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Open up

Komt hair and shiny shoes

I am liberated befreit
Do u deserve a place at our table
Harsch schroff
I would be a fool to turn it down
R u checking on your old man
U r a people person gesellige mensch
Dont be such a prude
Next to kin nächster verwandter
Not entirely nicht ganz
This is not my first rodeo
Sidekick weggefährte
Urban stadtish
In fact genaugenommen
Keep me posted
By the next time can you tell me everything upfront im voraus
That’s music to my ears
Sorry I forgot my manners
Lady frankenstein
I have reason to believe
And what do u want in exchange
Something like that so was in der art
Just let it go
Cult following
The deal is off geplatzt
Der hexenjäger
Iam enjoying it to the max
I have a nose for these things ich habe ein geschpür fur solche sachen
Su cker trottel
R u hitting on me----mich anzumachen
We have a lot of catching up to do nachzuholen
Helpme up
Iam done with u
My offer still stands
Deliver the message
how about that was sagt man dazu
I am not some piece of flesh u can toss around
U need a shoulder to lean on
I am all ears, ich bib ganz ohr
She is angry with me and she has every reason to be
Its time to patch things up---es isst zeit sich zu versöhene
Who is calling
He double crossed me. Hintergangen
I was just in the neighbour hood in der nähe
Keep your distance asshead bleib mir vom leib arschgesicht
I dont wanna meet him in a dark alley
Get in line stell dich hinter an
I think I pahs ich passé
She was very thorough grundlich
Aaron is going to be a handful auf trab halten
My bet-mein fehler
She fucks up its on you
Deal abgemacht
What goes around comes around
Give me some room---verschaff mir etwas platyz
What are friends for
What doesn’t kill u makes u strong
Love is not about playing it safe, its about risks
Sth in my gut tells me I shouldn’t
My lipps are sealed
Its doomed to fail
Am i that transparent (durchschaubar)?
He doesn’t have a high opinion of u
Thanks for the heads up- vorwahrnung
Tantrum wuttanfall
We haven’t even scratched the surface
Why the sudden Change of heart
Lets call it a gut feeling
Its nice that u stopped by- vorbeischaust
U got enough on your plate (problems)
Stay low for now
From what I heart
We have rules in this house , boundaries, limitations
Live an apple pie life
Humor me ---munter mich auf
Blow off a little bit steam
U brought this on yourself
I know how devastated u must be but if could just keep your tears to a minimum I
would appreciate it
She is the object of his desire
Nothing is black and white
Don’t let your pride get in the way
Lets get on with it ,shall we lass uns weiter gehen
I have a hard time believing that—mir faellt es schwer das zu glauben
Your name will be crossed out durchgestrichen
When I was your age
If u have second thoughts
Don’t talk like that
Iam just being cautious
Chera bähzo äväz mikonin don’t change the subject
R u keeping secrets from meS

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