This “thorn in the flesh” was a demon sent from Satan to
attempt to punch or pierce Paul’s defenses and to get Satan a foothold in his life and ministry.

30 Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
31 Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.


Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Paul loves the children of God. His desire, and God given purpose, was to lay a foundation of churches that could spread the truth of
the gospel and assist believers in their faith. The “thorn in the flesh” was the three tactics of the enemy that was launched against Paul that
seemed to be a way of accomplishing this apart from God.
In other words, accomplishing the God given vision in Paul’s strength and notoriety as opposed to accomplishing the vision by the
power of God through the work of Christ.
Having trouble with this? How many times did Satan attack Job? Three times. Why? In the book of Job, chapter 1:9-10, it is explained
why Jesus talked about “life” and “having it more abundantly”.32 This chapter provides a unique view into the realm of the spirit. It begins
with a dialogue between God and Satan. God asks questions, and Satan gives elusive, evasive, and argumentative responses. Then God
asks Satan a particular question about Job.
God says, “Have you considered, (or intellectually heaped up into a pile in your mind the works of) my servant (or worshipper) Job,
that there is none like him in the earth, a gentle man who is focused on the mark and facing God and who shuns evil?”33
Satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, (The Second Attack---an
attack on bone and flesh—-destroy) around his household, (The First Attack—an attack of sudden destruction on external things---kill) and
around all that he has on every side? (The Third Attack—an attack on the mindset—-steal) You have blessed the work of his hands, (LIFE,
through the work of Christ that was to come) and his possessions have increased in the land... “(LIFE MOREABUNDANTLY, through the
work of Chris that was to come) But now, stretch out Your hand and lay the hand of exposed truth and sojudg~nent on all that he has, and
he will surely curse You to Your face!”34
Satan tempted God to stretch out His hand and kill Job. He said that the only reason Job served God was because God had protected
him in three ways and blessed him in two. Satan stated that God had “made a hedge around Job”, “around his household”, and “around all
that he has on every side”. He then continued that God had “blessed the work of Job’s hands” (life through the work of Christ or salvation
that was to come), and that God had blessed Job so that “his possessions have increased in the land” (life more abundantly, through the
work of Christ or righteousness that was to come).
Job had not consciously sinned. He was doing all that he knew to do, but served God in “fear”. He didn’t really “see” God, he knew
some things about Him and lived as best he could; a godly life.
God rewarded these efforts with His blessing. He asked Satan if he had considered all this. God was again outsmarting Satan and also
exposing what was in him.
Satan had returned to the Presence of God with full intent to stay in that Presence.35 God revealed through Job, His nature and
character and showed that Satan had a nature and character that was in opposition to God’s. God demonstrated that a man could resist the
oppositional nature and character of Satan, and that this man could reproduce the nature and character of God.
Satan took his nature and character, and attempted to reproduce this in Job by tempting him three times, in three ways: steal, kill, and
In verse eight of chapter twelve of the second letter to the Corinthian church, it states that Paul pleaded with the Lord three times that
the demon (messenger from Satan) would depart from him. How many times? Three times!
Paul wasn’t sinning. He had already put to death the works of the flesh. Paul was a mature “Christian” and Apostle to the church. The
“thorn in the flesh” was the same three tactics of the enemy launched against Paul, that was launched against Jesus in the wilderness and
against Job in the land of Uz!
Inverse nine, after Paul prayed and endured three times, the temptation of the demon, he said that God told him that His grace was
sufficient for him. The word “sufficient” means to avail against (the adversary), to ward off and strangely enough, to express the ability of
raising a barrier.36
Satan was throwing the only three tactics at Paul that he has to operate through. Paul had a heart for the people and a vision for the
ministry. Satan knew that the only way to tempt, or pierce Paul’s defenses was to attack him in some way that appeared to be a shortcut to
fufflilment of his ministry and purpose. Paul had the “power” to expand into other

32 Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive
concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

regions but had only been given the “authority” within his specific sphere. He could wait for God to “raise the barrier” and allow
expansion, or he could go in his own “fleshly mindset”; disobey God, inadvertently worship Satan as Adam did, abuse his authority, and
lose his power.
Paul, although distressed by these temptations, endured and gained mastery over them! He said that he would rather boast about his
weaknesses so that the power of Christ could be demonstrated by “raising all barriers”!
There seems to be a pattern here, that in order for a person to become a “son” to God, God must first chasten him. Hebrews chapter
twelve talks about this in verses five and six: ‘My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked
by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. ‘~‘
The word chastening is interpreted as tutorage, education, training, or disciplinary correction.38 It is described as not being pleasant
while we endure it, but when its work is completed, it yields righteousness. Righteousness, as we have discussed, is the “life more
abundantly” of which Jesus spoke.
This chastening is a time where God allows the person to be exposed to the nature and character of Satan. This exposure, unveils the
oppositional nature of Satan and it reveals the truth of God.
It is a test, not of God, but of Satan to reveal our own true nature and character. Our struggle during this time results from the
vacillating nature of our flesh between what is right and what is truth, and what opposes God. This is like a return to paradise, but this time,
the authority vested in Adam is exercised and the serpent is exposed and run out of the garden! It is a kind of “final stand” or battle where
the adversary in his many guises is revealed and exposed as a fraud and a liar.
I do not mean to say that the enemy can never attack a person again after these three temptations but once a temptation is seen to be
what it is in the perfect light of truth, it loses its deceptive power. It is seen to be what it is; evil. When evil is seen to be evil, a person can
take precautions to avoid and avert its effects.
In other words, you see evil coming, and instead of coming under its power, you are able to elude its influence. You see the pitfall and
avoid it. What occurs is a clarity that was clouded before. The enemy can no longer cloud the judgment of a person who has been
chastened to righteousness. This person has not only faced Satan in the only three areas of temptation in which Satan and demons can
operate; but they have overcome these adversaries and have become victorious in the fruit which yields righteousness.
These three temptations expose the lies, deceptions, and controlling efforts of the nature and character of Satan and so lay open these
falsehoods before the absolute truth of God’s nature and character. The fiery trials, purge the believer of the mindsets which contain the
poisoning effects of Satan’s nature and character. This is accomplished when the believer, holds the truth of God within himself and this
truth burns away the nature and character of Satan that is within the flesh.
The chapter continues by describing how this chastening of the Lord strengthens every weak area in our lives, and how it delivers us
from bitterness and the resulting negative effects. Chastening keeps us from turning away from God and from being rejected by Him as a
result. We are no longer distant from God, but like our brother Job, we now “see” the face of God. Jesus is the mediator of the new
covenant, and His work through the sprinkling of His blood has brought us to a place where we can serve our God; Who is a consuming
Verse 25 states: “See that you refuse not Him that speaks... “receive His tutorage, education, training, or disciplinary correction with
joy!39 if you face the three temptations it means that you are a son and have inherited righteousness, or life more abundantly!
The book of James also encourages us with these words from chapter one, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various
trials, knowing that the testing ofyour faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking nothing Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been proved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord
has promised to those who love. Let no one say when he is
tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he
is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, brings
forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren... ~~40

37 .The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.

Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989. 39Author’s paraphrase of The New King
James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
40The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

1 Peter 1:6-9 has similar advice, “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by
various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be
found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet
believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end ofyour faith the salvation ofyour souls. “~‘
“See that you refuse not Him that speaks... “receive His tutorage, education, training, or disciplinary correction with joy!42 I
encourage you to study this insight further, as it is critical for any believer who should desire to produce the nature and character of God.
if you have trouble disbelieving that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was not some sickness or infirmity, then I recommend that you read,
“Christ The Healer”, by F. F. Bosworth.
if by your reasoning, you persist in believing that the “thorn in the flesh” was in fact a sickness or infirmity, then perhaps you should
seek God to have some sickness or infirmity placed upon you so that you can mature spiritually.
Honestly, I have said before that sickness is not the teacher of the church. The Holy Spirit of Truth is the teacher of the church! Be
open to His direction, and obedient to the will of God Who by Christ has healed all our sicknesses and diseases! Consider that the enemy
may be steering your mindset to make you ineffective in producing the nature and character of God.
Finally, brethren, farewell. Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be
with you... The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. For surely, these
are trustworthy and firm words: so be it!”43
Now that we have an overall picture of what mind control really is, lets explore some specific examples that demonstrate how mind
control operates in our daily lives.
Let us say for example that we have a boy at about the age of fourteen, and this young man’s body matures to a point where he begins
to have intense sexual feelings. Like many boys he is curious about sex and he begins to experiment through masturbation. As time
progresses, he includes pornographic material and develops an unhealthy habit that he keeps a closely guarded secret.
Later in life, this lad becomes not only a man, but also becomes a pastor of a large church and is now married and has children. Due to
guilt and shame that he felt as a young man when he engaged in his “habit”, he had stopped the practice in his early twenties and discussed
this with no one. While he is now a good husband, father, and pastor, his secret habit as a teen haunts him with guilt and shame at a deeply
unconscious level.
Unknown to his conscious awareness, this man has connected to a group mind and collective soul that inflict guilt and shame.
Understand that I am not endorsing or condemning the practice of masturbation in this discussion. I use this topic only because it
demonstrates a common practice that is rarely discussed and which also often causes feelings of guilt and shame. This discussion, is
concerning how unconscious feelings can affect mind control. It is not a discussion of sexual practice, and I encourage the reader to keep
this in mind.
Now that this pastor is established in his home and church, he begins to remember what it was like for him when he was a teen. He
recalls the temptation, and how he tried to resist, but also how he gave into it over and over. The unresolved guilt and shame haunt him
continually. He wishes that he had known then what he knows now. He wishes that he had not indulged and that someone would have been
there for him, to stop him.
He begins to unconsciously reach out as that young boy and desires help and deliverance. This cry of a boy that now comes from a
man, is projected onto the young people of his church. He realizes that no one was there to help him so he makes a pledge that he will be
there for the kids in his fellowship. He will warn them. He will save them from the terrible feelings that he has about himself. He will spare
them the guilt and shame that he experiences.
This pastor begins preaching against masturbation, pornography, and all sexual sins. The church purchases materials to educate
parents and encourages parents to talk to their children about sex. While not openly discussing his own struggles as a young man, the
pastor strongly warns that any sexual involvement is deadly!
The problem that we have in this example, is that the pastor is not really attempting to educate his congregation about sex; he is
attempting to ease his own unresolved feelings of guilt and shame. He is using the young people of his church

41The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.

42 Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive
concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive
concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

and their energy to soothe his uncomfortable feelings. He is using the energy of the adults of his church to relive the deliverance that he
wishes he could have had as a boy.
He “feeds” on the energy of parents calling him about their sons who were “caught” with pornography. He meets with these boys,
privately of course, and counsels them about the dangers of such a practice.
Every time he “helps” a boy or talks with a parent, he smoothes over those unresolved feelings of his own guilt and shame and for a
short time, feels better. But the feelings are being soothed not removed.
The sermons, and talks continue, but the pastor never gets relief for more than a few fleeing moments. Then the unconscious feelings
nag him at a level that is below conscious awareness.
While the pastor compliments himself by the endorsement of grateful parents, the elements of mind control are strongly at work in his
church, family, and own mind.
The first visible sign of trouble, is the development of a “sub-culture” among the teenagers in the church. The word travels fast that
not only is the pastor preaching against masturbating but that he is counseling boys and involving moms and dads. There isn’t much
“personal” talk going on. Individual boys are not sharing their masturbation experiences with each other but some talk does occur, and as
the saying goes: boys will be boys. They are curious about sex and many begin to experiment secretly. Jokes about the subject also
increase as a way of relieving the tense feelings without actually talking about one’s own personal situation. But stories of how Johnny
“got caught” do get around and this strengthens the bond of the sub-culture. It drives it further “underground”, and away from the eyes and
ears of the parents, and pastor. The threat of embarrassment also drives the sub-culture deeper and further separates the teens from the
What has taken place is that the teenagers have connected to a collective soul that is driven by a spirit of fear. Fear of exposure and
embarrassment about sexual matters. Many of the teens are curious about sex and when they experiment they find it to be pleasurable and
also begin to form a habit which they find diflicult or impossible to control. When they attend church and hear the “sermons” against
masturbation, they experience guilt and shame and connect to the same collective soul that is driving the pastor.
The parents have also connected to this collective soul by their loyalty to the pastor. Their “fear” for their children connects the
parents to the same collective soul as the teens but the parents connect to a different group mind within the collective soul.
This guilt and shame is demonically driven through the collective soul and inflicts those under its influence with a lack of self worth.
The fear is also demonically driven and inflicts those under its influence with deception. The deception is manifested by the desire to
conceal the “private” matters of interest in sex, and causes adults to consult other adults to gain information about the teens, and causes the
teens to consult other teens in order to gain information regarding the adults.
This results in two very distinctive groups that are “spying” on each other; and this separation between adults and teens, forms the sub-
culture. Actually, the adults and teens share the same collective soul of “fear” but exist within two separate group minds within that same
collective soul.
The pastor’s family is not exempt from this psychic influence, and his children are no different than any of the other teens. His
children obey the pastor in his presence and do what they want when he is not around. Division, and the influence of the collective soul
exists within the walls of the parsonage.
Throughout the church at this point, is widespread repression of guilt and shame about sexual matters. The “sermons” do not only
make many boys of the church feel embarrassed, but they also make their fathers feel ashamed. These men also had experimented sexually
when they were boys and now they strongly align with the pastor. This alignment with the pastor is an attempt to repress and escape their
own feelings of guilt and shame. This “alignment” or loyalty to the pastor also brings them under the mindset of the pastor so that they
only see what he wants them to see. They follow him blindly. Some of these men in the church enter the same group mind as the pastor and
they begin to strongly speak against all sexual involvement just as the pastor does. They “model” their behaviors and thoughts after the
pastor. They have successfully “recreated” themselves in the image of the pastor.
Some of these men secretly, never broke the habit they learned as young boys and continue to be involved in pornography. They
connect to a different group mind within the collective soul that inflicts guilt and shame.
Other men connect to still another group mind. They never resolved the feelings of guilt and shame. They never broke their “habit” for
sexual pleasure, but simply got married and began having “legal” sex with their wives. This kind of “addictive” sex does not produce the
nurturing and loving relationship that a married couple is supposed to have.
Many of the wives in these relationships feel repressed and unfulfilled in the intimacy of their marriage. Some seek out other
“partners” while others suffer silently and remain “faithful”. Some of these men also feel unfulfilled in their marriages. Some seek out
other relationships, some prostitutes, and some internet porn.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

There is a big gap in many of the families at this point. The pastor’s personal crusade against sex has put enough distance between
family members that many of the teen seek out support among the sub-culture. Sexual experimentation begins among boys and girls. So
does juvenile crime and drug use. The kids aren’t getting at home what they need in emotional support. Lacking experience and caring
adults, the only thing these kids can do is experiment with anything that might make them feel better.
Oh, sure, they feel guilt and shame for what they do. They live daily with the fear that they might end up in hell. They experience the
isolation that the pastor felt as a young boy and they long to be delivered but don’t know how.
They don’t feel that they have anyone they can trust outside of their peer group. They, like their parents and their pastor, will grow
older and they will also assume one of the group minds within the collective soul that continually inflicts them with guilt and shame. Some
will be unfaithful in their marriages and some will leave the church disillusioned with God and their own lack of self control. Some will
secretly maintain a habit of pornography, and some will suffer silently. Some will inflict their children with the same guilt and shame that
was inflicted on them. Sadly, some will commit suicide after many years of depression from their unresolved feelings.
Remember the focus of our discussion. I am not endorsing or condemning the practice of masturbation. While talking about sex, and
sexual issues, this is not a discussion about sex. I use this topic only because it demonstrates a common practice and experience that is
rarely discussed and which also causes feelings of guilt and shame. This is not a discussion of sexual practice. This discussion, is
concerned with how unconscious feelings can affect mind control.
Consider our example. The guilt feelings of a fourteen year old boy haunt him into adulthood. While he broke with the habit of
pornography early in his twenties, he never resolved the feelings of guilt and shame. Later in life, he takes a job in the “helping” profession
and becomes the pastor of a large church. He has a wife and family and his church is growing. He has a genuine desire to help the people
of his church and family, but is unconsciously “driven” by unresolved guilt and shame. The “acts” he committed, and the “habits” which
he formed are not his problem. It is his unresolved feelings about those acts and habits that drive him to “save” others from the same fate.
On the surface, everything he does seems commendable. But in reality, in the realm of energy and spirit, there are demons at work.
Demons who are inflicting the pastor, his family, and his church; with fear, lack of self worth, guilt, and shame. Division occurs within
families, and between teens and adults, and husbands and wives
Now imagine with me, every person in this large church. All have not just one unresolved issue but many. Imagine every repressed or
insecure thought that every person has faced throughout their entire lives. Imagine one man who was once a young boy, wanting
desperately to escape feelings of which he is not even consciously aware. Imagine that the unconscious feelings of this fourteen year old
boy, not the grown man, are connected to these available energies. These energies are focused on the people. Conceive of this collective
repression and insecurity bombarding every individual in every household associated with this church day and night, seven days a week,
three hundred sixty five days a year. The repression of guilt and shame over a secret habit by a fourteen year old boy, has infected the
minds of many; all without their conscious knowledge. This is mind control.
Now don’t be so narrow minded to think that I am criticizing pastors who counsel young men or who educate their churches. I have
described to you a tiny thread that is woven into the fabric of what has come to be known as this pastor’s church. One tiny thread is what I
am describing. Not the whole of the church or of the man who is the pastor; just one tiny thread that began at age fourteen when the pastor
was by himself. What I am pointing out here is that a very private action eventually resulted in a very public influence.
Private and secret actions do affect others. They create a “less than truthful” atmosphere around the person as a result of their
connection to the group minds and collective souls that promote the secrecy and in some cases, outright deception. Since this participation
in the group minds and collective souls remains at an unconscious level, a person can easily be controlled without their conscious
knowledge and awareness. This control is by the demonic spirits who inhabit the group minds and collective souls that contain thought
forms that reflect the nature and character of Satan, and which are in opposition to the nature and character of God.
The spirits in this example use the pastor’s unresolved feelings of guilt and shame to drive him to “help” others. This is not really help,
but emerges as mind control. The pastor believes he is caring for the members of his church and is driven to share his knowledge and
experience in order to “help” others.
The pastor’s efforts are applauded by the church members, largely because these people in their search for “peace of mind”, swear an
unconscious devotion to the pastor, and so come under his control. They develop a kind of “blind loyalty” to him and think only what he
tells them to think, and do only what he tells them to do.
One of the reasons that I chose a “pastor” for this example is that a pastor is someone that you should be able to trust with your
deepest, darkest secrets. He is someone who is supposed to look out for the wellbeing of you and your family. A pastor is also a leader.


Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Many people reading this are, at this moment, realizing that they have been under the control of a pastor or some key authority figure
in their life. This is not to say that you should immediately and publicly denounce this person. It is not to say that you should leave the
church. Prayer about what to do is the only solution. Do not make a hasty decision that could have long term negative consequences. Mind
control is more common than we would like to think.
It is quite easy for a pastor or anyone to dominate others through mind control. All it takes is a desire to help others, which may be
God’s true calling for the person’s life, and an unresolved, unrecognized, and unconscious issue of some kind.
Parents can easily fall into the trap of “controlling” their own children. Spouses can control each other. Bosses and coworkers can
control fellow employees. All resulting from some insecurity in the unconscious. This results in the controller abusing his own power and
authority; which will be his own “personal power and authority”, or “psychic energy”.
Use of your own “psychic energy” is like punching someone with your fist, except that instead of using a part of your physical body,
you use the energy of your being that is focused by your mind. This involves making a connection to the target, who must “receive” the
“suggestion” sent by the controller, in place of “rejecting” the suggestion. This “suggestion” is like an unconscious propaganda.
The rejection process sounds simple but remember that this is usually occurring at an unconscious level. At that level, you may have
doubts and insecurities that you do not recognize consciously. These unresolved areas are the places where “psychic attack” and mind
control find their mark. When a “suggestion” enters the target individual, it seeks out any like beliefs or attitudes within the unconscious.
In the case of our above example, and the “pastor”, a suggestion would align with the unresolved guilt and shame. The unconscious
portion of the mind would then be inundated with a deluge of propaganda in the form of the “suggestion”.
These “suggestions” are often accompanied by some visual or emotional cue. For example, an abusive father may focus on a child to
“behave” and may do this by a “look” that reminds the child that he will receive a beating when they return home. What the abusive father
is doing, is controlling the child through physical beatings and then using subtle gestures and looks in public to remind the child to “let” the
parent control them or they will receive more physical beatings. The father continually focuses his energy onto the child night and day to
control them but uses the gestures and visual cues to remind the child of the physical abuse waiting for him.
The child takes on an unconscious “fear” of not obeying the father and begins to watch him continually, in order to detect any “cues”
that would indicate a beating. At this point, the child’s mind is controlled by fear of the beatings and is focused on the abusive father.
Another example of visual and emotional cues, could be a person who gets their way through bad behaviors. These are often explosive
individuals who intimidate and threaten others in some manner. They can appear intellectual and calm most of the time, but when they can
not control others through their powers of reasoning then they make some “threatening gesture”. This can take the form of a red face, a
slowed speech pattern, change in the tone of their voice, stern looks, physical posturing of the body, or any other “change” from the normal
every day behavior. What they are doing, is issuing a warning. The unspoken message is that if you continue to resist their will, there will
be consequences and you don’t want to experience what will happen to you if it comes to that! You are subtly influenced to back off or pay
the price of their wrath!
In a case like this it is sometimes appropriate to “call the bluff’ of such a person, and at other times, it is more appropriate to simply
walk away from them and leave them with their rage. Let them suffer their own effects of over inflation of emotional anger.
A controller is created when a demon manages to get the individual to receive its “suggestion”. The process is the same as when
another person projects their energy, except that the energy projected is from a demonic spirit. This is often called “oppression”.
In Matthew chapter six, Jesus talks about how you can not serve two masters. He then repeats several times that we should “take no
thought” for various things. He says, “... take no thought for your life... “, “... Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his
stature?... “, why take you thought for raiment?... “, “ therefore, take no thought saying... “, “... take therefore no thought for the
morrow... “. He ends His discussion by saying, “...sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof”44

Author’s paraphrase of The King James.


Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

This “evil” is the unseen but very real influence of how our lives can be affected negatively by “taking” the thought suggestions that are
sent to us by “evil” spirits, or the “evil” fleshly intents of people driven by demonic spirits. lf unrecognized, this operation is at an
unconscious level and functions twenty four hours a day.
To combat this process, we are encouraged not to look to what we can “see” around us in the physical world, but “ seek first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness, ... “4~ and then all that we need or desire will be “added” to us. The work of Christ resolves,
recognizes, and brings to conscious awareness, the nature and character of God, which exposes the nature and character of Satan.
Issues that remain buried issues connect a person to the negative energies of the group minds and collective souls. This gives demonic
spirits a direct connection to the person where they can spread their influence and control. But through the work of Christ, the unresolved
issues are removed and whatever we need is “added” to us. Or in other words, we gain access to what we need or desire.
Again keep in mind that in the example of the pastor I have described only briefly, one tiny thread in the fabric of a church group. There
may be countless billions of threads in the entire fabric! I am simply pointing out how a single private experience of a young boy, can
eventually progress to where it affects many other people and exposes them to the same negative influence which they in turn will eventually
pass on to others. This is demonically orchestrated.
Understanding that simple alignment to negative group minds and collective souls even at a young age, can affect not just the
individual, but also large groups of people over a lifetime; gives clues to some of history’s greatest tragedies.
One such tragedy is the Nazi rule in Germany. No one knows what simple thoughts went through the mind of a young Adolph Hitler but
one can see the influence they had in the terrible holocaust.
Mad men do not simply get up one morning and decide to wipe out a segment of the population through their control of other people.
Mad men as we call them are carefully constructed by demons who pull young minds deeper and deeper into the darkness of the nature and
character of Satan. These young minds often start out in innocence. They often begin as children who become frightened, ashamed, or who
are abused. They often fear exposure for some transgression that is either large or small, real or imagined. These young minds are connected
to the group minds and collective souls that contain guilt, shame, fear, indifference, hatred, pride, lust, or self preservation. After steeping in
this soup of energy for years, the innocent are no longer innocent. They have become hardened to the truth. They have become incapable of
alignment to the nature and character of God. They are the physical embodiment of Satan. They act accordingly and proceed to steal, kill,
and to destroy. They are “antichrist” and so “anti-” the work of Christ and the nature and character of God. Beloved brothers and sisters;
pray for our children!
Murders, rapists, serial killers, drug lords, organized criminals, gangs, prostitutes and child molesters; are connected to group minds and
collective souls that endorse their behaviors, and soothe their insecurities. The demons that remain behind the spiritual curtain steer and
control these people to carry out the nature and character of Satan; which is to steal, kill, and to destroy. These people are controlled by the
spirits and many control others directly through their response while some of their actions are indirectly inflicted upon others in the society
and the demonic influence and control is passed on from one generation to the next. All this occurs without the conscious awareness of the
participants. They sleep to the life of God and awake only to their own fleshly desires
In Ephesians 5:14-18 we are given instruction to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God and not walk as fools. The passage reads,
“Therefore He says: Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. See then that you walk circumspectly, not as
fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And
do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, ...
Mind control is deadly and diabolical. It is where an individual usually rises to a position of leadership and in his own mind, sets out to
“help” a select group of people. Driven by unresolved issues in the unconscious, these people push their agenda on to others in order to
“help” them.
In some cases, the agenda is for the controller to “help” themselves in some twisted fulfillment of a fleshly desire. Whatever, the
particulars, these people connect to the dark energies of negative group minds and collective souls.
Unknown to them and to the people they affect and control is the operation of demonic spirits. The people think that they are carrying
out their own will, or even the will of God; but they are in fact, carrying out the will of Satan by reproducing his nature and character
through their actions and attitudes. They sleep the sleep of the dead and are separate from the life of God. Their way seems right to them but
in the end, this way lead to destruction.

The King James.
46 The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.

Chapter 8
“If the You
doorsDie… Manifesting
of perception The Will And Purpose of God
were cleansed
everything would appear to man as it is:
infinite.” —William Blake
Chapter 3

Ultimate Truth


The box which

contains experience
would be the
person’s perception
of ultimate truth.



In the above graphic, ultimate truth, or the experience of the nature and character of God is represented as an ellipse. A
person’s awareness of this truth will affect the physical manifestation that is experienced by that individual. These three,
awareness, manifestation, and experience; function together to form the vehicle of perception, represented here as the vertical
rectangle. The perception is the rectangle. The interior of the rectangle is the experience. The top of the rectangle which is
experiencing a limited exposure to ultimate truth is the awareness. The bottom of the rectangle would be the manifestation in the
physical realm. These four distinct areas, coexist and operate together. Each affects and supports the other. The rectangle
operates like an old fashioned telescope with the eye piece at the bottom where manifestation takes place. The awareness end
is pointed at whatever you desire to view. If the awareness is pointed somewhere within the ellipse of ultimate truth, then the
individual will receive a physical manifestation of ultimate truth. If, however, the awareness end of perception were to fall to an
area outside the ellipse of ultimate truth, then manifestations that are in conflict with the nature and character of God will manifest
in the physical realm. As already noted, the four areas of awareness, manifestation, experience, and perception function
together like the old style telescope, but the person using the telescope can choose what to point it at. They can choose to focus
their perception on ultimate truth or they can swing it outside the ellipse of ultimate truth and view whatever they desire.
Depending on where they focus the awareness end, will determine what manifests within the physical realm. You do not change
by force the physical realm, you reposition and refocus the awareness on the desired end result and when this occurs you
change your experience. This new experience changes your very being which now includes the new focus and this, in turn,
determines what you will experience as a physical outcome and manifestation. You should never attempt to affect change by
force or control. These are a treadmill of negative energies and are in conflict with the nature and character of God. To effect
lasting change, you must become the desired change within your being. This is accomplished by focusing your perception on
ultimate truth. You become aware of the ultimate everlasting truth and this experience changes your state of being. When this
occurs, it determines the physical outcome of what is possible for physical manifestation in your reality. Your physical reality, is a
result of your state of being that is derived from your awareness.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Ultimate Truth

The circular graphic below represents eight possible areas of “ultimate truth” and how they are partially viewed and experienced
through perception. (This is by no means a “complete” representation of ultimate truth, but is only a visual example.)
Lets examine three familiar areas of perception:
The Ultimate Truth of Health.
The Ultimate Truth of Abundance and Prosperity.
The Ultimate Truth of Salvation.
The shaded areas within the circle represent one’s experience of the ultimate truth which is gained through a distorted
perception and which has an awareness of parts of the truth of God’s nature and character, but which does not understand or align
with this completely. Perception is indicated by the darker lines that run along side of the shaded areas of experience within the
circle. Perception is the “container” where experience exists.
The shaded areas outside the circle represent the manifestation that occurs in one’s physical reality as a result of the limited
awareness. These shaded areas can manifest aspects of the nature and character of God when connected to the experience of
“being”, or they can manifest characteristics that are contrary to the nature and character of God when “experience” of that truth is
incomplete or absent. When the experience of ultimate truth is incomplete or absent, the awareness is severely limited and it
becomes possible to manifest things which are not the will and purpose of God.

A person in this state of perception would manifest into their particular reality sickness and disease. They would have limited
financial resources while here in the earth, but they have an understanding of salvation through Christ and would go to heaven.
Their lack of experience and distorted perceptions severely limit the Ultimate truth of God’s nature and character from physical
manifestation. This also opens the door for manifestations that are not aligned with the nature and character of God to manifest
things like sickness, disease, lack, debt, poverty, and low self esteem. A person in this state would have a very limited
awareness of ultimate truth due to the distorted and restricted dictates of what the person “sees” through perception.

This graphic is an over simplified representation of

how perception dictates experience and awareness.

Ultimate Truth of Health



Ultimate Truth of
Abundance and
Ultimate Truth of

Manifestation that is not the will Manifestation Of Reality

of God due to a lack of awareness that is the will of God.
and so experience.
Of Reality that is
the will of God.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

As demonstrated in the graphics on the previous pages, it is possible to manifest physically “facts” or conditions that are in
conflict with the nature and character of God. If you refer back to the graphic on “Ultimate Truth” and analyze the data, you
will see that a person in this example has less than half of an awareness and so experience of “health”, about a fifth of an
awareness and experience of “prosperity and abundance”, and even less awareness and experience of “salvation”. Note that
even the physical manifestations that result from “experience” are a result of a partial or fragmented experience. There are
also large areas where this individual has no “awareness” of ultimate truth and so no “experience” at all in certain aspects of
that truth. The resulting physical manifestations (Noted at the bottom of the graphic.) are in complete conflict with ultimate
truth, or the nature and character of God. Without an awareness of the ultimate truth, there can be no “experience” of that
truth. Without experience of the truth, the truth can not set you free and the result will be unwanted physical manifestations.
Referring to the graphic on “Awareness”, we discussed how a person can aim the awareness outside the ellipse of ultimate
truth, and so their “experience” will physically manifest as something other than truth or, in other words, the nature and
character of Satan. In the example of the person in the graphic of “Ultimate Truth” this is manifested as sickness, disease,
financial lack, and a “just make it into heaven” kind of salvation.
A sad and sorry state of being, but one which describes about 78% of all bible believing Christians! Only about one and a
half percent of all Christians ever reach a state of awareness, experience and being that can affect positive lasting change and
promote the nature and character of God. I am a messenger, not to the 20.5%, but to the 78% who are hungry and oppressed!
Oddly enough, the 20.5% are the hardest people to reach. These people live comfortable lives and have a degree of “blessing”
in manifestation. They are the “three friends of Job” and they don’t hesitate to “comfort” people with their religious rhetoric.
They constantly “minister” their distorted perceptions of truth to anyone within ear shot! They feed off the people and control
and oppress them. They are the “spiritual adults and adolescents” which I mentioned in the previous chapter, but they are not
the “children” of God who are implicitly obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Moving back to our example, the person in this sorry state of being is remaining in that state due to the physical
manifestation of what is not the will of God (As noted at the bottom of the graphic.). Attention to this physical state of
manifestation and being results in a continued focus on the “problem” and so no “solution” is possible due to this repeated
focus on the problem. As already stated, we “think” in terms of our conscious thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs; but we are
affected not only by those thoughts, but by the group minds, and collective souls that are also connected to the thoughts. The
person in this example finds themselves a victim of their own perception. Perception is the vehicle that houses experience,
attains awareness, and receives manifestation. As we said, it is like an old style telescope that we can point at whatever we
choose. In our example, this individual simply does not have an awareness of ultimate truth that allows for the relief of
physical manifestation. They are focused on the “problems” of their physically manifested reality, and can not therefore
conceive of any solution to these problems. In fact, all their “efforts”, or “doing” has not resulted in any change, because the
constant “doing” is a reflection of the problem itself. “Doing” is the problem! They are “doing” the best that they know how
but the symptoms and circumstances remain fixed and unchanged because their focus is on the problem and on finding
solutions to the problem. Their vehicle of perception has its awareness focused on the problem, or on finding a solution to the
problem, which is still, “focus on the problem”. As a result of this focus, their “experience”, or inner knowing, causes the
problem to manifest. Their perception is one of the problem and so the only thing they are aware of, experience, and manifest,
is the problem. They are locked into a loop that they can not escape by continually “doing” something about the problem.
How does such a person find relief?
This can only be accomplished by changing their state of “being”. Being is determined by perception, which is a result of
manifestation. Manifestation occurs by experience, and experience comes through awareness. Awareness results from a focus
on anything. When the vehicle of perception is consciously shifted from the “current manifestation” to “the desired end
result”; the awareness shifts and focuses on “the desired end result”. The “telescope” is aimed at what is desired, instead of
what is currently in manifestation. This is the step where the person breaks free from the “loop”. They must literally “call
those things that are not as though they were”.xvi With the awareness now shifted from the problem and on to the ultimate
truth, the person begins to have a different experience. This inner knowing of experience creates a new physical
manifestation. This manifestation reinforces and establishes a new perception and enables the individual to remain focused on
the ultimate truth. All that is needed now for continued manifestation of “the desired end result” is persistence of thought and
focus, through drill and repetition. In other words, continued refocusing of the awareness onto the ultimate truth, through
repeated and repetitious conscious thoughts that are now possible with the new perception. The simplest, most effective way
of accomplishing this, is to speak the desired end result. Frame what you desire with words and speak it out. Not only does
this contain vibrational frequency of the desired end result, but it allows you to program the unconscious to focus on what is
desired, as opposed to what is in current manifestation.
An individual must focus on the desired end result in order to effect change in this manner. Focusing on the problem will
bring more of the problem. Focusing on a solution to the problem, will bring more of the problem because looking for a
“solution” to the problem, is still looking at the problem. Only by a conscious shift of the awareness away from the problem
to the desired end result will enable the individual to break out of the “loop” of “awareness of the problem”.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

