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Spell Casting:

Spell casting works in different ways with Clerics and Wizards. However, both
share the limit to the DEFENSIVE spells they can cast. Each PC may only have
one DEFENSIVE spell on them at any given time. The spell description, or cast
type, in a clerics case will let you know what type of spells count as defensive

To cast: To cast a Wizard or Priest must use the Verbal comands to activate
the spell. Wizards also require a Material or Focus item while Clerics must be
in possession of their Holy Weapon at all times. The Holy Weapon must be
blessed and approved of by their order, not just any weapon will do, also it
must be of the same kind that their Diety perfers to use.

Rituals - Rituals are powerful spells performed for a particular reason. These
spells have no levels. A ritual may be performed by an individual of any level
and class, however, most rituals need the sacrifice of DPP to perform
correctly or to give the wanted result. If the DPP is not supplied but
everything else is done right, the ritual will definately do something...

Some rituals, most often evil, will allow you to replace the DPP requirement
with things like sacrifices. A ritual may also require a certain number of
people to perform it or have roles that it requires people to fill.

A ritual is something that may be discovered through your adventures, it is

up to you whether or not you attempt to use it.


Cast Types:

Aura - An aura is a special ability that radiates from you. These type of spells
do not effect you in any way and only hurt/help targets that are described.
You may only have 1 aura up at a time. An aura last all day.

Buff - A buff is a spell the benefits you and all of your allys. You may only
have one buff up at a time. A Buff counts as a DEFENSIVE spell. A Buff last all

Offensive - An offensive spell reacts to enemys or danger. You may only have
one Offensive spell up at a time. An offensive spell last all day.

Combat - Combat spells are cast while in combat and last only till the end of
combat. You may only have one combat spell up at a time and you can
cancel one power to cast another.

Personal - Personal spells only effect yourself. You may only have one
personal power up at a time. This spells last all day.

Preperation - Preperation spells are a special type of spell that are more
general in abilities. They can effect and target a large range of allys and/or
friends. You may only have one preperation spell up at a time, and they last
all day.

*note- all cleric spells, except combat spells, take 10 minutes to cast/
Preperation spells take 1 hour to cast. Rituals are an exception and will vary
depending on the specific ritual.


1.Fortune - Cast: Personal Cost: 1 Description: If someone attacks you and

hits you may have that attack re-rolled. This spell only works once per round.

2. Divine Warning: Cast: Preperation Cost: 1 Description: If anyone but

designated allys get within 10feet + 5/level up to 50 feet you are alarmed to
their presence. The spell makes no noise, instead it sets off a warning in your
mind. It will not locate invsibile or hidden foes but will let you know they are
in the area effect.

3. Virtue - Cast: Combat Cost: 1 Description: Any ally that is in LoS , or

yourself will negatethe effects of Wounded for the rest of combat.

4. Fear Ward- Cast: Buff Cost: 1 Description: If you or any ally withini LoS
are under a fear effect you may reroll your save.

5. Dancing Stones - Cast: Combat Cost: 1 Description: 3+1/2 levels up to

5 stones float around you. If anyone attacks you, ranged or melee, the stone
automatically hits them giving them causing 1d6 damage.

6. Doom - Cast: Offensive Cost: 1 Description: Any who speak words of

blasphemy or offend your God are afflicted with a -5 to hit, damage, defense
and saves. They recieve a WILL save.

7. Commanding Aura - Cast: Aura Cost: 1 Description: Whenever you try

to use the Diplomacy or intimidate skill you gain a +5

8. Light - Cast: Preperation Cost: 1 Description: If you ever enter an area

dark enough where you can not see a light surrounds your holy weapon. This
light shines 40 feet in all directions and can be focused into a beacon of light
that reaches 120feet.

9. Calming Aura - Cast: Aura Cost: 1 Description: Anyone who is under the
effect of rage, frenzy or other such abilities must roll a WILL save or fall from
that state into a calm one. Also allys gain a +5 bonus to Diplomacy.

10. Aura of Strength - Cast:Aura Cost: 1 Description: All allies in LoS feet
gains a +4 to damage and to strength related tests.

11. Augury - Cast: Aura Cost: 1 Description: This spell gives warning if
something bad is going to happen. All allies get a +1 to all saves.

12. Aid - Cast: Preperation Cost: 1 Description: You may use your healing
touch ( but not healing skill) to help stabilize any ally within LoS. Does not
work on yourself.

13. Binding - Cast: Combat Cost: 1 Description: Any enemy who attacks
you (up to 1 per round) must roll a WILL save or become paralyzed. This can
effect a target multiple times.

