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The Willow Spa Detox

We invite you to explore the Willow Spa Detox. Detoxification is essential for good health and Willow Spa offers
a balanced, gentle approach for safe and thorough detoxification with a guide to everyday nutrition. Click
on the links below to explore more about the detoxification process and the detailed Willow Spa Detox plan.
Many of the products mentioned are for sale in our online shop and at the Spa. For more in-depth information,
please visit Willow Spa or email us at

 Detox Philosophy
 Signs Your Body Needs to Detox
 The Willow Spa Detox
 21 Day Detoxification Plan
 Nutritional Supplements to Add to Your Detoxification Plan
 Recommended Supplements
 Recommenended Willow Therapies
 Guide to Organic Produce
 Foods to Avoid
Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Fax: 310-453-9014

The Willow Spa Detox Philosophy

The rising rates of autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and neurological disorders, along
with the high prevalence of obesity in America today is usually the result of “toxic overload” on the
body. This toxic overload stresses bodily organs causing sluggish or absent optimum function.

Detoxification is essential for good health. Although we live in a toxic environment, we can often do
so symptom free because our bodies are naturally able to eliminate most of these toxins on their
own. Eating a diet rich in natural, unprocessed organic foods is ideal so that we don’t overload our
bodies with toxins. However, for those of us who don’t always follow this ideal diet, our bodies natural
detoxification may be compromised, which in turn compromises our health.

Embarking on a detoxification diet, for many, is making a lifestyle change. Willow Spa’s detoxifica-
tion program is a guideline to starting this change by cleansing our body and then following up with
an ideal diet that is low in toxins. Our body should be primed and ready to eliminate toxins before
they are released. We do this by getting the bowels working, keeping the skin clean and getting the
kidneys and lungs operating. Only by having all organs of elimination in proper operating order can
our body begin to dump toxins efficiently and maximally. As a result, good health can be restored.

We look to offer education about nutrition so that you can understand what your body really needs
and teach you to how to recognize potential toxins so that you don’t innocently overload your body
and make yourself sick unintentionally.

Some detox programs you may have tried can put the body into starvation mode. When this occurs
the body starts breaking down fat for energy. Any long term starvation method will lower the im-
mune system and put you at risk for acquiring other illnesses. Although fasts can be a popular way of
aiding the body’s detoxification process, long term fasts can be unhealthy. The liver’s job is to break-
down toxins into compounds that can then be eliminated by the kidneys, skin, bowels, and lungs.
Without the proper nutrition, these organs can have difficulty eliminating toxins and therefore, the
body can’t perform at its optimum level.

The Willow Spa Detox offers a balanced gentle approach that will yield the safest and most thorough
detoxification for your body.

What is Detox?

Simply put, it is a process of ridding the body of toxins. But where did we get these toxins in the first
place? This day in age, toxins are omnipresent as they are found in drugs, environmental exposures,
and many processed foods, which is a main part of the American diet today. As these toxins build up
in our natural body system they bog down vital organs, overloading them causing them to function
sluggishly or improperly. Continuous and prolonged exposure to toxins makes it difficult to get rid of
them as they accumulate and re-circulate in the bloodstream and then are stored in vital organs. It
is a vicious cycle that our bodies struggle to avoid accumulation of toxins, but the cycle continues
until we are able to eliminate them through detoxification.

Who can benefit from a detox or how do you know when you should detox?
Fatigue or lack of energy
Frequent allergies
Inflammation (all conditions that end with “itis”)
Injuries (or any athlete who would like to improve performance)
Joint pain (Arthritis)
Vaccine effects
Debilitating and/or Degenerative diseases
Slow bowels, Gas and Bloating
Mental dullness
Abnormal body odor, bad breath, itchy skin or skin blemishes,
Anyone interested in Optimum Health or Life Longevity

Vital organs of detoxification:

Colon (bowels), Kidneys, Liver, Lungs and Blood.

A good detox program involves cleansing, rebuilding and maintaining. Although certain signs and symptoms
will point you to a specific organ that is congested and is in need of detoxifying, a general detox is highly rec-
ommended and will involve cleansing of all of the above vital organs.

The 21 Day Willow Spa Detox Summary

The Willow Spa Detox is combination of reducing toxic exposure, eating a clean diet and
nutritional supplements from Designs For Health (DFH). The first week detoxification begins
by eating from the clean food list and taking the DFH Support Packs to help clean toxins
from the blood stream and support the organs. The next two weeks will add the Paleo
Cleanse Powder, two daily meal replacement shakes and supplements to facilitate a
stronger detoxification and nutritional support for the body. Snacks and one clean food
meal are essential each day to keep the body balanced and supported.
*note: Healthy meals and snacking allowed during detox. Option to choose shakes to replace meals or meals
to replace shakes. Flexible menu.
*Caution: Detoxification is not recommended if you are pregnant or nursing.

Why Designs For Health?

Designs For Health (DFH) has produced a scientifically researched and studied line of products that offer ve-
gan and vegetarian options as well as being soy and gluten free for safe detoxification.