It is quite literally a shift in consciousness from the problem, to a state of awareness that the problem does not, and can not
exist. We manifest what we are aware of. If we shift our perception of reality to a place where the problem does not, and can
not exist; the problem goes out of physical manifestation.
You can not simply “will” something not to be. You must replace the undesirable with the desirable.
In our example that uses the graphic of “Ultimate Truth”, the mistake that this individual makes is that they attempt by
endless “doing” to eradicate the problems in physical manifestation. The “real” problem begins with perception or what you
“see”. What you “see” is a result of what you “look at” and hold within your consciousness. If you look at your problem-you
will manifest physical symptoms of that problem within your reality. You might think that if you look at a solution to the
problem-that this will provide relief but this is still looking at the problem. What you are unknowingly accomplishing is that
you are attempting to replace the “undesirable” with the “undesirable”. By constantly hacking away at the physical reality of
your problems, you are unknowingly creating more manifestations of those same problems. Your treadmill of “doing”
indicates that your state of “being” is that the problem exists within you, in your experience. As we discussed, the experience
produces physical manifestation, so “doing” anything about the problem, signifies, and allows the problem to exist in physical
manifestation. Only when an individual reaches a state of “being” where the problem does not, and can not exist; will the
physical manifestation change to the desired end result.
Fighting sickness and disease will either frustrate you, exhaust you, or kill you. It is only when you understand by
awareness, experience, manifestation, and perception; that “by His stripes you are already healed”xvii that you will receive
healing. When you realize that the fight is over and you are the winner by virtue of your alignment with the work of Christ;
you will be whole. Only by focusing on wholeness can you be made whole. It is only when your reality and state of being
becomes “health” that you will realized that sickness and disease, do not, and can not exist; that you will find unwanted
symptoms melting away like wax!
With that example in mind, let us discuss why we do not always see immediate manifestation of the desired end result.
As the graphic on “Ultimate Truth” indicates at the bottom of the figure, manifestation that is not the will of God can occur.
Imagine this manifested reality as being like a hardened wax that is used in candles. While in this hardened state, you could
take a block of this wax and throw it through a pane of glass or even break holes in a wall with it. It could be used to inflict a
great deal of physical damage and yet still remain intact. But if you took that same block of wax and placed it in an area
where you could raise the temperature degree by degree, the block would first soften, then gradually liquefy, and eventually
burst into flame and dissipate.
This simple example of a block of wax is like a reflection of how unwanted manifestation behaves. In its “solid form” an
unwanted manifestation can produce all sorts of physical damage through force. There’s no denying its reality and potential
for harm. But take that same manifestation, and apply higher and lighter energy vibrations to it and the lower denser energies
will begin to soften and eventually liquefy and dissipate just as the block of wax would do in the presence of increased
temperature. These higher, lighter energies dissipate the lower denser energies and the reality that the “problem” can not exist,
manifests into physical reality.
Romans 12:21 states this principle like this, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”xviii We are to align
our being with the higher, lighter vibrational frequencies to overcome the lower denser energies. Light dissipates darkness,
but darkness can not affect light. Evil can not stand against good because good dissipates and overcomes evil in every
instance. You must overcome evil, and not align yourself with it, by aligning yourself with good. In order to “do” something
evil to someone else, you must first “become” that same evil within your state of being. You can not give away what you do
not have so when you respond to another person in a negative or evil fashion, you are demonstrating what is already the state
of your “being”. To “do” evil, is to “be” evil. You can not send out evil and expect to receive good in return.
This universal principle is even acknowledged in witchcraft. It is stated in the “Wiccan Rede”, “…mind the threefold law
ye should, three times bad, and three times good…”xix
“The threefold return” results from the “bounce back” of whatever vibrational frequency is originally sent out. This
“bounce back” operates on the principle of “force” and “counter-force”. When a force is exerted, an equal and opposite
counter-force will result. It is like the pendulum hanging straight down at rest, that is lifted to the left and allowed to fall. It
does not stop at the vertical resting point, but swings to the right to the height of which it was lifted on the left side. The
threefold return reflects and manifests this in the bounce back of the vibrational frequencies from the thought forms, group
minds, and collective souls that were connected to when the original vibrational frequency was sent out. Whatever is sent out,
be it love or hatred; the thought forms, group minds, and collective souls will “echo” back to the sender a vibrational
frequency of the same kind. You consciously send out the thought forms, but you receive a bounce back of vibrational
frequency from the thought forms, group minds, and collective souls. You think that you are sending out one thing and getting
three back, but you are actually sending out energy from all three. Quite literally, what you give out will return to you
“threefold”. This principle also demonstrates that while we only consider the impact of our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs in
terms of what we consciously “think”, we are always connected to larger forces. We may consciously, and silent harbor
resentment toward another person, but we are unaware of our connection to, and participation in the group minds, and

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

collective souls that contain that resentment. We are aware of our silent thinking, but we are unaware of our connection to the
larger energetic forces which impose their will upon us and result in a “threefold return”.
Therefore, it is all important to align your total being with the higher energies because these higher energies will always
cause the lower energies to dissipate. If you gradually turn up the heat, a block of wax will soften, liquefy, and dissipate. If
you hold and continue to apply higher energy to lower energy, the lower energy will go away. If you apply ultimate truth to a
physical manifestation that is not aligned with truth, the physical manifestation will eventually go away. If on the other hand,
you align yourself with the negative lower and denser energies, you will receive a threefold return of what you send out and
this return will most surely result in unwanted manifestation.
It is for this reason that some manifestations take time to remove. These unwanted manifestations have a harden form in
the physical realm and need time to be gradually soften, liquefied, and dissipated by the increase and application of higher and
lighter energies. The solution is to look to ultimate truth. To focus the awareness onto ultimate truth. This is the perspective
of God. By looking at ultimate truth you will “see” that the problem can not exist. And so you will change your experience as
a result of your change in perception. This change of experience begins with an expanded awareness of ultimate truth and so
changes what we eventually manifest in our reality. It boils down to-if you look at anything from God’s perspective, you
change and refocus your perception. When you change your perception, this change sends new orders to your experience
since perception dictates your reality and so your experience. When your experience changes to encompass a larger view of
ultimate truth, your ability to manifest also enlarges to include the new insight and results in physical manifestation of the
higher vibrational frequencies.
If, by contrast, you have a perception that “allows” sickness or disease, and does not therefore experience healing-then
your awareness remains separate from the ultimate truth of health, healing, and restoration. You can manifest a reality that
contains sickness or disease even though the ultimate truth is that sickness and disease can not exist. Through your limited
view, which is your perception of reality, of ultimate truth, you limit your experience by excluding health, healing, and
restoration. Your awareness consists ONLY of the sickness or disease because this is the only experience you can conceive of
within your mind, since your perception dictates your experience. Perception-is our limited view of ultimate truth that dictates
our reality and so experience. William Blake wrote, “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to
man as it is: infinite.” House cleaning begins at home. If we are to increase our awareness, we must cleanse the doors of
perception with God’s ultimate truth and nature and character.
Until we are able to understand in our deepest depths that everything that is good and desirable is in fact infinite, then our
awareness is severely limited and so to our manifestation. Awareness-is our experience of ultimate truth. Awareness-is the
key to manifesting anything. You can not become aware of ultimate truth by looking at the false truth of what is currently in
manifestation. We do not “do” anything to manifest change. We change our awareness and the shift causes effects to
manifest within the physical realm. It is not a series of “causes” and “effects” that bring about the physical changes. All
“effects” already exist in form, but our focus and so experience, dictates what will manifest and when it will manifest.
Sickness, disease, lack, and eternal damnation exist in “form” right now. Health, healing, abundance, and eternal life also
exist in “form” right now. It is in accordance with our level of awareness as to what manifests as physical reality. Awareness
is a state of “being” not endless “doing”. As we change our being by refocusing our awareness from a falsehood to the
ultimate truth, unwanted manifestation begins to melt away and the desired end result manifests.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

How Perception Manifests Reality

The Spiritual Realm

Ultimate truth Awareness

Awareness Awareness

The Mental Realm Gradual E

increase x
through the p
renewing of e
the mind. r
e Perception

Mental Disposition of what will be Manifested.

The conscious awareness.

Mental states of “being”.

Mental Mental
Disposition Disposition
resulting from Mental resulting from
the state of Disposition the state of
Being resulting from Being
Disobedient the state of Confused
“Doing” Being “Doing”
True “Being”

The Physical Realm

Physical Physical Physical

Reality Reality Reality

False Physical Physical manifestations of False Physical

Manifestations ultimate truth or the nature Manifestations
and character of God.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Another reason why the desired manifestations can be delayed is that our experience must first increase through drill,
repetition, and rehearsal; and so our soul must prosper before physical manifestation can take place. To simplify this, think of
our telescope of perception as a metal bar. At one end is the awareness which is placed into a super heated flame and at the
other end is physical manifestation. When this bar of metal first has one end placed into the flame, nothing happens. But if
you were to leave the one end in the flame long enough, you would notice that the metal would start to glow orange from the
heat of the flame. Gradually, this orange glow of heat would move further and further out of the flame into the metal bar and
the metal bar would eventually glow orange its entire length, provided that the flame was hot enough. This is what happens
when we focus our awareness on anything, and then keep the focus on that area. Just as the heat from the flame will move out
and eventually heat the entire metal bar, so to, if we continue to keep our focus on the desired end result, our experience will
take on the nature and character of the flame and will heat up the entire bar. When the orange glow of heat reaches the end of
the bar not in the flame, physical manifestation of the desired end result will occur. Examine the following graphic.

How Experience Increases

Through Drill, Repetition, and Rehearsal

Perception is the outside of the

rectangle. It is the vehicle which
contains awareness, experience,
and manifestation.


Level or degree of
experience or inner

Ultimate truth

In this example, physical manifestation occurs as a result of the increase of experience, through drill, repetition, and
rehearsal. Like the heat from a flame, drill, repetition, and rehearsal of the desired end result will cause your experience to
change and will transform your state of being. This change in your state of “being” is determined by perception, which is a
result of physical manifestation. Manifestation occurs by experience, and experience comes through awareness. Awareness
results from a focus on anything. When the vehicle of perception is consciously shifted from the “current manifestation” to
“the desired end result”; the awareness shifts and focuses on “the desired end result”. The “telescope” is aimed at what is
desired, instead of what is currently in manifestation. Drill, repetition, and rehearsal of the desired end result causes your
awareness to stay focused on what you desire to have manifested in your physical reality and your experience gradually takes
on the nature and character of the desired end result. Whatever you wish for and concentrate on, will eventually manifest
physically so it is important to stay focused only on things of a positive and lasting nature. You literally “become” what you
desire, so you must desire only what is good and of the nature and character of God. If you desire harm to another, you are
making the very elements of that harm a part of your very being. When you harm others, you become that harm in your nature
and character before it ever manifests physically.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

The Illusion



The Desired Awareness

End Result.

Being Experience

Perception Manifestation

Physical Realm

The motion of eventual manifestation in this figure is clockwise. There is no beginning or ending of what we think of as a cycle. All the
independent parts, function as a whole. Though we can follow the clockwise influence of one part upon another, all of the parts constantly
interact and affect each other. If you change one aspect in any area, you change the whole. The cyclic pattern only occurs from our limited
perception of ultimate truth. As you read this, you are experiencing your current physical reality. That reality is a result of manifestation of
physical form which gives you a certain perception of everyone and everything around you, and even of what you are capable of imagining.
This unique perception causes you to become the things which you believe and are familiar with. This creates your state of “being”. Your
state of being is every fiber of your spirit, mind, and body. It is not only who you are, but what you are made of. “Like” attracts “like” and
your being will attract more of the same stuff of which it is composed. The desired end result of your desires will be to “be” more of what
you are. This results in your focus constantly being aligned with the same components of which you are made. You become what you
behold and this holding pattern of your constant attention is the awareness. As you “hold” what you behold, you take on the nature and
character of what you are giving your attention. This is what will come to you as experience. Experience will either reinforce your current
state of being, or it will introduce new levels of awareness into you. After you have reached the limit of your experience, physical
manifestation will occur. Experience is like an empty glass that water is dripped into. As the water slowly fills the container, it will reach a
point where the glass can no longer contain any more liquid. When this occurs, the glass will overflow. This overflow is what creates the
physical manifestation. This physical manifestation will create a physical reality which we view through a unique perception; and the
process continues…

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Manifestation is not an “event” that results from cause and effect. Manifestation is an observable part of a continuous
cycle. You are “manifesting” all the time. Cause and effect, are only illusions that result from a limited perception of ultimate
truth. What is “manifested” is a result of one’s state of being. There is no cause and effect; there is only awareness and the
resulting experience. This experience overflows from the realm of form (the invisible) and flows into the physical realm (what
can be seen). The perceived physical “event” is observable only as a result of the unseen state of being. It is seen as an event,
only because of a limited perception. Manifestation has no beginning and no end. It neither starts nor stops. It flows.
Manifestation flows as a result of the continuous but unseen power of “being”. Since it has no beginning or end, manifestation
can not be “stopped” or “altered”. Manifestation just “is” because “being” just “is”. The only way to change manifestation is
to change the state of being. Attempts to change the current physical reality are futile, because the physical reality is being
produced by the current state of being. If you succeed in altering the physical reality by physical control, manipulation, or
force, your state of being will create more of the same manifestation of that state of being and you will have more of what you
are attempting to eradicate. You also can not change your state of being since you can not attract to yourself anything but
what you already are! You must change your state of being in order to manifest something different, but you can not do this as
long as your current state of being is the same as what is in physical manifestation.
What you need is something that is “outside” of yourself. Something new, and lasting. Something that will transcend the
boundaries of self identity, time, and space. Something that is eternal. You need the perspective of God. You need to look
beyond your own “being” and focus your awareness on ultimate truth, which is the nature and character of God. You need to
“perceive” or “see” yourself as God “sees” you. Seeing yourself from within your own being only locks you into a state that is
unchangeable, because you can not change what you are by observing who and what you are. You will only manifest more of
you. When you view yourself from God’s perspective, you introduce the possibility of changing from who you are, to who
God says that you are. Your state of being goes from a limited “loop” from which there is no escape, to a state of continuous
God can only give of Himself, His nature and character, and when you align your attention to His nature and character, you
will begin to take this on through your experience. You will become what you behold and if you continuously, repetitively
view and experience the nature and character of God, then you will become that nature and character in your very being.
When your being changes, physical manifestation will reflect this change.


As we stated before, awareness is the key to manifestation. You are manifesting all the time, so if there is something in the
current physical manifestation that you want to change, then you must change this at the level of “being” by shifting the
awareness to something outside the self. We must become the change that we want to see manifested in the world, so we must
change our state of being and the only way to do this is to shift the awareness. If you do not shift the awareness, being will
remain the same and so will the current physical manifestation. If, however, you shift the awareness to the desired end result
as opposed to the current physical manifestation, you will begin to affect and change your experience of the new aspect of
truth, and this will eventually create an overflow of your state of being into physical reality. This will change the current
physical manifestation into the desired end result.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

Chapter 9

“There is an age of light coming and which is

already here-where things that have been
hidden will be revealed. Come and see the new
things-they have been since the beginning but are
now revealed. Come and walk with me
Beyond The Dark Times. Maybe I will write a book... “ 1

As we have just discussed in the previous chapters, manifestation is an illusion of our limited perception that appears to us
as though it resulted due to “cause” and “effect”. Manifestation is actually a continuous process that has no beginning or
ending. It is a physically observable “event” that is produced from our state of “being”. We are actually manifesting all the
time due to the fact that our awareness is always focused on something. Something holds our attention at all times. Whatever
we give our attention to, becomes our experience, and experience produces the manifestation of whatever is the state of our
“being”. We become what we behold. Physical manifestation is a result of who we are and what we are made of in our nature
and character.
As believers or “Christians”, the instruction given to us is to find the “eternal” life and not just the “temporary” life of this
world. It has to do with you shifting the focus of your awareness from the “temporary” things that you can see, feel, hear, taste,
and smell; to the “eternal” things that will not perish at the end of time. This means that we must look at this world from God’s
perspective and not our own. It means that we must focus our awareness on the nature and character of God which is ultimate
truth. It is about putting to death your “flesh” or human nature and assuming through the work of Christ the nature and
character of God in our “being”. You may like to think that your body belongs to you and you can do whatever you like with
it, but the reality is that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Denying God’s nature and character, means that you are refusing to take advantage of the work of Christ that enables you
to reconnect to God the Father. In place of His “eternal” nature and character, you are choosing to align yourself in this
physical realm with the “temporary” manifestations that mirror and so reproduce the nature and character of Satan.
God can only demonstrate His love to you by manifesting His very nature and character in your being. You must align
your spirit, soul, and body with His ultimate truth. The only way that God can produce anything in physical manifestation for
you, is to become “one spirit” with you, and the only way this can occur is if you submit your “physical body” to His will and
purpose so that all aspects of your consciousness are aligned with His nature and character. He wants you to “feel good” about
yourself and to have self worth for the right reasons. God wants you to recognize and pursue who you really are. He wants you
to fulfill your purpose and to reach your full potential. He wants you to understand that you emerged from Him, and that He
has a plan for you and has made a way for you to follow that plan. God wants you to understand that you are His child, His
offspring, and that your nature and character are of divine origin. For this reason, yourself worth must come from God and His
perspective. You must “agree” with the work of Christ that God has done through Him and “be” in the “now” by reflecting
back to God what has already been accomplished. The work of Christ in the spiritual realm is ultimate truth. The work of
Christ in the physical realm is the manifestation of that truth into physical reality. Without God’s perspective about your own
self worth, “self’ becomes “god” and faith and the work of Christ are completely denied in place of “self will”.
Knowledge of the self is all important though. Not in the sense of having a “selfish” concept of our identity or an over
inflated “ego”, but a clear picture of who you really are from God’s perspective. You cannot give away or benefit from what
you have not made to be a part of your nature and character. Self worth must be a part of your very “being”. You cannot give
to others what you lack in your own self. You can speak truth to others but you cannot “minister” truth unless truth has been
made part of your state of “being”. Self worth must “be” who you are, not what you or others say, do, or think about you.
Yourself worth must be a state of being that originates with the love God has for you as His creation. You were created “by”
God and “for” God. Your self worth was generated in the mind of God before the foundations of the universe were laid.
Knowing your self worth, is knowing God’s individual plan and purpose for your life. It is knowing that you were created with
intention. Knowing that God loves you and has a specific plan and purpose for you to fulfill in your life time is to know your
Righteousness, then becomes a new lifestyle of love. We “live” to righteousness, because righteousness leads to the life of
God and His love for us. “Sin” is disobedience to God, and so leads to the opposite of life, or death. Living a righteous

1 From the author’s personal journal dated August 9th, 2003. Work began on the author’s first book, around September 5th, 2004.

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

life does not mean that everything that we do, say, and think is perfect. It means that we consciously “stop sinning” or “stop
being disobedient” and seek to reproduce the nature and character of God by aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with
His great plan of love. We must come to understand what God’s love to us is and must make this a part of our conscious
To experience this “love” of God, or to experience His true nature and character through righteousness, we must enter a
state of “being” sensitive and obedient to the prompting of His Holy Spirit. We must live every moment, in the moment
through obedience to His will and purpose, which are life. We must overcome our fear of God and see ourselves as His sons
and daughters. We must become like Him in our state of being.
“Being” is the only state in which God can operate. God is love; therefore, in order for God to reveal this “love” that is His
very nature and character, He must remain in a state of “now” or “being”. God must love because love is His nature and
character. We must become His love in our being.
There are only three possible states of “being”. Confidence that you are being obedient to the will and purpose of God by a
clear conscience toward truth. Fear and the realization that you are being disobedient to the will and purpose of God by a
stabbing sense that you know you are doing something wrong. Or anxiety which has resulted from false teaching and which
restricts the freeing power of the truth and creates the feeling of not knowing what to do in any given situation. In short, being
It becomes clear then that the conscience must be cleansed and made sharp and clear in order for it to be an accurate
guidance system. Knowing that God “is” love and that He demonstrated that love toward us through the work of Christ, is the
only foundation that will enable us to produce His nature and character in our lives and so, situations and enable us to follow
God with the direction of a clear conscience.
It takes practice to discern your inner world and state of being but it is very clearly defined and so able to be managed. The
conscience rises up from the lower abdomen and manifests at the solar plexus. The emotions start in the chest area and move
down toward the solar plexus or remain active in the chest area. The back of the base of the neck is an access port where an
angel or demon can contact you and the intellect manifests above the neck as the “talking head” and moves down toward the
solar plexus. To follow the direction of the conscience, you simply respond to the insights that rise from the lower abdomen
and which are felt at the solar plexus as clear directives for specific actions or alignment of your being. It is the “clear and
specific” direction that rises from the lower abdomen that differentiates the conscience, from the emotions, the intellect, or a
spiritual entity.
Since the goal of “being” is to obey God’s will and purpose through the guidance of a conscience that is sharp and clear; it
is important that we understand how the conscience signals us to specific action. To understand this, we must separate and be
able to differentiate between the human intellect, outside entities, the emotions, and the conscience. We must also understand
how and where these function within the body and what they feel like, so that we can manifest the will and purpose of God.
In order to manifest anything, we must become that change and enter a state of “being” that reproduces the change we
wish to see manifested. You do not change the world by “doing” things to control your surroundings. You change the world
around you, by changing yourself and entering a “state of being” that beams out the change that you desire. The world around
you responds to this change of “being” and you become “magnetic” to the things you desire. Change then manifests in your
situation and world. This is a principle that you must learn in order to have the things you desire in life. It involves keeping the
focus of your awareness fixed on the nature and character of God by drill, repetition, and rehearsal of what God has already
said about you and your situation.
You don’t “get stuff’ from God, you take His word and change your state of “being” with it, and then this allows Him to
manifest His nature and character in your situation. Whatever “change” you are seeking in your situation, you are really
looking for an aspect of God’s nature and character. The way that you manifest that change is to receive the word of God into
yourself. God and His Word are the same. To receive the Word of God, is to receive His nature and character. When you
“receive” His nature and character, you are agreeing that the Word is truth, and then you make that truth a part of yourself.
Your state of “being” changes and aligns with the nature and character of God and God is then granted access to manifest in
your situation. You simply give God the focus of your awareness. This focus is what worship really is!
Receiving the promises of God then, is not “getting more” of something or acquiring something that you want, receiving
from God is the process where you gradually expel the nature and character of Satan that is in manifestation in your life and
replace this with the nature and character of God. You receive the nature and character of God, which drives Out the nature
and character of Satan and the symptoms or situations which it has produced. This is accomplished by gaining a knowledge of
His truth, understanding it, and making the truth a part of our “being”. By making truth a part of our “being”, we are taking on
the very nature and character of God. We become “one spirit” with God. God is truth, and


Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

His truth has already made us free! When we agree with what He has already said and done and then make this a part of our
state of “being”, God is able to manifest His promised blessing into our life and situations.
When we refer to manifestation, we are actually talking about your spiritual state of being and self worth that are reflected
in the physical realm as your reality. Manifestation then is not an “event” that results from cause and effect. Manifestation is
an observable part of a continuous cycle that mirrors who you are and what you are made of in the spiritual realm. It is a
physical demonstration of whatever holds the focus of your awareness. You are “manifesting” all the time. Cause and effect,
are only illusions that result from a limited perception of ultimate truth. What is “manifested” is a result of one’s state of being.
There is no cause and effect; there is only awareness and the resulting experience. This experience overflows from the realm
of form (the invisible) and flows into the physical realm (what can be seen). The perceived physical “event” is observable only
as a result of the unseen state of being. It is seen as an event, only because of a limited perception. Manifestation has no
beginning and no end. It neither starts nor stops. It flows. Manifestation flows as a result of the continuous but unseen power
of “being”. Since it has no beginning or end, manifestation cannot be “stopped” or “altered”. Manifestation just “is” because
“being” just “is”. The only way to change manifestation is to change the state of being. Attempts to change the current
physical reality are futile, because the physical reality is being produced by the current state of being. If you succeed in
altering the physical reality, the state of being will create more of the same manifestation of that state of being and you will
have more of what you are attempting to eradicate. You also can not change your state of being since you cannot attract to
yourself anything but what you already are! You must change your state of being in order to manifest something different, but
you cannot do this as long as your current state of being is the same as what is in physical manifestation.
What you need is something that is “outside” of yourself. Something new, and lasting. Something that will transcend the
boundaries of self identity, time, and space. Something that is eternal. You need the perspective of God. You need to look
beyond your own “being” and focus your awareness on ultimate truth, which is the nature and character of God. You need to
“perceive” or “see” yourself as God “sees” you. Seeing yourself from within your own being only locks you into a state that is
unchangeable, because you cannot change what you are by observing who and what you are. You will only manifest more of
you. When you view yourself from God’s perspective, you introduce the possibility of changing from who you are, to who
God says that you are. Your state of being goes from a limited “loop” from which there is no escape, to a state of continuous
God can only give of Himself, His nature and character, and when you align your attention to His nature and character, you
will begin to take this on through your experience. You will become what you behold and if you continuously, repetitively
view and experience the nature and character of God, then you will become that nature and character in your very being. When
your being changes, physical manifestation will reflect this change.
As we stated before, awareness is the key to manifestation. You are manifesting all the time, so if there is something in the
current physical manifestation that you want to change, then you must change this at the level of “being” by shifting the
awareness to something outside the self and away from the nature and character of Satan. We must become the change that we
want to see manifested in the world, so we must change our state of being and the only way to do this is to shift the awareness.
If you do not shift the awareness, your state of “being” will remain the same and so will the current physical manifestation. If,
however, you shift the awareness to the desired end result as opposed to the current physical manifestation, you will begin to
affect and change your experience of the new aspect of truth, and this will eventually create an overflow of your state of being
into physical reality. This will change the current physical manifestation into the desired end result.
Remember that physical manifestation is an illusion of our limited perception that appears to us as though it resulted due to
“cause” and “effect”. Manifestation is actually a continuous process that has no beginning or ending. It is a physically
observable “event” that is produced from our state of “being”. We are actually manifesting all the time due to the fact that our
awareness is always focused on something.
Right now, as you read this, your spiritual state of “being” is manifesting your physical reality. At this moment, you are
manifesting aspects of the nature and character of God, and the nature and character of Satan. Something holds our attention at
all times and whatever we give our attention to, becomes our experience, and experience produces the manifestation of
whatever is the state of our “being”. We become what we behold. Physical manifestation is a result of who we are and what
we are made of in our nature and character.
Every deviation from perfect alignment with truth, brings our awareness into contact with the nature and character of
Satan. Everything that is unwanted in your life is a result of your awareness shifting from the ultimate truth of, and the nature
and character of God, to the falsehood of the nature and character of Satan. Manifestation is who you are, and what you will be
in eternity. Since manifestation is a result of your spiritual state of being, your being will be your reward in eternity. Not what
you “do” in this life, but who you are in your “being”. Your eternal reward will be the aspects of the

Before You Die… Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God

nature and character of God or the nature and character of Satan that you acquired during this physical life and made a part of
your being. Manifestation is never-ending because your state of being just “is”. Being doesn’t begin or end it just “is”. Once
you step outside of time and space, your physical reality will cease to exist and the only thing left will be your state of being.
If you are comprehending this text that you are reading, you may be feeling an airy shift in your awareness. You may for
the first time in your life, be experiencing a newly found spiritual reality. This may make you extremely happy, or it may make
you extremely sad; depending on how you have aligned your being with the nature and character of God, or the nature and
character of Satan. You may feel remorse at the realization that when you took revenge on another person, you were actually
hurting yourself more than you were hurting them. You may feel joy at the realization that when you helped someone else out
of love, you were connecting to the nature and character of God.
Nothing is impossible with God. What makes something in physical reality an “impossibility” is when the awareness is
beholding, and in contact with, the nature and character of Satan, instead of beholding unwaveringly the nature and character
of God. This is the key to unlocking every perceived “impossibility” in the physical realm. If you are able to fix your
awareness onto the ultimate truth of God’s nature and character, you will become what you behold. Gradually, or suddenly,
your experience of ultimate truth will grow and change your reality of physical manifestation.
Since we all know “from experience” that this can be difficult and, at times, “seems” impossible; how does one maintain a
“fixed” awareness on the ultimate truth of God’s nature and character?
This is accomplished by maintaining as constant as possible, a conscious choice to be obedient to the leading of the Holy
Spirit. This is a world of choice simply because we have a broken connection to the Father.
Before the fall of man, there was only obedience to the will of God the Father. After the fall, man broke connection to life
and God, and beheld the nature and character of Satan and death. At redemption, or the point of “being” “born again”;
connection to God is restored at a spiritual level. Our spirits are “hidden” with Christ and await a full redemption at the end of
time and space. Until that time, we must consciously choose to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, who is the “down
payment” of full redemption. Our spirits are hidden with Christ and are contained within God’s Holy Spirit.
Our bodies are considered the temple of the Holy Spirit Who is in our spirits. We are one with Him, and so, are one with
each other at this spiritual level. The Holy Spirit can only gain access to the “temple” or body, through a renewed mind that is
obedient to His nudges from our spirit. The conscience becomes a guide to the focus of our awareness. A clear conscience
indicates an awareness that is focused on the ultimate truth of God. Anything else indicates some sort of a problem.
In order for the Holy Spirit to gain access to our bodies, (His temple) we must submit our bodies to His will and not our
own. We must avoid joining our bodies to anything which the Spirit of God can not join Himself. We are truly “living
sacrifices” who must resist our own willful desires and the nature and character of Satan, and submit to the lasting desire of the
ultimate truth and the nature and character of God.
The way in which we accomplish this, is by renewing our minds to the truth of God. We do this by continual drill,
repetition, and rehearsal of His nature and character-which is made into a physical reality through the word which God has
spoken to us. The key to having a focused awareness in the spiritual realm that is “fixed” on the ultimate truth of God, is to
focus your physical attention on scripture and continually renew your mind and experience by speaking only what God has
already spoken about every situation.

Man’s State of Being Before He Is “Born Again”

Ultimate Truth

At physical birth, man is eternally separated from

God because his spirit has been cut off from the
life of God. This in turn, affects his soul, and body
as well. Time and space are contained by their
nature of limited duration and destined to shrink
and contract into confinement. Man is confined
within time and space and is unable to connect
with the Holy Spirit, or God. He beholds only
death and so becomes death or the absence of life
and the Presence and the nature and character of
God. What he is able to manifest physically is only
of limited duration since his spirit is not able to
access the eternal things which are of God’s nature
and character.
Man’s State of Being After He Is “Born Again”

Ultimate Truth
The work of Christ


Through the work of Christ the born again believer is transformed from death to life. His spirit is
removed from the eventual confinement of death, time, and space and is hidden with Christ. He was
born into a condition of death, physically, but has now had his spirit “born again” into spiritual and
eternal life. His spirit is reconnected to God through the work of Christ and through the “down
payment” of the Holy Spirit, and his soul and body await complete redemption at the end of the limited
duration of time, space, and the confinement of death. The Holy Spirit has access to the man’s soul and
body if the believer submits to the will of the Holy Spirit. At the end of time and space his spirit will be
completely free to dwell in the Presence of God but for now, he abides within the work of Christ and
through the power and direction of the Holy Spirit.
When a man is “born again” his spirit is made alive and transformed from death into life and so it is
eternal. The soul and body, however, must be renewed to this spiritual truth. Man’s spirit is “saved”
from death and the corruption of negative energies and the nature and character of Satan, but his soul
and body are exposed to them. Man must renew his mind and submit his body continually to the
ultimate truth of God through the work of Christ, and the direction of the Holy Spirit.
Man can corrupt his own spirit by aligning his soul with attitudes and beliefs that are in conflict
with ultimate truth and the nature and character of God. He can also corrupt his spirit by giving his
body over to the desires of the “flesh”, or his own human nature, instead of submitting to the guidance
of the Holy Spirit. As a result of this corruption, man is able to manifest within the physical realm,
conditions and circumstances that are in opposition to the will and purpose of God., and which affect
his spirit, soul, and body.
These unwanted manifestations can only be overcome and changed by aligning all aspects of his
spirit, soul, and body with the ultimate truth of God, and through complete obedience to the Holy
Spirit. Manifested changes becomes possible only when the awareness is shifted to behold the truth of
God. When a person beholds the truth and remains fixed on it, their experience gradually changes to
incorporate the change into their state of “being”. When the state of being changes by this shift of
awareness, physical manifestation will follow.
A person does not have to “make” physical change or manifestation “happen”. All they must do is
shift the awareness to God’s ultimate truth, and then use drill, repetition, and rehearsal of that truth
until the experience becomes that truth. Their state of being changes to the truth and the truth that they
now know-makes them free, and produces the desired physical manifestation.
Since the key to manifestation is a properly focused awareness onto the ultimate truth of God; a fair question for the
average individual would be: how does one know when they have the awareness properly focused?
It would be a simple matter if I could print out a couple of pages of scriptures and tell you that if you read them three times
a day, that you would get the manifestation that you desire.
Or, if I knew of some church that you could attend and this would give you the desired end result that you wish.
Or, maybe if I could tell you that if you read a certain chapter in the bible every day for ninety days that this would
produce the desired end result that you are looking for.
The truth is, that there is nothing I can tell you to “do” that will beyond a doubt assure you that your awareness is properly
focused onto the truth of God.
Since every individual is different and what works for one may not work for another, what I can tell you is what you will
“feel” or “sense” as a result of your experience when the awareness is properly focused.
You will “experience” a sense of excitement and anticipation of what you desire to have manifest. Deep inside you, there
will be a calm “it is done” kind of knowing. You won’t be trying to “get” God to do anything. There will be a calm sense that
the problem is “history”, and that the desired manifestation is on the way! You will sense that your desire is inevitable.
Nothing can stop it from complete manifestation in your life. Your experience has “graduated” in your perception of reality, to
a new “level”. You may “sense” or “feel” a kind of “shift” take place within you. It may feel like energy is suddenly going out
of you, or like something “in” you is being set outside your body. This feeling, will seem to you like something that was inside
of you has shifted and is now outside your body about a foot in front of you. This may feel like a warmth or like a mild current
of electricity moving through you. Whatever sensations it produces, it will completely transcend your intellect and thinking
and will move you into a state of knowing it is done. You will not be thinking in terms of “when” your desire is going to
manifest. A very deep part of yourself “knows” that it already belongs to you and that it is coming to pass. You’re not waiting
for it; it is already yours! You also will feel an unmistakable vibrancy of life. You will feel alive and will feel like doing those
things that you most love. You may even forget about the problem. After all, the problem is taken care of and you are waiting
expectantly for the solution to manifest. You know that it’s done and you are waiting with excited, expectation for God to
produce what you desire. You are not attempting to “do’” anything about the problem, even though there may be physical
steps that you take, your steps are guided by your state of “being” and you are trusting in God’s ability to bring about the
desired end result; not your own ability.
The phenomenon that Dr. Carl Jung referred to as “synchronicity” is actually an “intellectual” observation of the
continuous physical manifestation of the state of “being”. “Synchronicity” occurs when the individual reaches a state where
being and manifestation are one. It is where the conscious and the unconscious mind merge into continuous physical
manifestation of the desired end result. When you properly focus the awareness onto the ultimate truth of God, you will
experience this condition of synchronicity. Things will just seem to “happen” and you will experience the physical
manifestation of the desired end result as though this were the only thing that could possibly occur.
As already stated, each individual is different and what works for one may not work for another. There is no formula that
can be given that will work for every individual. Every person is different and what we are actually talking about is the
individual’s relationship to God. It is going to be different for different individuals. It is not a process of “doing’” that brings
the results, but the physical manifestation of the individual’s state of “being”. Being brings about a gradual increase of
experience. In order to experience “being” you must leave the phantom lives of the past and the future and enter the “now”