14. Aura of Shielding - Cast: Combat Cost: 1 Description: If any ally

within LoS takes damage you take half of the damage and your ally takes the
other half. This power ceases to work as soon as your HP reaches 0, your ally
takes any remaing damage once you hit 0. This does not work on area effect

15. Sound Burst- Cast: Offensive Cost: 1 Description: Up to one enemy

per round, If a enemy attempts to cast a spell you automatically send out a
burst of sound. The enemy must make a FORT save or suffer 1d8+1dmg/level
up to +10. If he fails his save he must roll a concentration check to remain

16. Energy Resistance- Cast: Personal Cost: 1 Description: If you take

any kind of energy damage ( Fire acid... ) you automatically gain 10 points of
resistance to that type. This can not change for the rest of the day.

17. Zone of Truth - Cast: Preperation Cost: 1 Description: Anyone who

trys to lie when you can hear them must roll a WILL save or tell the truth.

18. Shatter - Cast: Combat Cost: 1 Description: Anyone who trys to attack
you with a ranged or melee weapon must roll a FORT save or their
weapon/projectile is shattered. This does not work on magical weapons.

19. Pain and suffering - Cast: Offensive Cost: 1 Description: Anyone who
speaks out against or insults your God suffers crippling pain. They get a FORT
save or they take 1d4 DMG /lvl and are reduced to half movement speed
until the Cleric can no longer be seen or heard.

20. Aura of Freedom - Cast: Aura Cost: 1 Description: Any ally within LoS
that comes under a paralyzation effect may reroll his save.
1. Invisibility purge - Cast: Preperation Cost: 3 Description: Anyone that is
invisible and comes within 20 feet of you automatically becomes visible.

2. Prayer - Cast: Buff Cost: 3 Description: Any ally within LoS gains a +5
to hit

3. Water Walking - Cast: Preperation Cost: 3 Description: You and allies

within LoS may walk across water as if it were ground.

4. Bubble of Air - Cast : Buff Cost: 3 Description: You create a buble of

clean and breathable air around you for 20ft. This makes you immune to toxic
air enviroments or spells and allows you , and anyone within the bubble, to
breath underwater.

5. Divine Wind - Cast: Personal Cost: 3 Description: A continous light wind

circles around your person. If a ranged physical attack targets you the wind
becomes much stronger and capable of deflecting any normal sized arrows,
bolts or spears.

6. Aura of Protection - Cast: Aura Cost: 3 Description: All allys within LoS
are granted a +5 Deflection Bonus.

7. Song of Divinity - Cast: Aura Cost: 3 Description: All allys within LoS
become immune to Silence effects.

8. Searing Light - Cast: Offensive Cost: 3 Description: Any undead

creature within 50 feet takes 1d8 dmg a level

9. Curse - Cast: Combat Cost: 3Description: Anyone who attempts to cast

a spell or speak out against your God must make a WILL save or go
Blind/Deaf , your choice.

10. Obscure - Cast: Buff Cost: 3 Description: You become immune to any
form of scrying.

11. Freedom - Cast: Personal Cost: 3 Description : You may not be

grappled, held or bound. You also can move through water without penalty or
through difficult terrain.

12. Planar Ally - Cast: Offensive Cost: 3 Description: A powerful divine ally
stays hidden in the area. If anyone opposes your God he strikes them with
Divine fury. The being can attack 1 enemy a round and has a + 12 to hit,
does 2d6+5 damage that counts as a magical weapon. He counts as invisible,
so the target counts as flat footed and he can critical. He also counts to
flanking if anyone else is in combat with the target.
13. Spell immunity - Cast: Personal Cost: 3 Description: You become
immune to the first level of spells that is cast at you and you save against.
This does not work against other Divine spells.

14. Cleansing Aura - Cast: Aura Cost: 3 Description: Your allys become
immune to poison while they stay within LoS

15. Living Aura - Cast: Aura Cost: 3 Description: Your allys become
immune to death effects.

16. Silver Shield - Cast: Buff Cost: 3 Description: You and your allys gain a
10/magic Damage reduction, does not stack with other DR.

17. Dismissal - Cast: Combat Cost: 3 Description: If any outerplanar

creature attempts to attack you in melee he must first roll a WILL save or be
banished from the realm. This may only work once per outerplanar creature.

18. Daylight - Cast : Preperation Cost: 3 Description: If you enter an area

of darkness or particular evil you radiate with a briliant aura of Light. This
light extends 500 feet in all directions and has all the properties of real
daylight, effecting creatures as real daylight would.

19. Divination - Cast: Preperation Cost: 3 Description: This spell gives a

warning should someone attempt to ambush you. You and your allys may roll
a REF save DC 10 in any situation where a surprise trap or attack happens, if
you or your allys pass you avoid the trap or may roll initiative.

20. Concencration - Cast: Aura Cost: 3 Description: Wherever you go the

area becomes holy as long as you are there. Any undead moving within LoS
gain a -10 to hit, defense and damage and take 10 damage a round. Any
outsider with evil alignment must roll a WILL save or flee.

1. Disruption -Cast: Combat Cost: 5 Description: Your weapon is imbuned

with divine energy. Any undead creature you hit takes an aditional 10d6
points of damage.