DFH developed the Paleo Nutrition products based upon the healthy principles of wholesome Paleolithic nutri-
tion. Diets changed considerably after the dawn of agriculture introduced cereal grains. There has been little
change in the human genome since Paleolithic times our nutritional requirements remain similar to those of
the Stone Age hunter-gatherers. During the 2.6 million years that our Paleolithic ancestors inhabited the earth
they depended upon nutrition from lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and did not consume ce-
real grains. As a result, our ancestors were lean, fit, and free of the chronic diseases that plague our society in
epidemic proportions today. Incorporating a diet that espouses Paleolithic principles may be more ideally
suited for us if we want to experience robust health, energy and vitality.
Paleo Nutrition offers a balanced ratio of low net carbohydrates, high quality proteins and essential fats. They
promote peak wellness with a whole foods approach that optimizes intake of macro and micronutrients, fiber,
and phytochemicals. They are great tasting, convenient and ideal for support with weight control, detoxifica-
tion, energy and vitality, immune function, and better nutrition intake

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Fax: 310-453-9014

Lighten Up Your Toxic Load

a. Minimize the use of chemical-based household cleaners and personal health care products and
substitute natural alternatives.
b. Avoid heating food in microwave ovens, and never heat food in plastic.
c. Minimize stress, which triggers your body to release stress hormones which overworks your liver.
d. Eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats, all of which act as toxins
in the body and are obstacles to your healing process.

For medically prescribed drugs, consult with your medical doctor before stopping any drugs.

Guide to Organic Produce

Highest in pesticides—Buy these organic

 Apples
 Bell Peppers
 Celery
 Cherries
 Grapes (imported)
 Nectarines
 Peaches
 Pears
 Potatoes
 Red Raspberries
 Spinach
 Strawberries

Lowest in pesticides—Safer to buy conventionally grown

 Asparagus
 Avocado
 Bananas
 Broccoli
 Cauliflower
 Corn (sweet)
 Kiwi
 Mangos
 Onions
 Papaya
 Pineapple
 Peas (sweet)

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Fax: 310-453-9014

Drink 1-2 liters of water/day. Or ½ your body weight in water.

Follow a Non Toxic Diet for 3 weeks.

a. Assorted fruits
b. Assorted vegetables: raw or steamed
c. Steamed vegetables
d. Gluten free grains such as brown rice, wild rice, millet, quinoa
e. Grilled or steamed fish
f. Clean free range meats without hormones or antibiotics
g. Unprocessed fruit and vegetable juices
h. Free range organic eggs
i. Beans and rice (as listed above)
j. Sesame/Pumpkin/Sunflower seeds
k. Walnuts/Almonds/Pecans/Macadamia Nuts

Foods to avoid
a. Decrease or eliminate dairy products such as milk, cheese or ice cream
b. Decrease or eliminate all processed foods, refined sugars, commercially prepared condiments,
breads, peanuts, vinegar,
c. Decrease or eliminate gluten by avoiding foods that contain wheat, rye, oats, and barley. This
includes pasta, bread products, crackers, cereals.
d. Decrease or eliminate meats such as beef, pork and veal.
e. Decrease or eliminate all alcohol-containing products including beer and wine.
f. Decrease or eliminate all caffeine-containing beverages including coffee, tea, and soda. Also
eliminate decaffeinated coffee.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Fax: 310-453-9014

21 Day Detox Supplements:

Nutritional and Herbal Support work to aid the liver during detoxification.
In addition to the clean food and snacks you will eat on the detox you will also include the following.

The Liver and its role in detoxification

One of the most important roles of the liver is detoxification. Since toxins are often fat soluble, the liver
must convert fat soluble toxins into a water soluble form so that the toxins may be excreted. Proper
nutrition and a healthy liver are important for optimum and efficient detoxification to occur. If toxins
are not excreted, other organs will suffer.

Detoxification occurs in 2 phases. Phase I is the process by which the liver converts a toxins into a less
harmful form. During this process, free radicals are formed and if the liver is not functioning properly,
these free radicals can cause excessive damage to the liver.

Phase II detoxification is the process where the liver renders toxins less harmful to the body and con-
verts toxins from a fat soluble form to a water soluble form to be excreted by the body.

Detox packets
These packets aid in phase II of the detoxification process. Before phase I is activated, the phase II
pathways must be prepared to neutralize the toxins metabolized by phase I pathways. The Amino D-
tox contains the amino acids that combine with and neutralize toxins. Detox Antiox contains ingredi-
ents that will help to raise glutathione levels and combat free radicals while boosting the immune
system. LV-GB complex aids in the elimination of fatty substances and helps to support the liver.

The detox packets should be taken prior to stimulating phase I with paleocleanse. This will assure that
phase II pathways are ready to handle the surge of toxins metabolized by phase I.

Provides specific nutrients to support phase I and phase II metabolic pathways. Contains Molybde-
num, 50 mcg to oxidize toxins. Provides a mixture of antioxidants to protect from free radical dam-
age and a mixture of botanical substances to support hepatic function.