The discussion and following diagram have been inspired by Eckhart Tolle in his book “The Power Of Now: A Guide To
Spiritual Enlightenment” New World Library, Novato, California 94949. ISBN 1-57731-480-8.
I have used some of the same terms that have been “coined” by Mr. Tolle but have not used them in exactly the same context in
all instances. None of what I have written implies that Mr. Tolle in anyway endorses this content in whole or in part; instead
this writing is a tribute to Mr. Tolle for his ability to define complex spiritual concepts in easy to understand terms. Mr. Tolle’s
writings are more “universal” in content while my writings are decidedly “Christian” in their applications.
In the above example, we have at the very center of the diagram, the “now” moment. The “now” moment is the only thing
that exists and is real. The “now” moment can only experience “desire”. In “desire”, the now moment is a oneness with God
and His will and purpose. In “pain”, the now moment is lost in shadow to either the past or to the future. “Being” lost to either
the past or the future, creates a kind of phantom life where the self either lives in unforgiveness, guilt, shame, and regret of the
past, or it lives in fear, anxiety, and anticipation of the future. The problem is that the past is gone and the future will never
arrive. There is only—”now”. For anything to “happen”, it must “happen”—”now”.
lf a thing is going to manifest from the invisible world of form into a hard physical reality, it must manifest or happen—
”now”. There is only “now”. There is no future and the past no longer exists. The past is the stale bread crust of what was at
one time a “now” moment. It is the moldy, smelly left over kept alive by the mind from a moment that has faded from
existence. The future is truly an illusion. It is the minds attempt to predict and therefore control the next manifestation. The
mind tricks itself into believing that manifestation is a result of cause and effect instead of discerning that manifestation is the
visible result of a continuous cycle of “being” coming into physical reality. Both past and future separate you from the source,
or God. Both produce pain as a result of this separation. Both prevent the desired manifestation. In the past or future, unwanted
manifestations of sickness, disease, lack, and poverty can exist. There can never be enough of what is desired in either the past
or the future. Living a phantom life in either the past or the future will assure you of a life that is never fulfilled or satisfied.
The only escape from unwanted manifestations is to move from the phantom life of the past and the future into the “now”.
To accomplish this, you must learn to live your life in the moment, in the presence of God. God is now. He exists. In Him
there is no past or future, He just ‘“is”. You must become like Him in this respect. You must live in the now moment and not
allow yourself to be drawn either into the past, or into the future.
Understand that I am not asking you to deny that you have had a past, or that you will experience a future. You have lived
your life and events have “happened” to you, whether good or bad. The point that I am making is that I want you to
comprehend that “whatever” has “happened” to you in the past, good or bad; is over. It happened and it is not happening
“now”’. If you had a bad experience that you never want to repeat again, understand that this experience is not happening
“now” as you read this. That experience is gone. It is over. The same is true if you had a good experience and you long to
repeat it again and again. That experience, no matter how wonderful and pleasurable it was, is over. It is not happening to you
“now” in this moment. Running from that bad experience or longing for the good one, is living a phantom life in the past.
Your life has become a shadow of what is real and you will never find relief or fulfillment. Instead of experiencing what “is”
in the “now”, you are attempting to keep alive a past experience and drawing yourself into shadow, and a phantom life.
Whatever you succeed in manifesting into physical reality will eventually and continuously create
“pain”. Your state of “being” is out of alignment with the only thing that is real—the “now.” When you move from what is
real, pain is the result.
Pain is real, but only in the sense that you are out of alignment with what is “real” and lasting. A cut finger will bleed and
hurt, but only in the sense that this has resulted from an unwanted injury and is on its way to a complete healing. You don’t
fall over dead from a cut finger, because death is not the natural or lasting reality. Life and health are the lasting qualities of a
cut finger and so, without conscious thought, the cut heals. Pain does exist and is experienced by everyone to varying degrees,
but pain is not a lasting reality. Pain is not the natural course that you are to follow. Pain exists only in shadow. It is the result
of a phantom life that is created when we attempt to either keep the past or the future alive. Pain results from a move away
from the “now”. In the “now”, no pain can exist.
If you have lost a loved one, you may experience pain, but this pain is a result of not accepting what “is” in the “now”.
Don’t think of me as being callous by saying this. I want you to understand that it is your longing for the past when your loved
one was with you that is creating your pain. Your pain exists for you because you have chosen to step from the “now’” and
move into the past where you long to have the loved one at your side. You long for the good times you had together to be
repeated. You move from what “is”, “now”, into shadow and a phantom life where pain is the only manifestation.
I understand that grief is a natural process and that it must be experienced when a loss occurs. What I want you to
understand is that the grieving process is when you release the pain caused by the past and move into the “now”. Grief is to be
experienced and then you move on with your life. Experiencing the pain of your loss, allows you to release the pain by moving
from the past into the now. Moving into the now completes the grieving process. Your pain, no matter how real it may feel to
you, can only exist in the past. Pain is the result of shadow, of the phantom life. It is in the grand scheme of ultimate truth—an
unreality. When you choose to move from the past into the “now” the pain can no longer manifest. The situation that we run
into is one where we feel that we must keep the person alive by keeping our memory of them alive. We often experience guilt
if our thoughts are not “with” or “about” them. We inadvertently, deny what “is” and step from the “now” and into the past.
The negative emotions of guilt, shame, regret, and unforgiveness are produced by the phantom life of the past.
While I have been talking about examples from the past, the future also holds pain as its only manifestation. Living a
phantom life in the future, assures you of manifesting fear, anxiety, and anticipation of what will be. Whether you are hoping
for a bright future where “your ship will come in”, or you are fearful and anxious about what “might happen”, you are living in
shadow. Your spirit is sleeping and your mind has come alive in a phantom life that can only manifest pain.
Living in either the phantom life of the past or the future is a result of your mind forming an “ego identity” for itself. Your
mind seeks to control the physical realm and seeks to “solve problems”. If it is left “on” and allowed to be in charge, it will
create a never ending series of problems to solve so that it will not go out of existence. These problems, will assure you of a
phantom life of constant pain.
The only escape, as I have already noted, is to move from the pain of the past and the future, into the “now”. This does not
mean that we pretend that the past didn’t happen or that we need no preparation for the future. The opposite is true. Living in
the “now” we can learn from our experiences of the past, and we can see clearly what steps need to be taken “now” in order to
assure the desired future. Living in the “now” does not deny the past or future, it allows us to become skilled “time travelers”
of sorts where we visit both the past and the future in order to live more fully “in the moment” of the “now”. The situation that
we are to avoid, is falling into the trap of shadow and a phantom life. In this state of shadow and phantom life, we move our
state of being from the “now” which is the only “real” thing that exists. Moving from the “now” into shadow, causes our
spirits to sleep while the mind convinces you that you are really what you think and feel. It does this so that it can remain
active and “alive” in a phantom life that it has created in either the past or the future. Living in the “now” and accepting what
“is” does not deny the past or the future, it instead denies the phantom life of shadow and pain. When you are able to become
present, in the moment of what is in manifestation—now—you are free from pain and its negative emotions of guilt,
resentment, shame, regret, unforgiveness, fear, and anxiety. Like a smoke filled room that is gradually aired and cleared of the
smoke, your awareness of ultimate truth is purified of the lower and denser energies and you are aligned with higher lighter
energies that free you from unwanted manifestations. Your state of “being” is changed by becoming present in the moment
The Physical Manifestation of An Individual’s
State of Being Through Increased Experience

As an individual gains experience through their perception of reality which is gained through manifestation, it becomes
possible to increase their awareness. By facing “impossible” situations which they themselves can do nothing about, the
individual is able to make sudden and drastic shifts of awareness by moving their consciousness from the past and future,
into the “now”. This is often called a “leap of faith” or a “paradigm shift”. It is where the awareness is shifted to the lighter,
higher energies, in place of the lower, denser energies. If the person persists in refocusing their awareness onto the new
truth of the “now”, their experience will complete its work and cause a positive change in manifestation. This change will
then shift the perspective to include more positive energies and so the possibility of more positive manifestations. The
awareness will be prone to focus on the higher and lighter energies and what occurs over time is that the experience is
gradually cleansed of the lower denser energies. The “perception” will view this as a process of manifestations where you
increase in “levels” of experience and awareness and gain a sort of mastery of these. It is, however, a continuous
process. You are either clouding your experience with lower denser energies and so limiting your eventual possible
manifestations by living a phantom life in the past or future, or you are clearing your experience with the higher and lighter
energies and so increasing your eventual possibilities of manifestation by living “in the moment” of “now”.

Lighter Energies
Current Possible
Awareness Manifestation




Increase Negative
Of Manifestation
Denser Energies
Living a life in the “now” is not some “pie in the sky” dreamy sort of existence where you sit around and refuse to say
anything that doesn’t sound profound and wise. Living your life in the “now” is to live a passionate, exciting life on the edge.
It is a life of faith in, and partnership with, the one and only true living God!
In order to live this kind of life, you must constantly and consciously resist the tendency to live in either the past or the
future. You must learn to look beyond yourself and your current manifestation and circumstances, and choose to see things
from God’s perspective.
To live in the “now”, you must learn to recognize when your conscious awareness begins to slip into either the past or the
future. This is not hard to do, but it does take some practice and concentration. One of the warning signals that you have
descended into the shadow of either the past or the future is the experience of pain. I’m not talking about stubbing your toe in
the dark while you are trying to find the bathroom at 3am without turning on any lights. I’m referring to the trigger of negative
emotions that leave you in a state of pain. We all know what pain feels like, but it can be tricky and deceptive. The reason for
this is that pain can be different feelings at different times because it can trigger different emotions.
At times, we may wish that what we desire were in manifestation and the thought comes to us that “someday” we will have
it. The thought may seem to be that of hope, but what has actually happened is that our consciousness has slipped silently into
the future where our desire will never be met. Nothing can manifest in the future. The only place where manifestation can take
place is in the “now”. “Now” is the only thing that truly exists, so if we are ever to have it in manifestation, we must receive it
“now” because “later” never comes. The future is an illusion created by the passage of time within space. What is mistaken for
hope, is really a kind of despair that we have done all we can and that we are just going to hang on and maybe our persistence
will be rewarded in some manner—”someday”.
At other times, we find ourselves silently cursing the guy who cut us off in traffic, or we find ourselves waiting in the
longest check-out line. We feel anger or frustration and we play out scenarios of what could have happened to us (but didn’t)
or what we have to do later, or what we could have accomplished had we gotten into a shorter line. Gently, imperceptively, our
spirits have gone to sleep and the mind has transported us into the past where we ignore the “now” and live out a phantom life
of anger and frustration. The guy who cut us off in traffic is long gone. He is unaware that he has affected us in any way. The
threat of danger is long gone, yet we experience the heightened emotion of that “past moment” as though it were continuously
happening over and over again. The check-out line is really moving fairly swiftly, but we don’t notice. Our minds are running
through a list of things that need to be done and of things that we could have completed, had it not been for this slow moving
cashier. The frustration has caused us to judge the people around us as inferior because they have prevented us from doing
what we feel we should or could have completed. Once again our spirits sleep and our minds begin to seek “problems” so that
they can remain switched on and survive.
These examples reflect some of the very subtle and deceptive tactics of how pain can cloak itself in many guises. Without
our conscious awareness of these phantom lives, we live a life of existence and survival. Like quick sand, more and more of
our lives are swallowed in shadow and our true selves, our spirits, sleep.
The key to living in the “now” moment is to awaken your spirit and turn off your mind. In order to do this, you must
consciously break your connection to the past and future. Our dilemma is our attachment to the past and future. We don’t
enjoy the benefits of “time travel” where we employ the past and future as a means of a more fulfilling “now”. Instead, we
pick special places in “time” and choose to live our lives there. The “now” is lost and so is our ability to connect to the Father
and His ultimate truth of deliverance for whatever we desire to manifest.
In time, we reminisce about “happy” occasions that have been and we become nostalgic and try to recreate them. In time,
we regret what we have done and what we have left undone. Guilt plagues us in time but we still prefer its predictability, even
though it is painful. At least we know what to expect. New situations with their open challenges, threaten us and we fear what
could happen to us. We move to a safe place in the past and run from the things we fear in the future. Still, the anxiety of what
might or might not happen dogs our every move. Too much more of this kind of thinking and we won’t be able to move at all.
We will become paralyzed in the grip of the future and long for a past that is at least a pain that we can see coming. This
reminds us of our failures and of the things which we have lost. Fear again grabs at our being and we run in terror, only to
discover that wherever we go into the past, the dread of the future seeks us out to torment us with what might or might not
occur. The phantom life of shadow is fully activated and the mind is in control. The mind has created an “ego existence” and it
creates problems that never end so that it can remain active in a semblance of life.
To enter the “now” we must break our attachment to past and future. We must stop loving our memories, and stop running
from our fears. We must become conscious of what “is” “now”. To accomplish this, we must separate from the “ego identity”
that we are what we think and feel. We are a spirit that is housed in a body, and we have a soul. We are a
spirit and are not the body, or what happens to the body. We are a spirit who has a soul that is composed of thoughts and
feelings, but we are not those thoughts and feelings.
If you pause in thought and suspend your feelings for a moment, what you will experience is a kind of silence. “You” will
still exist as your spirit, but for an instant, your thoughts and feelings will cease. “You” will exist as an observer of what is
around you and inside of your soul. This silent observer is your spirit who has suddenly and momentarily been aroused from
sleep. But like a drowsy man, it quickly sinks back into unconsciousness and you will most probably find that your mind will
begin to judge what you observe and start its internal chatter again. The mind is attempting to sedate the spirit so that it can
live a phantom life in the past or future.
The key that provides freedom from the past and future, is to consciously shift your awareness into the moment as often as
possible. To consciously shift from the past or future into the silent stillness of the “now”. Understand that entering this
stillness is connecting to the “God juice” or waters of creation, but it is not connecting to God as many have mistakenly
supposed. Stillness is the first step in the plan of salvation but not the final one. Continue in this stillness and meet the work of
Christ. Find reconciliation and reconnection to the Father. Be filled with His Holy Spirit and let Him teach and instruct you in
the perspective of God. Don’t stop the process at the “nothingness” of the stillness you find in the “God juice” of creation.
Move along the path and come to a personal knowledge and partnership of the Creator Who beacons us to call Him—Daddy.
Religions that are apart from the belief of “true” Christianity, do not connect to a personal God the Father. They explore
the created universe with their spirits and find that at the end of all things, there exist a stillness that produces joy, peace, and a
blissful awareness of the “oneness” of all creation. In Buddhism, this is “the absence of suffering”. In some Hindu beliefs, it is
nirvana. In other beliefs this is the “nothingness” from which we emerged and to which we will return at the time of our
physical death. All these beliefs recognize that the “spirit” will continue even when the thoughts and feelings of the soul cease
and the physical body decays. What these systems also have in common is that they stop at the boundaries of creation and do
not recognize the need for reconnection to the Creator through the work of Christ. The beliefs that they have in many respects,
are true; but they are incomplete. They succeed in recognizing the need for stillness by separating from the ego identity, but
they stop at this point and do not complete the process of salvation. They perceive the highest of the ascending energies of
creation and believe that the creation which they recognize “is” God instead of what God squeezed out of Himself at the
beginning of time. They rightly believe that this infinite substance is what we emerged from and is also where we will return.
The missing step is the need for reconnection to God through the work of Christ. Sensing the bliss of this “God juice” they
don’t believe there ever was a disconnect from God because their experience tells them that “God” is the “God juice”. They
sense the “oneness” of the “God juice” and know that they and all things emerged from this. They sense that they are one with
all created things. Their connection to the “God juice” has never been broken. All is one in the “God juice”, but because they
do not know God, they feel that there is no need for salvation through Christ to reconnect to God. The connection they have to
the “God juice” is not broken, but they do not see that the “God juice” is “of’ God, but “is not” God. The knowledge and
experience of a personal heavenly Father, is lost as they identify with and worship the creation, instead of the Creator.2
Unknowingly, they live out lives that are based in either pride or apathy and they deny the need for salvation or the work of
Christ. In their limited experience, they believe that the blissful awareness “is” the only salvation. Meanwhile, a loving Father
waits to embrace His children who refuse to acknowledge Him through obedience to His Word.
These systems of belief acknowledge the “God juice” as being God, and they neglect the belief that after God formed
Adam’s physical body out of the dust of the “God juice”, He breathed His own breath into him, separating man from other
created beings, animals, plants, and inanimate things. Man became living like the God Who breathed the breath of life into
him. He was intimately connected to God and at the fall of man, it was this connection that was broken. Belief systems apart
from “true” Christianity, do not believe in or accept that this is the connection that was broken and which needs to be
restored through the work of Christ.
In order to experience this ultimate truth, an individual needs to understand that the “God juice” is from God, but is not
the person of God. They need to comprehend that man broke his connection to God and that this can only be restored
through the work of Christ. They then must understand that God the Father, is not in the earth as the “God juice” is, but is in
heaven. The person of the Holy Spirit is in the earth and it is by His indwelling that we have access to God in heaven.
To put it another way, a person must receive the work of Christ, and then be filled with the Spirit so that the individual
becomes the temple or dwelling of the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit the nature and character of God is manifested in
the person’s life and experience out of obedience.

2 Romans 1:25
For a believer to access the Holy Spirit, he needs to live in the stillness of the “now” and avoid a phantom life in either the
past or the future. Only by entering the stillness of the “now” can a person hear the still small voice. For the believer, the
stillness is not the Holy Spirit, but it is the place where the person of the Holy Spirit can communicate. The believer does not
become engrossed with or lost in the “God juice” of creation, but instead contacts the person of God’s Holy Spirit, and so has
access to the Father Who is in heaven.
For the believer, the purpose of life is to reproduce the nature and character of God through his own life, by the help and
guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit connects us to God Who is in heaven. The Holy Spirit is in the earth, when a
person accepts the work of Christ and becomes “born again” or “saved”, they can invite the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of
them. This gives the individual access to the Creator God and restores the broken connection. The individual need only to be
obedient to the Word of God, and God will bring the increase of His nature and character.3
For the “true” Christian, living in the stillness of the “now” moment, becomes a means of allowing the Holy Spirit to
communicate and direct his life so that whatever is needed is provided by our loving heavenly Father. A non-Christian can
experience all that the “God juice” has to offer, but cannot know a personal God. “True” Christianity does not compete with
many religions; it “completes” them! “True” Christianity, introduces a personal God, through the work of Christ, and by the
power of the Holy Spirit. “True” Christianity is a relationship of obedience that avoids the pride and disobedience of a
phantom life in the past, and avoids the apathy and confusion that result in a phantom life in the future.
For the “true” Christian, the goal is not to simply enter into the stillness of the “now”, the goal is to enter into the stillness
so that the Holy Spirit can speak and direct him to proper action and belief. Without this relationship, an individual can
explore and benefit from the creation, and still not know God. They can have whatever they desire, and yet not manifest the
will and purpose of God. The only means of manifesting the will and purpose of God, is by following the direction of the Holy
If a man chooses to live at peace with others, feed the poor and hungry, or if he chooses to extort the poor and helpless for
selfish gain or even rob banks; he can accomplish these things apart from a personal relationship with God. He can choose to
be a good husband and father, or he can choose to be an adulterer or pornographic film star. A personal “God” the Father is not
needed to produce any of this. The only thing that is needed is connection to the “God juice” of creation and every human
being born into the earth is not only connected to this, but is born of it! You can have whatever you speak and desire in this life
even if what you desire is in complete opposition to the will and purpose of the nature and character of God You can meditate,
or review positive affirmations and come up with an insight that is not of God. You can produce this in the earth even though
the insight did not originate with God. It can be a creation of your own desire or selfish gain or it can be of demonic origin.
The holocaust is a good example of a group of men who sought to fulfill their own selfish desires and their creation became
filled with demonic intent and slaughter of humanity. All this occurred in the name of creating a pure and “super” race of
humans. Not God’s desire at all! At the other extreme, many earthly religions teach the joy, bliss, and “oneness” of the “God
juice” and miss having a relationship to a personal God. They do this because in their spiritual journey they encounter at “the
end of all things” created, a kind of nothingness where they find that they are removed from all earthly suffering. Beyond the
nothingness of the “God juice” is a personal God Who they cannot perceive without the work of Christ and the teaching of the
Holy Spirit.
You do not need the work of Christ or the Holy Spirit to “get what you want” in this life on earth, but you do need them to
produce the works of God by reproducing His nature and character in your life. Knowing stillness will provide you with joy
and bliss in the earth, but only a personal relationship with the Father will last in eternity. Your life, and this earth, are on a
collision course with the end of time and space. Your spirit will continue its existence either with God or apart from Him.
The key then, to manifestation of any kind, is obedience to the Holy Spirit. The “fruit” or “increase” of this obedience is
brought into physical manifestation by God.4 We often make the mistake that we must produce what we desire, or what we
think is the desire of God. The truth is that the only way “we ourselves” can produce anything in the earth is by force and
control. From a spiritual perspective, the earth brings forth its own increase and this order has been laid down by God, and
programmed into the “God juice”. A man doesn’t produce corn or wheat, he simply gives attention to the natural process. The
man doesn’t “make” the seed or the ground it goes into. The man did not even make himself! The man simply gives his
conscious awareness to the already existing process. Any physical action taken by the man, is not a creation of his own, but is
a fined tuned series of physical manipulations of the existing process. The man observes how the process of increase works,
and then repeats the particular steps that produce the desired end results, and avoids or eradicates the steps or actions that
produce unwanted manifestations, or that produce decreased yields in the harvest.

3 I Corinthians 3:7
4 I Corinthians 3:7

When a man obeys the instruction of the Holy Spirit, he gains access to the knowledge of which steps to avoid, and which to
give his attention and conscious awareness to. This process of order is what every man must enter into. It reveals the need for
obedience to God’s Spirit, since a man can pervert the process and produce whatever he desires. You can plant corn and
wheat, or you can cultivate briars and thorns. You can find the cure for cancer, or you can produce a deadly plague of bacteria.
The process will work, whether you consult and involve God or not.
Increase is God’s desire, provided that the thing which is cultivated is aligned with His nature and character, We don’t
produce the increase, we become obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit and enter the process. Our obedience provides God
with a window of opportunity to manifest His desire into the physical realm. Remember, God is in heaven. His physical access
point in the earth is through an obedient man that is filled with His Holy Spirit by and through the work of Christ. The
responsibility of man is to obey God and keep His commandments.5 Obedience gives us entry into God’s process, and gives
God entry into the earth. The reason that we do not see more overt intervention by God into the physical realm, is because God
needs more entry portals in the form of men and women. God must work through obedient sons and daughters because if He
were to manifest Himself in His true and complete form, time and space would end as they will in the day of judgment.
For the “true” Christian, life is simply to hear and obey the Holy Spirit, so that we can enter God’s process. This is a very
simple directive, but one which can be difficult to follow if we are unable to view our lives from the perspective of God. There
are several things which can stand in the way of fulfilling this directive. One is living a phantom life. This could be in the past
or the future, but the same is true for both, there will be pain and an inability to bear the Holy Spirit. Another problem is the
“flesh” which is the human nature. This will make it impossible to obey God because the flesh mindset is in opposition to
God. Waiting on God to “do something” can stall the process indefinitely. God has already set the process of increase in
motion, and He is waiting for our participation through obedience. Believing that we are unworthy, or that there is “something
else” that we must do in order to get God’s attention, can also stall the process. This is another version of the phantom life that
exists in the illusion of the future. All of these hindrances exist outside of the “now” and in either a phantom life of shadow of
the past or the future. Still another hindrance is a lack of knowledge about what God desires to do in the earth. God is waiting
for us to agree with His Word so that He can move through us. Another hindrance is a mental knowledge of God’s will, but a
lack of experience of this knowledge in the heart. Intellectual knowledge will not release God, only a change in our state of
being will enable Him to flow through us. That involves a shift in our awareness.
As stated, a simple directive, but one which requires constant, conscious awareness. The sleeper must awaken from the
sleep of unconsciousness so that Christ can give him life.6 As discussed earlier, the phantom life must be avoided by a
conscious awareness of the “now” moment, the “flesh” must be crucified, we must be active and enter God’s process in place
of waiting for Him to do something, and we must believe that we are worthy to receive from Him through the work of Christ.
We must avoid having only a mental knowledge of His will and have a personal experience of it. This means knowing what
the will of God is, as it is written, “... wherefore be ye not unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” 7

5 Ecclesiastes 12:13
6 Ephesians 5:13-14
7 Ephesians 5:17

Here is the place where we can experience one of the major setbacks to the Christian walk. “True” Christianity, is very
different from what many Christian churches teach. The reason for this is that while most “Christian” churches understand and
accept the need for salvation through the work of Christ, they stop there and do not understand righteousness or the will and
purpose of God. God is in His very nature and character, a being of expansion and increase. The physical world demonstrates
this every time a seed falls into the ground and “dies”. The seed produces a plant that grows to produce an abundance of seeds.
Not just one more seed, but many! Christians get stuck in their own “flesh”, or in a phantom life of the past or future. They get
“hung up” on their own “hang ups” and feel unworthy to receive from God instead of appropriating the work of Christ. They
sit around and say that they are “believing God” for this or that thing, and do nothing to enter the process which He has set in
motion. God is shut out of their lives simply because they do not know God by knowing His will for them. So for the “true”
Christian, the earthly goal of life is to know the will of God and perform it.
How does one know the will of God?
Life times have been spent discovering this great mystery! But even though God is so vast that we can never understand
His every aspect in this life, He has revealed through His Word some starting points for our thinking. The work of Christ that
we discussed in an earlier chapter is the starting points for salvation and reconnection to God and the beginnings of
righteousness and being filled with the Holy Spirit. A general understanding of these is necessary to “get moving” in the
process set up by God to fulfill His will. After these, and in addition to them, is to gain an understanding of God’s will for us
through the blessing of Abraham.
According to Galatians 3:13-14, I am redeemed from the curse of the law of sin and death, and through Christ Jesus, the
blessing of Abraham has come upon me. All aspects of the “curse” are not a part of my life and all aspects of the blessing have
come to me. I am free to walk in the Spirit, by the Holy Spirit and not in the weakness of my flesh!

The blessing of Abraham is outlined in Deuteronomy chapter 28 as follows:
Verse 1. If I listen diligently to the voice of God, and be watchful to do His commandments, then the Father will set me
high above all nations of the earth. This is walking in the Spirit all the time, and is joint seating with Jesus, as well as authority
over those who control the nations (the demonic spirits).
Verse 2. I must heed the voice of the Lord and be obedient to His leading. In order to heed, I must first hear His voice
through the Holy Spirit. Once I hear and obey His direction, then ALL of the following blessings shall come upon me; and
shall overtake me.

Verses 3-6. —I am blessed in the city!

—I am blessed in the field!
—I am blessed in the fruit of my body!
—I am blessed in the fruit of my ground!

—I am blessed in the fruit of my beasts!

—I am blessed in the increase of my cattle!
—I am blessed in the young of my flock!
—I am blessed in my basket!
—I am blessed in my kneading trough!
—I am blessed when I come in!
—I am blessed when I go out!

Verses 7-9. The Lord shall cause my enemies who rise up against me to be defeated before my face! My enemies shall
come Out against me one way and flee before me seven ways! The Lord shall command the blessing upon me in my
storehouse and in ALL that I undertake! The Lord shall bless me in the land which He gives to me! The Lord will establish me
and my spiritual sphere of influence as holy to Himself, as He has sworn to me, as I keep His commandments and walk in His
ways by His Spirit!

Verse 10. All the people of the earth, shall see that I am called by the name of the Lord, and THEY SHALL BE AFRAID

Verses 11-13. The Lord shall make me have a surplus of prosperity, through:
—the fruit of my body!
—my livestock!
—and my ground which He swore to my
fathers to give me!
The Lord shall open to me His good treasury, the heavens:
—to give the rain of my land in its season!
—and to bless ALL the work of my hands!
And because of this, I shall lend to many nations. but I shall not borrow! And the Lord shall make me the head, and not the
tail! I shall be above only, and I shall not be beneath, because I heed the commandments of my God which He commanded me
this day, and I am ever watchful to do them by walking in His Holy Spirit!

As stated in Galatians 3:13-14, I am redeemed from the curse of the law of sin and death through the work of Christ, and
the Holy Spirit. It is not God’s will that ANY part of this curse come upon me or what is mine. This curse is a physical
manifestation of the nature and character of Satan and is brought into being by alignment to his will. Expression of the curse
does not have to come through the person experiencing the unwanted manifestation. It can occur into physical manifestation
through another person, or group of persons. If you do not consciously resist the curse through the work of Christ, and the
power of the Holy Spirit you default to its manifestation in your life.

Deuteronomy 28:14-15. As I daily walk in the Spirit and do the commands of the Father, I do not turn aside from Him to
the left or the right, or go after any gods but Him alone. As I obey the voice of the Lord my God, and am watchful to do all
His commandments and His statues which He commanded me this day—THEN—I can claim redemption and freedom from
ALL of these curses!
—the city.
—the field.
—my basket.
—my kneading trough.
—the fruit of my body.
—my land.
—the increase of my cattle.
—the young of my sheep.
—my coming in.
—my going out.
Verse 20. I will not turn to any but the Lord my God. Therefore, I AM REDEEMED FROM THE CURSES OF:
—rebuke in every enterprise to which I set my hand.
—perishing quickly.
Verse 21. The pestilence shall not cling to me. I shall not be consumed from the land which I go to possess.
—fever and inflammation.
—fiery heat.
—sword and drought.
—blasting and mildew.
Verse 23. The heavens shall not be brass to me. The earth shall not be iron to me.
Verse 24. My rain shall not be soil and dust. The heavens shall not destroy me by raining soil and dust.
Verse 25. The Lord shall not cause me to be struck down before my enemies. I shall not go out one way and flee seven ways before
I shall not be tossed to and fro or be a terror among all the kingdoms of the earth.
Verses 26-68. My dead body shall not be food for the birds of the air or beasts of the earth. I shall not die alone.


—dismay of heart.
—extraordinary strokes and blows.
—great plagues of long continuance.
—grievous sicknesses of long duration.
—all the diseases of Egypt, they shall not cling to me.
—also the Lord will not smite me with ANY sickness or ANY affliction which is not written and recorded in this Book of the law of the

—sole of my foot to the top of my head.


—rejoice to bring ruin upon me to destroy me.
—pluck me from the land into which I go to possess.
—scatter me among all peoples from one end of the earth to the other.
—give me a trembling heart.
—give me failing of eyes.
—give me fainting of mind.
—give me languishing of spirit.
—cause me to be sold by another nation.
—bring a nation against me swiftly from afar, from the end of the earth.
—bring me and my king under another nation.
—cause me and my king to serve other gods.
—send enemies against me.
—send enemies against me in hunger and thirst
—send enemies against me in nakedness and in want of ALL things.
—put a yoke of iron upon my neck until I am destroyed.
—cause my enemies to disregard me.
—cause me to perish by enemies from a nation which I have not known. They shall not eat up my supplies or the fruits of my
—cause my enemies to besiege my towns and destroy my walls.

—have all these curses come upon me.
—have all these curses pursue me and overtake me.
—be destroyed by all these curses.
—have these curses upon me for a sign or a wonder.
—have these curses upon my descendants.
—be without ease.
—be without rest for the sole of my foot.
—have my life hang before me in doubt.
—be worried day and night.
—be without assurance of my life.
—have fear in my heart from the things I see.
—grope at noonday as the blind grope in darkness.
—be oppressed in prospering.
—be robbed continually.
—betroth a wife, and another man lie with her.
—build a house and not live in it.
—plant a vineyard without harvesting its grapes or wine.
—have my vineyard eaten by worms.
—have olive trees that drop their fruit before harvest.
—be without oil for anointing myself.
—have my livestock slain before my eyes.
—have my livestock eaten by my enemies.
—have my livestock violently taken away before my face.
—have my livestock given to my enemies.
—be few in number.
—be without help.
—have my children and then not enjoy them.
—have my eyes look and fail with longing over the loss of my children.
—be powerless in my hands to prevent my children from being taken from me.
—have my sons and daughters given to another people.
—have my children taken into captivity.
—eat the flesh of my children, in distress of my enemies.
—have the fruit of my land eaten up by a nation I do not know.
—have my labors eaten up by a nation I do not know.
—have a transient stranger among those in my spiritual sphere mount up higher and higher above me.
—have a stranger lend to me. He shall not be the head.
—be the tail. I will lend to the stranger.
—come down lower and lower.
—be oppressed and crushed continually.
—be driven mad by the sights which my eyes shall see.
—become an amazement, a proverb, or a byword among the ALL the people to which the Lord will lead me.
—carry much seed into the field, and gather little in.
—have my seed consumed by locust.
—have the fruit of my ground possessed by locust.

This blessing of Abraham is only a starting point in your relationship to a personal God the Father. In order to have a
good foundation of belief, you must understand in your intellect and your experience, that the blessing belongs to you as
your covenant with God and that the curse has no right to manifest in your life. This is a good starting point, but it is only
the beginning.
Because of what God has done for you through the work of Christ, you have “legal rights” to the blessing, and you
have a kind of “spiritual restraining order” against any part of the curse. You know that if you get a restraining order
against someone in a court of law, that the piece of paper issued by the judge will not keep that person from physically
coming near you, or your house, or possessions. What the paper signifies, is your right to be free from that particular
individual’s influence and oppression. If this person violates the order, then you are backed up by the entire law
enforcement system of this land. The person is kept out of your life by the legal action that has been taken in a court of law,
not by the paper issued by the judge and not because you intellectually understand what the paper states. The person that
the order stands against, “fears” coming anywhere near you or what belongs to you because they risk permanent
incarceration if they violate the court order in any form.
The same holds true for the curse. The curse will not stay away from you or what you have, simply because you know
that you have been redeemed from it. The curse will only leave you alone if you “blow the whistle”, “call the cops” and
engage the entire law enforcement system. Just as a criminal will not hesitate to harass you if you do not enforce your legal
rights, Satan and his demons will not hesitate to harass you if you do not enforce your covenant with God. If a criminal
knew that you would not call the police, he would get bold and harass you in any way he could! He would take anything he
could get his hands on that is rightfully yours, if he suspected that you would not pick up the phone and call the police!
Demons are the same way. If they can get away with something, they will continue to torment and afflict you with
anything that they feel you will not “call” them on.
If you read the blessing and think that you don’t have parts of it in manifestation, then you are experiencing the effects
of the demonic spirits who are stealing what legally belongs to you. If you read the description of the curse and find that
you have manifestations of it operating in your life, then the demonic spirits are wrongly afflicting you because you have
not enforced your legal rights.
In the natural, you would not “fight” a criminal on your own. If he stole from you, you would not go and steal back
from him, That would make you a criminal! No, you would take the criminal to court and the legal system would impose
sanctions onto the criminal’s estate, and would incarcerate the criminal. You would legally have your property returned to
you and you would likely receive a monetary settlement for damages and court costs.
In the spiritual, you cannot take on demons by your own strength. Don’t try to sneak in a take back what the devil took
from you. Instead, take him into the court of heaven. (Get back what is yours, and have the devil pay the court costs and
When I say to take the devil to court, I don’t mean to just sit back and believe God will handle it all because He said
He would bless you. No, that is the same thing as having a thief around your house and not calling the police. What you
need to do if you find the curse in manifestation or the blessing stolen, is to take a stand in your mind and belief system.
You must be the deciding vote between the will of God and the will of Satan. Both God and Satan are waiting for you to
“side” with what they have willed to be in manifestation. That manifestation is their nature and character. Satan comes to
steal, kill, and to destroy. Christ comes to give life, and to give it more abimdantly.8 You must be the deciding vote as to
which will manifest through you. God has explained the process by saying that He has set before us life and death. He
then instructs us to choose life.9 God further explains that the power of life and death are in what we speak into
existence.1° To take the devil to court, you speak out his injustice to you to the legal authority, or the Father God. In
“spiritual court”, God is the judge in our case, and He has already justified us to Himself; and Christ is the prosecutor
Who makes intercession for our release!11 Your case has already been won in your favor by the work of Christ and all
you need to do is show up in court and do what is required of you there. You don’t fight the devil on the street. You
don’t sit at home and wish things could be better. You take the devil to court. In “court”, you testify against the devil and
bring him to justice. You overcome the devil by the work of Christ through His shed blood and by this testimony that
proclaims your alignment to the blessing and your redemption from the curse.12 You must defeat the devil in this manner.
Fighting him will not work. Getting mad at him will not work. Getting mad at God will not work. Getting mad at
yourself or your
8 John 10:10
9 Deuteronomy 30:19
10 Proverbs 18:20-21
11 Romans 8:31-34
12 Revelation 12:11

circumstances will not work. Feeling sorry for what has been stolen will not work. Regretting mistakes you have made will
not work. Wishing you knew more or could change your current manifestation will not work. Blaming other people will
not work. Blaming yourself will not work.
The only thing that will work and change your current manifestation is to apply the work of Christ and His shed blood,
and to speak out against the devil and his injustice, and proclaim the blessing God has promised. Only by speaking out
God’s will and speaking against Satan’s will in the spiritual legal system can you find victory or relief. You can “stew”
silently or “complain” openly to other people to your dieing day, but it will not produce the will and purpose of God, or
deliver you from oppression. You have to take legal action and apply the shed blood of Christ to your thinking, experience,
and belief. You then have to renounce Satan and any authority which he has stolen, and proclaim that the blessing God has
spoken is yours by your birth right. This does not belong to you because you “do what is right”. It is your birth right
because you have been redeemed by the shed blood of Christ. You must know your spiritual legal rights and then enforce
them in the court of heaven.
Once you know and enforce these rights, you can demand anything that God’s Word promises you and you can
alleviate any oppression. Proverbs 6:31 tells us that if a thief is found or discovered stealing, be must restore what he has
taken “sevenfold”. Sevenfold means seven times or an indefinite number. 13 The context of the verse continues to explain
that if the thief is discovered stealing, that this sevenfold return means that he must give all that he owns to the person he is
caught stealing from! When you understand and enforce your legal covenant rights, you have access to everything that
Satan has stolen from you and everything that he has ever stolen! You can legally get what was stolen from you and you
have power of attorney over what was stolen from another person and can cause it to be legally restored to them! This
insight is the first step in the process of intercessory prayer.

13 Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive
Concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.