2. Spell Resistance - Cast: Buff Cost: 5 Description: You and your allys
gain spell resistance 10+Cleric Level. This does not stack with other spell

3. Retribution - Cast: Offensive Cost: 5 Description: If you or your ally take

damage the enemy must make a WILL save or also takes 1/2 of the damage
he caused. This does not work on area effect spells.

4. Righteous Might - Cast: Combat Cost: 5 Description: You transform into

the Divine image of your Diety. You become 10 feet tall and gain your Dieties
image. This changes your BAB to +1/per level and your Defense to +1/per
level as well as increasing your weapon damage by 1 size category and reach
to 10 feet.

5. Stone Meld - Cast: Personal Cost: 5 Description: You may meld into any
worked or natural stone and move through it at your base speed.

6. Blade Barrier - Cast: Offensive Cost: 5 Description: If an enemy

threatens your square a barrie of swirling blades appears. The enemy takes
10d6 damage each round but recieves an AVS

7. Word of Recall Cast: Preperation Cost: 5 Description: Should an enemy

speak against your God he must make a WILL save or be transported magical
anywhere within 100 feet of his current position and within your LoS. This
may be over a cliff, straight up or over other dangerous terrain.

8. Pain Suppression Cast: Aura Cost: 5 Description: Any ally who suffers
from the Near Death effect may ignore it.

9. Destruction Cast: Combat Cost: 5 Description: The remains of enemies

who die in combat are turned to dust. Undead with less than 5 HD are
Destroyed with no save and Undead with less than 10hd get a 1 time FORT
save or be destroyed. Any undead Higher than 10HD gets a -10 to all rolls of
any kind.

10. Repulsion Cast: Personal Cost: 5 Description: Any person or creature,

except ones you designate, can not come within 50 feet of you.

11.Earthquake Cast: Combat Cost: 5 Description: You cause intense

tremors. Any creature within 50 feet of you has a 50% chance to fall prone
and lose their action (at the start of your turn) also any creature that is inside
of the ground takes 15d6 points of damage, FORT for half.

12. Dispeling Aura Cast: Preperation Cost: 5 Description: Any spell that
comes within 10 feet of you has a 50% chance of failing, also persistant
magical effects that are within 20 feet of you can be dispeled with an check
DC 11+Spell Level, you roll 1d20 + your level.

Wizard Spells

0th Level Spells - (A wizard may pick 1 of these spells plus 1 per
point of INT bonus they have. These spells can be cast at will)

Prestidigitation - Casting Time: 1 action Description: Prestidigitations

allows you to cast an assortment of minor tricks. A prestidigation can do
things like : Slowly lift a 5 pound object, Color, clean or soil items, start a
camp fire etc.. Typically characters use prestidigitation to perform minor
tasks to make their day to day activities easier or to impress friendly
company. Components: None

Message - Casting Time: 1 action Description: Message allows you and a

target within 10 feet to have a silent coversation. You may talk back and
forth without being heard, even if only one of you are casting this spell.
Components: None

Ghost Sound - Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell allows you to
make illusionary sounds. You can imitate up to 5 people walking, talking or
fighting. You can also imitate a song or other such minor things. The sound
can be as quite or as loud as you wish. Components: None

Mending - Casting Time: 1 minute Description: You may mend items that
have suffered some damage. You can not repair items that are completly
destroyed. Components: None

Arcane Mark - Casting Time: 1 minute Description: You can place a

permant symbol onto any item. You may only have this symbol on 1 item at a
time and it allows you to sense the direction the item is in, if it is open or
closed (in the case of a door or chest), and if it is close or far away.
Components: None

Wizard Bolt - Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell allows you to
shoot a 1d4 damage bolt of magic at an enemy. It is a ranged touch attack
with no save. Components: Wand


1st level spells

Arcane Missiles - Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell shoots

magical bolts of raw energy at your target. They can reach anywhere that is
within LoS and they automatically hit. They deal 1d6dmg/level up to 5d6
Components: Wand and Ginseng (Wrapped around pebbles)

Floating Disk - Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell creates an

invisible floating disk 3 feet in diameter. It floats 3 feet off the ground at all
times and can hold up to 300 lbs. It moves as fast as you do at any time and
can hover up to 10 feet off the ground, but is incapable of moving when
doing so. This spell lasts all day. Components: Requires a coper disk
inscribed with ink mixed with 1sp worth of silver dust.

