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In 1910, “bear & shield” the famed logo was used for the first time.

1911, the new workhouse engine for Harley-Davidson® is the “f-head”

until 1927. 1n 1912, the six story headquarters and main factory buildings
construction began. Motorcycles are sent to Japan by h-d. Dealer network
grows to over 200 nationwide, By making the first over seas sales by the
company. In 1913, the racing department is created. The first assistant
engineer was William Ottaway.
By the time 1914 came, Harley Davidson buyers can for the first time
buy a sidecar. The motor company is formally entering motorcycle racing
this year In 1915, a new three gear sliding gear transitions are available to
Harley Davidson customers.
In 1916, the longest continually published magazine begins “the
1917, approx one third of the motorcycles that are made in this year are
sold to the US army to train the quartermasters school.
In 1918, almost half on the motor cycles sold this year were to the United
States army to be used in world war one. By the end of world war one it
was estimated that almost 20000 motorcycles were used in their efforts.
In 1919, a new 37 inch twin cylinder was introduced and gains great
popularity over seas.

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