Chapter 10
Intercession and Prayer

Now that we have a clear idea of what manifestation is, and how it occurs into physical reality, we can begin to discuss
some practical applications of this process.
It has been largely believed and taught, that intercession and prayer are when a person “gets before God” and “labors”
for hours, days, weeks, or even years while they restrict their body with “prayer and fasting” in order to “get” what they
desire from God.
From our discussion in the previous chapters, you can see that this has nothing to do with what true intercession and
prayer is all about. Intercession and prayer are about bringing the will and purpose of God into physical manifestation. It
is accomplished by making the truth of God a part of your “being”. We must understand that through the work of Christ
and by the power of God’s Holy Spirit, we have a kind of spiritual “power of attorney” that we can exercise for ourselves
and others.
Whether we pray for our own needs and desires, or those of others; the physical change, results as our being
incorporates the truth of God and it is this truth that brings freedom. It is not our “laboring” that gets God’s attention, it is
the shift of our awareness onto the truth of God, which may involve some “laboring” to escape our comfort zone and
thinking, and then His truth manifests into our physical reality through our increase of experience of that truth. We don’t
manifest anything. God does the manifesting through our obedience to Him and through the attention of our awareness.
We agree with what God has already stated by His word and align ourselves with this truth. When our experience of that
truth grows to where the truth is a part of every fiber of our being, God is able to manifest the truth through us into physical
reality. It is the truth that you know and have made a part of your being, that makes you free.
When the “experience” undergoes a sudden burst of accomplishment and clears of all resistance, this is what we observe
as a “miracle”. “Miracles” occur every time that we shift our awareness. It is only when this shift causes all “blocks” to
wash clear from the experience that we observe this as an immediate physical manifestation. A miracle is when all
resistance to the ultimate truth of God is removed, and God is able to immediately manifest physically, His will and
purpose. This is the process of faith, which is sometimes instantaneous and other times gradual. It is “gradual” only
because our “experience” must be cleared of all resistance by the renewing of our minds. Jesus was a man Who never
“sinned”, or broke His connection to the Father, and as a result, was able to do many miracles. Once the Holy Spirit was
admitted to dwell within mankind, the disciples were also able to perform miracles. We have that same Spirit if He dwells
within us and so we too can perform miracles by His will and power, and always and only, for His glory.
In Hebrews 11:1, the Apostle Paul gives a description of his experience of what faith is. He explains that faith is the
“substance” of what is hoped for or desired. That faith is also the “evidence” or proof of what already exists in the spiritual
“blueprint” of heaven. The word “substance” means a setting under as a support. One of the meanings of the word “faith”
is to “wax content”.2
To “wax” means to hardened into form. It comes from the observation that liquid wax will take on whatever form it is
given and then eventually “hardened” into that form and retain its shape.
When Paul is describing his personal experience of faith, he is saying that the proof of what already exists in heaven in
the spiritual realm, can be brought into a corporal, “hardened” form and therefore manifested into the physical realm. In
the realm of the spirit, all of God’s promises exist in a state of “being” but they can only be made a reality physically, when
they are brought into the physical realm through manifestation. Just as wax must harden to take on form, so the spiritual
realities of God’s promises, must “harden” into physical manifestation within our lives through the cleansing of our
“experience”. These spiritual realities take on the form that we give them through our attention, thoughts, attitudes, and the
words that we speak. We have the choice of focusing our awareness onto the things already in physical manifestation, or
we can choose to view the spiritual realities.
The change in your physical manifestation is only a belief away! The way in which we are able to “view” the spiritual
realities of God’s truth, is through His Word to us. God and His Word are the same. When He tells us something about
ourselves or the world, or about anything; He is telling us about Himself. He tells us that “this is what He is like”, and
“this is what He is not like”. Through the truth of His Word, God reveals to us His nature and character. Like melted wax,
if we behold His nature and character, our state of being and physically manifested reality will “harden” and be conformed
to His image.
With that understood, then we can understand that any problem we face, any lack, any shortage, any disease, or
situation; is a direct result of the manifestation of the “flesh” or the human nature, in place of the manifestation of the
nature and character of God. The “flesh”, as we have discussed, is a “mindset” that is in opposition to the ultimate truth of
God. It is actually “thinking” that produces manifestations of the nature and character of Satan. To be “in the flesh” is to

Hebrews 11:1

be in a state of mind that shuts out God and opens the door to Satan and his demons. Unwanted manifestations can then
occur into reality through this “mindset” that resists the ultimate truth of God. In place of God’s promised blessings, what
will “harden” into physical form, will be things like sickness, disease, lack, shortage, and all other problems.
You will manifest either the nature and character of God, or the nature and character of Satan. Remember, you do not
“make” anything manifest into physical reality. God or Satan will give their nature and character to you through the focus
of your awareness and this will result in physical manifestation. You are either aligned with and giving your attention to
God, or you are aligned with and giving your attention to Satan. Being “in the flesh” is when you have exercised a choice
to view something that is outside the nature and character of God. You focus your awareness onto this false aspect of
spiritual substance, and knowingly or unknowingly, you behold the nature and character of Satan. You become what you
behold, and the result is a variety of unwanted manifestations.
Intercession and prayer for ourselves and others, then becomes a very simple matter. Since all unwanted problems and
situations are manifestations that result from the “flesh mindset” which manifests the nature and character of Satan; then
the answer to any problem or situation is to displace the “flesh mindset” and the devil, and replace these with the ultimate
truth of God and the manifestation of His nature and character. Whatever you personally face, or whatever someone you
are praying for is facing; the answer is always to manifest the nature and character of God by making a change in your
state of being. You make changes in your being by shifting your awareness to the ultimate truth of God. By changing your
state of being, you change and affect, not only your reality, but also the world around you. Intercession and prayer, then,
are when you change your state of being in order to manifest the nature and character of God into physical reality. You
become the change you wish to see manifested.
Any problem or situation that you desire to change, can be changed by aligning your state of being with an aspect of the
ultimate truth of God and “holding” this alignment until the desired physical result “hardens” into manifestation. If you
can belief it-you can have it. Intercession and prayer are quite simple, but what can take time is to rid yourself of any
resistance to God’s ultimate truth.
To find the “blocks” to our answered prayers, we need to look no further than our own thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and
spoken words. If something is in manifestation that is unwanted then either you spoke it into being or someone else did.
Either you allowed it, knowingly or unknowingly, or someone else did. You or someone else may have been active in
causing the unwanted manifestation, or you may have acquired it by simply being “passive” and not exercising your
spiritual authority.
In Matthew 11:12, Jesus states that the kingdom of heaven suffers “violent force” or has been “seized by life strength”,
and that those who are “strong in working life strength” or “energy”, “take the kingdom for themselves”.3 The implication
of the verse is to be “strong in working the life strength, or energy” and not to be “passive”. Being passive, defaults to
being dominated by darker and denser energies. Being “strong in working the life strength (or life-force) or energy” results
in aligning with the higher positive energies which dissipate the lower negative energies and the unwanted manifestations.
You are either actively taking ground in the kingdom, or you are passively giving up spiritual ground. You are either
exercising your authority in and through the work of Christ, or you are defaulting to allowing a demonic entity to take
authority over you. You are either being affected by what you have spoken into being, or you are affected by what
someone else has spoken over you.
Prayer and intercession are simply means to correct what is out of alignment with the ultimate truth of God. If you
desire to change your personal situation, you find the ultimate truth of God in His word and begin the process of changing
your state of being into this truth. If you are interceding for someone else, you pray and discover what truth this individual
is lacking, and then take on that truth in your state of being and “hold” it until the person “hardens” into its form.
This is where intercession can be “draining”. You may grasp the truth of God for yourself and even have it in physical
manifestation, but if the individual does not immediately align with that truth, you must put continual effort into “holding”
the image of that truth within your state of being until they accept and manifest it. In some cases, this can lead to what has
come to be known as intercessory drain. When you hold an image of truth that is resisted by another person, or group, you
experience a drain of your life energy. The person or group resists the change from their current manifestation and will use
this current state of being to try to change you into their belief. This will also occur at the levels of group minds and
collective souls. Make no mistake, intercession of this type can lead to physical exhaustion, sickness, disease, or situations
and circumstances that are unwanted and resistant manifestations.
The continual effort that you must generate will be to resist the current state of being and mindset of the person or
group, and to maintain a clear image of the truth which you project outward. This also reveals how awesome the
responsibility of prayer and intercession is. In prayer and intercession, you are not forcing your will onto another person or
group. Instead, you are becoming a physical manifestation of the physical changes that God wants to exist. You become
the change and then an “anointing” is poured over your physical body. This anointing is the power and presence of the

Matthew 11:12

Holy Spirit manifesting in and through you. Your “broadcast” of energy outward will affect and change the physical
reality of others around you. When you walk into a room, in the spiritual realm, you display to other people the focus of
your awareness and for an instant, cause others to glimpse whatever you have aligned yourself with. To those who seek
ultimate truth, you will appear as the spiritual light which they have been seeking. They will be drawn to you. To those
who resist ultimate truth and who opt for a falsehood of their own version of what truth is, you will be the light that chases
away the darkness of their soul. Your presence will repel them. In a spiritual sense, they will fear you (a part of the blessing of
Abraham, discussed in the last chapter) and run from the truth that has manifested in you. These will attack and make attempts to
discredit you in anyway which they can produce as “socially acceptable”. This social acceptance has nothing to do with
the truth, it is whatever will sway and shift the focus of the current group mind.
The good news, as well as the bad, is that we are all “interceding” all the time by exposing people to our current state of
being. That’s right! Everybody, all the time, twenty four-seven, three hundred sixty five days a year-is “interceding” for
everyone and everything around them.
You affect everyone and everything around you by whatever you align yourself with. There are really only two things
that can manifest through us: the nature and character of God, or the nature and character of Satan. You either align
yourself with the ultimate truth and the nature and character of God, or you align yourself with a falsehood and the nature
and character of Satan.
Its kind of like voting on a ballot. Every thought that comes to you, you alone must decide if you will accept it or reject
it. All the thoughts that come to you are either thoughts of ultimate truth, or of falsehoods. All the thoughts that you think
and either accept or reject, either allow or disallow God and Satan to manifest their will and purpose through you.
Remember that you do not manifest anything. It is whoever you align yourself with that does the manifesting through you.
If you align yourself with God in your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs; then God will manifest aspects of His nature and
character. If you align yourself with Satan in your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs, then Satan will manifest aspects of His
nature and character in your physical reality. You are always the deciding vote! God always wants to give you life and
blessing and Satan always wants to bring you death and cursing! You decide by voting on every thought that comes to
The problem that arises is that we do not “think” about our “thoughts” and so Satan is able to get us to “vote” him into
office in our lives. We may truly desire to serve God and Him alone; but thoughts of fear come to us and we “become”
afraid in our state of being and then Satan has been voted into office by us to certain areas of our lives. We don’t
consciously vote Satan in. Its kind of like being awakened in the middle of the night or while we are very busy and we are
told to vote for this or that. We’re not paying attention and suddenly we find that Satan has a stronghold built within our
The solution is to police every thought. Only by “voting in” God’s thoughts and “voting out” Satan’s thoughts can we
rid ourselves of unwanted manifestations. Whenever a thought comes to us, we must understand that either God is
contacting us to “vote” for Him, or Satan is contacting us to “vote” for him. We can not be passive. Being passive about
what thoughts we “vote” for is to default to electing Satan to be sovereign in our lives and so physical manifestations. If
you don’t take the time to vote on your thoughts, then Satan takes over the decision making of your mind. He takes over
and governs you and you suddenly realize that someone else has control of your mind and life without your conscious
permission. You alone have the power to “vote” for or against any thought. If you are experiencing unwanted
manifestations, then somewhere you have voted Satan in to govern your life and invited him to manifest His nature and
character in and through you. The solution, as we said, is to police every thought, and to vote God’s thoughts into your
life, and to vote out and reject the thoughts of Satan. Whenever you change your thoughts you change your physical
manifestation. If you change your thoughts from alignment with Satan and his falsehood to alignment with the ultimate
truth of God, your physical manifestation will change from the nature and character of Satan to the nature and character of
God. When you become the change by taking on new thoughts, you will manifest desired changes by God flowing in and
through you into manifestation. God does the manifesting, you align with His thoughts. You don’t “make” physical
changes, you make changes in your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and in what you speak. God manifests the physical results.
Like I said, the good news and the bad. The good news is that no one has to teach you how the intercede for someone
else or how to pray for your own needs. Every moment of every day there is manifesting through you either the nature and
character of God, or the nature and character of Satan. What you manifest physically, depends upon what you give your
focus and attention. If you focus on the ultimate truth of God, then you will physically manifest aspects of His nature and
character. The bad news is, if you focus on a falsehood of Satan, then you will physically manifest aspects of the nature
and character of Satan.
Satan will try to “trick” you. He will entice you to look at physical manifestations and tell you that you cannot “vote”
these out of existence. He will attempt to convince you that he has a strong dictatorship in your life and that there is
nothing you can do about it. This is a lie. You can change any unwanted physical manifestation by changing the thoughts
that you “vote” in or out.

Intercession then is where you “vote” in God’s thoughts and make them a part of your state of being, and you “vote” out
Satan’s thoughts and give him no place to operate, which affects the physical manifestation. Your state of being is what
affects the people and situations around you. Your state of being is also what affects the physical manifestation of your
reality. To pray for your own needs, or to intercede for the needs of others, you make ever increasing aspects of the nature
and character of God a part of your being and then God is able to move supernaturally in and through you.
Having said this, intercession is not when a person “slaves” to impose their will onto another person. I’ve seen this
happen many times and it is just so much witchcraft under the roof of the church! True intercession is allowing God to
work in you and then to flow through you to reach others with His truth. That truth will set the person free of all bondage.4
Imposing your own will onto a person, even if it is to control them for “good reasons” is still control and leads to bondage.
Nothing good can come from it.
I remember as a little kid sitting in church on Sunday night and the pastor would ask if anyone had a “testimony” to
give. One by one, many people in the church would stand and tell others about something that the Lord had done in their
life. Some testimonies were genuine, but many people used it as an opportunity to stroke their own self worth and it was
largely a “blow your own horn” session.
I remember the testimony of one man who told of another man who came to church. At the end of the service, an “altar
call” was given but this visiting man resisted and did not go to the front of the church to “get saved”. The man giving the
testimony said that a group of people got together and began to pray that God would “make the man sick” until he got
With excitement in his eyes, the man said, “…and you know-he did get sick!”
Small wonder! Witchcraft does work even if you don’t know that it is witchcraft!
In this case, you can clearly see that to impose your will onto someone else is wrong even if it is intended to bring about
a “good end”. Praying that someone would “get sick” in order to “get saved” shows a lack of understanding of basic
spiritual principals. How could anyone who knows God, pray an aspect of the nature and character of Satan onto a person
in hopes that this would induce them to accept the work of Christ? This is an overt example but the danger lies largely in
the more subtle forms of control. Holding casually the thought that “God’s going to get them for that” demonstrates a
judgmental quality in your state of being. This judgmental quality is then broadcast outward and affects others. If you feel
that you have some superior spiritual quality that makes you “better” than others, then you knowingly or unknowingly send
out the message that God will deal with anyone who believes differently than you do. You will broadcast out to anyone
around you that “God is going to get you” if you disagree with me. You may not pray that people will get sick, but getting
sick and even worse things can occur.
By harboring an attitude that is a falsehood, you knowingly or unknowingly “vote” Satan in as Lord over every situation
that arises. Your alignment with this false belief and attitude produces a state of being in you that gives Satan reign in your
life and gives him the “right” to inflict the object of your contempt with all available energies.
It is as I explained earlier that prayer and intercession come from your state of being. You manifest what you are made
of, spiritually speaking. You can subject people to your will but this is witchcraft not intercession.
True intercession starts with the ultimate truth of God and His will and purpose for mankind. True intercession is when
you see and understand the truth of God and then change your state of being to conform to that image. When you impose
your will onto another person, you hold an image that demands that they change, but when you intercede for another
person, you become the change that God said that He wants to see manifest physically and this change in you affects the
other person. One method is control that leads to bondage, the other is truth that sets everyone concerned free!
Every person on the face of the earth is affecting the people around them to some degree. The worst drunken heathen is
affecting the people around him by his state of “being”. His constant cussing and cursing are not nearly as bad as his state
of “being”. He may yell and cuss for a few minutes, but his state of “being” is affecting to some degree, everyone and
everything around him twenty four hours a day. He is bathing people in his negative energy and belief system.
The good news is that this person is functioning in the lower, denser energies, and that the higher, positive energies can
chase these away like light chases away darkness. One positive thought that is held by a person who is aligned with the
ultimate truth of God can banish and make to no affect, many negative thoughts. The way to overcome evil is to rise into
the higher states of “being”.
Have you ever noticed that a negative person will attempt to drag you down to their level? They will insult you and
then there is the tendency within you, a kind of “pull”, to insult them back. This is because the only effect a negative
individual can have on you is if they pull you into their negative energy. That’s the only place they can beat the stuffing
out of you. As long as you remain in the higher positive energies, a negative person can only spout off and attempt to pull
you into the negative field. This is where your mind must be trained to stay aligned with the ultimate truth of God and not
“fight” people and situations. People and situations are not your problem. Your problem, if you have one, is that your

Galatians 5:1

mind needs to be renewed with the truth of God that sets you free. Your problem, is that you need to shift your awareness
to God’s ultimate truth and let go of any false, limiting, and restricting beliefs.
The more you align yourself with the truth of God, which is the highest energy, the more negative people will resist
you. They will attempt to drag you into their negative energy field where they can beat the life force out of you that
threatens their very existence. You are the light in their darkness. Their problem is that they have come to perceive their
darkness as being light. When you introduce through your state of “being” a higher form of energy, your light of truth
which has manifested physically exposes their dark ways and chases them away. To those with willing hearts toward God,
your light will be the relief that they have been searching for. You will provide the light that sets them free from their
darkness. To those with unwilling hearts toward God, you will threaten their very existence. They will sense on a spiritual
level that they can no longer conceal their true self and will attempt to discredit you so that they can retain their current
group status.
You can easily tell whether a person is aligned with the ultimate truth of God or with a false belief that has been
orchestrated by Satan. The person aligned with God’s truth will exude that truth by their state of being. They have nothing
that has to be “proved” to others, they simply wish to help and teach others the truth that has come to set them free. They
have become the change that they wish to see manifested into physical reality. The person aligned with Satan will attempt
to control other people by imposing their will onto others. They will be “driven” to make other people change. They will
have a strict set of rules to follow and will insist that others also follow these in order to be “spiritual”.
The point I am trying to make in these examples is that intercession is not when a group of select people from the
church meet on Tuesday night at 7:30PM and pray their will over a list of needs. This kind of manipulation can fall easily
into the same thing as witchcraft. True intercession, would be when one or more people seek God’s will about a situation
and then take that truth and make it a part of their state of being until they become the change that God wants to have
manifest physically.
By making the focus of the change something that is determined by God, we can have God use us in all kinds of
situations. God can bring change through us that we are not even aware of consciously. Often times when God works
through us without our knowledge, but with our permission through a willing heart toward Him, we may experience an
intercessory drain. This can be a simple tired feeling, or it may result in feeling like the life force has been drained out of
you. You may have a “drugged” feeling, very much like you have been anesthetized and are unable to stay awake. Other
times you are wide awake, not physically tired, but you may find physical activity difficult or impossible because your life
energy is low.
I recall the incident in 1991 when former President Bush was jogging and had a rapid, irregular heartbeat and was
rushed to the emergency room in an ambulance. The news reported this around 4:30PM in the afternoon. I had been
working a late shift at work and was sleeping through the day. I awoke from a dream at about 4:15PM with a very
pronounced feeling of intercessory drain. Just waking up, I should have been well rested, but felt like I had just run a
marathon and had no energy at all. I felt weak, like my body was not getting enough power. If I had been a light bulb, I
would have been burning very dimly. In the dream, I saw myself sitting near a roaring campfire. Around me was deep
blackness but I was in the light of the fire. In the background, was a small tent and inside was President Bush in a sleeping
bag. His face was visible from where I sat. I had the overwhelming sense that I was protecting him from something. That
his very life depended upon me “keeping watch” over him.
Fifteen minutes after I awoke and saw the news cast, I understood why I was feeling so tired. God had used me to
protect the President. He didn’t wake me up and tell me to pray. He took my spirit and placed it to “stand in the gap”5 for
the President’s life. When my spirit left my body to “stand in the gap” I felt the “drain” that is customary with intercession
of this kind. God didn’t ask my permission, He already had it through my willing heart toward Him.
Now Satan is a counterfeiter. The only things he can manifest into physical reality are counterfeits of the Holy Spirit
through people. Having discussed how God will use a willing heart that is turned toward Him to bring about His
will-guess what! Satan will use ANY willing heart that is turned toward himself to bring about his will into a physical
manifestation. What that means is that if any aspect of your awareness is shifted onto some falsehood, Satan can take your
spirit while you sleep and use it without your conscious knowledge. The reason he can do this is because you have aligned
yourself with him and so he has legal right to work through you to bring about his desired physical manifestation. A very
good reason to “stay out of the flesh”.
Now just because you have a “bad day” doesn’t mean that your spirit is going to be taken from you at night and used
without your knowledge, but this phenomenon is far more common than you would think. There is a very good reason
why the bible says that if you are angry about something, don’t sin by allowing the sun to go down on your wrath.6

Ezekiel 22:30
Ephesians 4:26

I remember serving in a church and the pastor got off into some strange ideas. He was somewhat insecure and felt
threatened by people who criticized or disagreed with him. He was so plagued by this that he started to pray that anyone
who disagreed with him would leave the church. (As a side note, this man eventually “prayed” his church out of existence!
There were numerous problems and disagreements and the church ended up closing its doors and scattering its people.) At
any rate, this man, largely through the influence of his wife, who had an awful temper, got the idea that I was trying to run
his church. I would be invited to speak or minister in the church and then the pastor and his family would criticize
everything I said or did. I was very patient and understanding, and attempted to help and support him, but the enemy had
him in a grip of fear. I began to feel his thoughts and prayers coming against me more and more frequently. He began to
make indirect comments in his sermons regarding me. Comments that had been thoroughly discussed among his family
and which out rightly made false and unfounded accusations against me. This went on and intensified for several weeks. I
remained supportive but the constant pressure imposed upon me was wearing me down. Then one Sunday morning I had a
dream where the pastor kept coming “at” me. I remember how his very life force just kept coming up into my face and I
kept telling him to stop it. My words were like those of a defenseless child in the face of a looming adult. It was more of a
plea to stop the oppressive abuse than anything else. Still the pastor kept coming “at me”—“at me”—“at me”…
Suddenly, after being bullied and knocked around to where I felt suffocated, I screamed out the pastor’s name and
yelled, “Stop it!”
I immediately awoke from the dream and knew it had spiritual significance. I got up and went to church as usual. Upon
arrival, the pastor’s wife said that I would have to lead the service this morning because the pastor was up and getting
ready, and he suddenly got sick and started vomiting. I would later discover that this mysterious illness left him as quickly
as it had arrived. Not many weeks after this, the pastor’s wife threw one of her violent outbursts at me and the Lord
released me to leave the church and go elsewhere.
Now what occurred was that Satan was working through this pastor’s fear and resentment. I flow in the gifts and there
was some resentment toward me from the pastor and his wife, which took the form of accusations that I was trying to take
over the church. I would be invited to speak and minister, and then everything I said and did would be used as “proof” that
I was attempting to take control of the church. This fear and resentment became a part of the pastor’s state of “being” and
the demonic spirits came to him at night while he was sleeping and took his spirit out of his body to attack me; the object
of his growing hatred.
The dream was my perception of a spiritual reality. The spirit of this man was attacking and oppressing me. The
demonic spirits could do little to get through to me at the time. I bound them and their activities. But here was a man,
given authority and dominion in the earth by God to whom I was submitted to serve in the church. Instead of being my
shepherd and spiritual father to watch over me, this man “willed” to push me around and abuse me from what he perceived
as a threat to himself and to his church. My “light” was shinning into his darkness and so he attacked me in his thoughts.
The demons now had a human spirit with free will to inflict their desires upon me. They used this pastor’s spirit like a
weapon against me. Where they could not breach my spiritual defenses, they found an open channel through the one to
whom I was “submitted” to in authority within the church.
When I could take no more of this “human oppression” I broke the connection between us and all of the pastor’s hatred
and resentment flew back at him and he began vomiting from the mysterious and sudden illness. With all of his faults, this
man really wanted to serve God. He just didn’t know how. I am convinced that I was placed within that church to teach
him how to truly serve God. I mean, think about it a minute. How many people would stay in a church where the pastor
preaches “at” you and makes false accusation about you? I certainly wasn’t attending and serving there for my own
Anyway, after his own negative energy made him sick, he let go of it and the strange illness disappeared as suddenly as
it manifested within an hour or two.
The important thing to remember here is that whatever makes up your state of “being” will manifest into your physical
reality and to some extent, will influence and affect other people. . Intercession is where you comprehend and take on the
nature and character of God so that His nature and character will manifest in your life and in the lives of those around you.
Harboring negative emotions and thought processes, are like opening the door to demons and saying to “come and get me”.
You may think that you are experiencing these negative feelings in the privacy of your own mind but they are having
effects on the world around you. They are also having effects on you and like the man in this story, may cause your human
spirit to be used against other people without your conscious knowledge of this. This can lead to anything from strange
temporary “sicknesses” to long term disease and depression. I am fully convinced that many people suffer most of their
lives from conditions that result from harboring negative emotions that open the door to demonic influence.
Another doorway to the influence of the enemy is when an often well meaning Christian prays for and removes another
person’s “blocks” before that person is ready for this mentally. Blocks resist the flow of the power of God and at first
glance you would think that the solution to any problem is to find these blocks and simply remove them. Before a person
can flow with the power of God, they must first separate themselves from the “flesh mindset” or human nature or mental

disposition that is resisting God. Until a person breaks with this destructive mindset, removal of the blocks can be
dangerous. The truth is that what must be done, is to renew the mind with truth. Then the blocks will either come out
naturally, or they can consciously be let go of by the person. Our Christian walk is a growth process and a personal
relationship with the Father. In the natural, a baby is not ready for a discussion about sexual purity, but an adolescent is.
In our walk with the Father, we have to be ready and matured enough for the changes that produce a more unrestricted
“flow” with the power of God.
I was working years ago in a juvenile detention facility. A young boy of fifteen came into the center one day and soon a
discussion about spiritual things developed. At first, this young boy was a bit flippant about the discussion and was not
taking it very sincerely, but when I made certain statements, he realized that I was serious about what I was talking about.
It seems that his apparent flippant attitude was a fear that he would be ridiculed for his personal spiritual experiences.
Jeff-as we will call him-explained that for several years now he had been having clairvoyant dreams that began after his
mother had taken him for a Tarot card reading. He dreamed of future events and of the deaths of several people before
they actually occurred. He also stated that if he touched someone before going to bed, he often had a dream about that
person that eventually came true. Jeff’s “abilities” were quite impressive and accurate. He also admitted that while on
several occasions, he had tried to read the bible, he found that he became “sick”, or felt dizzy or sleepy. He described an
“out of body experience” and said that his dreams were “freaky as hell” and that they really scared him. Jeff stated that he
didn’t believe that these dreams were bad or “demonic” in nature. He liked the idea that he could foretell the future and it
gave him a sense of power over other people.
As best I could, I explained to Jeff that his experiences and “abilities” were of a demonic nature. I could sense in my
spirit that he was not ready to “break” with these spirits and gave him a phone number where he could reach me if he
wanted to get rid of the forces that troubled him at a later time. I then broke off the discussion.
Jeff, realized at this point that I was completely serious about our discussion and he started to get very afraid. He
grabbed an old bible from the bookshelf and said that he was going to sleep with it. He clutched the bible close to his chest
and continued to show more and more fear. There was a part of him that for the first time during our discussion, that began
to look to me for relief.
I sensed strongly that he was not ready to part with the clairvoyant spirit, but that he was plagued during sleep by a
spirit of fear and a spirit of confusion. Jeff was small for fifteen and I pulled him in close to me and put my hand on his
chest for comfort. I simply spoke that the fear and confusion would leave him. Jeff got immediate relief and was able to
go to sleep without any fear of “bad dreams”.
Jeff was at a point where he was tired of the fear and confusion, but where he still viewed the clairvoyant abilities as
positive experiences. God met him where he was ready and removed the fear and confusion that caused him to experience
out of body experiences and the bad dreams. It is true that he needed to break with that clairvoyant spirit, but this could not
happen until he was ready. Removing that spirit without Jeff being ready to fill that void with the Holy Spirit would have
left him open to any demon he came into contact with.
When ministering to people, I often sense a multitude of problems and then I get a sense of what that person is ready to
deal with at that particular point in time. Ministry and intercession have the common result that they affect other people.
In ministry, you are physically present with the individual, and in intercession you are not.
Whenever I intercede for others, I always ask the Holy Spirit to show me what I should pray. I never look at a person
and decide in my own mind that “this” or “that” is their problem and then start binding demons. That kind of action is a
dangerous practice, because like Jeff, a person may have a demon they are not ready to break with at the present time. You
can “pray” the spirit out of them, but you may be opening them up to even more deadly and diabolical spirits later on!
Also, you must avoid harboring negative emotions that can allow demonic spirits to have access to your spirit. Demons
can use your spirit like a weapon to attack other people because you have authority in the earth. Demons may be bound
and defeated but if they find a willing man or woman with authority in the earth that will inflict another, then the demons
can attack through these people without their knowledge.
This phenomenon is also important to keep in mind when you experience resistance during intercession. You can bind
and cast out a demon, but another human being is a different story. You can’t “bind” or “cast out” another person. People
have free will and they can exercise this in any way that they chose. When you pray the will of God, and become the
positive change necessary to manifest His will, Satan will use people to attack you. He will do this through the various
mindsets with which they are connected. In some instances, he will steer people to “crash” into you like a suicide pilot.
You will find resistance coming from every possible source.
I have experienced that when I pray for people, they sometimes will become distant, but most of the time, they become
hostile toward me. I don’t mean that they quietly “think” thoughts in their living room. I mean that I have prayed for co-
workers who absolutely do everything within their power to make my life and job—“a living hell”! I have prayed for
people in my church who in turn, do everything they can to discredit me!

We should keep these examples in mind when interceding, but always remember that the favor of God is greater than
any resistance.
The key to intercession then is simple. We must become the change that we wish to see manifest. We must align our
awareness with the ultimate truth of God and hold this truth until it becomes a part of our state of being. Once we have
accomplished this, we need to continue holding this truth up for the other person. What we are doing is giving God access
to this individual where before He had none. We have “voted” God and His will in for this person. To the unsaved, we
hold God’s plan of salvation, mercy, and unconditional love and forgiveness. To the sick and diseased, we hold God’s
image of health and restoration. To the impoverished and needy, we hold God’s continuous expansion, wealth, and luxury.
Intercession is not “begging” God for anything. True intercession is taking back to God what He has already spoken in His
Word and then making this a part of our state of being, until God’s desire is manifested into physical reality.

The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
The King James,
The New International Version, International Bible Society 1984.
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s
Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

Chapter 11
Interacting With
The Hidden World

Throughout this text, I have mentioned several different areas or realms where different energy systems function and
how these can have different effects. Knowing these various areas or realms can be useful in prayer and intercession much
like it is useful for a surgeon to know the human body and whether the physical problem is in the hand or the foot. A good
doctor will eventually discover the injury, but a great deal of time can be saved if he knows exactly where to look from the
symptoms described to him and if he knows about the entire body. The same is true when interacting with the hidden
world of the soul and spirit. If you can quickly distinguish between a “demonic” attack and a “psychic” one, you will not
only save time, but also suffering. Binding and casting out a demon when the attack is really of a psychic nature, will only
cause frustration, and eventually, exhaustion from getting no results.
The following pages give a very brief look at the various realms of the hidden world in a chart format. Familiarizing
yourself with these will help you in your personal life, as well as in your ministry to others. “Sensitive” people will find
this information freeing and in some cases, life saving.
For the last three areas mentioned, I will refer you to other chapters of this book. Throughout this text, I have discussed
The Holy Spirit, The Work of Christ, and God. It would be redundant to repeat all of that material here. What I have
attempted to do in this chapter is to give you some idea of how the progression of the manifestation of the nature and
character of God occurs in your reality, and how this can be “blocked” at the junctions of the differing realms. The
message is that if you can clear all the different junctions of “blocks” then the power of God will manifest in your reality.
This is intended as a way of discovering and removing these “blocks” so that you can receive the promise of God. It gives
you a visual picture of how the spiritual, and soul realms function. With this knowledge, you will become more effective
in prayer and in manifesting the will and purpose of God for yourself and for others.

The Hidden World


The Work of Christ

The Spiritual Realm

The Holy Spirit

The Collective Consciousness

The Emotional Realm

The Mental Realm

The Etheric Realm

The Physical Realm

Life and energy come from God. At each of the lines dividing the various realms there is the potential of a
“block”. A block is anything which restricts the “flow” that comes from God. These are always limiting and
restricting attitudes and beliefs that are not aligned with the ultimate truth of God. In the areas below “The Holy
Spirit” realm, a block can be inhabited by a demonic spirit. Demons can not inhabit the higher realms, and many
demons can only inhabit certain areas. When a demon is able to inhabit a restricting or limiting belief at one of the
area divisions, what is called a “stronghold” is formed.
If you are seeking a “healing” for a particular need, you must first bind all demons and cast them out of
whichever realm they occupy. You must then remove the “blocks” by renewing your mind with the truth until it
can clear your “experience” of any resistance that has been imposed by the limiting and restricting beliefs. You
must then make that truth a part of your state of “being” by whatever means works for you. You should then
“heal” or restore the etheric body of any damage. The etheric body is the framework that supports the physical,
corporal body. When you change this “framework” of damage, the physical body can heal much faster.

The Physical Realm


The Work of Christ

The Spiritual Realm

The Holy Spirit

The Collective Consciousness

The Emotional Realm

The Mental Realm

The Etheric Realm

The Physical Realm

Manifestation of physical results
Physical symptoms
Medication is a physical substance that acts on the physical substance of the body.
Herbs are physical substances that act on the physical substance of the body.

Sickness is when a physical substance affects physical substance.

(Example: a virus, or bacteria is “physical” and can infect the physical body.)

The Etheric Realm


The Work of Christ

The Spiritual Realm

The Holy Spirit

The Collective Consciousness

The Emotional Realm

The Mental Realm

The Etheric Realm

“Power” demons inhabit this realm where they affect and damage the etheric body.

Disease is when an etheric substance affects a physical substance, or where the etheric body of an individual
becomes “damaged” and then manifests this damage onto the physical body.

The Physical Realm

The Mental Realm


The Work of Christ

The Spiritual Realm

The Holy Spirit

The Collective Consciousness

The Emotional Realm

The Mental Realm

Thought forms

“Principalities” inhabit this realm and affect the thoughts and attitudes of the earth.

Fear and anxiety-low self worth-fear of failure-“can’t do anything right”-“don’t know what to do”
Anger and resentment-self righteousness (pride)-self justification (apathy)-“not good enough” (without hope)
Hatred and bitterness-self hatred-self destructive attitudes and behaviors-suicide

Psychokenesis is when thought affects physical substance.

The Etheric Realm

The Physical Realm

The Emotional Realm


The Work of Christ

The Spiritual Realm

The Holy Spirit

The Collective Consciousness

The Emotional Realm

Group minds

Dominions/rulers of the darkness of this world inhabit the emotional realm and steer people by their
connection to the various group minds through the beliefs which they hold.
These can “cloak” lower spirits and hide their presence and activities.

The Mental Realm

The Etheric Realm

The Physical Realm

The Collective Consciousness


The Work of Christ

The Spiritual Realm

The Holy Spirit

The Collective Consciousness

Collective souls
Creative visualization
Positive thinking that can be “self willed” can function at this level.
(This is not the “faith based” positive thinking that is taught by Bob Schuller or Norman Vincent Peale. That
type of positive thinking is based on the work of Christ and is good. The same holds true for certain
visualizations and affirmations.)

Mights/Wicked spirits “in high places” inhabit this realm and use the energies of the collective souls to affect
people either with lower energies or with the higher energies. These can “cloak” lower spirits and hide their
presence and activities.

The Emotional Realm

The Mental Realm

The Etheric Realm

The Physical Realm

The Anatomy of Cancer


The Work of Christ

The Spiritual Realm

The Holy Spirit

Wicked spirits control large collective souls that the lower

spirits draw energy from.
The Collective Consciousness

The rulers of the darkness of this world create a sense of “fear” within
the various group minds about cancer and the fear causes very few to
The Emotional Realm ever look cancer in the face and define what it really is.

A “cancer elemental” will move to the very edge of the etheric realm
where it can make contact with the various negative beliefs, attitudes
The Mental Realm within the Mental Realm, and the resulting emotions that “allow” for
cancer to manifest and which shut out health. It actually does work in both
directions, evoking and reaching into the emotions and group minds and
collective souls in the higher realms; and it damages the etheric and
physical bodies below.

The elemental damages the etheric body of the victim

by inhabiting it. The physical body then begins to
The Etheric Realm reflect this and unhealthy change is manifested.