After taking the detox packets (or at least the Amino D-Tox) for at least 1 week, start on the paleo-
cleanse. The paleocleanse will activate phase I detoxification pathways, which converts toxins into
metabolites and these metabolites can be more harmful than the toxins themselves.

Optimum nutrition is necessary for the liver to operate efficiently and to provide the liver with every-
thing it needs for the elimination of the extra toxins our bodies are exposed to daily. If nutrition is com-
promised through poor dietary and lifestyle habits, this will impede detoxification processes, and
other organs will suffer as the body retains these toxins. Paleomeal provides a full range of nutrients
to support the body during a detox.

Densely packed botanical nutrition that intensely nourish and strengthen bodily systems, results: sus-
tained energy, enhanced recovery, mental clarity / well-being.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Fax: 310-453-9014

Enhancing the Detox

Stimulate your immune system, lymphatic system and circulation system through recommended
Willow Therapies.

 Detox Massage with Herbal Poultice

This treatment will help to improve circulation, warm and relax the muscles and stimulate the
lymph system and draw out toxins.
 Detox Facial
This stimulating facial will increase circulation and oxygenation of the skin and assist in bringing
important nutrients and minerals to the epidermal layer.
 Mango Body Polish
This invigorating and relaxing treatment eliminates dead skin cells, helps new skin to regenerate,
stimulates blood and lymph circulation and greatly enhances toxin elimination.
 Willow Enzyme Bath
This relaxing and intense deep heating treatment can help to draw out toxins, clean clogged pores,
increase circulation and enhance the immune system.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
21 Day Detoxification Meal Plan Fax: 310-453-9014
One serving (Srv.) of Whey Paleomeal equals 1 scoop
One serving (Srv) of Dairy Free (DF) Paleomeal equals 2 scoops



Days 1-7 1 AM Packet N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 PM Packet

Days 8-9 1 AM Packet 1/2 Srv. 1 Srv. 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 2

1 PM Packet 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day

Days 10-11 1 AM Packet 1 Srv. 1 Srv. 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 2

1 PM Packet 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day

Days 12-13 1 AM Packet 1 1/2 Srv. 1/2 Srv 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 2

1 PM Packet 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day

Days 1 AM Packet 2 Srv. N/A 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 2

1 PM Packet 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day

Days 17-18 1 AM Packet 1 1/2 Srv. 1/2 Srv. 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 2

1 PM Packet 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day

Days 19-20 1 AM Packet 1 Srv. 1 Srv. 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 2

1 PM Packet 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day

Day 21 1 AM Packet 1/2 Srv. 1 Srv. 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 2

1 PM Packet 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day 2x/day

21 Day Detox Package—$300
Includes the following:
1 Detox Support Packet $90
1 Paleocleanse $64
1 Paleomeal * $48
1 Paleogreens (lemon/lime) $64
1 Paleofiber (unflavored) $34

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Fax: 310-453-9014

21 Day Detoxification Order Form

Qty Unit Price Total

Detox Support Packets $90.00
PaleoCleanse $64.00
PaleoMeal $60.00
PaleoMeal (Dairy Free) $58.00
PaleoGreens $64.00
PaleoFiber $34.00
21 Day Detox Package $300.00

Specify Flavor

PaleoMeal (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry) _____________________________________________________

PaleoGreens (lemon/lime, mint, unflavored) ____________________________________________________

Qty Unit Price Total

Cocommune Bar $2.75
PaleoBar – Chocolate Coated $2.75
PaleoBar – Chocolate/Almond $2.75
PaleoBar – Coconut/Almond $2.75
PaleoBar – Mixed Berry $2.75
PaleoBar – Vanilla/Almond $2.75
Total Bars

Name ______________________________ Date __________________________

I will attend the Guided Detox Program Yes No

(If you check yes, your products will be available to you at the program)

If you are not attending the guided detox, please write your phone number so that we may

contact you when your products are available for pick up.____________________________

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Fax: 310-453-9014

Detox Shake Recipes

Basic Recipe Coconut Smoothie
Blend the following ingredients with ice: Blend the following ingredients with ice:
 PaleoCleanse (follow titration guide for  PaleoCleanse (follow titration guide for
amount) amount)
 1 scoop PaleoMeal vanilla  1 scoop PaleoMeal Vanilla
 ½ cup frozen organic berries  1 teaspoon PaleoFiber
• ½ cup water or rice milk  ½ banana, frozen (this does require
• ½ cup coconut milk

Dark as Night Shake Tropical Smoothie

Blend the following ingredients with ice: Blend the following ingredients with ice
 PaleoCleanse (follow titration guide for  PaleoCleanse (follow titration guide for
amount) amount)
 1 scoop PaleoMeal Strawberry  1 scoop PaleoMeal Vanilla
 1 teaspoon PaleoFiber  1 scoop PaleoFiber
 2 Tbl. PaleoGreens  1 Tbl. PaleoGreens
 ½ cup frozen blackberries  ½ cup frozen mango
 ½ cup frozen cherries  ½ cup coconut milk
 ½ cup rice milk  pinch of ground ginger
 2 teaspoons freshly grated nutmeg

