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Officers now and years ago have been taught and have learned to cope with different

types of stress. Unfortunately, there are so many types of stress they cannot all be covered.

The first type of stress is external stress, which is stress that comes from the community¶s

thoughts towards the law enforcement and showing little to no respect for them or the duties they

are responsible for. By the community having no respect for an officer is may stress the officer

out enough to show no respect towards that individual. External stress is also the most

straightforward and possibly the easiest to notice.

The second type of stress is organizational stress. This kind of stress is usually caused by

people of higher authority, captains or lieutenants giving officers a hard time about cases or other

ranking officers. This could be a huge problem for ³the little guy´, by being put down and

carrying around this type of stress you would think that it may cause other problems such as

depression or turning to drugs.

The third type of stress that is important in any job setting is personal stress, which is

stress that is brought on by home life issues, including: deaths, marriage, divorce, or children.

This type of stress can be very dangerous because personal issues are the roots of everything.

Things that may happen at home could be carried into the place of employment, which could be

very scary.

The final type of stress is operational stress. Operational stress is mostly caused by an

officer¶s job, let¶s say that there is a bank robbery and you may have to shoot someone or deal

with a hostage situation, this would be considered operational stress because it is something that

happens while on the job and is caused by something that happens on the job.
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Introduction to Policing, pp132-138 (2005)

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