The “cancer elemental” has access to the physical body by inhabiting the
etheric body and it begins to reproduce its own nature and character into
The Physical Realm various cells within the physical body. Once it is successful in mutating one or
more cells it is able to “inhabit” these damaged cells within the physical body.
The reason that cancer often spreads rapidly is that the spirit involved has
direct access to the physical body through this infestation of the individual
cells. If you were to look at cancer spiritually, it might first appear that there
were hundreds or even thousands of tiny demons inhabiting the affected cells.
This is really just the “cancer elemental” reproducing its nature and character
into each of the individually infected cells. A much overlooked and unknown
spiritual fact is that “fear” can actually affect the physical body to where it is
able to inhabit it. You can cast out a cancer elemental, and a person’s body
can remain “infested” with fear and anxiety and a healing will not manifest.
Even after expelling fear and anxiety, a body can retain their effects and not
heal until these toxins leave or are expelled.

Chapter 12
Advanced Manifestation

In reading this text, you have discovered by now that the material “covers a lot of ground” concerning the hidden world and its
various components. This has been done intentionally so that the reader can gain an overview of the operations of both spiritual and
soul realms and can begin to distinguish between the two. The knowledge revealed in this text is “basic” in nature, but has largely
been neglected by the Christian church. Ignorance of the truth contained within these pages is a major factor in why so many
Christians do not receive answers to prayer and why they do not live fulfilled and meaningful lives that free not only themselves,
but also their families and other people. Understanding the work of Christ is a good starting point. After understanding this
intellectually, every individual must effect a personal decision to make this work a part of themselves. One of the ways to do this is
to enforce your legal spiritual rights through the blessing of Abraham. This is the place where you stop fighting the devil, and you
stop running from him. You instead, take him to spiritual court and allow all of heaven to enforce what God has spoken.
The hidden world operates by strict laws or “vibrational frequencies”. These laws, or frequencies, were set up by God during the
creation of the physical realm. God took the waters that proceeded from Himself and kept dividing these so that the separated
components would function individually and provide a “barrier” between each other. By doing so, God insured that “if” corruption
was introduced into creation, it would be contained within the lower, denser vibrational rates and would not even have the
opportunity to contaminate the rest of the universe. In doing this, God created a world where good and evil could exist side by side
and yet still be separated from each other through lack of participation between differing energy frequencies. It is not physical
distance that separates objects in the physical realm. What separates “physical” from “physical” is differing vibrational rates. By
staying within a particular frequency, or by obeying a certain law, a person can remain “pure” of evil, even though evil may
surround him on every side. By maintaining the frequency through obedience to the law, an individual can overcome lower energy,
with higher energy. The lower vibrational rates can not affect the higher ones. In common language, this means that even if we are
surrounded by evil, as long as we do not join ourselves to this evil, we can enjoy God’s blessing, and expel all the effects of the
curse. We can learn to enforce the blessing and cause all of heaven to incarcerate demons and the effects of the curse.
In Ephesians 6:10-18, the Apostle Paul explains how to enforce your God given covenant rights. He uses the example of a
Roman soldier ever ready at his post. The Roman army was a well known, common sight, at the time that Paul lived and wrote his
gospel to the church at Ephesus. Soldiers were every where watching the population. The Roman army was not a “conquering”
army at the time of Paul. They were an army of “occupation” functioning like a police force. The “conquering” had been done and
they were “occupying” the territory that had been defeated. Laws were strict, and violations were punished immediately and
severely. The Romans dominated the people with a strong hand. They had an elaborate legal system that protected all Roman
citizens. If you afflicted a citizen, you were legally dealt with in court.
Paul explains that Christians should put on the armor of God, just as a Roman soldier puts on the various pieces of his armor
before going to his post. This spiritual armor that he speaks of is composed of the seven works that God has done to restore us to
relationship with Him. They are:

The Word of God.

In order to understand how these seven components effect and overcome the hidden world—here is an expanded version that
reveals not only specific problem areas—but also the solution to resolving them by the might and power that God has provided
through the work of Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Truth………………The Physical Realm…be strong in the Lord’s power and might…....not your own self will.

Righteousness……..The Etheric Realm……………force…………………. …………………………..…powers.

Peace………………The Emotional Realm……….Group Minds…Desire…Belief…The Rulers of the Darkness

of this World.

Faith………………The Mental Realm……………Thought Forms…Attitudes……..…………..…Principalities.

Salvation………….The Work of Christ…………….state of “being”…….……………………………….…blood.

The Word of God…The Holy Spirit …………….…human nature……………………………………………flesh.

Prayer…………….The Collective Consciousness…Collective Souls………………………..Spiritual Wickedness.

Truth. Throughout this text, I have mentioned over and over, “ultimate truth”, and “true” Christianity. I have done this to point
out and differentiate between “a” truth, and “the” truth. “A” truth is something that may be true for one person but not for another.
A homosexual may say that God loves him and that he plans on going to heaven someday. This is “his” truth. It is something that
he lives his life by, but it is not “the”, “ultimate” truth spoken of in God’s Word. Even though the bible condemns homosexuality,
the man says that the condemnation is not for him. He has found “a” truth for himself that he can live by, but unfortunately, not one
that he will want to “die by” at the end of his life. He has discovered a temporary truth that he can live by, but it is not an
everlasting truth that will continue eternally. The man’s “truth” will perish with him at the end of time.
Other examples could be given, but the principle involved with “a” truth is one where a person devises their own idea of what is
right and wrong, instead of looking at things from God’s perspective. It is “self will” that is in opposition to the will and
perspective of God. There are many religions in the earth with many dedicated followers and they are not founded upon the
ultimate truth of God.
To find truth, we must look to what God has already said about any given situation. We do this by searching His Word and
allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us to its meaning. If all believers, entered the "now" and allowed the Holy Spirit to instruct them
in scripture, the church would be “in one accord”. The problem arises when personal interpretation is introduced. Christians who
live phantom lives in the past and future, open themselves to demons and errors in their thinking. They then, impose these on others
and the truth is lost.
Whatever the situation, the truth is the solution. For instance, if a person is separated from God and is on their way to hell; the
truth is that God has already justified them back to Himself through the saving work of Christ. All they need to do is agree with the
truth and make it a part of their being and they become a child of God with full rights and privileges. The ultimate truth of God is
the foundational starting point. God calls us to Him and makes every provision to restore the broken connection. This agreement
with what God has already said and done, is what the bible calls “the fear of the Lord”. It grants the obedient person wisdom.7
Instead of starting from and building on a false premise, a wise person starts with the ultimate truth and avoids self delusion. The
fear of the Lord does not mean that you are scared out of your mind of God. It means that you acknowledge in your very being the
fact that He is the sovereign Creator of all things. His creation includes you, and you must be wise and live to Him and not to your
self will. Failure to acknowledge the ultimate truth and take advantage of the Lord’s might and power, instead of our own causes us
to struggle needlessly in the physical realm.
Righteousness. The justification that God has done for us through the work of Christ, is what has been translated as the word
righteousness. It means equity, or defense, or plea in the court of heaven. Righteousness has been described as “right standing”
with God. It is the fact that in the court of heaven, God the “judge” is “for” us, and not “against” us. Satan will bring false
accusations against us in the court of heaven but our biggest mistake is to not show up in court and have the ruling default in favor
of Satan. If we “show up”, we find that the judge, has spoken in our defense, and has made a plea that through the work of Christ,
we should be set free from anything imposed by Satan and demons. Another mistake when we forsake righteousness, is that we feel
like we have to “force” our desired manifestation in the earth. This lack of righteous standing with God can open the door to
“power” demons and “elementals” that operate in the etheric realm. A person in this state will attempt to control others.
Peace. An understanding of how God is in favor of us and not against us is the introduction of peace. This peace that Paul
speaks of, means that we join with God, and be “set at one” with Him again. It is the experience of the work of Christ. This is the
realization that for the believer, there is no longer any separation from God the Father. Remember I said that God is in heaven and

Proverbs 9:10

of course, we are in the earth. But God’s Holy Spirit is also in the earth and we can be filled with Him. Our connection is restored
"now" and we do not have to wait to get to heaven to experience the benefits.
Lack of this experience of peace, will open us to “the rulers of the darkness of this world” and the group minds which they
inhabit. It will result in our desire and our beliefs being tainted so that we “desire” and “believe” for the things that separate us even
further from the love of God. This individual tends to shift to the emotional realm and is ruled by what they “feel” at any given
Faith. This faith is a persuasion of the truth itself that the believer is protected on all sides and that he can boldly approach God
without condemnation. . It is being convinced through experience that what God has spoken to you, and about you, is true.
Without “faith” you will develop a false mental image of yourself. You will slip into a phantom life of either the past or the future.
Faith can only be experienced in the "now" moment where you are fully “present”. Lack of the exercise of faith leads to an
existence in the mental realm and the principalities who inhabit it. These are affected by the thought forms and attitudes of others.
They also affect the thoughts and attitudes of people around them.
Salvation, means to be a “defender” or a “defense”; legal or in combat. In the court of heaven, Christ is the prosecutor Who also
makes intercession for our release. Imagine that. God is the judge and He is the one Who has justified, or ruled in our favor, and
the persecutor is defending us, insisting that He has already paid the price for our crimes and that we should therefore be released!
You wouldn’t hesitate to “come boldly before the throne of grace” where God already looks at you as innocent! In combat, Christ is
our defender, and defense. It is where the believer takes on a state of “being” obedient. Salvation is taking initial advantage of the
work of Christ.
The Word of God. When we take God’s Word that He has spoken in court and use it against the enemy, we are making use of
the sword of the Spirit. If the enemy threatens us or accuses us of something, the way to combat him is to speak the word that God
has already spoken. While the word will send the devil running, it is largely for dealing with the human nature, or flesh mindset.
When you speak the word, you side with God and slay the flesh. When the enemy comes around to tempt you, he does so to make
your “flesh” alive. Satan was defeated in court but if he can get you over into the “flesh” or your own human nature, he can get a
stronghold started in you. The only way to stay out of the flesh, is to crucify it and become the dwelling place, or temple of the
Holy Spirit.
Praying always with all… Prayer. Two different words are used in this verse. The first word, translated as “praying”, means to
“supplicate”, or “plead in behalf of”. The second word, translated as “prayer”, means to “worship”, or to “be in love with”, or “be
devoted to”.8 Praying to God for ourselves or for others, and remaining devoted to and in love with God; allows us to avoid the
false gods and spiritual wickedness in high places. These wicked spirits inhabit the collective souls and steer the sleeping masses.

Paul states that as believers, we should be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, not our own. We can not rely on our
own strength or wits to get us into spiritual victory over the devil. Victory comes to us only by aligning ourselves with what God
has already done for us. Just as a soldier would never think of going to his post with a part of his armor missing, we as Christians
must never stand to our post until we have fully employed all that God has accomplished for us. Attempting to go in your own
strength will get you “devil stomped”! If you do not approach “spiritual warfare” from a legal standpoint, the devil will take
advantage of you. As I explained in an earlier chapter, you are more than a conqueror in a spiritually “legal” position, but you must
show up in “court” in order to enforce your rights. If you refused to engage the devil from a legal stance and go in your own
strength, he will defeat you with his strength and will show up in court and demand his rights.
Remember the story of Job? That was a legal battle where Satan brought false accusation against Job, and for a season, was able
to afflict him. How was that possible? Didn’t God love Job? Of course He did! But Job only served God by not doing what he
knew was evil. He didn’t know God personally when Satan went to court. Job lived “in fear of God” and what might happen if he
did evil. He did not live in “the fear of the Lord”. He was afraid of missing something and paying the penalty for it. He was living
a phantom life of fear and anxiety. He didn’t understand that it is God Who justifies, and not our own efforts. God (Who is the
judge in the case) spoke favorably of Job, even though Job was afraid of God and of doing something wrong or evil. But did you
ever notice that two people were missing from the heavenly courtroom? Job was not there as the defendant, and Christ was not
there as the prosecutor Who intercedes for the believer. Satan stepped right in, ready to be judge, jury, and executioner. He tried to
get God to attack Job, but God refused and told Satan to exercise his legal rights. God was in favor of Job, even though Job was
imperfect. God also remained as judge and would not allow Satan to take Job’s life. Satan argued that God had several hedges of
protection around Job and because of these, Satan could not afflict or come near Job!
Imagine that. Job was imperfect, yet God had set up barriers of protection around him and everything he processed. Satan had
to go to court with the authority he stole from Adam in order to get God to take away the hedges of protection. Job wasn’t there to
defend himself so Satan won. He was allowed to afflict Job. But the judge was still in charge. He knew that when exposed to the
nature and character of Satan, Job would reject his fear and then God could “legally” restore the hedges of protection again. The

Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

final “ruling” in the story of Job, is of restoration! All that was taken was recovered, and the “thief” had the substance of his house
taken and given to Job as restitution! God’s faithfulness to Job, and Job’s obedience to God, defeated Satan, and legally bound him
from oppressing Job anymore.
Today, we have a much better covenant of spiritual, legal rights through the work of Christ than what Job did. These rights are
outlined in the blessing of Abraham, and how to appropriate and enforce them is explained by Paul in his gospel to the Ephesians.
Just as armor protects a soldier, the components of salvation and righteousness brought about by the work of Christ, protect the
believer. But as Paul stated, you must put on the “whole” armor in order for it to be effective. Understanding the various parts is
vitally important—but the seven components function as a “whole” work of God. Together they provide the means for God, the
judge, to issue a verdict that the hedges of protection be placed around every area of your life. You must “show up” in court and
appropriate all seven components of this protective and redemptive system that has been designed by God. Enforcing these seven
components, will send the devil running out of your life, and will set in place barriers that he can not penetrate.
In this text I wanted to provide you with an “overview” of how to enforce your covenant rights. With this basic understanding
we can look at some specific ways to apply the information.
Let’s say that you have something in manifestation that you want to change. Maybe the doctor said that you have a disease, or
maybe you don’t have enough money to pay your bills. Maybe your children are involved in questionable or dangerous activities.
Maybe you have a problem in a relationship. It’s not important what the situation is, it is an unwanted manifestation and you want
to change it.
Paul said that it is important to use all the articles of armor in order to be effective. One piece is not more important than another
because they function as a “whole”. To be successful, you must take full advantage of every piece. Paul then qualifies that most
importantly, you should take the shield of faith. The shield of faith is not more important than the other components, but faith can
shield you from an unexpected attack. If the enemy “throws” something in your direction in an attempt to harm you, you can grab
your shield of faith and fend it off before it hits you.
What faith “is” has been described in numerous books, and countless sermons; but a simple definition of faith is that whatever
God says, is more important than anything else. If you carry with you, at all times, the attitude that, what God said is more
important; you will succeed. You are protected on all sides because your faith in the work of Christ has given you a means of
provision for a hedge of protection on every side. No matter what happens to you or to the ones you love, if what God said is more
important to you than anything else; you will succeed. An attack from the enemy can be deflected away from you by using faith in
this manner. Even if you are not following Paul’s advice and using “the whole armor”, you can still make what God said about any
given situation the primary focus and succeed in deflecting the initial attack. Faith will combat the thought forms, and attitudes of
the mental realm. It can stay the effects of principalities. Stopping the negative mental process, or changing destructive attitudes is
an important step but it is not the final one.
After you have stilled the mind with faith, you need to still the emotions with peace. A simple definition of peace is an
understanding that my connection with God is restored and he is able to hear what I ask of Him. Once I have made what God said
about my situation, more important than any circumstances or current manifestations, I then have to know beyond any shadow of
doubt that God hears me when I call to Him. This is accomplished by applying the work of Christ over and over until it becomes
my “experience” and all doubt goes away, like smoke clearing a room. Without this knowledge, the emotional realm will dominate
through group minds, misdirected desire, and false beliefs. Peace is needed to calm the storms of negative emotions that the rulers
of the darkness of this world will bring against us.
Once you have stilled the mind and the emotions, your self will has accomplished what it was intended to do and you now need
something outside yourself. Up until now, self will was important. No one but you can still your mind and your emotions. That’s
something that you have to consciously do. But once you have stilled your inner world and entered the "now", you must submit to a
power outside yourself. That power is the truth of God. Truth can be defined as the fear of the Lord that connects you to the
ultimate truth of God. The fear of the Lord is not being afraid of God or what He is going to do to you. The fear of the Lord is
when you realize that you are created by God, and for God. You were created with purpose and intention. It is where you realize
that your own will can only do certain things and that beyond those things you need help. It is the realization that if your self will
does much more than still your mind and emotions, it can mislead you to desire things that are harmful to you and others. The fear
of the Lord is when you look at things from God’s perspective. You begin to see your situation as God sees it. Instead of being
limited to what you can do about your circumstances, you begin to see the limitless possibilities in God and His ability to perform.
This is the stage of growth where you cease from endless “doing” and realize that change is manifested through “being”. Truth
allows you to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” instead of your own self will. This revelation of truth is the
beginning of wisdom. Truth enables your spiritual connection to work. The impossible—suddenly shifts to—with God, all things
are possible.
Once you have stilled the mind and emotions, and have silenced your own self will with the ultimate truth of God, you must put
righteousness into practice. Righteousness could be defined as the fact that God is for me and not against me. Righteousness is also
an experience of the work of Christ. It allows you to leave behind the need to force or control what is happening around you.
Instead of attempting to change people and things, you realize that God has blessed you with favor and that He desires you to have

all good things. It is His order in the court of heaven that you prosper and succeed. Righteousness extinguishes the need for
control, and it quenches the effect of the “power” demons, and “elementals”.
With the mind, the emotions, and self will placed into the stillness of "now" moment; true “being” is made possible.
Righteousness then allows us to remain in this state of silent awareness knowing that God is “for” us and not “against” us.
Salvation, through the work of Christ, becomes our defense against all opposition, and Christ Himself, becomes our active defender.
Salvation can be described as a state of “being obedient”. The initial work of Christ is placed into manifestation and evil is given
an eviction notice in the courtroom of heaven. Our state of “being” is rescued from “being disobedient” and “being confused”. We
are delivered into “being obedient” and the enemy is sent running. Without a realization for the need of the work of Christ, there is
no salvation. God can not protect us from something that we choose to join ourselves to. If we reject salvation, we are confined to
the realms that are apart from God. Without salvation you may find some protection in the earth, but you will have no defender in
the court of heaven. If Satan decides to take you for everything you are worth, he will win and you will have no say in the matter.
Often times, Satan will leave unsaved people alone in certain areas of their life so that they will struggle all their lives and in the
end, go to hell. He knows if he pushes them too hard in any area, they will move from their comfort zone of what is familiar, and
start seeking the truth. He knows if he puts too much pressure on them, they will recognize him for who he is and run to God for
The believer is a different story. Satan knows he is defeated, so he will attempt any legal move he can make to restrict, or
destroy the believer. Not knowing, or not enforcing your legal rights will cause the court of heaven to default to Satan’s desire.
God is for you, and Christ is defending you, but you have to show up in court, or the devil wins by default!
At this stage of preparation, the mind, emotions, and the self will, are placed into the stillness of the "now" moment. Through
our “being obedient” we have entered the courtroom of heaven and received a favorable ruling. When the devil comes around to
“resurrect” our flesh, we can use the Word of God to send him running because God’s Holy Spirit now dwells in us. The Word of
God could be briefly described as the flesh is dead, and the spirit is alive, because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We may
think of Satan and his demons as our greatest enemies, but our flesh can not be cast out like spirits can. In this life, you are stuck
with your flesh and the only way to deal with it is to kill it and come alive in your spirit through the Holy Spirit.
"Now" the mind, emotions, and the self will, are placed into the stillness of the moment. Through our “being obedient” we have
entered a state of “being” that causes God to rule in your favor. The flesh is dead, and the spirit is alive, because of the indwelling
of the Holy Spirit, and we can "now" communicate with the Father through prayer. Prayer could be described as love, devotion, and
total reliance upon God and no other. At last, here, in the earth, we can have a personal relationship with the Father. We don’t
attempt to “get stuff” from God anymore. We just want Him and no other! We may need this or that thing, and ask Him to supply
this, but the focus is shifted from want and lack, to a personal loving Father Who desires to give freely—all things—to His kids!
The culmination of having all of the elements of the armor in place is a restored relationship with the Father while we are in the
earth. We have defeated spiritual wickedness, and have escaped the influence of negative collective souls. It is a state of “being”
that enables the nature and character of God to flow in and through us so that the Father may establish His covenant in the earth.
When God made a covenant with Abraham, He wasn’t

playing “let’s make a deal”. God had finally found a man who was willing to believe Him for what He said He would do.
When God “blessed” Abraham with the “blessing”, He was really saying, “Hey Abraham, this is what I am made of!”
Abraham said, “I believe it!”
God said, “We’ll call this reflection of my nature and character—the blessing! Oh, and by the way, we’ll call the nature and
character of Satan—the curse! If you obey me, I’ll bring the blessing on you and everything you do, or possess; and I’ll send the
curse running! You and I can be friends, and have fellowship together.”
That is the relationship that God longs to have with you. Fellowship and intimate contact at all times. God wants you to be with
Him always. He wants to have a personal relationship with you.
Now, let’s apply this new perspective to the change you wish to see manifested in your particular situation. Whenever God
“answers prayer”, He does so by manifesting more of His Presence in the earth. God is in heaven and the Holy Spirit is in the earth.
If a person becomes a believer by being “saved”, “born again”, or when his spirit is “awakened to the ultimate truth of God”; the
Holy Spirit can dwell inside the person’s body like it was a temple. That means that the Presence of God has an access point where
He can manifest that Presence.
After creation, God gave His right to manifest in the earth to Adam. God had an access point through Adam and Eve, but when
Satan tricked Adam and stole his dominion birth right, God was shut out of the earth by His own Word to Adam. Christ came and
defeated the devil, and took back that authority for all of mankind. What God is looking and waiting for, is a man who will believe
Him for what He has already said and done so that He can fellowship with that man and manifest His Presence in the earth.
It doesn’t matter what change you want to see manifest in your particular situation. It could be that a doctor said that you have a
disease. It could be that you don’t have enough money to pay your bills. It could be that your children are involved in questionable
or dangerous activities. You may have a problem in a relationship. It’s not important what the situation is, it is an unwanted
manifestation and you want to change it.
The way that you change it, is to allow God to manifest more, and more of His Presence. God answers prayer by giving more of
Himself into the earth. He gives His nature and character to the one who asks for help or deliverance. Whatever the need is, God is
the answer. In Him, is the source of life. God is life. God is abundance and prosperity. You don’t get “things” from God. You get
more of God’s Presence in your life and “things” that reflect His nature and character become magnetic to you and begin to manifest
into your situation. You don’t bring about change in the earth or in your situation. God produces the harvest or change. Your part
in the process, is to clear yourself willingly of any resistance to the will and purpose of God. This is accomplished by a shift in your
awareness and the resulting change in your state of “being”. By being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit, you allow God to
manifest His Presence to greater, and greater degrees within your life. This change gradually “allows” God into every fiber of your
“being” and it begins to “soak” into your body and the world around you. When God’s Presence becomes so “present” in you, your
situation changes.
You don’t change anything in the earth. The only way you can change things in the earth without God is to use force and
control. Change results from a greater awareness of ultimate truth. Once this truth is focused on, the experience begins to clear of
all resistance. When resistance is gone, the flow of God’s Presence is no longer restricted, and the desired change can manifest.
Physical change always results from the removal of all “blocks” that restrict the flow. If you remove the hedge of protection that
keeps out Satan by intentionally or ignorantly “sinning”, then the nature and character of Satan will flow into your life with no
resistance. If you remove the blocks that restrict God by “being” obedient to Him, then the flow of God’s nature and character will
flood into your life, body, and situation; to change it for His will and purpose.
In his gospel to the Ephesians, Paul outlines seven aspects of the nature and character of God, that will dispel seven blocks of
resistance to the will and purpose of God. Paul gave us a description of God’s nature and character in the form of seven different
elements that function together like armor. When employed as a “whole”, these seven elements produce “flow”.
Flow, is the Presence of God that is unrestricted by false beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes. Flow is the point where God is able to
physically manifest His will and purpose in the earth. Flow is accomplished through individual believers who are obedient to the
leading of the Holy Spirit. Flow, is manifesting the will and purpose of God.
Whatever situation you face, flow is the answer. It involves a change in your state of “being”, and it introduces the person of the
Father God into your life, body, and situation. Do not resist Him. He is the One Who loves you. Flow with Him.

The “Now” Moment


Past Now Future


Phantom Life / Shadow Phantom Life / Shadow

In the above example, we have at the very center of the diagram, the “now” moment. The “now” moment is the only
thing that exists and is real. The “now” moment can only experience “desire”. In “desire”, the now moment is a oneness
with God and His will and purpose. In “pain”, the now moment is lost in shadow to either the past or to the future.
“Being” lost to either the past or the future, creates a kind of phantom life where the self either lives in unforgiveness, guilt,
shame, and regret of the past, or it lives in fear, anxiety, and anticipation of the future. The problem is that the past is gone
and the future will never arrive. There is only—“now”. For anything to “happen”, it must “happen”—“now”.
If a thing is going to manifest from the invisible world of form into a hard physical reality, it must manifest or happen—
“now”. There is only “now”. There is no future and the past no longer exists. The past is the stale bread crust of what was
at one time a “now” moment. It is the moldy, smelly left over kept alive by the mind from a moment that has faded from
existence. The future is truly an illusion. It is the mind’s attempt to predict and therefore control the next manifestation.
The mind tricks itself into believing that manifestation is a result of cause and effect instead of discerning that
manifestation is the visible result of a continuous cycle of “being” coming into physical reality. Both past and future
separate you from the source, or God. Both produce pain as a result of this separation. Both prevent the desired
manifestation. In the past or future, unwanted manifestations of sickness, disease, lack, and poverty can exist. There can
never be enough of what is desired in either the past or the future. Living a phantom life in either the past or the future will
assure you of a life that is never fulfilled or satisfied.
The only escape from unwanted manifestations is to move from the phantom life of the past and the future into the
“now”. To accomplish this, you must learn to live your life in the moment, in the presence of God. God is now. He exists.
In Him there is no past or future, He just “is”. You must become like Him in this respect. You must live in the now
moment and not allow yourself to be drawn either into the past, or into the future.
Living in either the phantom life of the past or the future is a result of your mind forming an “ego identity” for itself.
Your mind seeks to control the physical realm and seeks to “solve problems”. If it is left “on” and allowed to be in charge,
it will create a never ending series of problems to solve so that it will not go out of existence. These problems, will assure
you of a phantom life of constant pain.
Living in the “now” does not deny the past or future, it allows us to become skilled “time travelers” of sorts where we
visit both the past and the future in order to live more fully “in the moment” of the “now”. The situation that we are to
avoid, is falling into the trap of shadow and a phantom life. In this state of shadow and phantom life, we move our state of
being from the “now” which is the only “real” thing that exists. Moving from the “now” into shadow, causes our spirits to
sleep while the mind convinces you that you are really what you think and feel. It does this so that it can remain active and
“alive” in a phantom life that it has created in either the past or the future. Living in the “now” and accepting what “is”
does not deny the past or the future, it instead denies the phantom life of shadow and pain. When you are able to become
present, in the moment of what is in manifestation—now—you are free from pain and its negative emotions of guilt,

resentment, shame, regret, unforgiveness, fear, and anxiety. Like a smoke filled room that is gradually aired and cleared of
the smoke, your awareness of ultimate truth is purified of the lower and denser energies and you are aligned with higher
lighter energies that free you from unwanted manifestations. Your state of “being” is changed by becoming present in the
moment of—now.
You must constantly and consciously resist the tendency to live in either the past or the future. You must learn to look
beyond yourself and your current manifestation and circumstances, and choose to see things from God’s perspective.
To live in the “now”, you must learn to recognize when your conscious awareness begins to slip into either the past or
the future. One of the warning signals that you have descended into the shadow of either the past or the future is the
experience of pain.
The key to living in the “now” moment is to awaken your spirit and turn off your mind. To enter the “now” we must
break our attachment to past and future. We must stop loving our memories, and stop running from our fears. We must
become conscious of what “is” "now". We must separate from the “ego identity” that we are what we think and feel. We
are a spirit that is housed in a body, and we have a soul. We are a spirit and are not the body, or what happens to the body.
We are a spirit who has a soul that is composed of thoughts and feelings, but we are not those thoughts and feelings.
If you pause in thought and suspend your feelings for a moment, what you will experience is a kind of silence. “You”
will still exist as your spirit, but for an instant, your thoughts and feelings will cease. “You” will exist as an observer of
what is around you and inside of your soul. This silent observer is your spirit who has suddenly and momentarily been
aroused from sleep. But like a drowsy man, it quickly sinks back into unconsciousness and you will most probably find
that your mind will begin to judge what you observe and start its internal chatter again. The mind is attempting to sedate
the spirit so that it can live a phantom life in the past or future.
The key that provides freedom from the past and future, is to consciously shift your awareness into the moment as often
as possible; to consciously shift from the past or future into the silent stillness of the "now". Entering this stillness is
connecting to the “God juice” or waters of creation, but it is not connecting to God as many have mistakenly supposed.
Stillness is the first step in the plan of salvation but not the final one. Continue in this stillness and meet the work of Christ
. Find reconciliation and reconnection to the Father. Be filled with His Holy Spirit and let Him teach and instruct you in
the perspective of God. Don’t stop the process at the “nothingness” of the stillness you find in the “God juice” of creation.
Move along the path and come to a personal knowledge of and partnership with the Creator.
You do not need the work of Christ or the Holy Spirit to “get what you want” in this life on earth, but you do need them
to produce the works of God by reproducing His nature and character in your life. Knowing stillness will provide you with
joy and bliss in the earth, but only a personal relationship with the Father will last in eternity. Your life, and this earth, are
on a collision course with the end of time and space. Your spirit will continue its existence either with God or apart from
The key then, to manifestation of any kind, is obedience to the Holy Spirit. The “fruit” or “increase” of this obedience
is brought into physical manifestation by God. The man simply gives his conscious awareness to the already existing
process. Any physical action taken by the man, is not a creation of his own, but is a fined tuned series of physical
manipulations of the existing process. The man observes how the process of increase works, and then repeats the particular
steps that produce the desired end results, and avoids or eradicates the steps or actions that produce unwanted
manifestations, or that produce decreased yields in the harvest. When a man obeys the instruction of the Holy Spirit, he
gains access to the knowledge of which steps to avoid, and which to give his attention and conscious awareness to. This
process of order is what every man must enter into. It reveals the need for obedience to God’s Spirit, since a man can
pervert the process and produce whatever he desires. The process will work, whether you consult and involve God or not.
Increase is God’s desire, provided that the thing which is cultivated is aligned with His nature and character. We don’t
produce the increase, we become obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit and enter the process. Our obedience provides
God with a window of opportunity to manifest His desire into the physical realm. Remember, God is in heaven. His
physical access point in the earth is through an obedient man that is filled with His Holy Spirit by and through the work of
Christ. The responsibility of man is to obey God and keep His commandments.9 Obedience gives us entry into God’s
process, and gives God entry into the earth. The reason that we do not see more overt intervention by God into the
physical realm, is because God needs more entry portals in the form of men and women. God must work through obedient
sons and daughters because if He were to manifest Himself in His true and complete form, time and space would end as
they will in the day of judgment.
To manifest the nature and character of God in the earth, then, requires a man or woman who is obedient to the Holy Spirit. God
has given His authority in the earth to mankind. He can no longer just burst onto the scene uninvited or judgment will occur since
God’s very nature and character is ultimate truth. Judgment is when ultimate truth exposes anything that is less than that truth and
by its very nature, repels it. God needs willing sons and daughters who will allow Him access into their lives and the physical world

Ecclesiastes 12:13

around them. The way to allow God access into our lives is to implement the various components of the armor. These various
components remove blocks in the flow of God’s true nature and character and allow Him the opportunity to manifest in and through
us. While separated into seven different components, these function as a whole. You can talk about the little finger of the right
hand, but this is a part of the hand which is attached to the arm and to the rest of the body. If the little finger hurts, the rest of the
body suffers with it because the finger is a part of the body and does not function or suffer alone. A hurt little finger can draw the
focus of the body to the pain or injury and affect or restrict the abilities of the rest of the body. The same is true for these seven
components of what the Apostle Paul calls the armor of God. Each is connected to the other and you must have all of them working
in your life all of the time, or you may experience unwanted physical manifestations.
We are manifesting all of the time as a result of our awareness being focused onto something. When we focus on a spiritual
reality, that spiritual reality becomes our state of being and eventual physical manifestation. If we miss any aspect of God’s
provision for us, we may find that this restricts the function of the other aspects and slows or even prevents the desired
manifestation. It is a matter of focus; not failure. You don’t “fail” to manifest. You always “become” in your state of “being” the
thing that you behold. If you experience unwanted manifestations, it is due to your focus being drawn to those spiritual realities that
in turn manifest into the physical realm. You can not “fail”. You will always manifest what you behold or whatever holds your
focus. The “problem” is one of “focus”—not “failure”. Whenever you experience an unwanted manifestation that conflicts with
your desired end result, it is result of your focus being drawn from your desire to something else. There are several reasons why this
may occur but the solution to any of these is to put the components of the armor into practice and eventual experience in our lives. I
must stress again that it is all of the components fully functioning together that will produce the desired end result. We can discuss
individual “blocks” to the flow of God into and through our lives, but any of these individual components, overlap and affect the
others. You can not discuss one without at least touching aspects of the other six.
Still, with this in mind, it is beneficial to discuss seven distinctive areas that can block the flow of God, since God has provided
seven focal points for our thinking in the various aspects of the armor that Paul discusses. Since each of these components affects
the others, we will discuss them as a series of seven steps that must be incorporated “in numerical order” to achieve the desired end
result. This is not a process that you must learn; it is a process that is already functioning in your life. Even if your current
manifestation is the opposite of what you desire to have, the process is still working. You do not need to “learn” this process, what
you need to do is gain an understanding of how the process actually works and where blocks can occur that shut out the nature and
character of God.

Focal Point Block Process

Faith……………........mental ascent…………………………..…still the mind
Peace…………………separated……………………………....…still the emotions
Truth…………………lack of knowledge………………………...silencing the self will
Righteousness……..…unworthy…………………………….……remain in silent awareness
Salvation……………..phantom life……………………………..“being” obedient
The Word of God……flesh or human nature…………..………..crucifying the flesh
Prayer………….……waiting on God to “do something”……….communication in the “now”

We have had a brief discussion of this process already, but let us now explore this in greater detail and discuss each of the seven
blocks and the means to remove them.