Strawberry Dream Southern Style Smoothie

Blend the following ingredients with ice: Blend the following ingredients with ice:
 PaleoCleanse (follow titration guide for  PaleoCleanse (follow titration guide for
amount) amount)
 1 scoop PaleoMeal Strawberry  1 scoop PaleoMeal vanilla
 1 teaspoon PaleoFiber  1 Tbl. flaxseed meal
 ½ cup frozen strawberries  ½ cup frozen peaches
 ½ cup rice milk  ½ cup almond milk
 2 teaspoons freshly grated nutmeg
 pinch of cinnamon

Other variations to enhance flavor and nutritional value include adding any of the following: Pa-
leoFiber, Ground flaxseeds, PaleoGreens, PaleoReds, Cod liver oil or fish oil, Frozen organic fruit.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Fax: 310-453-9014

Sample Menu
 PaleoMeal Smoothie Shake

Mid-Morning Snack
 Choose from snack list below

 PaleoMeal Smoothie Shake

Mid-Afternoon Snack
 Choose from snack list below

 4-6 oz. protein such as chicken or salmon, salad with 1 tbsp olive oil vinaigrette, 1-2
cups of non-starchy vegetables such as cooked spinach or green beans
 4 oz. broiled red snapper, 1 cup steamed broccoli, 1 baked yam
 4 oz. stir fried white fish with 1 cup snow pea pods, onions bean sprouts, red pepper all
sautéed in 1 tsp. olive oil, ½ cup brown rice
 3 oz. chicken breast with rosemary, ½ cup black eyed peas, roasted onions or garlic,
spinach salad, ½ cup cous cous

 Rice cakes with Almond nut butter
 Handful of raw almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, or pumpkin seeds
 Fresh green vegetable juice
 Fresh organic fruit
 PaleoBar

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

Let’s break down this diet that you should continue to follow after your detox and discuss
why certain food items are placed in the category they are in.

Whole grains: A grain is considered whole when all three parts – bran, germ and endosperm – are
present. Whole grains are often a better source of key nutrients such as beneficial phytochemicals
and antioxidants. Most of the antioxidants and vitamins are found in the germ and the bran of a

Common Types of Whole Grains: Less Common Types of Whole Grains

wild rice - gluten free Amaranth - gluten free

brown rice - gluten free Millet - gluten free
whole wheat Quinoa - gluten free
oatmeal Sorghum
whole oats Triticale
whole rye

Optimal Protein Choices: Optimal Fat Choices

Organic/hormone-free chicken and poultry Flaxseed and Walnut Oils

Lamb Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Cold Water Fish with scales and fin Organic Coconut milk/Oil
Salmon Avocado
Halibut Raw Nuts and Seeds
Choose wild fish over farm raised fish
Organic Eggs

Beverages Miscellaneous Snack Choices

Herbal Teas Bob’s Red Mill Gluten free Hot Cereal

Spring Water Organic Rice Cakes
Vegetable Juices Rice or gluten free rice crackers
Unsweetened Almond Milk or Rice Milk Hummus (Chick Pea Spread)
Chicken or Vegetable Broth Almond or Walnut Butter


Lemon Cayenne Pepper Garlic

Lime Sea Salt Fresh Herbs and Spices

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

Optimal non-starchy vegetable choices
Arugula Celery Green beans Snow peas
Asparagus Chayote fruit Hearts of palm Shallots
Bamboo Shoots Chicory Jicama (raw) Spinach
Bean Sprouts Chives Jalapeno Peppers Spaghetti squash
Beet greens Collard greens Kale Summer Squash
Bell peppers Coriander Kohlrabi Swiss chard
Red, yellow, green Cucumber Lettuce Tomatoes
Broadbans Dandelion Greens Mustard Greens Turnip Greens
Broccoli Eggplant Onions Watercress
Brussel sprouts Endive Parsley
Cabbage Fennel Radishes
Cassava Garlic Radicchio
Cauliflower Ginger root Snap beans

High fiber starchy carbohydrates choices

Squash Okra Buckwheat Mung beans
Acorn Pumpkin Chick peas (garbanzo) Navy beans
Butternut Sweet Potatoes or yams Cowpeas Pinto beans
Winter Turnip French beans Split peas
Artichokes Legumes Great Northern beans White beans
Leeks Blackbeans Kidney beans Yellow beans
Lima beans Adzuki beans Lentils

Fruit Choices
Low Glycemic Index: Moderate Glycemic Index: High Glycemic Index
Eat sparingly or after a workout
Berries Cherries Banana
Blackberries Pears Pineapple
Blueberries Fresh apricots Grapes
Boysenberries Melons Watermelon
Elderberries Oranges Mango
Gooseberries Peaches Papaya
Loganberries Plums
Raspberries Grapefruit
Strawberries Pitted Prunes
Kiwi Fruit
Passion Fruit

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

II. Eat these foods with SOME MODERATION

Clean meats, cooked rare (clean means no hormones or antibiotics). Look for organic, grass fed beef
and organic, free range chicken.