Color Spray - Casting time: 1 action Description: You cast a cone of

prismatic energy that extends up to 50 feet away from you. Anyone caught in
this cone gets a WILL save or they fall unconcious for 4 rounds.
Components: Ground Ginseng and Black Pearl mixed together

Disguise Self - Casting Time: 1 action Description: You can disguise

yourself as any Humanoid creature and get a +10 to skill, even untrained.
This disguises voice and appearance but does not mimic language.
Components: Black Pearl powder

Illusion - Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell allows you to

create a realistic illusion. You can make inanimate objects appear as
something else (no object more than 2x2 feet) or create an image of a person
or creature, no more than large size. The illusion can make sounds, emits
heat, and has an Defense of 10 if it is a creature. If the creature is missed it
acts like it doges, however if it is ever hit or touched the person interacting
with it gets a WILL save to disbelieve it. It does not emit a smell, so creatures
with scent will know it is not real. Components: Nightshade Mushroom(cut
into the shape of a person)

Slow Fall - Casting time: Conditional Description: This spell slows you
whenever you jump or fall. It automatically activates form a distance of 10
feet or greater. Also the charm must be worn on the outside of your body so
it can react to the wind shifting its position. Components: Requires a
leather strap connected to a glass bead(3SP) and a Brown Hawks Feather.

Reduce - Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell allows you to

shrink a target down to 4 inches tall. At that size no melee weapon can hurt
an opponent and the target gains a +20 Defense bonus and a +10 stealth
bonus. However, beware of cats and other criters. This spell lasts until the
Wizard dispels it or 1 hour. The spell has a touch range and if it is cast on a
unwilling target they get a WILL save Components: Mouse whiskers and
Caraway Seed made into an ointment.

Copy - Casting time: 1 minute Description: This spell allows you to copy
up to 300 normal size pages onto any other surface. Components: A Goose
feather and a jar of ink.

Summon Arcane Familiar - Casting time: 1 day Description: This spell

allows you to summon a familar to act as your aide and companion. Familiars
are typically small creatures, such as cats, frogs, ferrets, crows, hawks,
snakes, owls, ravens, toads, weasels, or even mice. A creature acting as a
familiar can benefit a wizard, conveying its sensory powers to its master, and
capable of conversing with him as well as acting as a guard/scout/spy. The
creature can communicate telepathically if it wishes. Also, the Familiar grants
a +2 REF save to the caster and itself. The familiar has the same HP as the
caster and is typically more intelligent than others of its type (has an
intelligence of 10 or if it already has that INT it goes up by 1d6 points). Also it
gains its master's saves. If seperated from the caster, the familiar loses 1 hp
each day and dies if reduced to 0 HP. If the familiar dies the Wizard must roll
an imediate CON check DC 5, if he fails he loses 1 CON point.The power of
the conjuration is such that it can be attempted but once per year. When the
wizard decides to find a familiar, he must load a brass brazier with charcoal
and while it is burning add incense and the right combination of herbs. The
spell incantation is then begun and must be continued until the familiar
comes. The type of familar can not be chosen, it is rolled a 1d20. Table: 1-5 -
cat, black (low light vision), 6-7 crow (+2 perception check), 8-9 Hawk (-1
perception every 20feet instead of 10), 10-11 Owl (May see in low-light
settings as well as you do in normal daylight), 12-13 toad (+1 HP a level), 14-
15 Weasel (Scent ability and +5 to perception checks), 16-20 No familiar
available within spell range. Components:- Brass brazier (1 SP) filled with
charcoal and incense (1 sp worth ) along with Ginseng, Blood Moss, Black
Pearl, Sage, Bracken, Caraway seed and Rowan. The brass brazier is not
consumed when cast.

Increase Weight - Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell lets you
increase the weight of an object, no bigger than a 1 handed object (Anything
that can be held easily in 1 hand) to 100 LBs. If the creature has a strength
less than 16 the item is droped automatically. If it has a strength 16 or higher
they may hold on to the item, in the case of a weapon they gain a -5 to hit
and are reduced to 1 attack if they have multiple. Components: Ginseng, a
1lb piece of iron shaped like a anvil (1 SP)

2nd level spells

Arcane lock Casting time: 1 action Description: An arcane lock spell cast
upon a door, chest or other lockable objects, magically locks it. You can not
open this lock with a Device check and can only be passed by breaking the
object or dispeling it. The lock lasts forever or until the Wizard dispels it. The
Wizard and anyone he designates upon casting are not effected by the spell.
Components: Silver dust( worth 25 SP)

Protection from arrows Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell

protects the caster from any mundane missile weapon. It will protect the
caster from arrows, bolts, heavy crossbow bolts, spears and other thrown
weapons up to large size and balista bolts. It does not help against catapults
or magical missile weapons, or objects weighing more than 60lbs. This spell
last the entire day and counts as a DEFENSIVE spell. Components: This
requires a turtle or tortise shell of any size and ginseng.

Glitter Dust Casting time: 1 action Description: A cloud of golden particles

covers everyone and everything within a 10ft radius. The spell can be cast up
to 300 feet away. All creatures in the area effect get a WILL save or become
blinded for the rest of combat. Also anyone creature in the area that is
invisible becomes outlined and anyone attempting to make a stealth check
gets a -20. Components: Ground Ginseng and Quartz (Worth 2CP)

Invisibility Casting time: 1 action Description: The caster disapears from

view and his footsteps become quite and silent. All of the caster's gear and
whatever he is holding also vanishes. Any item dropped or put down by the
invisible creature become visible after 1 round. This spell can be cast on
other targets. If the invsible target attacks or makes an offensive action he
becomes visible. Components: The perserved eye of a humanoid creature
wrapped in black pearl.