Step 1. Faith resists mental ascent and stills the mind. The Apostle Paul states that above all of the components of the armor,
we should take the shield of faith. Now as I have mentioned already, one part of this spiritual armor is not more important than any
other. All of the components function together and a problem in any of the areas can slow or even prevent the desired end result and
manifestation. What makes faith such an important part of spiritual practice, is that faith stills the mind and allows the possibility of
entering the "now". Faith starts at home, with you, and not with your circumstances, situations, or other people. Faith is a
fundamental shift in your awareness to focus onto the realities of God. Without faith it is impossible to please God10 because God
only exists in the "now" moment, in a state of pure “being”. Faith is the doorway to the "now" moment and access to God. Without
faith, you can not “please” God, because you have not yet “reached” God. It isn’t like God is saying that we have to struggle in our
thoughts to please Him. He is telling us that the only way He can become involved in the process of what we manifest, is if we
succeed in stilling our thoughts and reaching Him through faith. Faith is the all important first step in reaching the state of being
where God can be reached. It is the only place where reconnection to God has the possibility of occurring. Adam broke his
connection to God through disobedience, but did you ever stop to think about what that disobedience actually was? It wasn’t
“magic fruit” that caused the fall of mankind. Adam disobeyed God’s Word. In other words, Adam believed something other than
what God had said and this belief in “something other than the Word” cause his connection to God to be broken. Since the broken

Hebrews 11:3.

connection resulted from believing something other than the Word, then the only way to possibly reconnect to God is to believe His
Word. Since disobedience caused this lack of belief in what God said, the only thing that will restore us to Him is obedience and
belief in what He has already spoken through His Word to us. That involves restoration through the work of Christ.
God has done all that He is going to do in this world and part of what He has done is to set up the process of manifestation that
can either include, or exclude Him. Our faith is exercised when we intentionally, with purpose and focus, choose to include God
into the process of manifestation. God will not intrude into this world where He has granted us authority and dominion. He must be
invited, and He will be able to manifest His nature and character in proportion to the size of the invitation. Through faith, we
believe that whatever God says about something is more important than anything else that is currently in manifestation. Faith is the
connection to the reality of the invisible realm of the spirit. Faith is the connection to the invisible, spiritual substance of what we
hope to manifest into the physical realm. Faith delivers the invitation to God by opening the door to the "now" moment where God
exists. Our exercise of faith determines how much or how little we still the mind and determines the “size” of the container we
make that houses God within us. If you have an active, noisy mind, you don’t have as much room for God’s Presence in the person
of the Holy Spirit within you. To whatever degree that you still your mind, that is the degree that determines the part of you that can
“house” the Holy Spirit. To still the mind and look to the promise of God—is to exercise your faith.
In Romans chapter 12, verse 3, it is stated that each man is given the “measure” of faith.11 This has been a point of discussion
and some controversy for decades. Many use this verse to say that God gives more faith to some and less to others. It’s a kind of
“spiritual cop-out” where a believer doesn’t exercise their faith and so doesn’t get the results that another believer gets, and their
excuse is that “God just gave that person more faith and that is why they can do this or that and I can’t”. While God “gifts” people
according to their ability and willingness to obey His Word, He grants each person the “same measure of faith”. Faith is simple to
understand. Faith is the ability to focus your awareness unto the truth of God’s Word. Your faith is yours to do with as you please
and it can be focused onto anything you desire, even if what you desire is apart from the will and purpose of God—or His Word to
you. What your faith is designed for is to hear the Word of God, get a mental picture that is created by this Word (instead of by
your mind or someone else’s) and then to be obedient to that Word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.12
You can pervert the process and still produce physical manifestations but you can only reach God and bring about His will and
purpose by focusing your faith on His Word. Through this operation and process whereby you can only reach God through faith in
His Word; God has built in a kind of “spiritual fail-safe”. His perfection can not be contaminated with any form of imperfection.
He is in heaven and we are in the earth. The Holy Spirit is in the earth and can only be accessed through the work of Christ. The
work of Christ can only be accessed through faith in, and obedience to the Word of God.
As I said, faith is the doorway to the "now" moment where God exists. When activated, faith is a shift inside of you, not in the
physical world around you. It is when your state of awareness is moved onto the realities of God that already exist in the spiritual
realm. All too often, we focus on the things around us and try to change them or we try to get God to change them by telling Him
about them. This kind of thinking can result in attempts to force or control the circumstances because we are focusing on the
circumstances instead of on the truth of God’s Word. Faith is when your awareness is shifted from the physical circumstances and
situations, onto the reality of the ultimate truth of God. (Keep in mind as I have already discussed, that each of these components
overlaps and affects the other six. It becomes impossible to discuss just one aspect, without touching on some or all of the others.)
Faith is when you shift your focus to include the possibility of a personal God Who desires to communicate with you. Faith is the
doorway of access to the "now" moment where God exists, but it is only the doorway. It is necessary to act in faith in order to reach
God, but faith is only the access point that allows for realities that are beyond our current manifestation.
Without the proper exercise of faith, we will continue to manifest more and more of what is currently already in physical
manifestation. Without faith we develop a distorted mental image of ourselves and of God’s plan and desire for us. Lack of faith
literally shuts God out of our lives and allows us to long for His promises, but only receive unwanted manifestations. Lack of faith,
produces what has been called mental ascent. Mental ascent is when our awareness is focused only on what can be discerned
through the five physical senses. It is a result of the focus of your awareness being shifted from the ultimate truth of God’s Word,
onto the circumstances. Mental ascent creates a condition where you can “think” about what the Word of God promises, but where
that Word never drops into your heart to produce spiritual peace. When your awareness is focused only on what you can see, hear,
feel, touch, and taste; mental ascent will result. You will read about the promises of God or hear good teaching only to then have
your awareness shift immediately back to what you can perceive through the five physical senses. You will long for the promises of
God to be real for you, but you will live in discouragement, because you will only continue to manifest what you currently see, hear,
feel, touch, and taste. You become locked into a way of thinking that shuts God out of access to your life and situation because you
are existing outside of the "now" moment. You mentally long to have Him intervene in your situation and deliver you, but you have
not reached Him by entering the "now" moment and continuing in God’s process. You have effectively, but unintentionally longed
for God with your mind. The promise of His Word has settled in your mind, instead of your heart where peace can come to your
emotions. You have desired to have His will in your life, but have attempted to reach Him by your thinking. You have become

Romans 12:3, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Romans 10:17, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

caught up in your own thoughts, and thought forms, and have formed attitudes in the mental realm that are contrary to the ultimate
truth of God’s Word. These attitudes are used by the principalities to build strongholds within your thought processes. You are
placed in a never ending series of “thought loops” that serve no other function, other than to keep the mind active. Your faith is still
at work, but the door of access that it has opened is one of the mind. The principalities will gain access to your mind and to the
process of manifestation.
Anytime that your faith opens a door to something that is other than the "now" moment, the result is that the manifestation must
either be maintained with energy, or it will begin to deteriorate. Have you ever met a person who constantly tells you how “right”
or “innocent” they are? You can be sure that they are functioning within their own mind and are attempting to keep their “ego”
alive and working. The same is true for worry. It is an attempt of the ego to keep the mind thinking. Remember, the ego, is
basically the mind’s opinion of itself. When the ego is denied energy, in the form of focus and attention, it goes out of existence and
the mind goes silent. This is what is needed to enter the "now" moment where access to God is possible, but it results in the ego
going out of existence. The ego will fight to survive, so you end up with a battle inside of you that you can not win. The reason
you can’t win the battle is because your mind will set up the battle within itself. Basically, the mind is battling itself. It is a subtle
trick that the mind uses in order to keep you “thinking” instead of entering the "now" moment where you can access God.
One thing is certain, if your mind can succeed in its continued “thinking”, your faith will not be able to open the doorway to the
"now". Your faith will become twisted and will access your thought processes.
You see, your faith always “works”. It is never a matter of failure—it is always a matter of focus. This is not a “problem” that
you have to “fix”. In order to escape this process of “thought loops”, you must understand that this is something you can not “fix”.
In fact, attempting to “fix” the problem is part of the problem! When you attempt to “fix” the problem, the focus of your awareness
is shifted onto how to fix the problem. The mind has successfully tricked you into thinking about how to solve the problem. The
problem is—that the problem is—your thinking! You can not “fix” your thinking if your problem is that you are thinking.
The situation that you face is one where you must still your mind, and not allow it to continue thinking. You can not still your
mind with effort. The only way to still your mind is to simply pause in all thought and allow whatever “is” to “be”. Your mind, and
the ego, attempts to make you “think” that the effort you put into your “thinking” will somehow meet your need or solve your
problem. This is the trick of the “thought loop”. In order to survive, the ego, will allow the mind to continue in its thinking and
“problem solving”. It seems to the mind, to be the “right” thing to do because the mind is designed to navigate the physical realm,
and this involves solving problems. Whenever you are faced with a need, or whenever you are stalled in your progress, the mind
will search out possible resolutions. The “problem” is that the “problem” does not exist. “Thinking” is the “problem”, and you can
not resolve it by “thinking more” about the problem.
The only way out of this thought loop is to still the mind. The only way you can still the mind, is to shift your awareness onto
the ultimate truth of God’s Word. This shift in awareness causes your faith to be activated in the proper fashion. Instead of your
mind endlessly attempting to resolve a problem within it, it simply rests from its labors and acknowledges that the situation is
resolved in the ultimate truth.
The situation you will encounter at this stage is that when you shift your awareness to the ultimate truth of God and still the
mind; the mind will immediately tell you that your desired manifestation has not occurred and that you need to continue thinking
about how to resolve the situation. Again, this is the ego’s attempt to use the mind to “stay alive” and also it is part of the natural
process of how manifestation takes place. As I’ve said, manifestation is a continuous process, and is not a result of cause and effect.
You don’t “do” something and cause manifestation. Manifestation occurs as a result of your state of “being”. Who you are in your
state of being, determines what you manifest. Who you are, is determined by what you look at. You become what you behold.
When you look at something intently, it is a continuous process. You don’t glance at it and then look away. You gaze at the object
of your desire with intent to have it or understand it. This is the manner in which you manifest. You gaze at your desire, and the
desire is mirrored in you. You become the desire and the desire then manifests into physical reality.
Most people view manifestation like aiming a gun at the bull’s-eye of a target. You point, aim, and pull the trigger. If your aim
is true, you will hit the bull’s-eye. This is a result of the illusion of manifestation resulting from cause and effect. It is the belief
that you “do” this or that, and something results. This belief shuts God out of the picture. Manifestation is more like a little laser
pointer that is used in lectures. Once it is turned on, the laser will go to the furthest obstacle in the room and manifest its red beam
onto it. As long as it is switched “on” and has power, it will move to the furthest surface and manifest. If there is something that is
between it and the goal of the projection screen, the laser will manifest onto whatever is “blocking” its path to the goal of the screen.
Just as in this simple example, your “focus” will soar to the highest potential possibility that it is able to conceive. Your belief
system will determine the size of the room and what obstacles it contains. You “think” that you are housed in the physical world
around you but your very existence is defined by your thoughts about yourself, and by God’s thoughts about you.13 Just as the laser
pointer will “manifest” its beam onto anything in the room where it is pointed, you will manifest continuously in the physical realm
whatever holds the focus of your awareness.

Isaiah 55:8.

You will always be focused onto something as long as you live, and whatever that focus consists of, is what will become the
state of your “being”. This state of being is what will manifest in the physical realm. If there are obstacles in your thinking and
belief system, they will manifest into your physical reality. Just like an obstacle that is between the laser pointer and the screen,
whatever belief you hold that keeps you from the goal of ultimate desire of destiny, will manifest as a physical reality. This will be
different for different people. If you are critical of yourself, then you may manifest and attract critical people around you who will
abuse you. These people represent the belief that you are worthless and need to be punished. Another person may “attract” critical
people into their life because they are learning to stand on their own two feet and believe in their own convictions. Standing against
the threats of these critical people serves as a means of challenging their limiting beliefs as they mature and move on to greater
actualization and self confidence. Still another person may attract critical people into their reality, because they have the heart of a
healer, and seek to be understanding and instructive to the troubled. Three very different examples of manifesting “critical people”
into your life but each of them have very different motives and outcomes. Two of these manifestations remove blocks from the
individual and one is the action of a healer removing the block of another.
The point is, that if there are “blocks” between you and your ultimate destiny, then they will manifest in some form in your
physical reality. When they manifest, you must resist the temptation to force or control the physical manifestation. You must
instead, find within yourself the block and then the physical manifestation will change. The physical manifestation is not your
problem. Problems do not and cannot exist in the ultimate truth of God. But problems appear to exist when you have not entered
the "now". What you are facing when a physical “block” appears, is really the discovery of a limiting belief. You don’t change
your circumstances; you remove all obstacles between you and your destiny. You can only accomplish this by entering the "now”
and stilling the mind. Once you have entered the "now" and gained access to the ultimate truth of God, you have entered the
process of manifestation, and the only thing that will stop the process from complete manifestation of the desired end result is to
shift the focus of the awareness to something other than the ultimate truth. That is exactly what the mind will attempt to have you
do. The mind will present an endless series of “problems” that need to be solved through more thinking.
Your solution to this dilemma is to be still and know that I Am God.14 Only by allowing your mind to effortlessly drift into
stillness can you access the "now" moment and exercise your faith correctly. In the "now", problems do not exist. What exists in
spiritual reality are solutions. The ultimate truth of God, which is His nature and character, contains only solutions. These solutions
can only be accessed by stilling the mind. This still awareness opens the doorway to spiritual peace.
Step 2. Peace dissolves the illusion of separation and stills the emotions. When the mind is stilled by entrance into the "now", a
“oneness” is experienced in the “God juice” or waters of creation. This perception of “oneness” reveals that I am not separated
from my desire. The barriers of resistance to desire are dissolved and my emotions simply “still” and experience the spiritual state
of “peace”. Through the experience of peace, I am able to take advantage of the work of Christ, and my connection to God is made
possible. I am restored in relationship to Him and He is able to hear what I ask of Him.
Some religious belief systems consider that experiencing the “peace” in the “God juice” is all that is necessary for a person to do
in this life. They sense the “oneness” of the "God juice" and do not believe that there is any need for a “savior”. But these systems
and ideologies usually teach that we as humans, “came from nothing” and that at death, we will “return to nothing”. The “oneness”
of the "God juice" is rightly perceived as the substance from which all things emerge into life, and the “soup” into which all things
return at death, but they do not acknowledge that everything that is in opposition to the nature and character of God will at some
point be eternally separated from access to Him. They believe that their connection within the "God juice" is proof enough that "all
are one”.
Belief in reincarnation is common in this way of thinking. It seems logical that if we, and all creation, emerged from the same
“stuff” that we could emerge again and again. The “oneness” of the "God juice" is perceived as the “one life” and so individuals are
just little physical manifestations of this “one life” and not really “individual” at all. What is missing from this picture is a loving
God Who wants us to be restored to Him and wants us to call Him “Daddy”. Instead of a personal God, these systems believe in
“nothingness”. Instead of the creation of very unique individuals who are designed to unite and submit in cooperation with God,
there is a belief that all are one.
These systems believe largely that man and animals are of the same “stuff” of creation and therefore are no different from each
other. They do not believe the Genesis account of creation where God formed the man’s body out of the "God juice" and then
breathed the breathe of life into him. This act differentiated man from the animals and gave him the divine spark of life from God.
Man was given dominion over the earth to watch over it and tend it according to the will and purpose of God. When mankind fell
from the grace of God, the connection between them was broken due to Adam’s disobedience to the Word which God had spoken.
This is the connection that must be restored or at the end of life, God will pull back into Himself the "God juice" or waters of
creation and whatever the individual has produced apart from God will depart and be joined to its source. Anything that is apart
from the nature and character of God is of the nature and character of Satan. At the end of your life, the "God juice" will move back
into God from where it came and if you are not connected to God before you die, you; and all manifestations that are apart from
God will depart from Him. It is not enough to simply abide in the bliss of the "God juice". God is in heaven and remaining in the

Psalms 46:10.

higher energies of the "God juice" does not connect you to Him. The Holy Spirit is in the earth, and He must dwell in your body
like it was a temple. The only means for this to occur is to take advantage of the work of Christ and invite the person of the Holy
Spirit to live in you. This does not occur automatically, and it is not enough to “attempt to do good” and “attempt not to do evil”.
There is only one means by which you can be saved, and that is through the work of Christ. The experience of peace is when you
apply the work of Christ over and over until it becomes a part of every fiber of your being. You dwell in a state of peace until all
doubts go away like smoke clearing a room.
If a person does not experience peace in a certain area of their state of being, they tend to shift their sense of identity to the
emotional realm where they are ruled by what they “feel” at any given time. The phantom life that these individuals generate and
are “living” is connected to negative group minds which are fueled by their constant “thinking” and “feeling”. Their ego identities
often move from their own internal thoughts and feelings into the group minds and they “become” the various group minds. In
other words, they lose their true identities and take on the identity that is generated by the group mind. The more inflexible an
individual is, and the more vehemently that they defend their particular position, the stronger their connection will be to the various
group minds. These group minds need energy in order to survive and they feed on the thoughts and emotions that are churned out
by their members. Most people can not conceive of their connections to these negative group minds or the results that occur in
physical manifestation.
This kind of loss of true identity is far more common than most people realize. Many “accidents” are actually manifestations of
identification with negative group minds. The group minds create situations that will inflict injury, pain, and in some cases,
recovery in order to “feed” on these energies. The same holds true with abuse; be it, physical, sexual, emotional, or substance. The
particular group mind is in control, and will “create” opportunities where the group members will suffer and generate large amounts
of emotional and mental energies that it can “feed” on.
The more energy that is generated by the members of a group mind, the stronger it will grow, and the stronger its corresponding
collective soul will grow. Military and law enforcement units generate very forceful group minds and require group members to
adhere to their strict codes of conduct. Individual thinking is discouraged and a “team” or “group spirit” is promoted. The same is
true for sporting events and teams, musical groups and singers, religious belief systems and their leaders, political organizations, self
help groups, medical and scientific research facilities, educational systems, high schools, colleges, universities, newspaper and
magazine publications, non profit relief organizations, youth organizations and clubs, neighborhood watches, senior citizen
organizations, gangs, peer groups, and families. The list is never ending and associations with group minds and collective souls are
inevitable, but the problem arises when individual identity is lost to a particular group mind. It is not the connection to and
participation in a particular group mind that creates a “problem”; it is when an individual loses their true identity by not existing in
the "now" moment, and drops into a phantom life of shadow where they believe that they “are” the particular group mind. This lose
of true identity and identification with the group mind, gives demonic forces power to manifest within the physical realm. These
use the energies of the countless masses to spread and manifest their destructive influence.
Nothing manifests physically without the permission of someone. Manifestation can only physically take place in the world
through the state of being of a person. The only thing that “works” in this world to bring about the manifest of anything is the
process that God set in motion. With this in mind, if you can control the state of a person’s being, then you can influence and
control physical manifestation. You can manifest a thing either by entering this process created by God or you can manifest by
perverting the process. It is not what you “do” in the physical realm that creates physical change or manifestation; manifestation
results from your state of being. Your state of being results from your focus of awareness and if you believe that you are the
thoughts that you think and the feelings that you feel, you can easily develop an ego identity with a group mind. Once you come
under the influence of the group mind, you will only “feel” alive and contented as long as you obey the code of conduct that is the
nature of the particular group mind that you have connection with. Obedience to the code of conduct is the only way that the group
mind can feed off your energy. Demonic forces can inhabit negative group minds and manipulate their energy. If you are
controlled by a group mind and the group mind is controlled by demons, then all the demons have to do to manifest “their” desire in
the earth, is to manipulate the energy of the group mind and bring about their desired change within your state of being. You do not
even have to be conscious of this manipulation in order for it to “work”. You are already blinded to believe that the energy of the
group mind “is” your identity. If the energy of the group mind shifts, changes, or moves; you believe “you” are doing the shifting,
changing, and moving! Identification with a group mind in this manner causes you to be completely controlled by whoever controls
and steers the group mind. Every impulse sent to you by the group mind will be perceived as your own will and desire. It is as
though the group mind creates a set track for you to follow but then gives you the illusion that this is really the only way that you
want to go. You are completely controlled but you have no perception of this. In fact, in most cases, you genuinely believe that you
are in control of your life and are actually doing what you desire to do.
As I pointed out, the “problem” arises when you lose your true identity and enter into the belief that you are what you think and
feel. This knowledge can explain why people do certain things and then regret their actions later.
If you have ever asked a teenager the question, “Why did you do it?”
You are likely to hear the response, “Because everybody else was doing it.”

It is true that adolescents think with different parts of their brains than do adults, but it is very common for them to be influenced
by group minds. It is common for them to draw their identities from their peer group. A peer group is nothing more than a group
mind. The peer group is visible, but its influence is not noticed until it manifests physically; usually in a negative fashion. When
this occurs, it is common for people to then ask, why? They could see the peer group and its various participants but what they
could not see was the negative influence of the group mind and how it was affecting each of its members. The reason that they
could not see the negative influence is because they were not a participant within the particular group mind. They were closed to its
energies. The paradox is that had they become a part in the group mind, they would most likely have been blinded to its negative
influence by its corresponding collective soul. You’ve heard the stories in the news about “hip” or “cool” parents that are “with it”
and who allow the kids to have wild parties or become involved in sexual activities within the home. The same is true for teachers
who become involved sexually with students. They have entered the mindset of these youths; often in an attempt to understand and
help them, and have unknowingly come under the influence of the group minds and collective souls.
Without the knowledge of peace that has become a part of your experience, the emotional realm will dominate you through
group minds, misdirected desire, and false beliefs. Peace calms to “storms” of negative emotions that the rulers of the darkness of
this world bring against you. These negative emotions that are generated through a mindset of fear are the trouble spots where the
spirits are able to build strongholds in our emotions and so feelings.
Through the work of Christ which brings the experience of peace, we find that the threat of fear is defeated. Through peace I am
“set at one” again with God through my restored connection and I am no longer fearful of other people and what they say or do. At
this juncture, we see the overlap in these seven components. Salvation restores connection to God but before salvation can begin its
work, we must understand that God has provided a “package” deal for us to take advantage of. In order for salvation to “take” we
must first understand that God Himself has made all the necessary arrangements and provisions for us to be restored to Him. We
often think that “we” “do” something that restores this connection but it is God Who does the “work” and we simply come into
alignment and agreement with it. No one really “gets saved”. What occurs is that the children of God come into alignment and
agreement with the already existing plan of salvation that has been orchestrated by God. It is not an outward physical act that is
often perceived as when a person sobs at an altar or mourner’s bench at the front of a church. It is not when a person receives a
“spit shower” in the middle of a circle of elders who are praying loudly and rebuking the devil. Salvation is initiated when an
individual continues in the process that begins with stilling the mind and entering the "now" moment where God exists. It then
moves into the realm of peace where the emotions are stilled through the revelation that we are no longer separated from God or our
desire. Peace is the end of fear, because fear is generated from a broken connection to the source of life; Who is our God and
Father—the Creator of all things!
It is at this stage of the process that many mistakenly believe that there is no need for a savior through the work of Christ.
Whenever you still the mind and the emotions, you enter the spiritual state of peace. Once you experience this, joy and bliss are not
far from your experience. It becomes very easy to believe that this state of awareness “is” all that there “is” and that nothing more
needs to be done. But as we discussed in Step 1 our faith can be twisted and can lead to something other than God. Your faith
always operates regardless of what you “put it into”. Faith always “works”. Even if you selfishly desire something that is
completely against God’s will, which hurts you and others around you—your faith in it will always work! You will be able to
manifest your desire, even if you do not include God into the process. You can still your mind and emotions and experience the joy
and bliss of the "God juice", and still miss God completely because you did not extend your faith to the word which God has already
spoken. Within the "God juice" you can exercise your free will. That is how good and evil can exist, side by side and yet remain
separate. You can use your faith within the "God juice" to do the highest good and avoid evil and still not connect to God. You can
also ignore or even deny God exists, and do the most self centered, egotistical, diabolical, acts within the "God juice". That’s your
right to exercise your free will. You don’t need God, or a savior to allow your faith to function in the "God juice", or to provide you
with peace or a sense of control and manipulation. Within the "God juice" you can still the mind and emotions and experience
peace, or you can let your mind and emotions run wild which will result in attempts to force and control of your environment and
those around you. Your faith will “work” in whatever you put it into. You can exercise your free will even if you exclude God
from the process. Only if you wish to continue in God’s process, do you find the need for a savior.
This experience of peace must come before the initial work of salvation through a savior. Before peace will come you must still
the mind through faith in “something”. Faith in higher energies will bring joy and bliss in the "God juice". Faith in the lower
energies will activate the mind and then the emotions and cause you to force and control everyone and everything around you in the
"God juice". You will either experience a spiritual peace or a “distorted peace” through control and domination.
In the “spiritual” peace existing in the "God juice", you will experience apathy that nothing needs to be done. In the “distorted
peace” of control and domination, you will experience pride that you can force what you desire to take place. But whether through
apathy or pride, you will induce your state of being to be either confused, or disobedient. Only through a state of “being obedient”
to God can you succeed in reaching Him. You can only reach this state of obedience if you exercise your faith toward the Word
which God has already spoken. This “word” requires that you move beyond
Step 2 and receive the work of a savior that has been provided by the Creator to restore connection to Him.

True peace must be experienced before the initial work of salvation can manifest, but the experience of peace is not the final step
in God’s process. Only by completing the process can we succeed in reaching God. Success can be found in the "God juice" of this
world, but eternal connection to God can only be had by extending your faith to the Word which He has already spoken and to the
savior He has provided through the work of Christ. If you want to produce the will and purpose of God you must continue in the
process He has created. Your emotions must find a peace that extends beyond the "God juice". You must come to understand
through experience that you are no longer separated from your desire or from the Father. This must come through the introduction
to a savior and a personal God. It is not enough to experience the peace, joy, and bliss of the “nothingness” or “one life” of the
"God juice". You must continue God’s process and meet Him through the Holy Spirit. Experiencing the peace of the "God juice" is
not enough. It is too impersonal and does not reconnect you to “God”. It connects you with “creation”. The work of Christ
connects you to a loving, personal heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit. The way to Christ is to still the mind through faith in
the Word God has spoken and then to still the emotional storms with the peace of God. After you have stilled the mind with faith in
what God has already said and then allowed the work of Christ to provide you with unconditional acceptance and emotional peace;
you are ready to apply the wisdom of God through truth.
Step 3. Truth prevents a lack of knowledge and silences the self will at the appropriate time. Once you have used your self will
to still your mind and emotions, you will find that you need to put your will power into a kind of spiritual stand-by mode. Faith in
what God said about anything starts you on the right path and then your connection to desire and all things creates a spiritual peace.
Peace ends fear and then truth opens the door to “the fear of the Lord” mentioned in scripture. This “fear of the Lord” is the
beginning of your acquisition of wisdom.15
The fear of the Lord is not being scared or terrified of God. The fear of the Lord is when you consciously still your mind and
emotions and then submit to a power outside of yourself. That power is the ultimate truth of God. The fear of the Lord is when you
realize that you are created by God and for God with intention and for a specific purpose. It is the realization that your own will can
only accomplish certain things and that beyond those things you need help from the higher power through the Holy Spirit. It is the
realization that if your self will does much more than simply still your mind and emotions, it can mislead you to desire things that
are harmful to you and others. The fear of the Lord is when you look at all things from God’s perspective. Having the perspective
of God, you are no longer limited in your thinking to what you can accomplish but you become aware of the potential of the
limitless possibilities in God and in His ability to perform them.
The “perspective” of God is “truth”. We have discussed in previous chapters how truth is self evident, but that it is only the truth
that you know and have made a part of yourself that sets you free.16 Without truth coming to be a part of your state of being, you
will fall victim to falsehoods and unwanted manifestations. The absence of truth is the place where people and religious belief
systems come up with ideas and theologies that conflict with the Word of God.
One familiar example is when a church prays for the healing of a dear saint of God and the individual dies. Many times the
pastor will “comfort” the congregation with words like, “Well, sometimes God heals and sometimes He takes the person home to be
with Him. We just don’t understand the mysterious ways of God!”
Either God is willing and able to heal in every instance or the bible simply isn’t true. Either God is gracious and impartial to all,
or He has His “favorites” and the rest of us just might as well quit while we’re ahead!
Whenever a person “rationalizes” away the truth of God, as He has spoken it in His Word, they are attempting to dissolve any
responsibility on their part. Instead of saying that we just don’t understand the mysterious ways of God, we should instead look
within ourselves for any “false” and “limiting beliefs” that restrict Him from having access into our situation. All “blocks” of
resistance to the will and purpose of God are founded within false beliefs.
It may seem harsh or difficult to you when I say that if you have had unanswered prayer, the solution lies within your own self,
but that is the freeing truth that can unlock the answer to your situation. I personally experienced a devastating situation while
writing this manuscript. My cat, Jubal, whom I mentioned in a previous chapter, died suddenly while I was treating her for cancer
and believing God to heal her. Jubal, was my “best friend” and I had her for over thirteen years. I was looking forward to sharing
with my readers how God miraculously healed and restored her to health. I was so certain that the healing would come that I had
already started writing a section for this manuscript! Imagine how I felt when she took a sudden turn for the worst and died! Here I
am writing a book on manifesting the will and purpose of God, and in one swoop of misfortune, I not only do not get the desired
manifestation, but I lose my best cat, and best friend!
At the time of this writing, Jubal died twenty eight days ago. I have cried every day. There is much that I still do not understand
but the truth that God is slowly revealing is setting me free. One thing that God has shown me that I over looked was Jubal’s own
will. Jubal was traumatized when she was a kitten, before I adopted her, and she was very sick as a result. All of her life she
struggled with depressive episodes where she withdrew into a hiding place for hours or even weeks at a time! I calmed and
comforted her during these times and coaxed her back into normal life. At the time just before her death she reverted into one of

Psalms 111:10, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

these episodes and never came out of it. To Jubal, the effects of the disease were just another threat that she hoped that she could
“hide” from until it got better. Instead, her condition worsened, her stamina weakened, and she died.
Another aspect, which I did not over look was the effects of negative energy in the environment. This came from people living
in the near vicinity of my apartment. Their negative thoughts were a drain on Jubal’s energy, and made her more prone to the
depressive episodes. I could sense this energy but could not completely neutralize all of its effects.
We are not very aware of how closely we interact with each other on the unseen level. Your thoughts and attitudes are affecting
others, and their thoughts and attitudes are affecting you. Most people can not see this and even fewer believe it. Any thought or
attitude that is not aligned with truth can be either used like a weapon against you, or it can be used as pressure to weaken or restrict
you. It is not uncommon that during times of psychic attack that accidents occur, things suddenly and mysteriously “break” or
“break down”, or even greater calamities strike like mysterious fires, natural disasters, or pets or family members die suddenly.
While none of this information brings my beloved cat and best friend back to me, it still gives me some relief. I was so focused
on her healing and restoration that I never considered that she might “give up”. I suddenly realized that she had been in and out of
crisis all of her life. I was the calming factor in her life, but at times, she would turn even from me and my support and just work it
out on her own by withdrawing. That’s what she attempted to do with this condition and she was simply too weakened by other
forces to “come back”.
What enrages me about this is that I know who the people are that were pumping negative energy at me and at Jubal before her
death. I have “flesh” just like anyone else and that flesh would like to see them “get what’s coming to them” for their part in
throwing so much hatred in my direction.
The freeing part of this knowledge though is that I understand that I believed for the right things for Jubal’s healing. I was on the
right track even if I was not able to push past all the hatred, or overcome Jubal’s own will. I realized that I “hadn’t missed” the goal
of complete healing, I just hadn’t been successful in attaining that goal yet. In short, I wasn’t on the wrong path; I just needed to
continue on the same path until manifestation of the desired end result becomes possible.
Demons were using circumstances to try and convince me that I didn’t know a thing about God and that I shouldn’t write this
book. They were attempting to keep me from ever believing God for anything again. They did everything within their power to
convince me that God was cruel and that He couldn’t be trusted. They were doing anything they could think of in an attempt to take
me out of the game permanently.
Instead of quitting and running from God in my time of grief and disappointment though, I ran to Daddy and told Him that I
was confused, deeply hurt and that I didn’t understand. He showed me these two insights that I just shared with you and then
explained to me that much more was involved in this situation, but my mind could not handle all that information now. He said that
what I needed to do now was to simply continue to trust Him and to stay on the path.
This manuscript is a result of that trust and continuance. So are the three furry little creatures that are sleeping at my desk as I
write this. They are Ezekiel, Templeton, and Shiloh. After Jubal’s death, the Holy Spirit strongly impressed upon me to adopt three
kittens from the same litter. He explained that “a threefold cord is not easily broken”17 and that the energy of these three kittens
together, would not only protect them from negative forces, but would also rid my house of much of the destructive effects of the
projected hatred.
Strangely enough, immediately after the Holy Spirit shared this insight with me, several people tried to give me cats. All of these
people became enraged with me when I refused the “offer”.
The change in the environment of my home was immediate after the kittens arrived. The gloomy atmosphere in my apartment
and the surrounding area just lifted away. The people who were aligned with the negative thoughts and emotions suddenly found no
peace. They began fighting with each other and complaining about everything. It seemed that the positive energy of these three
playful kittens just drove them insane! I also had several people who treated me with contempt and did things to try and make me
angry. It was as though they were trying to “get back at me” for some imagined offence. Every time they would speak or act, the
Holy Spirit would remind me that I had been given peace and that this was an attempt by the demonic forces to steal it.
This was another insight that the Father shared with me. I had been making progress spiritually and was organizing the material
that you now read. Demonic forces were doing everything possible to discourage or discredit me in my journey. Their assault was
so vast and complex that the Father again explained through the Holy Spirit that my mind was not able to contain the information.
The only way out of this situation and on to the victory of a breakthrough was to trust and obey His leading.
This was the exact thing that the enemy attempted to keep me from doing. God said the victory was already here, while the
enemy sent people to fight against me, and to discourage my cat to such an extent that she died. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me
that I had peace, and the enemy sent people to try to pull me into conflicts that didn’t exist outside of their own thinking.
In this situation, the most important thing for me to do was to continue on the path I had started and to trust God. Even though it
all seemed so hopeless since I had lost my cat and had aggressive and hateful people all around me; the single most important thing
for me to do was trust and obey God.

