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the Phillipines has the longest irregular coastline in the world


, the Philippines is broken up by the sea, which gives it one of the longest coastlines of any
nation in the world. Most Filipinos live on or near the coast, where they can easily supplement
their diet from approximately 2,000 species of fish.

the Phillipine is belong to pacific ring of fire All of the Philippine islands are prone to
earthquakes . The Philippines is part of a western Pacific arc system that is characterized by
active volcanoes

 Sierra Madre in the northeastern portion of Luzon and the mountains of Mindanao, boast rain
forests that provide refuge for numerous upland tribal groups. The rain forests also offer prime
habitat for more than 500 species of birds, including the Philippine eagle (or monkey-eating
eagle), some 800 species of orchids, and some 8,500 species of flowering plants.

Tropical rainforests provide timber as well as animal products such as meat and hides.
Rainforests also have value as tourism destinations and for the ecosystem services provided.
Many foods originally came from tropical forests, and are still mostly grown on plantations in
regions that were formerly primary forest. Also, plant derived medicines are commonly used for
fever, fungal infections, burns, gastrointestinal problems, pain, respiratory problems, and wound

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