Why Grass Fed? - Cattle Diet

Grass is the traditional diet for cattle. In recent decades, the use of grain to feed cattle is preferred
due to its lower cost and faster harvest time. The most popular are wheat, maize, rice, barley, soy-
bean, and cane sugar.

While grains are cheap and provide an easy source of energy, the rapid rise in blood sugar from
grains intake causes the pancreas in humans or animals alike to overwork in an attempt to lower
blood sugar by increasing insulin production. This leads to an increase in blood insulin level and ulti-
mately to insulin resistance and diabetes. In animals, a diet rich in grains promotes rapid growth
and weight gain. Excess calories are transformed into fat and stored as adipose tissue. Grain fed
cattle therefore have a higher level of saturated fat than grass fed cattle.

Why are hormones used in food production?

Certain hormones can make young animals gain weight faster. They help reduce the waiting time
and the amount of feed eaten by an animal before slaughter in meat industries. In dairy cows, hor-
mones can be used to increase milk production. Thus, hormones can increase the profitability of
the meat and dairy industries.

What are the different hormones used now by the meat and dairy industries?

There are six different kinds of steroid hormones that are currently approved by FDA for use in food
production in the US: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, zeranol, trenbolone acetate, and
melengestrol acetate. Currently, federal regulations allow these hormones to be used on growing
cattle and sheep, but not on poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks) or hogs (pigs).

Are hormone-treated animals healthy?

There is a concern that because of increased milking, hormone-treated cows may become more
prone to infection of the udders, called mastitis. This could lead to more antibiotics being used to

Organic eggs:

Eat eggs from hens given no hormones or antibiotics and fed only organically certified feed grown
with out pesticides, insecticides or herbicides. They are free roaming and must have access to fresh

Raw nuts and seeds:

Ideally, nuts are best if they are purchased in their shell and raw. The shell is often removed by heat
and roasting is also with heat, which kills some of the nutrients.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

II. Eat these foods with SOME MODERATION

The difference between Conventional Chicken and Free Range Chickens

Conventional Chicken is raised in confined tight quarters. This is an understatement - some of them are
in extremely cramped, damp ammonia-accumulated and polluted environments with no natural ven-
tilation. They are therefore predisposed to stress and sickness which can spread quickly. Therefore, they
are treated with antibiotics regularly. They may be fed drugs to enhance their growth as well as addi-
tives to enhance their color. They are fed grains and soybeans that contain pesticides and are proba-
bly GMO. They may be fed animal by-products, certainly not natural feed for chickens. Conventional
Chickens are ready to be sent to the market after only 40+ days! This is shocking to the conscience! (It
also means their size is due to fat and they are not going to be tasty.) Then they are processed with
phosphates and possibly other chemicals and left to soak in a bath. This allows the potential for salmo-
nella to grow and water logs the birds making them heavier when we go to buy them. Obviously, this in
turn waters down the flavor too. And all this ends up on our plate.
Free Range Chickens are given room to move. The term free range only means that the birds are al-
lowed access to the outdoors. It doesn't mean that the area outdoors (or indoors) is particularly clean
either. They can pick up disease there. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are not treated with anti-
biotics or drugs. And it doesn't speak to the food given to the chicken. A bird could be labeled free
range and been fed anything (GMO grains, pesticide-treated grains, and even animal by products,)
may have been given antibiotics or hormones, and may have access to unsanitary or unsafe living
Look for Organic Chicken

 Chicken has always been fed only Organic Grains. (Organic Grains - nonGMO; no chemicals or
pesticides were used on the farm for at least 3 years.) Feed is checked and verified for organic
standards. Note: Arsenic is commonly used in conventional chicken feed to ward off parasites. Ar-
senic is a poison and increases our risk of cancer.
 Chicken was never given any antibiotics, hormones, or drugs.
 Chicken was raised humanely and in a stress-free environment.
 Bird was free-range and had access daily to fresh air and sunshine outdoors. There was room to
move and outdoors area was clean and safe.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014


Processed cheese:
These are things like American Cheese, Velveeta: which is made up of a blend of different cheeses.

Commercial pizza:
The crust is made with white flour and the cheese is usually pasterurized dairy.

Commercial butter:
Again, this is made from pasteurized milk.
Real ice cream
(no gum – a thickener that will be listed as carrageenan, xanthan, cellulose, locust bean gum, agar)
Canned foods:
Look for low sodium and organic canned foods. Canning kills about 1/3 -1/2 of it’s vitamins. Plus every
year that canned food is stored, 5-20% of it’s vitamins are also lost.

IV. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME should you eat these foods

Soft drinks
Contains high fructose corn syrup causing damage to the liver and does not activate blood sugar com
pensation mechanism. Extremely addictive
French fries
Deep fried contains trans-fatty acids from hydrogenated oils
Contain hydrogenated oils due to frying, ingredients include flour and sugar
Potato chips
Contains hydrogenated oils, loaded with MSG, also made with artificial sweeteners
Contains artificial trans-fatty acids in hydrogenated oils. Why is it that a tub of margarine can sit on the
kitchen counter for months untouched by bugs or mice? It won’t melt, it won’t mold, and it seems that
humans are the only ones foolish enough to consume something so freakishly unnatural. Many people
have switched from butter to margarine because they’ve been told it is a healthier choice. This couldn’t
be further from the truth!