Ecclesiastes 4:12, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

We often think that it would be easier for us to obey God if we knew all the information and knowledge about our situation, but
God’s plans are so complex that knowing even a small amount of details could blow our minds apart. Take for example a person
being rude to you. This seemingly insignificant act can have far reaching effects. An individual can be used by a demonic entity
without their knowledge when they are aligned with negative group minds and collective souls. These people will become the
mouthpieces of demonic forces and will say things to you in an attempt to discourage you. I have experienced people making the
most unkind and cutting remarks, and then witnessed them standing before me blinking their eyes with a dazed look, wondering
why they said such things. If approached about the incident at a later time, they often do not recall saying anything of an unkind
nature. In some instances, these people will believe that you, not they, are the one who made the remark! When these types of
situations occur, you can be certain that demonic forces are at work, steering the minds of the people involved.
Before you receive a breakthrough of any kind, you can expect everything that is in opposition to whatever God promised to
begin to manifest. The temptation for you at that time will be that you feel a strong need to “do” something, instead of to trust and
obey God. You will seek after knowledge so that you can have a greater sense of power. But this “power” is not true power; it is
“force” and a work of the “flesh”. It is an attempt to take control of your situation and so take the control away from God.
We like to have knowledge, because knowledge gives us control over what is happening around us. We “think”, and often pray,
that God would explain what is happening. God is not going to kill you by dumping all the information that you demand of Him
into your mind. Seeking “how” things work and why they happen is a function of the mind. This kind of thinking will shut God out
of your life and situation. God beacons you to instead, still the mind and enter the "now" moment. He is not forbidding you to
think and resolve issues or to understand situations in your life. God has the master plan. God also knows that your mind is not
able to handle all the details of your own life, let alone the details of all creation! He has designed the process that allows you to
enter the "now" moment where He exists and you learn a little information that prompts you to a single action. Then the
manifestation of this combined knowledge and action takes place and you remain in the "now" moment where you learn a little
more and take another action.18 This process continues on a “need to know” basis. Your mind is not stressed with an overload of
details and God is able to direct you through the process to manifest His will with the most efficiency.
Our minds are designed to find the solutions to various situations in order to navigate the physical realm, but when it comes to
making strides in our spiritual walk, the mind falls short. The mind is incapable of hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. The
intuitive spiritual insight that should direct our every move is not a function of the mind. To receive spiritual insight and creativity,
you must put the mind on “hold”. You accomplish this by entering the "now" moment. Spiritual insight comes as a “knowing”.
Whatever the truth “is”; is simply seen and known. This “knowing” eventually rises into the mind and the mind expands and
supplies details which will eventually lead to specific action. The mind understands the details from the deeper spiritual knowing.
The mind is interpreting what the spirit already knows, instead of trying to discover what should be done to find a solution to the
situation. The mind is clarifying what needs to be done and is taking orders from the spirit. The mind is not in control of the
situation. The mind is being used as a tool.
Whenever the mind is in control, you will lose the deeper spiritual insight and will not be able to hear the voice of the Holy
Spirit. This is precisely why the enemy launched an attack on me when my cat died.
My mind was screaming, “How can this happen when I am trusting God!”
I had to still my mind in order to receive the deeper spiritual insights and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. If I had not turned to
God and stilled my mind and emotions, then stopped my own self will, I would have ended my spiritual growth and would have
become unfruitful. I would have missed the truth and exchanged it for a false belief. I would have viewed God as cruel and
Now understand that I don’t thank God that Jubal died. It was not “His will” that she die. I am human and I don’t have infinite
knowledge of the workings of God’s universe. There are things that I don’t know and one of those things was how to save Jubal in
a crisis. I did my best, but was not able to fully understand everything needed in time to save her. What I do thank God for, is that
He is in control. While He did not “kill” Jubal, He allowed demonic forces to do so. I do not completely understand why He did
not save her life but I understand that He would have done it if I had been able to give Him “place” enough to do so within my
“being”. Just like every other person, I am on a journey. It is comforting to trust the truth of God when you have no “logical reason
to do so”. It is comforting because “trust in God” can only occur in the "now" and no “problems” can exist there. My cat is gone
and this plagues me with despair, but even though I do not have a full understanding of this, I know that God is in control and that
He is not withholding His promises from me. God wants to do everything that He promised but He can not fill a container that is
bigger than the one I create with my state of being. My state of being at the time of Jubal’s death was not large enough for God to
pour Himself into in order to produce a complete healing. With this “truth”, I don’t blame myself and I don’t blame God. I have
looked at the situation and stopped “thinking” about it. This enabled God to show me “bits” of “the whole truth” about my situation
and it freed my mind of the need to “solve” the “problem”. Instead of endlessly looking for a solution, my mind found the solution
in trusting God. I didn’t seek to “do” something about the situation; I simply was able to accept what “is” and understand that in
order for God to move I needed a “bigger container”. I found peace through surrender. Don’t give up; surrender to what “is” in

Isaiah 28:10, 13; Author’s paraphrase of The King James

manifestation. In surrender, there is no condemnation. I had so hoped to share the success story of Jubal’s recovery with you, but
instead I must write this account with tears in my eyes. I must live with the painful knowledge that my state of being could not
create a vessel large enough to contain the nature and character of God in such a degree as to affect a total healing for Jubal. This
internal positioning is made possible by surrender. I don’t blame God for not fulfilling His promise to me but instead I accept
responsibility for not being able to manifest His nature and character. Even though I accept responsibility I do not blame myself for
her death. There is no condemnation in surrender. I feel the natural emotions and grieve the loss, but I have embraced the truth and
rejected falsehood. My goal is to flow with Him so that my state of being can contain things which to mankind are impossible.
The whole point of sharing this account is to demonstrate that you must always base your belief in the ultimate truth of God.
Without truth, you will intellectually “reason away” the only thing that can set you free. Remember that truth is self evident, but it
is only the truth that you know and have made a part of your being that can set you free. Blaming God, blaming yourself, or
blaming other people and situations will lead you to false, limiting beliefs that shut out God from your state of being. Feeling that
you or someone else has “failed” will put you into a state of condemnation and remove any possibility of entering the "now"
moment where you have access to God. If you persist in “thinking” about the situation this will lead to more “thinking”, mental
stress and eventual exhaustion. You will discover that your mind will seek to find answers that it can not contain. Only by
surrendering to what “is” can you embrace truth and continue in a spiritual growth process. Surrender releases you from feeling like
you must constantly “do” something about the situation. You come to realize that change is manifested through being. Truth
allows you to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might”, instead of your own self will. This revelation of truth is the
beginning of wisdom that lifts you into the "now" and supplies you with knowledge that is beyond the capacity of the mind. Truth
enables your spiritual connection to the Father to “work” by silencing the self will at the appropriate time. The impossible suddenly
shifts to—with God all things are possible.
Step 4. Righteousness destroys the sense of unworthiness and allows us to remain in a state of silent awareness. Righteousness
appropriates the completed work of Christ. It is the place where you come to realize that God is for you and not against you. By
means of the experience of righteousness, you come to understand that you don’t have to “do” something to reach God because God
had already done everything needed to restore your connection to Him through the work of Christ. Righteousness is the internal
action that keeps the focus of your awareness fixed onto the ultimate truth of God. You can remain in this silent awareness and not
be required to “do” any action externally. The action is one of a shift of internal awareness.
You will notice that I have positioned righteousness “before” salvation in the steps of progression of God’s process of
redemption and manifestation even though righteousness is the completed work of Christ. This is because the initial work of
salvation can be experienced only after God has made us able to approach Him in the perfection of His Son. In order to begin the
initial work of Christ, we must first be made presentable to God through His righteousness that is demonstrated through the work of
Christ. We must be “worthy” of the free gift of salvation before we can receive it. It is at this stage that we see most clearly that it
is not what we “do” about anything in this life that is important, but it is what God has already done to restore us to connection with
Him. This is the manifestation of Paul’s words to the Romans, “in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.19 Many
times Christians get hung up on “doing” things to try to please God and the only thing that can please Him is obedience to His Word
through faith. That obedience involves accepting the work of Christ. Most Christians have the idea that there are certain things that
you “do”, and certain things that you “don’t do”, and that is how a person pleases God. This is nothing more than the result of
“thinking” that is apart from the exercise of faith. An individual in this state of mind uses his faith in his own thinking instead of
extending it to reach God through His Word. The result is that the mind continues to remain “switched on”, the emotions go wild
and produce all manner of “feelings” that the person “feels” they must follow. Truth is lost as the self will begins to make up a
series of “do’s” and “don’ts” that must be adhered to and God’s righteousness can have no place in the individual because they have
devised their own “sense” of righteousness that is apart from God and His Divine process.
This type of individual unknowingly forms an “ego identity” which is then fueled by their constant “thinking” and “feeling”.
The person generates a phantom life in either the past or the future and cannot gain admittance to the "now" moment where God is
accessible. Little do they know that this process began when they exercised their faith on something other than the Word of God.
Many people believe that they are serving God in faith when in reality; they are living a phantom life that is controlled by their ego.
When things go wrong, they wonder why God failed and deserted them. The truth is that they never entered God’s process by first
accepting what God said as being more important than anything else. Their faith went after something other than God’s Word. God
was never involved in “their” process, because He is only involved in the process He created within the "now" moment. God didn’t
fail or abandon them; they entered a phantom life in the past or future where God does not exist! Entering a phantom life means
that you have either become “disobedient” or “confused” in your state of “being”. You can only access God by “being obedient”.
Whenever a person forms this kind of “ego identity”, they will be driven to force other people to conform to their will and
thought processes. A person’s identity in this state of being can only exist as long as he or she forces everyone around them to
“think” and “feel” just like they do. If anyone comes near them with a different belief system they “feel” compelled to bring that
person over to their way of thinking or to reject them completely. The reason for such drastic inflexibility is that a person who lives

Roman 8:5, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

a phantom life through an ego identity exists on a continuous stream of their own thoughts and feelings. They derive their sense of
identity through what they “think” and “feel”. Their perception of reality and the world around them remains “safe” only as long as
they adhere to the mental guidelines that they have selected to govern them. This means that instead of having concern for their
state of “being”, they focus on an endless system of “doing”. They come to believe that they are acceptable to God only by means
of adherence to their personally devised strict code of conduct. They constantly suffer in the pain of a deep seated sense of
unworthiness. Without righteousness anyone or anything that conflicts with this code of conduct is subject to immediate criticism
and punishment. Their entire sense of self worth is based on their code of conduct and how well they follow it. This lifestyle is
projected onto everyone around them and these people are “judged” as to whether they measure up to the strict code of conduct.
People are rewarded or punished in accordance with how closely they adhere to the code of “do’s” and “don’ts” that have been
formulated by the individual’s own self will.
When the work of righteousness is applied to a person’s life, they no longer “feel” the need to force or control what is happening
to them or around them. You no longer feel the need to change people or things, but instead focus on changing your own self; in
your state of “being”. You realize that God has blessed you with favor and that He desires that you have all good things. It is His
desire that you prosper and succeed. An experience of righteousness will extinguish the ability of the power demons and elementals
to build strongholds within the etheric realm. They will not be able to “drive” you to enforce your personal belief system onto other
people. Through righteousness you no longer need to change people or things; because you will realize that God has blessed you
with favor and that He desires that you have all good things. People and things are no longer perceived as “standing in your way”
of progress and success. You come to understand that you are the determining factor in your success. What people say about you
or what people do to you becomes unimportant once you understand that your success is based on your state of being, and not on
the thoughts or actions of others.
Righteousness gives you a proper sense of self worth. Through the experience of righteousness, you realize that positive change
always begins with you. It results from an internal shift of your awareness to the ultimate truth of God. The change takes place in
you, but the process of righteousness begins with God. This internal shift will cause unwanted manifestations to cease and will
bring about the desired end result.
With your mind stilled through faith and your emotions calmed with peace, you have entered the "now" moment and the truth of
God has caused you to look at your situation from God’s perspective instead of your own. Righteousness then allows you to remain
in the silent awareness that God is “for” you and not “against” you. That means that your self worth is derived from God’s opinion
of you in place of what you “think” about yourself or what others “think” about you. Your self worth comes from what God
“thinks” about you. What He “thinks” about you is not a result of anything that you “do” in the physical realm, but is instead a
result of His will and purpose for your life. Even if your current state of being is out of alignment with His perfect will and purpose
for you, He is still “thinking” about you as though you have already fulfilled His plan and purpose. God doesn’t see you as you are.
He sees you as the finished work He created you to be. Your self worth has nothing to do with what you think about yourself; or
with what other people think about you. Your opinions and the opinions of others do not determine or affect to opinion that God
has of you.
God created every person with intention and purpose. He doesn’t make mistakes. It is as though God looked at you before
creation and just “knew” what kind of person you would like to be. He took that image and all others and placed them on a rack like
clothing. Throughout your life, you have the opportunity to try on and wear any outfit that you like. Inside of you though, is the
image of that “perfect outfit” that you desire above all others. If you try on an outfit and decide that “this is just not me” you can
exchange it for another. You can continue this process throughout your lifetime or you can find that one perfect outfit through the
help of the Holy Spirit, and wear it into the next life. The choice is yours! God has provided all the opportunities that you will ever
desire. What you have to do is choose.
The righteousness of God is that perfect out fit designed just for you by God when He looked into your desire to be a certain kind
of individual. He created the perfect incarnation for you based on your very essence of being. Not your current state of being, but
the very essence of all that you hope or aspire to be for all eternity. He created you the way that you wanted to be created and then
gave you the opportunity to try on as many outfits as you desire. You can be—and will be—the person you desire most to be. Even
if your “righteousness” and resulting self worth is based in something other than “God’s opinion” of you; God has created what
“you” desire. He lets you be whoever you want to be. The only restrictions that you have in this life are the ones that you place on
yourself through the essence of who you are. The essence of who you are is kind of like God totaling up every place that you will
ever focus your awareness and then giving you the opportunity to do whatever you want.
Now I know some of you will be saying, “What about free will?”
It is as though all of creation was in a “waiting room” before God ever created a single thing, and everyone and everything got
the opportunity to go into an office where God interviewed them.
God came out of His office and spoke to everyone and everything. “Listen up everyone! This is what I want you to be.”
He then explained in detail, every detail that He desired to manifest in every person or thing he was about to create.

Then God took everyone and everything into His office and interviewed them. In the office, God privately said to every
individual, “I told you what I want; now you tell me what you want. You can have anything that you desire so tell Me what you
want and I will put it into the plan of creation so that you can manifest it!”
In life, everybody gets what they asked for. Everyone gets to fulfill their deepest desires. Some chose suffering and
victimization, while others chose success and actualization. Some chose to be healers and others chose to harm their fellow man.
Everyone got exactly what they asked for.
The perceived “problem” with this belief for some people is that they say that they would never choose what is currently
manifested in their world and reality. They do not see the struggles that they have chosen as the intense heat of the refiner’s flame
that is burning out all impurities. They do not understand that their essence of being requires that certain elements be eliminated so
that they can have what they desire. Still others literally burn up in the flame because it is their desire to do so apart from the
opinion of God.
The good news is that God is willing that none should perish but that all should turn to His opinion and will for them.20 The
reason that this is such good news is that if you are suffering and have a desire not to suffer; that “burning” desire to end your
suffering is the real you still looking for that perfect outfit that God created according to your specifications! By finding that perfect
outfit and wearing it, you can find the peace you desire. You can end your suffering and the way in which you accomplish this has
nothing to do with the people and things that seem to be standing in your way. The way that you end suffering is to put on the
opinion God has of you and throw away the opinions that you have of yourself, or the opinions that other people have of you. If
you see yourself as a worthless low life, that is how you will behave, but if you see yourself as God sees you, you can fulfill your
Through the completed work of righteousness, your understanding enlarges to include the truth of God that you are no longer
“unworthy” by your acceptance of the free gift of salvation. God has forgiven your every offence by restoring the connection that
was broken. You don’t need a phantom life of confusion or disobedience because God has made provision to include you as worthy
of His love and obedient to His Word. You become able to see yourself from God’s perspective. You value His opinion of you and
disregard the opinion of other people or of yourself. Righteousness is the experience of a mind that is still before God. It is a
spiritual peace that goes beyond the fuss of any emotion. Righteousness is the silent awareness that allows us to say yes to the plan
of salvation that has been created by God.
Step 5. Salvation protects us from the phantom lives of confusion, and disobedience, and allows us to enter a state of “being
obedient”. Once we have experienced the silent awareness of God’s plan of salvation through righteousness—we simply agree with
what God has already done for us. This agreement produces a state of “being obedient”. Up until the point where we agree with
what God has done for us through the work of Christ; we are exposed to the potential phantom lives of disobedience or confusion.
Once we enter a state of “being obedient” salvation takes on a spiritually “legal aspect”. Christ becomes our defender in the court of
heaven and His work is the means of provision for a hedge of protection on every side of our sphere of influence. Salvation is
appropriating the initial work of Christ. Salvation restores the broken connection to the Father in heaven, through the Holy Spirit
Who is in the earth. The believer can then invite the Holy Spirit into them and become the temple of God on earth. This paradox of
the work that God has completed by means of Christ introduces salvation through righteousness, and then completes righteousness
through salvation! While we have been discussing seven distinct components of God’s overall plan, these components are
intricately linked together and overlap each other. Salvation is God’s plan for us. It is where we allow God to do in and through us
what He desires to do.
Without salvation you may find some degree of protection in the earth, but you will have no defender in the court of heaven.
The "God juice" will produce for you in this world and if you avoid thinking negatively you will succeed in whatever you desire to
manifest in the earth. All you need to do is to focus your awareness onto something that you want to see manifest. It is not
necessary to include God in the process of manifestation within the "God juice" of creation. God has designed that the earth will
produce whatever you desire within its limitations of what is already created by God’s design. You can focus onto something that is
the ultimate truth of God and which is lasting or you can focus onto something that is a falsehood and which is temporary. It
doesn’t matter if it is “true” or “false”; if you focus your awareness onto it, it will manifest, even if it manifests only in your mind.
You can have whatever you desire even if your desire is contrary to the will and purpose of God.
The quandary is not one that you face in the earth; it is one that you will face after you leave this world if you have rejected the
work of Christ. Your ability to choose exists only in this world. Once you leave this world your state of being will be “fixed” and
will no longer be subject to change. If you have accepted the work of Christ while you are still alive to this world, then He becomes
the doorway to the Father in the eternal state. If you reject the work of Christ while in this world, the doorway of access will remain
“blocked” for eternity with no way of changing it. You can only take advantage of the process God has set into motion and that
involves accepting the work of Christ while you are still alive within the "God juice". At the end of time God will draw the "God
juice" back into Himself. Everyone who has already accepted the work of Christ will go through the door and everyone who has not
accepted Him will be repelled eternally.

II Peter 3:9, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

Accepting the work of Christ is a necessary step in God’s process to be reconnected to Him eternally, and it is a necessary step in
order to bring about His will and purpose in the earth by silencing the self will. Manifestation in the earth is possible, but without
Christ it will be a result of your own self will, even if that self will is to “do the best that you know how”, or to act for “the greater
good of all concerned”. Without Christ, you have no connection to the Father, and you do not receive the Holy Spirit into your
body so that the nature and character of God can reside in you. You will produce manifestations in the earth, but these
manifestations will be a result of your own will and efforts. You may do many “good” things and experience great peace, but you
will be doing this through your own self will and recognition of your connection to the "God juice". The Father is not in the "God
juice" and cannot be connected to except by the work of Christ.
Understand that an “actualized” self will is the same thing as a phantom life. Phantom lives exist outside the "now" moment and
so create “problems” and “pain”. An actualized self will that has not taken advantage of the work of Christ places you into a state of
“being” either “disobedient”, or “confused”. You enter the "now" of the "God juice" but then stall the process of access to God by
rejecting the work of Christ. Your self will remains active and you either pursue your own desires, or you submit to what you
perceive as a “higher power” of some sort and then do their bidding. Whatever the case, God, and His ultimate truth are shut out of
the process and you are not reconnected to Him. You have found peace through reconnection in the "God juice", but you have not
connected to the God of heaven, or submitted to His will and purpose. You may produce great works in the earth, but these are not
the works of God. They are the works of your own self will, and may be steered and directed by demonic forces. This can be true
even if the works that you produce are “good” works for the “greater good of all concerned”.
Your self will is deceptive even if you seek to do “good”. That is why it is important to follow the process set up by God and
silence the self will through His ultimate truth. Without God’s ultimate truth, you will find a degree of success and satisfaction
within the "God juice" and will “think” that this is enough. You will perceive the bliss of the "God juice" and will believe that you
are connected to all things. This connection is real, but what is missing is God’s truth. It is eclipsed by the self will that believes
there is no need for a savior. Salvation is perceived as the bliss and connectedness of the "God juice". In the "God juice", all is
perceived as one; and this is true! What is not true is that the process is complete. You are still separated from the Father Who is
not in the "God juice"! To reconnect to Him, you need a savior; Who is the Christ.
The initial work of salvation not only gives you eternal life by reconnecting you to the Father and Creator, but it provides you
with a favorable “legal standing” in the court of heaven. This initial work activates your “right standing” with God, Who is the
judge in the court of heaven. Christ is the prosecuting attorney Who also makes intercession for our release and continued
Satan and demons will bring charges against us in this court and will attempt to have the punishments imposed in our lives.
Satan will only take you to court if he has found some “fault” in your thinking. In other words he will only take you to court if he
can find that you believe something that is not the truth of God as He has already spoke it. Satan only goes to court if he “thinks”
that he has a “sure thing”. He also doesn’t waste much time in court if the individual in question is in his kingdom. He just does
whatever he wants to when a person is already in his kingdom.
If you reject the work of Christ, you can experience success in the "God juice" but you will have no defender in the court of
heaven. If the devil ever decides to take you to “court” you will have no defense and he will get permission to afflict you with his
nature and character. Salvation through the work of Christ is the step that pulls you from the kingdom of darkness and into the
kingdom of light. Before salvation, you exist in Satan’s kingdom. When you accept what God has done for you through the work
of Christ you are translated into God’s kingdom and Christ becomes your savior. That means that if the devil takes you to court
Christ will not prosecute you but will plead for your release. God will judge you as being restored to Him and you will win your
case just by showing up!
Accepting salvation also means that you now have the right to “take the devil to court” and defeat his actions of punishment
against you. When you become a believer in the work of Christ and accept Him as your personal savior you enter a “covenant” or
legal agreement with God. Two aspects of this covenant are the blessing of Abraham and the work of Christ that have been
discussed in earlier chapters. Through God’s covenant you can enter the Presence of God and demand that the actions of the devil
stop because they violate your covenant rights! In this manner, you can take the devil to court and pull away from his influences.
Those influences became established in your life by your thinking and when you accept the work of Christ you may still possess
some thoughts that conflict with the promises of God. Renewing your mind with the truth is the first step to freedom. Your
thoughts became a problem for you when you embraced a false belief with your self will. The way out of your situation is to silence
your self will with the truth of God, and then take the devil to court to demonstrate that he has no legal right to afflict you any
further because you have accepted the work of Christ.
Your only defense against the accusations of Satan is the work of Christ. You may repel much of his efforts by thinking
positively and avoiding evil, but we have already discussed how Job avoided evil and sought to do good. Even though he sacrificed
before God, the devil took him to court and demanded that he be afflicted. Your only means of overcoming the devil is by the blood

Romans 8:31-39, and Hebrews 7:25, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

of the lamb and the word of your first hand experience that you speak in the court of heaven.22 You do not “fight” the devil. You
wrestle with him for control of your mind and then you turn your mind off and perceive truth through your spirit.
At the time of this writing, my cat—Ezekiel, was twelve weeks old. He was playing with his siblings one day and running
playfully throughout the house. Suddenly, he began to run frantically around the house in terror. He was so horrified of something
that he ran headlong into several obstacles and then hid behind my computer. “Zek” had been playing with a paper “gift bag” that
had the little cord handles and had gotten himself tangled in these. When he continued his playful run, the bag was unknowingly
attached to him and he thought that something had grabbed him and was going to kill him. He was hysterical and it took almost an
hour to calm him down.
Just as Zek was needlessly terrified of a monster that doesn’t exist, we are often duped by the devil to believe things that are not
“real”. Zek’s fear was real to him. The devil will also produce in you all manner of manifestations that to you are very real. These
only possess substantiation though when our minds are used inappropriately and are “left on”. Zek had been playing with that same
paper bag for nearly two weeks. He loved it. What changed his perception of reality is when he became afraid. “Fear” will also
change your perception of reality. When you “think” that a thing is real, that thing becomes real, even if it is real only in your mind.
If you do not have your awareness firmly anchored in faith to the Word of God, then it is drifting toward “fear”. The enemy is
battling you for control of your mind. You must enter God’s process of redemption and take the devil to court in order to defeat
Salvation is the only means to break the connection you have to fear. When you accept the work of Christ the power of fear is
broken. In the step of “peace” your emotions are freed from fear. You “feel” better. In the step of salvation, fear is broken off of
your spiritual state of being. Salvation destroys the ability of fear to “grab hold” of you. The only access that fear has to you after
you have experienced salvation is through your thinking about something other than the Word which God has already spoken. If
fear comes to you after salvation the process to rid yourself of it is simple. You show up in court and confess that you have given
thought to something other than what God has said. That’s taking responsibility. You are forgiven by the judge and the prosecutor
requests that you be released from the grip of fear. That’s freedom from condemnation. The request is granted and fear is given an
eviction notice and a restraining order!
The more that you come to understand the plan of salvation that God has provided for us, the more you realize how small our
part in the plan really is.
Its like God said to you, “Hey, you are separated from Me and are on your way to a place never intended for you. But the good
news is that I came up with a plan to completely reconnect us and we can be together forever. What do you think?”
Our part is to simply say “Yes” to the plan. It’s not what we “do” that brings salvation. Salvation comes when we enter the
process designed by God and remain in it. Salvation is not “achieved” by a bunch of “good works”; it a gift that is given to us by
God. Salvation is attained by the grace of God through faith, which is the first step in the process. It is not something that you “do”
yourself; it is instead the plan of God that He created in advance through the work of Christ. It’s not what you “do” but what God
has already “done”. No one can pride themselves on their own accomplishments because it is God Who began the work, and it is
God Who will complete it in the day when the revelation of Jesus Christ occurs.23 Just say “Yes” to God’s plan and stop trying to
“think” up something better! Enter into a state of “being obedient” and reject the phantom lives of confusion and disobedience and
just bathe in the benefits of salvation!.
Step 6. The Word of God sends the demons running by crucifying the flesh or human nature.
At this stage the devil has been taken to court, and the “flesh” or human nature is crucified. Your spirit is then given ascendancy
to rule your actions by the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Salvation defeats the devil and translates us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God’s light and deliverance.
Whenever you perceive that you have a “problem” you may “think” that the devil is the cause, but your real battle is one of your
own “thinking” not the devil. Your perceived “problem” also has absolutely nothing to do with people or circumstances that appear
to be standing in your way of progress. Problems do not exist in the light of the ultimate truth of God. Only solutions exist in
ultimate truth. Whatever appears to be standing in your way of progress in actually a manifestation of a limiting belief or “block”
within your thought processes. Instead of manifesting your “desire”, you are creating situations that reflect the blocks that are in
your thinking. Your thinking is designed, and appropriately used, to consciously focus your awareness onto the ultimate truth of
God and to navigate the physical world through use of the five physical senses. If, after using your mind for these two purposes,
you “still the mind” then the devil can not gain access to your thoughts, emotions, physical body, or belief systems to build
strongholds or blocks of resistance. It is only when you do not still the mind that you get over into the “flesh” and the devil has
access to you. The “flesh” is a “mindset” that is in opposition to the ultimate truth of God. The only way to kill the “flesh” is to
stop thinking. Your “thinking” that results beyond the two already noted purposes, is a product of your “flesh” or human nature. It
begins when you place “your own thinking” or “the word of another person” above the Word that God has already spoken.

Revelation 12:11, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Ephesians 2:8-10,Philipians 1:6, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

If you have a delay in manifestation or if you are experiencing an unwanted manifestation, then some aspect of your awareness is
either focused onto something other than the Word of God, or you are vacillating between the Word and something opposed to the
This delay is not a result of you “doing” or “not doing” something in the physical realm. Your delay of the desired manifestation
is a result of the focus of your awareness being fixed onto something other than the ultimate truth of God. Whenever you focus
your awareness onto something that is not the ultimate truth of God, you are accessing your “flesh” or human nature. Every time
that you access your “flesh” in this manner you expend energy. In order to keep the “flesh” alive, you must continuously feed
energy into it. This output of energy supplies demonic spirits with the “toe-hold” they need in order to gain access to your thinking.
Once there, these spirits will attempt to “keep you thinking” so that you will generate energy that creates space for them to exist and
affect you. It is comforting to know that the only “space” that the devil can find to affect you, is space that you have created by
your thinking.
It is also helpful to understand that these spirits will also assess your areas of weakness and will then use people and situations
around you, in attempts to incite you to make your “flesh” come alive through your thoughts and emotions. Demons can not touch
you unless you make your “flesh” come to life by thoughts and emotions. If you are troubled by demons, then you are either in the
flesh in some area of your life, or you are being tempted and exposed to the nature and character of Satan in order to reject it. In
either case, the battlefield is your mind. Specifically, your “thinking”. And even more exclusively, your battle comes from your
“thinking about something other than the Word of God”.
Whenever you experience resistance to your desired manifestation this is a result of your “thinking” about the perceived
“problem”, instead of exercising your faith to reach the truth found in God’s Word. Let me say it again, the devil is not your
problem. People and circumstances that “appear” to be standing in your way are not your problem. Your “problem” is in your
“thinking” and your “thinking” is a result of your awareness being focused onto something other than the Word of God. This error
in focus of your awareness is what “creates the problem”. The problem is a creation of your own thinking because problems do not
exist in the light of the ultimate truth of God. Only solutions exist in ultimate truth. Problems do not exist in the "now". In the
"now" moment, only solutions exist. “Problems only exist when you allow your thinking to extend to something other than the
Word of God.
Remember that “Satan comes immediately to steal or take the word”,24 that “persecution arises for the word’s sake”,25 to destroy
it, and that “thorns choke the word so that it will be unfruitful.”26(kill) Faith is the beginning step in God’s process and it comes by
hearing and hearing by the word of God.27
You don’t have a “devil” problem; you have a “word” problem. The word that is translated as “sword” in the passage we refer to
actually means “a judicial punishment”28. Through salvation, Christ becomes our defender in the court of heaven and we are
translated from the devil’s kingdom into the kingdom of God. The “word” of God is the “judicial punishment” that has been issued
in the court of heaven that we can use like a sword or knife that cuts away the “flesh”. Once we cut the flesh away, the devil no
longer has access to us. Before salvation we live in the mindset of the flesh that is in opposition to God and which is aligned with
the nature and character of Satan. Once we are exposed to the nature and character of God through salvation, we can take the Word
of God and cut away everything that is opposed to His nature and character. Beyond the “flesh” or human nature the devil can not
gain access to you.
You can take notice at this point that three components of the armor deal specifically with “the Word”. Faith starts God’s
process by making what He said about something more important than anything else. When faith is applied it opens the doorway to
spiritual peace. Truth silences the self will and introduces the fear of the Lord, which causes you to look at everything from God’s
perspective. Once you have God’s perspective, you can conceive of the joint work of the “twins” of righteousness and salvation.
The Word then kills and cuts away the “flesh” or mental thought processes that are in opposition to the will and purpose of God.
Speaking the “Word” is enforcing the “judicial punishment” that has been declared in the court of heaven against Satan and His
nature and character. This cuts away every thought that is in opposition to the nature and character of God. When the “flesh”, or
mental processes that exclude God, are out of the way; we can experience open communication with God in the "now" moment
through prayer.
Step 7. Prayer dissolves the illusion that we must “wait on God to do something” and opens communication in the "now". By
continuing in the previous six steps that we mentioned here, we are able to remain in the "now" moment where open communication
with the Father through the Holy Spirit is made possible. We can finally express to God our love, devotion, and our need for total
reliance upon Him and no other through the process that He has created. If we have a need or desire we can bring this to Him and
request more of His nature and character. In God there is no lack. He is the source of all that is good and holy. When we express a

Mark 4:15, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Mark 4:17, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Mark 4:19, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Romans 10:17, Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Ephesians 6:17; Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words
taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

want or a need, we are really expressing that we need more of His nature and character. We don’t “get stuff” from God, we become
more of His nature and character in our state of being and then the desired manifestation occurs. This knowledge releases us from
the trap in our thought processes that we need to “wait for God to do something” about our situation. God has done everything that
He is going to do! God is not “lacking” anything good or desirable. God created the process of entering the "now" where He exists.
Once we enter the process, and complete it, we are restored in our connection to Him through the Holy Spirit. To be connected to
God is to have all needs and desires met and fulfilled. Finding a solution to our situation does not involve “waiting on God to do
something”. We must enter the process that He has created.
This seventh and final step in God’s process is where we have a restored connection to our Father God. We can’t see Him face
to face but we communicate with Him by the Holy Spirit and through the work of Christ. In this step, the culmination of God’s
process is fulfilled over and over again as we continue to release our faith toward Him through the promises in His Word. We do
not sit back and “wait” for God to “do something” about our situation, we take His Word back to Him in prayer with the full
expectation that He is willing and able to flow through us.
The familiar verse in Isaiah 40:31, states that those who “wait” on the Lord will renew their “strength”. This deserves some
clarification at this point since it is a well known verse that is often misunderstood.
The word “wait” in this verse means to bind together by twisting, or to expect. The word “strength” means to be strong, full of
life and to have the ability to produce.29
This verse does not imply that we wait for God to do something about our situation. Instead, this verse tells us “to be bound
together with God” and “to expect” that His promises will manifest in our lives through this intimate relationship. We are instructed
to have our very being “twisted together” with His being so that we combine with Him and His strength becomes our strength, and
His ability to produce, becomes our ability. The means to accomplish this is to enter into His process of manifestation and continue
in it. It is our personal relationship with Him. The “waiting” that is mentioned in the verse is only an instruction to stay with God’s
process and not get into a flesh mindset that will shut God out from us. We are being encouraged to remain in God’s process so that
we can experience His strength and ability in our life and situations in place of the ability of our “flesh”.
The directive is to stay in the process, stay out of the “flesh”, and not sit around and “wait” for God to “do something”. We are
to follow the previous six steps and let each have its perfect work in us when we face temptation or struggle with situations. We are
encouraged not to vacillate between the “flesh” and our faith because this causes us not to receive what we desire. We are to stay
with the process and then bring God’s Word back to Him in prayer where we can fellowship with Him.30
The idea that we must “wait” for God to make a move, is a passive illusion of the mind’s creation. “Waiting”, as it is described
in this verse—is an active process where we are twisted together to become one with God. It has more to do with surrender than it
does with thinking. Our “thinking” is only designed to be on the Word of God when it comes to producing physical manifestation.
Thinking about our situation will not release creative or God directed solutions. The only thing that produces creativity or God
directed responses is surrender to God’s process. The process can only be entered into and maintained by being obedient to the
Word of God. You must enter the moment of "now"; and remain conscious in order to have the process work correctly. To be
conscious is to be in communication with God through the Holy Spirit. It is having a personal relationship with Him and producing
His desire in your life.
Surrender to the process of God, frees us from having to know how, why, when, and where. These questioning words are all
functions of the mind and they do not produce spiritual insights or creative resolutions. Faith begins with a certainty not a question.
Whenever you find yourself “questioning” how, why, when, or where; you are “in your mind” and the mind cannot produce the
freeing spiritual insight that you need to escape an unwanted manifestation, or the ability to create the desired end result.
Once your faith has grown to this phase, you have access to the direction of God through the Holy Spirit. He can give you
specific instructions about situations and can guide you to the correct action. Your faith grows to this phase by remaining in God’s
process. It’s not some “magical” progression that is reserved for only a few. You don’t have to be rich to enter the process. There
is no qualifying criteria that can exclude you. The reason that people don’t hear from God is because they do not enter into and
remain in His process. That’s it! The reason that people receive unwanted manifestations is because they do not enter into and
remain in God’s process. The reason that Christians do not experience the desired end result is because they do not accept
responsibility for unwanted manifestations and they do not, therefore, enter into, and remain in God’s process.
Faith begins when you are convinced of the certainty of God’s Word. The “promise” becomes a living reality and a part of your
state of being that transports you to the "now" moment where God’s process can begin. Without this step of faith, the process never
begins. Without faith, you remain in your own mind and you will hear directives that are not from God. True direction from God
comes out of faith in what He has already said through His Word and what He has already done through the work of Christ.
Let’s face it though— simply opening up your bible and reading it, then saying, “I believe all of this!”—Is not enough to
manifest everything that you just read. You can say, “I believe every word of the bible is true!”—But this will not cause the

Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
James 1:2-8; Author’s paraphrase of The King James.