Mirror image Casting time: 1 action Description: The spell counts as a

DEFENSIVE spell. The caster creates 5 images of himself. Each image is an
illusion and can be moved individually up to 30 feet away from the caster.
They can also be ordered into a spread formation where they each stand 5
feet away from the caster and each other. The illusions mimic whatever
action the main caster is doing and can all be collected on top of the caster,
making them appear to not be there. In combat the caster can shift them
around freely making it difficult to tell which one the caster is. They all have
the same DEFENSE bonus the caster has but lack any form of AVS. Any image
hit by an attack disapears. If an image and the caster are both visible the
enemy must roll a 1 on a 1d6 if all 5 images still stand. This roll may vary
depending on how many images can be seen at the time. It is possible for the
wizard to not be visible, such as an invsibility spell, but the images can never
be hiden from view even if they are stacked ontop of the caster. If the images
are stacked on eachother but not on the caster only 1 image can be
destroyed per attack. Images are not effected by area effect spells. The
images last all day or until despeled/destroyed. Components: A glass mirror
(worth atleast 5SP). The mirror is consumed when cast.

Levitate Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell can be used to

levitate a target within LoS or the caster. The Caster can move the target up
or down 10 feet a around and can only move horizontally if it has something
to pull on (such as a rope), push off of (such as a wall), or it can move along a
wall. If it pushes off someonething it is pushed in a direction 10 feet + 1 per
point of STR bonus. If the target hits something when it pushes off something
it takes 1d6 dmg per 10 feet. If the spell is dispeled by an enemy caster or by
the Wizard who cast it the target falls and takes 1d6 dmg per 10 feet. If the
target is not willing it gets a WILL save. Components: The feather of a
water fowl (such as a duck) and a golden wire (worth atleast 1 sp). Both are
consumed when the spell is cast.

Pyrotechnics Casting time: 1 action Description: The caster can create a

burst of blinding fireworks. The spell can be cast up to 400 feet away. The
fireworks can take whatever shape the caster likes and has a 20ft radius.
Anyone within the radius must make a REF save or become blinded for 1
round and deaf for the rest of combat. This gives a %25 chance of spell
failure. The fireworks can also be seen up to 1 mile away if shot straight up
into the sky. In cloudy conditions there is a 10% chance that they are not
seen. Components: Ginseng powder in a small clay pot.

Arcane Message Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell sends a

message to anyone that the caster knows the name of. The message appears
a small sheet of paper and can be made that only the recipent knows what it
says. The target of the spell may write something back, but after words the
spell ends. Components: A sheet of paper, a goose quill and ink with silver
powder( worth atleast 5sp). All of which is consumed upon casting.

Bulls Strength Casting time: 1 action Description: This imbunes the target
with the strength of a Bull. They gain a +4 to hit and damage and acount as
large size for the purposes of grapple and bull rush. This spell last until the
end of combat. Components: A bull's horn. the horn is consumed when cast.

Blur Casting time: 1 action Description: The target of this spell gets a
WILL save, if it fails the target's vision becomes blury. The target gets a -10
to perception checks and misses any attack with a roll to hit 20% of the time.
Also, in the case of spellcasters their spells will vary 2x1d10 feet from the
place the think they are casting it. Components: Nightshade mushroom
powder in a small belt pouch. The belt pouch is consumed when cast.

3rd level

Dispel magic Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Explosive Runes Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Nondetection Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Leomund's tiny hut** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Blink Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Fly Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components:


Gaseous Form Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Haste Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Lightning Bolt** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

4th lvl spells

Dimension Door Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Arcane eye Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Scrying Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Otiluke's resilient sphere Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Invisibility, Greater Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Enlarge Person Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Polymorph Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Rainbow Pattern Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Globe of invulnerability, lesser Casting time: 1 Description: 1

Components: 1

Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components:



1st level

Stupor Casting time: 1 action Description: Stupor puts a target, that is in

LoS, in a state that does not allow him to take any action for the rest of
combat or until damaged. In this state he does not count as helpless and can
be moved, or led away, by anyone at a rate of 5 feet per round. The target
gets a FORT save. Components: Blood moss wrapped around a clay doll.
Demonic Flesh - Casting time: 1 action Description: For the rest of the day
you count as having a an AVS of 5, this does not stack with mundane armor
bonuses. This spell counts as a DEFENSIVE spell Components: Sage stuffed
into a wound in your flesh.

Darkness - Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell puts out all non-
magical fires, within LoS, no greater than the size of a torch. Components:
1 unit of ground Carroway seed per fire or a single unit of Rowan.

