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1 3 minutes manager -
2 7 habits of highly effective people Stephen Covey
3 92 tips how to talk to anyone Leil
4 Alchymist Paulo Coelho
5 Art of the start Guy...
6 As the river flows Paulo Coelho
7 Build to last Jim Collins
8 Emotional intelligence Donald Goldman
9 Fish stories -
10 Fountainhead Ayn Rand
11 Freakonomics -
12 Funny business -
13 Future starts now Peter Drucker
14 Getting things done D. Allen
15 Good to Great Jim Collins
16 Harvard business review -
17 How to enjoy work and life Dale Carnagie
18 How to manage anything Louis Goodman
19 How to win friends &influence people Dale Carnagie
20 Influence Robert Cialdini
21 Innovators dilemma Clay Christensen
22 Leadership Rudy Giuliani
23 Leading at higher level Ken Blanchart
24 Little Prince Exupery
25 Make a name for yourself Scott Ginsberg
26 Man who sold his ferrari Sharma
27 Management Challenges for the 21st Century Peter Drucker
28 Message in the bottle M. Sparks
29 New ideas from dead CEOs -
30 Now, Discover Your Strengths Marcus Buckingham, Donald O. Clifton
31 One economy, many recepies -
32 Personlity Plus Florence Littauer
33 Pilgrim Paulo Coelho
34 Seagull Jonathan Livingstone Richard Bach
35 Something about leader inside Maxwell
36 Super Crunchers Ian Ayres
37 Tao teaching Lao Tze
38 The age of Unreason Charles Handy
39 The Endurance Caroline Alexander
40 The one minute manager Ken Blanchart
41 The power of Full Engagement -
42 The thinker path Augusto
43 The wisdom of crowds James Surowiecki
44 The world is flat Thomas Friedman
45 Tipping point -
46 To be or to have Erik Fromm
47 Veronica decides to die Paulo Coelho
48 Who moved my cheese? Spencer Johnson
49 Wikinomics Don Tapscott
Zahir Paulo Coelho

„Where your talents & needs ot the world cross, there lies your vocation.“

„Where your talents & needs ot the world cross, there lies your vocation.“

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