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Cell Communication in

Health and Disease

PhD program
Cell Communication in Health and Disease
Application 2010/11

Medical University of Vienna

Center for Physiology and Pharmacology
Waehringer Strasse 13a
1090 Vienna



Name of candidate

Dates of association with this candidate

Position at that time (teacher, adviser, employer, etc.)

I would consider the candidate to be in the following percentage of students I have encountered:
upper 5% upper 10% upper 20% upper 30% lower 70%

Please give your opinion of the candidate considering the following criteria: theoretical knowledge, interaction with
colleagues, adaptability/flexibility, technical proficiency, motivation/commitment, creativity/originality, independence,
communication skills (please continue on an extra page if necessary):

______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
(date) (signature)

______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
(institution) (name and position)

Please print or type and sign the document! Send the scanned document as PDF file attached to an email to stating recommendation and the name of the candidate in the header line!

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