Catapult - Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell catapults a

freestanding object, not connected to anything or held, that is within 10 feet
of you in a direction for 100 feet. If used offensively you need to roll ranged
attack roll with no minus and the target gets and AVS save. If it fails the
target takes 1d6 DMG for every 20 feet the spell goes maximum of 5d6 and
minimum of 10ft for 1d6 dmg. Components: Blood Stone (worth atleast
1sp) consumed when cast.

Baneful Attractor - Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell creates a

dome around a specified target within LoS. The sphere is a translucent black
color and moves like whisps of shadows. Any spell cast within 30 feet of the
target is automatically redirected to the target. This does not work on touch
spells. Component: Bronze bowl (1 SP) and powdered Aventurine (1 SP)
mixed with blood and covered in a piece of cloth. Bowl is not consumed upon

Sinster Cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Description: While most cantrips do

not cause any particular distress or harm to the subject, the sinster cantrip is
much more powerful spell that can create horrifying and startling effects.
Gruesome apparitions such as insects crawling out of the victim's flesh, flesh
rotting from the victim's hands or face, blood streaming out of canteens etc..
The cantrip causes a target to get an automatic -5 to hit and defense and can
cause one of two effects if a WILL save is failed : The Target will drop
whatever is in its hands and attempt to flee or The target fall begins to fight
against the effect, such as getting bugs off his skin or search for the source of
evil wails that only he can hear. The target can be flanked in the case of the
second power and has a 30% chance to target anything else other than the
source of th illusion. The sinister cantrip is a concentraion effect and lasts as
long as the Wizard continues to create the illusion. Component: Nightshade
mushroom shaped into a sphere and stuffed with black pearl.

Push Casting Time: 1 action Description: Push creates an invisible force

that pushes a target. The target gets a FORT save, if it fails then for the rest
of combat, as long as the Wizard is within LoS he may choose to push the
target on the Wizards action. This can be done when the spell is cast and
every round thereafter. The push hits the target and he needs an opposed
strength check VS Strength 18 ( 20 at 5th, 22 at 10th and 24 at 15th). The
push counts as a medium sized creature and if the target fails he can be
either knocked prone or pushed in a direction 5 feet. Component: Carroway
seeds (5) and a perserved humanoid hand. The hand is not consumed in the

Seduction Casting Time: 1 action Description: Any humanoid of the

opposite sex affected by this spell casts aside all weapons, armor and
clothing in an attempt to seduce the wizard. The afffected target will do
anything to please the wizard, even if it is something they would not normally
do. The target gets a WILL save and the effect wears off after 1 hour.
Component: This spell requires no Material Component.

Dark Bolt Casting Time: 1 action Description: The caster makes a ranged
touch attack against a target, launching a bolt of cold darkness from his left
hand. The bolt deals 1d8 points of damage a level (maximum of 5d8). Half
the damage is cold and the other is demonic energy. When struck the foe
must also succeed at a FORT save or be stunned on his following turn.
Component: Wand and blood moss.

Protective Amulet Casting Time: 1 hour Description: This enchantment is

cast on a small talisman, such as a pendant, amulet, or other item of jewelry.
The item is transformed into a protective device against a ginle specific spell.
The spell must be one that the Wizard is capable of casting and knows. If the
chosen spell is cast at the wizard a save is made as normal, if one can be
made. If a save can not be made or it is failed the amulet absorbs the energy
and is destroyed. If more than one amulet is made to ward against the same
spell, they interfer with each other and none of them work. Component: An
item of jewlery, costing atleast 15 SP to protect against a 1st level spell. It
cost an aditional 15 SP level of the spell that the Wizard wants to be
protected against.

2nd level spells

Gift Casting time: 1 action Description: The caster enchants a creature

so that it feels suddenly compelled to give him what it is holding when the
spell is cast. On the creature's next action, it moves as close to the caster as
it can get in a single round and offers the object as a standard action. The
spell allows the caster to act out of turn and accept the gift if the creature
reaches him to to hand the caster the object. If the creature does not get
close enough it tosses the object to the caster's feet, up to 50 feet and is
magically aimed. The subject will not defend itself normally and will move in
the most direct path to the caster, even taking AoO. After its action the spell
will stop working and the creature can act normally. If the subject can not
perform the action (in cases such as paralysis or it can not see the caster) the
spell is wasted. The target recieves a WILL save. Components: Nightshade
mushroom inside a wooden box sealed with a silk bow(worth atleast 5 SP).
The box is consumed when cast.

Weaken Casting time: 1 action Description: The target,within LoS, suffers

from the effects of Wounded, or if already wounded, Near death. This can be
prevented by feats or spells. The target recieves no save. Components: A
drop of the creatures blood.