Luncheon meats and fish:

These are loaded with sodium nitrates and MSG. Although the meat looks nice and may taste good,
they are highly processed with chemicals. You will want to avoid them. You will also want to avoid
“farm-raised fish” and opt for wild deep water ocean fish that have scales and fins.
All forms of Pork and why you should avoid it:
It has a high fat and cholesterol content and your body spends more than 18 hours trying to digest and
break down the components of pork versus other lean meats like beef and chicken. Because pigs will eat
anything in their path, they have a higher rate of worms in them and some of those worms are not killed
off even with high heat.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

V. KNOW what’s in your food. Ingredients to look for and those to AVOID!

Oils and Fats

Hydrogenated oils

Contains trans-fatty acids, non-naturally occurring oils that our bodies don’t recognize and therefore don’t
know how to deal with them. They increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and decrease HDL (good cholesterol) This is
where you find hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils:

* 40% of all foods in a grocery store

* 95% of all cookies

* 75% of chips and crackers

* 70% of all cold cereals and cake mixes

* 80% of all frozen breakfast foods

* in most microwave popcorn

* in many salted peanuts and other nuts

* in most candies

* most restaurants that fry foods including donut shops, shortenings

* and the list goes on and on

How can you avoid bad fats (trans fats)? Don’t buy any products containing hydrogenated, or
partially hydrogenated oil. Also, avoid all products made with cottonseed oil, palm oil, soybean oil,
and Canola oil (which are genetically modified oils). These are the worst oils for your body. Also avoid
all margarine products, Crisco, Olestra, and Olean; these are extremely toxic and destructive to your
health. It’s as simple as that. Use butter instead of margarine, and olive oil instead of vegetable oil. Do
we even need to mention fried food? The absolute worst is fast-food chains who use cheap, partially
hydrogenated oils in their deep frying. Just think about it...first the oil is hydrogenated, then it is sub-
jected to the deep frying process. A double whammy!

know your fats! There are only 4 kinds of fats: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, trans.

Mono and polyunsaturated fats are considered the “good” fats. They do not clog arteries, and, in
moderation, can contribute to a healthy diet; olive, peanut and walnut oils.

Saturated fat, mainly animal fat, is also a “good” fat if used in moderation; lard, butter, whole milk,
cream, and other products that come from animals (See Dairy Controversy). These fats can raise cho-
lesterol so moderation is the key here.

Trans fat, (partially hydrogenated oil) as you know, is the "bad" fat and should be completely elimi-
nated from everyone's diet - no exceptions.

Mayonnaise –contains hydrogenated oils and made with raw eggs (salmonella)

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

V. KNOW what’s in your food. Ingredients to look for and those to AVOID!
Diet soft drinks – loaded with artificial sweeteners like aspartame.
Nutrisweet/aspartame, splenda, saacharin, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, Sucrulose, white re-
fined sugar, brown sugar, sucrose, fructose, Sweet 'N Low, dextrose, maltodextrin, NatraTaste, etc. are
often used as a low calorie sugar substitute. It is an excito-toxin that over stimulates the brain and damages
brain cells. What is a healthy sweetener: Stevia, organic agave nectar, organic unheated, unfiltered natural
Raw sugar vs. white sugar vs. brown sugar

Raw Sugar (aka: natural brown sugar, Demerara, Muscovado) is a brown sugar produced from sugar
cane that is initially pressed and the juice is then mixed with lime to achieve the desired ph balance and
to help settle out impurities. Then the resulting liquid is evaporated to separate sugar crystals and then
dried to produced granules. The brown color is due to the presence of molasses. the first crystallization of
cane. Why it is healthier? Natural Brown Sugar is processed the natural way–completely free from any
harmful chemicals such as phosphoric acid, formic acid, sulfur dioxide, preservatives, or any flocculants,
surfactants, bleaching agents or viscosity modifiers. Natural Brown Sugar has 11 calories/ 4 grams (1tsp).
It is also nutritionally rich & retains all natural mineral & vitamin content present inherent in sugarcane

White Sugar is chemically processed with sulphur dioxide from raw sugar, thereby bleaching the mixture.
Phosporic acid and calcium hydroxide are also used in the process of making white sugar.

