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The Beginning of the World

In the Begining
• In the beginning there was Chaos
• Then Gaea was born ‘Earth’
– Earth according to the poet Hesiod was a flat
disc surrounded by the river Oceanus
• Then Eros was born (primeval being ‘fairest
among the deathless gods’)
Gaea, mother of all
• Gaea bore Uranus ‘the starry heaven’ who
becomes her spouse.
– Then Erebus ‘black night’
• Children: Doom, Black Fate, Death, Sleep, Woe,
Destiny, Fate, Nemesis, Deceit, Age, Strife, and
– Then Aether ‘the atmosphere’
– Then the 12 Titans, six male and six female
Other children
• The Cyclops, giants with one eye
• 3 monsters with fifty heads each and
numerous arms
• All sent to Tartarus (Hell)
• Oceanus had 50 daughters
– One named Thetis, mother of Achilles
The Titans
The 12 Titans gods, also known as the elder gods, ruled the
Earth before the Olympians. Uranus hates and fears them.

Gaea hid them until Cronus, son of Uranus and Gaia, castrated
Uranus with a sickle and became the ruler of the Titans.

Cronus and his wife Rhea (sister Titan) gave birth to a new
generation of gods, but in fear Cronus swallows them all one by
Rhea asks Gaea and Uranus
for help. Rhea feels pity
for her sixth child, Zeus.

Rhea wraps a stone in a

blanket and gives it to
Cronus, who eats it
thinking it’s Zeus.

Rhea protects Zeus and

hides him as a child in
Crete on Mt. Ida and is
raised by Gaea.
The War of the Gods
Gaia (Zeus’ grandmother) makes a potion that causes Cronus
to vomit up Zeus’ siblings.

Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Zeus.

The Olympians lived on Mt. Olympus, while the Titans lived

on Mt. Othrys. War raged between them.

Zeus goes to Tartarus to enlist the Cyclops and the monsters.

The war lasted 10 years. The Cyclops gave Zeus his

thunderbolts and the earth burned until the Titans were
defeated and punished by being banished to Tartarus (Hell).
The Twelve Olympians
Zeus Athena
Hera Artemis
Aphrodite Apollo
Poseidon Hephaestus
Hermes Discuss and list their duties.
A New War: The Giants
• Sprung from the blood of Uranus, they pile Mt. Ossa on
Mt. Pelion as a ladder to reach the top of Mt. Olympus.
• Herakles (Hercules) aids in defeating the Giants.
• Gaea, upset, sent Typhon to defeat Zeus. It succumbs to
Zeus’ thunderbolts and fled to Sicily to live under Mt.

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