Wither Limb Casting time: 1 action Description: The target recieves a

FORT save, if it fails the caster may choose to make one of the creatures
limbs wither. Neck: The targets neck becomes weak and hangs to one side,
the target always counts as flanked and gets a -20 to perception checks.
Arm: The target loses any natural attack associated with that limb and can
not hold items or otherwise use that limb for the rest of combat. Leg: The
target loses any natural attack associated with that limb and may only move
at 1/2 speed. If all legs are withered it may not move more than 5ft a round,
crawling. Also the target recieves a -10 to all balance checks. Components:
Mandrake root

Crush Bones Casting time: 1 action Description: The target recieves a

FORT save, if it fails then the caster's magic crushes his bones. The target
takes 1d8dmg/level up to 10d8 and counts as Near death, spells and feats
can prevent this. In the case of Skeletons the target takes 2d8 dmg/level up
to 20d8. Opponents without bones are not effected. Components: The bone
of a creature that still lives.

Devil's tounge Casting time: 1 action Description: The caster's tounge

becomes capable of stretching up to 15 feet from his body. It can grapple an
opponent at a strength of 20 and counts as large size. It causes 1d6 points of
grapple damage. The caster may not cast spells while using the tounge to
grapple. Components: The tounge of a devil.

Festering Death Casting time: 1 action Description: The target of this

spell begins to fester and rot as long as the caster concentrates. The target
recieves no save and must be within LoS. The target takes 2d6dmg a round
and recieves a -2 to all rolls. Components: Blood moss and Bracken placed
inside a pocket of flesh. The components are consumed when cast.

Grief Casting time: 1 action Description: The target of this spell recieves a
WILL save. If he fails he is stricken with overwhelming grief and self pity. The
target drops whatever is in his hand and falls to the ground in a state of
crying and self loathing. The target will not make attempts to defend itself,
and counts as helpless. The Caster can effect up to 1 target every 3 levels ( 1
at first 2 at 3rd etc.. ) that are within LoS. The spell last as long as the wizard
concentrates. Components: Black pearl stuffed into the eyes of a skull of a
small - medium sized creature. Components are consumed upon casting.

Demonic Vision Casting time: 1 action Description: The target can see
through any form of darkness, magical or not, with normal vision. Also the
target can see the lifeforces of living creatures, even if they are invisible. This
spell last all day. Components: The eye of a demon or devil. The
component is not consumed upon casting.

Tocuh of Idiocy Casting time: 1 action Description: The target is cursed

with stupidity. He recieves a WILL save and if he fails he drops to intelligence
1 for the rest of combat, making him incapable of casting spells, even divine
ones, speaking, or understanding language. The target can fight normally,
however if he is hurt he has a 50% chance to attempt to escape in order to
perserve his own life. This spell last until the end of combat. This spell does
not effect mindless opponents and has little effect against stupid ones.
Components: The brain of a lizard and Nightshade mushroom.

Suicidal Casting time: 1 action Description: If the target fails a WILL save
he will target himself with all attacks and offensive spells. This is a
concentration effect and stops when the wizards stops concentrating.
Components: Black pearl and a bronze rod. The rod is not consumed upon

3rd level spells

Suggestion Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Blink Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Stinking Cloud Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

4th level spells

Remove Curse Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Crushing Despair Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Charm Monster Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Phantasmal Killer Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Bestow Curse Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1


1st level spells

Animate Skeleton Casting Time: 1 Full round action Description: This spell
allows a Wizard to animate a single skeleton to do his bidding. It obeys
simple verbal commands. A Necromancer may have up to one skeleton every
3 levels (1 at first 2 at 3rd 3 at 6th etc.) up to a maximum of 5 at 12th level.
The Skeleton has 8 HP Defense 10 AVS = 0 DR 5/bludgeoning, it gets 2
attacks at +2 and deals 1d4+1 dmg with each attack.. The skeletons last for
1 day or until they are destroyed. The skeleton must be humanoid and
medium or small size. If it is small size it has 6 HP Defense 12 AVS = 0 and
DR 5/bludgeoning and has 2 attacks at 1 damage. Component: This spell
requires you to use a Salve made from mandrake to rub onto the bones of
the body you wish to animate. Or you can prepare a body before hand by
turning its bones to dust and mixing the dust with blood and crushed garlic.
You need to keep a small shard of bone from the body, whether you apply the
salve on the battle field or prepare the body before hand, to control the
Shadow Shield Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell is a
DEFENSIVE spell. When cast your shadow is capable of protecting you from
harm. It can absorb up to 10/HP a level and lasts all day. If your shadow is
destroyed you become weak in sunlight gaining a -5 to hit and defense.
Component: You must eat a nightshade mushroom and a piece of raw
humanoid flesh.

Ghostly Servant Casting Time: 10 minutes Description: You may bind a

single spirit to you if you do so within 10 minutes of its death. The spirt gets a
WILL save and must be humanoid, medium size or smaller.The spirit is
reduced to 1 HD. The servant is bound by to an emerald which you must
keep in your possession. If it is held by another and they become aware of
what it can do they can command the servant, or if it is destroyed the
servant is set free. The servant is capable of doing simple tasks, such as
opening doors or lifting objects no greater than 10 lbs. It may also perform
more difficult tasks that are realitively straight forward, such as cleaning a
room or washing dishes. It may not travel more than 20 feet away from the
gem and can not see or hear anyone but you. If you give it a task and place
its gem in the area you may leave it and once the task is complete it will wait
for your return. However, if someone gets hold of the gem it must follow the
gem and it can see and hear what that person says though they can not see
the servant. Component: Emerald uncut (worth atleast 25sp).