Brown Sugar is refined white sugar with a molasses syrup mixed in and then dried again. (worst of the 3)
Avoiding gums is best. They are used as an ingredient in food products because they act like a preservative so
food can be stored longer. There is no nutritional value to gums and if used, it signals that the food is processed
Xanthan Gum - used as a replacement for those allergic to gluten and is made from corn
Guar Gum - often found in baked goods and dressings, It is a bulk laxative and was used in a lot of weight
loss products.
Locust Bean Gum - Found in both Kosher/Organic products and is usually in cream cheese and ice cream.
Agar - a vegetarian gelatin

White bread –made with enriched flour, but don’t be fooled if the bread is brown that it is healthy, that is also
made with flour. You will need to look for sprouted grain breads to eat healthy bread.
Fortified and Enriched Foods
When something is fortified, nutrients that were never present in the original product have been added
to make it healthier. Some common examples include the addition of vitamin D to milk, calcium to or-
ange juice and soy milk, and omega-3 fats to cereals. When food is enriched, nutrients that were lost or
decreased during processing have been added back to the final product. For example, after creating
white flour from wheat, manufacturers reintroduce B vitamins that were stripped during the refining
process. The added nutrients in enriched foods cannot compensate for the natural nutrients and fiber
that were lost during the refining process. Fortified foods, on the other hand, still have their natural nutri-
ents and fiber, and in most cases have an added benefit. So follow this general rule the next time you
shop: Avoid enriched, eat fortified.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

V. KNOW what’s in your food. Ingredients to look for and those to AVOID!


Soy—Is it healthful or harmful?

Soy was marketed as a cure all for women’s health, hormone replacements, cancer prevention and
weight loss. But this was the business and marketing of soy that made it so popular. Current research links
soy to infertility, breast cancer, hypothyroidism and thyroid cancers.

From All plants contain chemicals that are healthful and chemicals that can
harm us. Fortunately for us, our ancestors learned which plants are edible and healthful, and taught us to
avoid those that are poisonous. However, if you eat very large amounts of one food, you can poison your-
self, even though reasonable amounts are harmless or beneficial.

For example, soybeans contain genistein, a weak estrogen that may help to prevent breast cancer. They
contain omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent heart attacks, and are loaded with fiber that helps to pre-
vent diabetes. But they also contain small amounts of trypsin inhibitors that increase risk for pancreatic
damage and cancer in animals. Hemagglutinins in soybeans could cause clots to form and travel to the
lungs. Goitrogens in soybeans block thyroid function to increase your need for that hormone. Phytates in
soybeans and many other plants can block the absorption of minerals. Estrogen-like genistein in soybeans
could stimulate immature lobules in breast tissue of infants to increase risk for breast cancer many years
later. An ie. infants fed exclusively soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 x more estrogen in their blood
stream which is equal to taking 5 BCP/day. This leads to premature development of girls and underdevel-
opment of boys. Infant soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

However, you would need to eat very large amounts of soy products to get any of these negative effects.
Enjoy a moderate amount of soy foods, but do not let health claims lead you to eat huge amounts of soy
to the exclusion of other foods. A healthful diet is a varied diet. If opting to choose Soy products eat/drink it
occasionally. Look for organic soy products that have undergone only traditional processing such as miso
and tofu. Avoid heavily processed or genetically modified (GMO) soy ingredients. In North America, all soy
that is labeled "organic soy" is guaranteed to not be genetically-manipulated and not be treated with her-
bicides. Look for soy products and ingredients (e.g., tofu, tempeh, miso, soy sauce, soy milk, etc.) which are
organic. All other soy ingredients are almost always genetically-manipulated and herbicide-treated.

Silk soy milk-contains gum, so want to avoid that. Choose Vitasoy- A pioneer
in bringing organic and all-natural tofu and soymilk to the United States, Vitasoy USA is committed to pro-
ducing delicious, innovative foods that promote the health and well being of our families and the earth.
Look for our premium tofu, soymilk, Asian noodles and wraps, and non-dairy salad dressings and sandwich
spreads under the brand names Vitasoy, Nasoya, Azumaya, Vita and San Sui. We are committed to sus-
tainable agriculture and manufacturing processes and do not support or produce foods that are geneti-
cally engineered.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

V. KNOW what’s in your food. Ingredients to look for and those to AVOID!


The MILK controversy:

Difficult to digest:
For many, the proteins found in cow’s milk can be difficult to digest. Many lose the enzymes necessary
to digest milk sugar and milk protein. Therefore, when cow’s milk comes into contact with the gastric
juices, it coats the stomach and intestines and hampers digestion. An alternative is goat’s milk, which is
closer to human milk and is easier for human’s to digest.

All milk sold in the USA legally has to be pasteurized. This process kills potentially harmful microorgan
isms found in raw milk. However, pasteurization also kills all of the nutrients and enzymes found in
milk. Milk has to then be fortified with nutrients.

Cruelty to cows:
Cows are forcibly kept pregnant so they can keep producing milk. They are given Bovine growth
hormone to increase milk production and kept in small cramped quarters, which are unhygienic.
Therefore, the cows are prone to illness and often given antibiotics. Cows are often grain fed, which is
an unnatural diet for the cows. Products from grain fed cows have a lower nutritional value.

Therefore, if you are going to drink milk, make sure that it is organic.

There are 4 requirements for milk to qualify as USDA Organic:

1. Must come from cows that have not been treated with bovine growth hormone (BGH) to increase milk
2. The cows cannot be treated with antibiotics. If a cow in an organic herd does need to be treated with
antibiotics, she is not returned to the herd for a period of 12 months.
3. The cows’ feed is grown without pesticides, whether the feed is grass or grain.
4. Cows must have “access to pasture.”