promises of God to manifest. Many believers get frustrated when they confess the word, read their bibles, pray for direction, tithe
and give offerings—and they remain poor, sick, and discouraged. They wonder why God doesn’t answer or deliver them.
As strange as it may seem to you at first glance, this condition occurs because they are not entering into and remaining in God’s
process. You must begin the process in faith. Your faith must be that whatever God said about your situation is more important
than what anyone else says. What God said, is more important than your thoughts, feelings, or self will. The process of access to
God begins when you are convinced in every fiber of your being that what He said “is” the only thing that can be in manifestation
Since faith begins the process, how does a person take themselves from a state of “unintentional unbelief” to a state of absolute
belief in what God has said? In other words, if you have a “stall” in the process and you want to overcome it, how do you
accomplish this?
The solution is simple. You become what you behold. If you desire to change what is in manifestation, then you must become
in your state of being the change that you wish to see manifest. If you are poor, then you must focus your awareness onto the
ultimate truth of God that you are already rich. You must become prosperous in your state of being in order to have prosperity
manifest in your physical life. If you are sick, you must focus your awareness onto the ultimate truth of God that you are already
healed and well. To physically manifest health, you must be in a well balance state of being where you exude health from every
fiber of your being. Whatever your situation, the process begins when you are convinced that what God said is the only thing that
can exist and that everything else is a falsehood. You must focus your awareness onto the ultimate truth of God that He has spoken
through His Word.
While we are discussing this as a “process” that must be followed, it is vitally important to understand that this “process” has but
one function. It leads us to the Father where we develop a never-ending relationship with Him. I am describing the steps here for
purposes of clarification, but the function of following these steps is to continue in a personal relationship with the Father God.
This information creates a kind of paradox—especially to the religious mind. Since the function of God’s process is to bring us
into an intimate working relationship with Him, it is not always beneficial to apply the conventional methods of prayer and bible
study to accomplish this goal. I have spent a great deal of time describing the importance of acting in faith on God’s Word, but we
must be watchful not to make this a completely “mental” or “intellectual” pursuit. I know some gifted scholars who know the bible
backwards and forwards, but who don’t know the first thing about entering God’s process and exercising their faith. They know
about God through His Word, but honestly, they don’t know God personally. They love God’s work, but they don’t love God. They
have taken the process that is design to know and fellowship with God, and turned it into a religious exercise. They pride
themselves in their knowledge of scripture and yet the relationship with the Father is not in existence. You can always tell a
“religious” person. They can quote you scripture and tell you what is right and what is wrong, but there is no love in what they say.
A person who has developed an intimate relationship with God the Father will always “minister truth in love”.
The paradox in all this is that it is sometimes beneficial to put your bible on the table and do some activity that sets your mind to
rest. I have talked to many people over the years who tell me how they will “think” and “pray” about a situation and then just leave
this with God and go about their daily business. Some wash the dishes, some mow the lawn, some work in the garden, some take a
walk, and some go to a movie or even watch TV. They study and pray about their situation and then do something relaxing that
they enjoy and during these calming activities, they hear the Holy Spirit speak to them about their situation. The point I am making
here is that God’s process is not a treadmill of simply reading your bible and praying diligently. When followed correctly, the
process brings you into a relationship with a loving heavenly Father. God doesn’t “lecture” to you twenty-four-seven! He wants to
enjoy your company and He wants you to enjoy His companionship as well. Getting into a mindset where you feel condemned if
you’re not reading the word or praying is to “stall” God’s process. You are attempting to reach Him by your “works” instead of
your faith.
Often times, Christians read a promise in God’s Word and then think to themselves that they want to have that promise manifest
in their lives. They become frustrated and discouraged when the promise doesn’t manifest for them. What they have unknowingly
done is to enter into mental ascent. For them, God’s process never began and they did not get the promise through faith. Faith was
never activated in their situation, because faith was never activated within them. They have shifted their focus to “doing” instead of
“being”. They have desired a “thing” instead of a “relationship”.
Another situation is when a person desires the promise, but they can not access God to receive it because they are not fully
convinced that what God said is the only thing that can manifest. His Word is the only thing lasting and eternal. His process always
supersedes any manifestations of the lower denser energies that are aligned with the nature and character of Satan. The problem that
develops for them is that God’s Word about their situation is not the most important thing to them. They may listen to what the
doctor said, or what their mother said. They may consult friends and people in their church or workplace. Something other than the
Word of God holds their attention and the process of faith never begins. They remain frustrated while seeking the promise of God
and end up shutting God out of their situation by not exercising faith in His Word through the process.
To receive the promise a person must keep the Word of that promise in front of them at all times and then meditate on it day and
night. They must go beyond “thinking” and enter the spiritual realm where the promise already exists in “form”. They must take
that spiritual reality and make it a part of their state of being through meditation. You must contemplate the personal meaning that

the promise has for you. Personal in the sense of allowing the Holy Spirit to show you what the verse contains for you and so for
everyone. It is the means for personal change that will result in a change in the physical manifestation “in” and “around” your life.
When you become in your being, what you desire to see manifest, the process will access God and His power will always bring it to
physical manifestation. You can not receive the promise by attempting to convince yourself that it is true. The only way to receive
the promise is to be convinced that nothing else is possible. You will manifest what you believe—therefore—you can have
whatever you believe that you can have. If you can believe it—you can have it!
You must also always keep fixed in your mind that while you are following a process designed by God, this process is intended
to bring you into relationship with Him as your heavenly Father. The purpose is not to “get stuff” from God but to “get God into
you”. The process is God’s way of allowing you to gain access to him and to form a lasting and eternal relationship. God wants the
Holy Spirit to dwell in you and to overflow out of you. To overflow means to spill over and have an excess of what you need. It’s
not having “enough”. It’s having more than you know what to do with! Overflow in your relationship with God means that you
have so much of God that you just have to share Him with others. True ministry is sharing the person of God with others as you
have come to know Him.
Manifesting the will and purpose of God is a result of your relationship with Him. This relationship allows you to experience
spiritual states of being. A spiritual state of being is something that goes beyond thoughts or feelings. Spiritual states of being do
not have “opposites”. For instance, joy, peace, and love; are spiritual states of being because they have no opposites. You either
have joy, or you lack joy in your life. You either have a state of peace or you are lacking peace. Either you love unconditionally, or
your “love” is not truly love but “conditional acceptance” compared to your strict guidelines for conduct. Happiness, on the other
hand is an emotional state. You can be “unhappy” because conditions are not going the way that you desire. Happiness is based on
whether you get your way or not. “Your way” is based on what you “think” and “feel” should happen or not. Your thoughts
generate your emotions. What you “think” about will determine what you “feel” in your emotions. Joy is not dependant upon
external conditions. You can be in the worst physical conditions and still experience joy, but you can only be “happy” if you get
what you want. God wants to offer you lasting states of being instead of temporary emotions. Emotions are not “bad” for you
unless you believe that your emotions are your true self and state of being. A person ruled by their emotions is inconsistent. Their
goals will change according to how they feel at any given moment. A person governed by spiritual states of being will remain firm
in their goals regardless of how they feel or what the external conditions are. If someone tells you a funny joke and you laugh, that
is not an evil thing. It is simply an emotional response to information that was introduced into your thinking. The “happiness” that
you derive from laughing is not at all “bad” or evil. God gave you emotions to enjoy your life experience but He did not intend for
you to live by those emotions. His intent was to introduce you into lasting spiritual states of being that transcend emotional states
that depend on external conditions. These lasting states of being are the nature and character of God.
In short, to enter states of being that are lasting, you must make the nature and character of God a part of your nature and
character. You must become less in your own personal will and allow the will of God to manifest in your being through the work of
Christ.31 The work of Christ must take precedent over your will and accomplishments. God has the master plan and you must
submit to His will instead of going in your own limited understanding.
Once you have entered and remained in God’s process, you can communicate with God the Father through the Holy Spirit. Your
communication includes two elements. One is being grateful for what God has done for you. The other involves hearing God’s
living Word to you and then speaking to your situation.
Jesus told His disciples that when they “speak” to their mountain, it would be removed and would be cast into the sea. He said
that if they believe and do not doubt in their heart the things that they say, they could have anything that they wanted.32 A careful
study of His words reveals much information about the process of manifestation. The first thing that we see is that God’s process
requires that we speak the Word of God to our mountain. We begin His process of manifestation by believing His Word above
everything else, and then end the process by speaking that Word to our situation. Notice that we do not speak “about” our situation.
We are to speak “to” the situation. We are not describing what the current physical conditions look like. We are speaking “to”
them with spiritual authority and dominion.
When Jesus used the word “say” in these verses, it means an individual expression or speech by words or in writing that
answers, grants, or commands a desired thing to manifest.33 This is the product which God seeks to cultivate within us. We are to
take the Word of God, have an individual expression of it, and speak it to our situation. The process of God is completed when we
take back our rightful position in the earth and command all situations to do the will of God by speaking His desire to them. Our
speech is an individual expression of the will of God. It is our particular “flavor” which God created us to be in His master plan.
Jesus made it clear to His disciples that in order for the process to work and be completed as God desires it to be, they must not
doubt in their hearts. The word used for “heart” means thoughts and feelings or mind and middle. So Jesus was essentially saying
that in order to have the desired end, you must not doubt in your thoughts and feelings. You must still your mind and emotions in

John 3:30; Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Matthew 21:21-22, Mark 11:23-24; Author’s paraphrase of The King James.
Mark 11:23; Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

order to manifest what you desire and avoid unwanted or stalled manifestations. The word translated as “doubt” is very interesting
and multilayered. It can mean to separate thoroughly which would involve “self will” and the rejection of “truth” and “the work of
Christ”. The word can also be interpreted as withdraw as though “unworthy” thereby rejecting “righteousness”. It can mean to
oppose, as in the mindset of the “flesh” which is in opposition to the “Word” of God. This opposition leads to a state of “being
disobedient”. The word “doubt” also means to discriminate through “mental ascent” instead of “faith”, which involves rationalizing
away the promises of God through intellectual reasoning. “Doubt” can also be interpreted as to decide or judge which involves a
phantom life lived in the “past”. “Salvation” can not be accepted from this phantom life. And finally, the word “doubt” can mean
to hesitate as though fearful and anxious about a “future” event. This is the phantom lifestyle of the “future” which excludes the
spiritual state of “peace” and evokes a state of “being confused”.34
When Jesus said to speak to the mountain, He was giving instruction to take our restored authority and dominion in the earth by
commanding it just as God did when He spoke in the beginning of creation. When Jesus said, “don’t doubt in your heart”, He
covered the entire collection of possibilities of resistance to the process of the desired manifestation! The way to have what you
desire is to speak to your situation and not doubt in your heart. Don’t talk about what you face, speak to it! Command it with the
Word of God!
Once you have overcome the various “blocks” of resistance to the flow of God and have continued in His process; the only thing
that can “stall” the cycle of manifesting the desired end result is either not speaking to the “mountain” (situation), or speaking
something other than the Word of God.
This is often the frustrating stage where Christians fail to manifest the desire of God in their life. Instead of hearing the living
Word of God through the Holy Spirit and then speaking to their situation; they just tell God about “the problem”. Prayer is twofold.
It is a combination of worship, thanksgiving, and devotion to God; and it is making the Word and the nature and character of God
into an individual experience that is spoken to our mountains. Many believers worship God and thank Him for all that He has done
and then they speak things that are contrary to His Word or they never speak to the situation in order to change it.
I can see the angels of God thinking, he almost made it! I was ready to enforce the Word, and then he spoke something else.
I can hear the angels talking to each other.
“He didn’t command the situation! There is nothing I can do!”
I can hear demons laughing in the court of heaven. They are saying, “Since he didn’t say anything about this situation to
command it. I move that the order issued through salvation to restrain us be removed and that we can continue to afflict him in this
manner. I further move that we can now bring sickness, disease, lack, and poverty to his house since he has not spoken to or
commanded these to depart from his house.”
God the Judge must legally allow this. Christ, the prosecutor of the demons, must remain silent.
God looks at Christ in the closing arguments and asked, “Do You have anything to add to these motions?”
Christ Who died for us to release us from bondage sadly states, “No. Since he did not confess Me before men, I have nothing to
confess in this court before You in his defense.”35
With disappointment, God the Judge says, “The motions stand. You may afflict him.”36
A chorus of laughter and cheers go up before God as the demons rejoice and continue their devious work of death and
This simple example is a bit chilling and all too familiar for most of us to think about. Honestly, how many times have you
“prayed” or asked for “prayer” and you or the person praying just tells God about “the problem”? That is the same thing as giving
your authority over to the demons involved. Prayer involves being grateful to God, hearing His living Word through the Holy
Spirit, and then speaking to the situation. It has nothing to do with talking about the situation. God doesn’t have any problems. All
He can give you is what He is made of in His nature and character. If you approach Him with “problems”—He doesn’t have any
that He can give you! God only has solutions! Solutions are the only things that He can give to you out of His nature and character.
When you approach Him with lack or sickness—He has nothing to do with them and so He can’t give anything to you.
The devil, on the other hand, will step up and say, “Excuse me. I can fill that request.”
People get so frustrated and discouraged because they go to church, read their bible, tithe and give offerings; and don’t get the
blessing from God. This usually ends up being “God’s fault” and they just write it off and say that “we can’t understand the
mysterious ways of God” instead of taking responsibility for an unwanted manifestation.
It is only when we take responsibility for unwanted manifestations that we can access God to change them. When you refuse to
take responsibility for unwanted manifestations, you remain in the “flesh” mindset that caused the unwanted manifestation to exist
in the first place. This mindset is what is in opposition to God and it is what shuts God out of your situation. Whenever you are in a
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Matthew 10:32-33.
Job 1:12.

“flesh” mindset, you will feel the need to control and exert force on your physical environment because you do not have access to
the power of God’s ability to make positive change through you. The “flesh” will make you think that your problem is external, in
the form of people, God, or the physical circumstances and you will focus on these instead of making the needed internal changes.
When you cut away the attitudes of the “flesh”, you can not only see your situation clearly, but you see that you have only two
choices and they both exist within you. Whenever a situation arises that presents an unwanted manifestation, you can either accept
what “is” currently in manifestation, or you can change an attitude within yourself. This does not mean that you can never take
appropriate action. On the contrary, appropriate action can only be taken when you have aligned yourself with God so that it is His
power that flows through you to change the manifestation, instead of your “flesh” making attempts to “force” or “control” other
people or the circumstances. “Action” is not “wrong”, but “force” and “control” are. Action must be part of the flow of God’s will
in order for it to be appropriate.
Unwanted manifestations are changed by making change within you. To change the physical manifestation, you must change the
state of your being that produced or allowed it to manifest. Your state of being is “magnetic” to “like” physical objects. You will
draw to yourself what is in your state of being. Unwanted manifestations will either be something that you create or draw to you as
a result of your state of being, or they will be manifestations that the enemy uses in attempts to cause you to change your state of
being to that of the “flesh” so that he can gain access to you. The enemy will access your areas of weakness or desire and focus on
these. He will manifest situations that tempt you to indulge in their energies so that he can build a stronghold in your thinking and
To change the unwanted external manifestations you will need to change the attitudes and beliefs within you that attract them.
You should not seek to change the environment or other people, you must make positive change within yourself and become the
desire that you wish to see manifest. When you become the change you wish to see, you will understand clearly if any physical
action needs to take place. Physical action at this point will be backed by the favor of God and will always produce good things.
God needs willing humans to produce His desire in the earth.
God gives of Himself in order to produce His will and purpose in the earth through us. He gives to us because we have authority
and dominion in the earth that has been restored through the work of Christ. God can’t come to the earth to produce His will and
purpose because this would result in immediate judgment of all things. So God developed a process that we can enter into and gain
access to Him through the Holy Spirit. When we complete the process, He can speak through the Holy Spirit to us and then have us
speak His desire into the earth.
If your idea of God is that He is withholding “things” from you for some reason, then you will beg and humble yourself before
Him in hopes that He might grant your request. If you do not understand that it is God’s desire to have you healthy, prosperous, and
powerful in His strength; then you will not approach Him to receive these qualities into your life. It is only when you have come to
know His will through communication, and then spoken this to your situation, that God’s will and purpose can manifest in the earth
for you. God has done all that He is going to do. He is waiting to speak to you; and to hear you speak to the mountain of situations
in your life.
If you are experiencing unwanted manifestations it is for one of the reasons that we have just discussed. You may not have
entered God’s process through faith. That can mean problems with your thinking, emotions, self will, or self worth. You may be
living a phantom life in the past or future where God does not exist. You may have elements of your “flesh” that oppose God. Your
“flesh” is any mindset that is in opposition to God and His Word; which is His nature and character. Or you may be “waiting on
God to do something” about your situation for any number of reasons; instead of communicating with Him and then speaking to
your situation.
And that, as they say— is that! If you have unwanted manifestations then review the last paragraph and find which area that you
have a block in. Go back to the section describing this and remove it. It is that simple!
God’s process is simple but you must complete the entire process in order for it to be successful. Remember that while we have
discussed the seven components of the armor described by Paul, these seven elements function together as one for the purpose of
bringing us into a personal relationship with the Father. Neglecting any facet of the components can cause the entire process to
produce unwanted manifestations. Whenever you experience unwanted manifestations, you need to take responsibility for them and
reenter God’s process. Don’t blame yourself, others, or God. Don’t condemn yourself or feel unworthy. Don’t think that “this just
doesn’t work for me”. Take responsibility for the unwanted manifestation and reenter God’s process. When you have heard from
God through communication by His Holy Spirit, take the Word and speak to your situation.
At this point, I am reminded how the Apostle Paul was describing the Roman army as an occupying militia or “police force”.
Whenever a soldier came upon a situation, he didn’t run crying to his commanding officer. No, he just enforced the law. Through
training and indoctrination, a soldier knew his authority, and he was expected to use it!
God the Father is our commander and Chief. He has done everything to reconnect us to Him by the work of Christ. He has sent
the Holy Spirit to convey His personal messages to us on the battlefront. By reconnecting to Him in this manner, our authority and
dominion in the earth is restored. We now have the same authority and dominion that Satan stole from Adam. Satan and demons
have been defeated in the court of heaven by the work of Christ. God is waiting for us as His good soldiers to exercise our authority
and dominion in every situation, by speaking to the “mountains” and bringing His will and purpose into physical manifestation.

How do you go about Manifesting The Will And Purpose Of God? You enter and remain in His process which includes
speaking to your situations.
Let’s review in our thinking a practical way of doing this.
Before you can enter God’s process, you must “think” like He does and enter into His plan of salvation. But as we have already
discussed, you must begin His process with faith and still your mind so that whatever God said about anything becomes more
important than anything else. This foundation that is now based in the spiritual world of “form”, in place of the physical world of
what can be seen, allows us to see that we are not separate from our desire and we experience peace. This peace stills our emotions
so that we are not ruled by them and it allows us to experience ultimate truth. The ultimate truth of God silences the self will at the
appropriate time and we can experience wisdom and God’s ability, instead of self will and our own ability. Through this wisdom
we see that the plan of God is to restore our connection to Him. He is “for us” and not “against us” and this insight destroys the
sense of unworthiness which introduces us to righteousness. God values each of us and His will is that we should prosper and be in
health by accepting His plan of salvation. Salvation activates the work of Christ and commissions Christ to be our defender in the
court of heaven. What Christ says in the court of heaven will bind or loose demons into our situation and what He says is
determined by what we say in the earth. Demons are looking for any opportunity to trespass into our lives and they will use any
legal loophole which they can find. When we speak the truth of God’s Word it cuts away our “flesh”. The “flesh” is any mindset
that is in opposition to God’s nature and character and His will and purpose for us. Cutting away the “flesh” destroys the only
means of access to us that the devil has. With the “flesh” mindset destroyed, we can experience communication with God. This
communication is two-fold. It involves worship and appreciation of God, and it involves hearing what God says to us through the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks a vital and living Word to us about our specific situation and then we speak that Word to our
situation. What we speak to our situation determines what Christ will speak before the Judge in the court of heaven. If we speak
aspects of our covenant to our situation, then Christ will speak this before God and our covenant will be enforced. If, however, we
speak contrary to the truth of God then Christ has nothing that He can say in the court of heaven and the demons can say whatever
they want and have it enforced in our situation. The same thing occurs if we don’t speak anything to our situation. Not speaking to
the mountain is the same thing as silent agreement with whatever the devil says. Every step of God’s process must be followed and
personally applied to our life. Failure to apply any part of what God has done for us can stall the process or prevent the desired
Let’s say that you are sick and you want to manifest health and healing. You must begin His process with faith and still your
mind so that what God said about health and healing becomes more important than anything else. You must disregard what other
people say and what you think and feel about your situation. You can’t just “not think” about your sickness, you have to replace
whatever thoughts you have with the Word of God. When you use scripture to replace your hopeless thoughts of despair about
being “sick”, your emotions will settle into a stillness that gives you access to spiritual peace. This will require some study and
meditation on the Word of God. Whenever you have a thought or feeling that opposes what God has said about health and healing,
replace it with what He has said in scripture. You can do this by thinking about the scripture and what it means to you personally or
you can say it out loud. Instead of looking at the physical symptoms of your sickness, you meditate on the scripture and this gives
you the capacity to see the limitless possibilities of God’s ability to heal. It calms your emotions so that you experience peace. If
you don’t experience peace, then your faith is in the sickness and its symptoms instead of being based in the Word which God has
spoken. The experience of peace allows you to see that health and healing are connected to you. You are not separated from what
you desire in health and healing and God is not trying to “withhold” it from you. As God’s ultimate truth of health and healing
silences your self will, you are able to experience wisdom and God’s ability, instead of self will and your own ability. You are free
from your thoughts and emotions at this point and you can begin to look at sickness like God does. Sickness is a part of curse and
you can be redeemed from this curse by accepting what God has done through the work of Christ. This wisdom enables you to see
that the plan of God is to restore our connection to Him. He is “for us” and not “against us” and this insight destroys the sense of
unworthiness. We experience righteousness and come to understand that God values each of us and His will is that we should
prosper and be in health by accepting His plan of salvation. Accepting the plan of salvation activates the work of Christ and
commissions Christ to be our defender in the court of heaven. We speak the truth of God’s Word about health and healing and it
cuts away our “flesh”. Cutting away the “flesh” destroys the only means of access to us that the devil has. With the “flesh” mindset
destroyed, we experience communication with God. The Holy Spirit speaks a vital and living Word to us about our specific health
and healing and then we speak that inspired Word “to” our situation. This involves speaking “to” symptoms” to leave the body
because the “flesh” has been cut away and the only place for demons and the curse to affect us is in the “flesh”. It involves
speaking the desired end result to your body. Don’t talk “about” the aliment or symptoms, command them to leave! If demons are
encountered they are reminded of the legal action taken against them in the court of heaven. They are reminded that they have been
given an eviction notice and that they are in violation of a restraining order issued by God. They are reminded that through the
work of Christ they no longer have ANY legal right to afflict you.
Whenever you begin this process of God by faith, you will usually experience resistance in the form of symptoms and unwanted
manifestations. If you are “sick” and seeking health and healing, then your symptoms may get worse or other symptoms may
appear. You may experience unwanted manifestations in other areas of your life as well. People may begin to harass you or be

cruel to you, either directly or behind your back. This is a result of the illegal actions of demonic spirits in the court of heaven.
These spirits are reminding God about your sins, failures, short comings, and any thoughts or beliefs that do not align with His
ultimate truth. They are bringing to God as the Judge, things that you believe that are aligned with the nature and character of
Satan. Whenever these are pointed out to God, Christ can not come to our defense if we have not made His work a personal part of
our being, or if we have not spoken the truth of God’s Word “to” our situation. The courtroom verdict is defaulting to Satan and we
experience more afflictions from him.
The way to handle this is to return to the process by exercising our faith on God’s Word. We then move through the process
again, but in the step of salvation we assert our rights in court about the specific accusations or unwanted manifestations. If we have
sinned, we confess it and receive forgiveness. If we discover some belief or attitude that is wrong, we confess this and align
ourselves to the truth of God’s Word. We remind the demons that through the work of Christ we are no longer a part of Satan’s
kingdom or influence. We remind them that we have cut away the flesh so he has no place in us to operate. We get clear direction
from the Holy Spirit and then speak “to” our situation. Don’t talk “about” the situation. Command it to align with the Word of God
through the authority of the work of Christ. Continue doing this until you receive the desired manifestation.
The reason that you experience resistance in the form of symptoms and unwanted manifestations through the illegal actions of
demons is that your personal development of internal change is a growth progression within God’s process. For instance, you don’t
manifest physical change by simply saying something that you desire. You have to become that change internally before it will
manifest physically even if you speak it out many times. If you get angry with someone and say that you wish they would die; that
individual doesn’t just “drop dead”. If however, you meditate on that anger until it becomes a part of you in the form of hatred then
your hatred will begin to manifest around that person, possibly in the form of accidents or depression and despair. An angry thought
is not necessarily a sin, but an attitude of hatred is. Hatred is a condition of “being”, anger is an emotion. The difference between
the two is that anyone can experience a flare of emotion, but not everyone will allow that emotion to dominate them until it becomes
part of their state of being. When you begin to change internally in your state of being, and start to speak to your situation; you will
encounter resistance that will attempt to counteract what you are speaking as your desire. To refuse to accept this resistance you
will need to focus your attention on your thoughts, emotions and on the desired end result.
As a man or woman, you have been given a divine spark that enables you to create things by speaking into the "God juice", or
waters of creation. Your part is to “frame your desire with words” and the "God juice" will then produce the physical
manifestation. You do not force or control the world around you in order to effect change. You do not describe what you “see” or
“feel”. You do not “talk about” the situation. You speak “to” whatever situation is currently manifested physically and prophesize
the desired end result.
Speaking to your situation is like planting seed in the earth. Your harvest is determined by whatever kind of seed you plant. The
way that you plant, is to speak “to” your situation. The earth is not concerned with the seed. The earth will grow whatever is
planted in it; just as the "God juice" will produce whatever you speak into it. Your spiritual seed is determined by how you “frame”
your desire with words and then speak “to” your situation. It is a growth process as described in the scripture, first the blade, then
the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.37 When you understand this process, you will not be discouraged by the apparent “set-
backs” of resistance in the form of symptoms and unwanted manifestations or the illegal actions of demons in the courtroom of
heaven. This process is a threefold progression. Firstly, you renew your mind with the truth of God. Secondly, you rid yourself of
thoughts and emotions that are contrary to the truth. And thirdly, you silence your self will so that the voice of the Holy Spirit can
be clearly heard. After these three steps, your desire will begin to manifest. Until these steps are completed and until you remain
“in” them, unwanted manifestations and resistance will occur.
The point to remember is that when you begin speaking “to” your situation—nothing will change or “magically” occur! As you
begin to speak your desired end result, you are firstly dealing with renewing your mind. Nothing will change at this stage but keep
on speaking! The “blade” does not produce a harvest, but a harvest is not possible without the “blade” providing nourishment to the
plant roots. As you continue to speak your desire in the face of unwanted manifestations, you are planting “seeds” that the "God
juice" will germinate. You won’t see a harvest immediately and for a while you won’t see any growth or change at all. Don’t give
up or get discouraged by this, just keep on framing your desire with words and keep on speaking this “to” your situation. The “ear”
is where the harvest comes from and this results from the “blade” but it still does not contain the “full corn” as yet. Don’t pluck the
“ear” and declare that “it’s not working” by refusing to continue to speak the desired end result “to” your situation. You need to
continue speaking “to” your situation in order to clear your thoughts and emotions that conflict with your desire. Thoughts and
emotions cloud the area of the chest or the “heart”. When you prophesize “to” your situation, it is from your “heart”.38 The Holy
Spirit’s directions come from deep in the abdomen and rise to the area of the solar plexus. If the “heart” is cleared of opposing
thoughts and emotions, then the direction of the Holy Spirit can be heard and understood. The mouth will then speak from the heart
and the desired manifestation will occur. Until the “heart” is “pure” and cleared of contrary thoughts and emotions that oppose the

Mark 4:28.
Matthew 12:34-37.

true nature and character of God, the mouth will “speak” and so create unwanted manifestations. Persistence and an undaunted
sense of anticipation of the desired end; are the keys to successful manifestation.
The process is the same for anything that your desire. It is a step by step means of accessing God and then releasing His power
and ability into the situation. The purpose of the process is not to “get stuff” from God, but to enter into and remain in relationship
with Him. Every step must be followed and personally applied to your life because failure to apply any part of what God has done
for you can stall the process or prevent the desired manifestation.
When you first understand and enter into this process, you will undoubtedly be involved in some “clean up” of your life. You
will see that all unwanted manifestations represent the “flesh” mindset in the form of “blocks” that stall or prevent the desired end
result. After some success in this area though, you will find that your attention moves from “what’s wrong” and from “what’s not
working” into a love relationship with the Father. It is much easier to be grateful for what you have when you are not living under a
cloud of sickness, lack, and poverty.
When God’s process begins to work for you, your life takes on an excitement in everyday living. Instead of wondering how you
are going to pay the rent, you are enthusiastically waiting to see just how God’s provision is going to unfold. When someone gives
money or goods to you, your mind and emotions will just relax and enjoy the ride. Your life will take on the qualities of
synchronicity and serendipity. If you’re not familiar with these words, they simply mean that things in your life will just fall into
place. Without effort or force, situations in your life will just start to work. You will find yourself in the right place at the right
time. You will receive job offers, money, goods, and recognition that you never thought about or attempted to gain. Everything
will just seem to “click” into place at the right moment. These are physical expressions of your state of being obedient in the "now".
Your spirit will be filled to overflowing and this overflow will manifest your nature and character into the earth. At this stage, you
have become what you desire and your desire simply manifests from your state of being. You have entered into, and are living
out—your purpose in life!
Synchronicity and serendipity don’t mean that you will not encounter any resistance. In fact, you may encounter more resistance
than before, but this will no longer “bother you”. Your life is in “flow” and any obstacle is something that can be changed or
removed. In the long run, everything just works to your advantage. Even your enemies get to the point where they don’t want to
fight with you anymore because they always incur heavy causalities and losses. “Messing with you” becomes a painful and
unrewarding experience for them.39 They find that it is better to silently resent you and curse you behind closed doors than to
openly attack you and end up losing ground.
Carnal people will find the reflection of the Presence of God within you absolutely intolerable. They will hate you because they
are dead, and you have eternal life springing up within you.40 You will be involved with walking the “straight and narrow”
described by Jesus in the Book of Matthew. The word “gate” that is used in that passage, simply means an entrance. The word
“straight” that Jesus used means “narrow from obstacles standing close about”. What is translated as “narrow” means “to crowd”
as though surrounded by a throng of entities, or troubles, tribulation and affliction. “Way” means a road or progress, and “life”
means “mere vitality—even in plants”. 41
The mental picture that Jesus paints in these verses is one of a lifestyle that produces an enthusiastic life. It is a life that few
people find because it is crowded on each side by distractions that are really the obstacles to progress and success. This is the
physical life and not an anticipated heaven. It is not something you “wait for” but is something that you “enter into”. It is the
entrance to the kingdom of God, which is within you.42 It is the "now" moment.
It is interesting to note that the word that has been translated at “God”, Divinity, or deity; can also be translated as magistrate43.
A magistrate is one who is empowered to administer the law. So Jesus has painted a picture of a special person who is “divinity” in
“humanity” and who has the right and authority to administer the law just as God would do! The picture is not one of a lofty king
sitting on a throne in a castle. It is the picture of a person moving silently through a crowd of people, circumstances, entities, and
distractions. They are awake and moving toward a well defined goal. They calmly make their way through while those around
them bump and shove into them. Curses are hurled at them like missiles in attempts to engage them in pointless conflicts. They are
different from others in the crowd. They are Divine beings of the light that comes from their Father. This is the believer who walks
the “straight and narrow” and who has entered into the moment of "now" where God exists! It is a partnership where you work
together as Father and son or Father and daughter. It is a relationship of God to His precious creation. It is the person who has
found the process of God, entered it, and remained in it while all around them is the existence of chaos that is pressing in and
thronging them.
Distractions are limitless and never-ending, but if you remain within the process, you will make progress and eventually succeed
in whatever you do. As already stated, when you begin to experience some success in this area, you will find that your attention

Proverbs 16:7.
1 John 3:13-14a.
Matthew 7:13-14; Author’s paraphrase of The King James and summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of
the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Luke 17:21.
Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

moves from “what’s wrong” and from “what’s not working” into a love relationship with the Father. It is much easier to be grateful
for what you have when you are not living under a cloud of sickness, lack, and poverty. With the process “working” to produce the
desired end result, you will find that you have a sense of gratitude toward what God has done for you. You will be at peace
spiritually and this will provide stillness in your thinking and emotions. You will be at ease in your physical senses and this will
produce a sense of excited expectancy. Once you experience the provision of God and understand how much He loves you, you
will face every circumstance with the calm assurance that God is able to overcome the situation through you. Like a child who
anticipates opening a gift, you will wait with enthusiasm for God to deliver you in every situation. You will delight in
circumstances where your self will and ability are powerless to “do” anything to change the assault on your person. You know
without a doubt that God is able to do what He promised.
Many times, Christians live unfulfilled lives and go to church on Sunday and try to work up some emotional response to
“worship” God and thank Him for what He has done. This is not true worship. This is just an attempt to fulfill the charge to
worship God. True worship is when you experience the desired manifestation of God’s Presence through your life and are
genuinely grateful for the results. Worship is a natural response when you live in the "now" moment. When you understand and
enter the process, things will begin to just “fall into place. This experience of synchronicity and serendipity will produce an innate
desire to worship God. You will be excited that you can have exactly what you desire and this will make you intrinsically grateful
toward God, because it is His power that produces your increase and not your own.
Real worship of God flows from your life when you remain in His process and manifest abundance in your life. It is not
something that you have to “work up” in your emotions. Real worship will be from your spirit and it will be based in God’s truth.44
Worship is a spiritual quality of gratitude that innately flows back to God. The word worship means to kiss, like a dog licking his
master’s hand.45 Worship of God is like a loyal dog showing appreciation for all that the master has done for him.
My cat, Templeton, was the first of the three cats that I adopted to “warm up” to me. As a tiny kitten she began meeting me at
the door every time I would arrive home. I noticed that she was just so happy and appreciative that I would show her love and
affection. She had never known this kind of love and acceptance before the adoption. She had been a skittish little barn cat up to
that point. She was ecstatic to find that I would be so affectionate with her. She rubbed up against my boots and swam in my arms
with delight and many “purrs in her furs”. That is what worship of God is meant to be—to swim delightfully in His unconditional
acceptance and provision.

A believer must maintain that his strength and power come from God. He improves the quality of life and revelation for himself
and others by his very nature and character. He has been lifted above the lower, denser energies that create pain, and has been
restored to relationship with God. You can not hide this kind of person. He is very much like a large city that is built on top of a
hill. At night, the light of that city shines in the darkness for all to see. You can not hide it and you can not hide or ignore the life
and revelation that beams out of a true believer who is in partnership with God.
The way in which he became elevated is by entering God’s process and not allowing his self will and mental disposition to rule
him. He literally considers his self will and thought processes to be like a beggar that cringes and crouches down. The self will is
too distressed to bring about the will and purpose of God. It is only by shutting this down at the appropriate time that he has been
able to be lifted above the pain and sense of separation.
As a result, he is happier than most. Not only is he happier, he is supremely blessed, fortunate, and well off. This individual is
supremely blessed, fortunate, and well off even when they suffer grief and cry. Whenever an emotional pain or trauma occurs, God
works through the Holy Spirit to call them near Him. He invites the person to receive consolation. They are never separated from
Him or their desire.
Because God cares for them so much, they are supremely blessed, fortunate, and well off, through their mild and humble way of
life. They are heirs to the very soil of the earth. The entire globe and its occupants have been given to them by the Father. When it
comes to the righteousness that God has provided for them, you would think that they were famished with hunger and have no way
to quench their thirst. They just can’t seem to get enough of God’s justification. But as they continually remain in God’s process,
they are supplied in abundance over and over. It as though God prepared a protected garden or pasture of righteousness for them to
gorge on.
With so much righteousness, it becomes their nature to be kindhearted and empathetic to others. It just flows out of them and
what they plant is what grows. A new harvest of mercy is always ripening. Staying in the process makes their thoughts and
emotions “clean” of the resistance of the “flesh”. They use their mind and emotions for the right purposes, and this makes it easy
for them to see exactly how to administer the law by their dominion and authority. They are called the sons of God, and they tend to
always “make peace” or “make prosperity” in everything that they do.
At times there are those who rise up to constantly afflict or injure these sons of God. Many make it their aim to pursue and
distress them. Satan is behind it all. Those who do not have righteousness hate the ones that have it. The truth is though, even in

John 4:24. Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

this affliction and persecution, they are supremely blessed, fortunate, and well off. Through their trouble, they are happier than
those who afflict them. These misguided pawns of Satan don’t understand that the sons of God have been have been elevated up to
another realm. Their relationship to God through the Holy Spirit and by the work of Christ; has made them the heir of heaven. This
fact doesn’t change even if other people taunt or defame them. Their will always be those who speak evil and hurtful utterances
because they can not stand the Presence of God.
The sons of God are not upset by these things. They are always cheerful and calmly happy. They know they are well off, and
when they get to thinking and feeling this, they often jump for joy because they know that God is going to pay them for their
services in heaven. Besides, these same types of people have always existed and persecuted God’s children.
Believers of this sort are full of the Presence of God. They are the salt of the earth, but they are only of value if they retain God’s
Presence and demonstrate this before men so that people will praise God. They have become the light of the world that shines into
mankind’s darkness. You can’t hide a true believer. They are like a city which is built on the top of a hill. No matter which
direction you come at them, they are visible. They exude God’s Presence and this makes those who practice evil very
uncomfortable. Their dark works are exposed by the power of God’s nature and character that flows through the believer.46

This section was adapted from Matthew 5:3-16; author’s paraphrase of The King James and author’s summary of words taken from
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.

The Final Word

Much has been revealed. Much has been said. Words, and learning, and understanding have been shared and it is my hope that
your life is richer as a result. Take thought for how you will use what you have gained, for to whom much is given, much will be
required. Understand that while the “spiritual mechanics” of “how things simply work” have been revealed and discussed in this
book, the focus is not about the mechanics but about the Creator. He is One Who seeks to know you. Find Him, accept Him, get to
know Him.
Pray fully consider what you have read, and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit before you thoughtlessly repeat information, or
about what you shall say concerning it. Consider that, if this is the work of God to His people, what shall be your response
concerning it. Contemplate if this work is something which He has kept until these last days to reveal to His sons and daughters and
bear in mind how you shall make it a part of yourself, or how you will reject it.
You do not have to be an electrician in order to turn on a light, but it is necessary to have those who are skilled in “wiring” a
house. This text is a manual for those who understand and operate in the “spiritual wiring”. It is nothing to “play with” but it is also
nothing to be “feared”. It contains “power” through knowledge and that knowledge must be used for good and not for evil or selfish
purposes. This information is only “dangerous” if it is used incorrectly. Caution, not fear, should be exercised.
If you are not comfortable in “wiring” a house, please do not criticize those who are. Take encouragement in the fact that you
have the benefits of those who are confident in providing the light.
Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are spiritually “flipping switches” on or off at all times. You are constantly
connecting, or disconnecting to sources of power.
Since these sources of power are coming into you and into everything in your life, doesn’t it make good sense to know where
they are coming from? Would you want to live in a house where other people turned your power on and off as they saw fit? How
about demons? Would you like to have demons regulate your level of energy and accomplishment? Would you like to be a
prisoner of your own mindset, and allow it to dictate to you what you shall, or shall not do?
Refusing to look at the truth, or to choose the correct path, are choices in themselves. They either connect or disconnect you
from power by default. There is a difference between power and control. Control masks itself as a force of good but we have
revealed in this text its diabolical nature and source. Choose wisely your connections and remember always that there is but one
power, and that is God. Flow with Him!

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”2
Corinthians 5:1747

Until that great day in which the truth of our Father shall come to complete revelation, be alive and awake in Christ Jesus our
Lord and our Savior. Amen. Be in His peace.


The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.

Before You Die…
Manifesting The Will And Purpose of God
A Guide To The Hidden Realms Of Thought, Belief , Prayer, Intercession, And Being

by D. James Sell
 2006 All Rights Reserved

If you wish to contact the author, you may do so at the following address. Due to the volume of mail received, the author can not respond to every letter, but
questions and comments about this work will be considered for future written projects and oral lectures.

D. James Sell
603 East High Street
Apt. 1
Oakland, Maryland 21550-1642

The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
The King James.
Author’s summary of words taken from Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The New James.
The King James.
The New International Version, International Bible Society 1984.
The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Matthew 18:3-5, The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The New King James, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 and author’s summary of words taken from
Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Abingdon Press 1989.
Author’s paraphrase of The King James, Romans 4:17.
Author’s paraphrase of The King James, Isaiah 53:5.
The King James.
Wiccan folklore, author unknown.


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