Why Greek Yogurt is okay to eat?

Greek yogurt is high in protein. The liquid is drained away, which also drains away most of the milk proteins that
those with sensitivities find difficulty to digest. Like all yogurts, the probiotics, help make it easier to digest as well.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

V. KNOW what’s in your food. Ingredients to look for and those to AVOID!

MSG - Mono Sodium Glutamate

MSG is a man made substance from glutamic acid that is added to food in order to make it taste better and
to make you eat more of that food making you want to crave the food.

• MSG is an excito-toxin that attacks the blood brain barrier of brain cells, which normally protects and regu-
lates the delicate chemical exchange within a cell. This additive actually kills brain cells.

• The symptoms can be manifested in disrupted sleep patterns, food cravings, persistent hunger-leading to

• MSG induces migraine headaches, asthma attacks, behavioral disorders, depression, heart irregularities, ar-
thritis, sinus problems and many digestive problems.

• Found in many foods that you buy in the supermarket and snack foods you eat

• Most potato chips and similar snacks are loaded with MSG, as well as pre-packaged, canned, and frozen
foods also have plenty of MSG in them.

• Other names and titles that food manufactures hide the presence of MSG
o “natural flavors/flavorings”
o Hydrolyzed “anything”
o Autolyzed “anything”
o Caseinate (sodium or calcium)
o Carrageenan
o Yeast extract or nutrient
o Seasonings, Spice
o Gelatin
o Bouillon/Broth/Stock
o Commercial soup or sauce base
o Soy, wheat, processed whey protein
o Soy, fish or bean sauces
o Malted barley flour
o Malt extract
o Corn by products (corn syrup, dextrose, cornstarch, citric acid)

Read your Food Labels!

A. The list of ingredients is in order of the largest ingredients to the smallest. In other words, the first ingredient is
the biggest ingredient in the product.

B. The most important ingredients in the list are the first three or four ingredients which make up the bulk of the

C. Avoid ingredients hidden ingredients (MSG or sugar) disguised by other names as previously mentioned.

D. Avoid labels that read “fat free” or “sugar free” or “Low carbs” or “diet”, they are masking what is mostly
contained in the product whether it is sugar in the form of artificial sweetener or hydrogenated fats.

Willow Spa Detoxification 3127 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone: 310-453-9004
Diet after a Detox Fax: 310-453-9014

V. KNOW what’s in your food. Ingredients to look for and those to AVOID!


1. Look for "ORGANIC" whole food ingredients. These are the healthiest foods to eat because they are
grown without the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides. They are natural organic whole foods that
your body can use for life and energy.
2. Look for "NON-GM" OR "NON-GE" (non-genetically modified or non-genetically engineered)
food ingredients. These are natural whole foods that haven't been genetically engineered in some lab.
Avoid GE and GM products like the plague! Today these GM food ingredients are in over 70% of the prod-
ucts in your local supermarket. If a label says, "corn," then it is most probably genetically modified corn,
and it is not good for you. If a label says, "organic stone ground corn," then it is a natural whole food and is
good for you. Probably the best way to avoid GM or GE foods is to buy organic labeled foods. In America,
you've got to be very careful about the source and type of corn, soy, and wheat, because these are the
three biggest GM or GE products out there, and they are making their way into most of the food products
in your local supermarket.
3. Look for products made with "100% WHOLE WHEAT" which has the germ and the bran and all of the
vitamins and minerals that come with a whole food grain. Don't be fooled by the similar looking terms,
"whole wheat" or "enriched wheat."
4. Pay attention to the oils that are put in your food. Look for good oils such as extra virgin olive oil, raw
coconut oil, flaxseed oil, high oleic expeller-pressed safflower oil and sunflower oil, sesame oil, and avo-
cado oil. These are the best natural and healthy oils out there.
5. Look for healthy sweeteners such as raw, unfiltered, unheated honey, raw agave nectar, maple syrup,
and Stevia (a natural sweet herb/leaf).
6. Pay attention to the amount of salt in the product, as well as the kind of salt. The best salt is Himala-
yan crystal salt, followed by sea salt. Avoid all table salt.
7. Look for organic meats such as grass-fed beef, lamb and poultry. For seafood, look for freshly
caught deep ocean fish that have fins and scales.

"The Great Fat Debate: Why Virgin Coconut Oil is Best"

Summary of the most important points of virgin coconut oil:

1. Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’s).

2. MCFA’s actually helps us to lose weight, lower cholesterol, improve diabetic conditions and reduce the risk
of heart troubles.
3. One of the most outstanding benefits of consuming MCFA’s is that they do not require the liver to digest
and emulsify them. This means instant energy and increased thermogenesis (increased metabolic rate in
the body) which leads to more heat production as well as improved circulation.
4. For anyone with impaired fat digestion or a removed gallbladder, coconut oil is the only oil to consume as
it is very easily digested.
5. MCFA’s are also known for having antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties, so they are beneficial to our
immune system.
6. In addition, coconut oil assists people with under-active thyroids by increasing the metabolic rate of the
body and creating more energy.


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