Sunblock Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell puts a protective

shield of shadow around a target blocking out the harmful effects of the sun.
This shield lasts all day. Component: Blood Moss and Nightshade mushroom
mixed into a potion in a crystal vial. The target must drink the potion or if
undead apply it to his body.

Cause Fear Casting Time: 1 action Description: The target of this spell
sees a horrifying image that causes him to run in fear for 1 minute if he fails
a WILL save. Component: Black Pearl wrapped around a Carraway seed.

Chill Touch Casting Time: 1 action Description: The wizard's touch causes
the target's blood to chill and slow. The Target takes 1d6dmg /level up to 5d6
and gets a FORT save or he may only make a single action per round for the
rest of combat. Component: A blood moss salve applied with blood onto the
Wizard's hand.

Delerium Casting Time: 1 action Description: A target that has been

drinking, drugged or is alssep that is touched by the wizard enters a state of
Delerium. When the verbal command is spoke and a brass bell is rung the
targets gets a WILL save at -2. If he fails he begins to speak at random in all
languages he knows. He speaks on random topics switching between them
freely and can not hear or be forced to speak on any one thing in particular.
The spell lasts for 1 minute and there is a 25% chance each round that he
reveals something important each round, such as a name, password or
location. The 25% only matters if the Wizard is looking for something in
particular and the target has some knowledge on the subject. Component:
A brass bell (2 SP) and a bit of powdered Black pearl.

Plant Death Casting Time: 1 action Description: A fine mist of poison is

sprayed upon an area of plants up to 50 feet away in a 10ft radius. The plants
in the area shrivel and die. Mushrooms and fungi are not effected. Plant
creatures such as Ents get a FORT save or take 6d6 points of damage.
Component: Corpse dust mixed with blood into a potion of unholy water.

Exterminate Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell

instantaneously snuffs out the life forces of rodents, vermins, pests (such as
flies or beetles), and animals up to 1 HP a level in a 5ft radius, no save.
Component: Garlic mashed and rolled into a Dragon's Blood leaf.

Corpse Link Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell allows the
caster to gain sensory link to a humanoid corpse, animal corpse, or Zombie
within 400 feet. The caster can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel what the
cadaver or undead feels. Component: A humanoid tounge with a silver pin
(5 CP) stuck in it. The components are Consumed after use.

2nd level spells

Ghoul Touch Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell imbunes you
with necromantic energy allowing you to make a touch attack. The target
gets a FORT save and if he fails he becomes paralyzed for the rest of combat.
On top of that the paralyzed subject causes all living creatures (except you)
within 10ft to become sickened( -2 on all rolls) as long as they stay within the
area effect. Components: Graveyard dirt and garlic

Spectral hand Casting time: 1 action Description: A ghostly, glowing

hand shaped from your life force materializes and moves as you desire. This
hand allows you to deliver any melee touch attack at a distance of up to 100
feet. The hand can be attacked, but is incorpreal (Requires a magical weapon
or spell to attack it.) The hand has 4 HP and if it takes damage so do you.
Components: Drop of blood and a small hand statue made of silver (50 SP).
The hand is not consumed when the spell is cast.

Summon Necromantic Familiar Casting time: 1 week Description: This

spell functions like summon arcane familiar except that it must be done over
a longer period of time. The Necromancer summons a humanoid creature to
serve under him. This creature is of 1 HD and will be fiercly loyal. The familiar
does not communicate telepathically or give sensory information to the
caster. If the familiar ever dies the caster suffers no penalty, however the
spell may only be cast once a year. The creature remains at its starting HP
but is capable of casting any spell up to 3 levels lower than the Masters Max,
although it can not prepare spells itself. The creature knows whatever
langugage is common to it plus a single language known to the caster Roll
1d20 : 1-6 Hobgoblin, 7-11 Cracal, 12-14 Dvergar, 15-16 Hamil (Hamil may
cast spells up to 2 levels lower than the master) 17-20 No humanoid
available; spell fails Components: A summoning circle made from the blood
of a humanoid, a skull studded with 2 sapphires (one in each socket) worth
atleast 15sp each, a brass brazier and coals and animal fat to burn on it while
casting. All components, including the bowl, are consumed on casting. The
caster must continously say the incantations during the week, once it is
complete, if a familiar is summoned it will be created from the skull, fat, coal
and brazier and blood used. .

Death Recall Casting time: 1 action Description: The target of this spell
must be a dead corpse no more than 2 weeks old. Upon completion of this
spell the caster can see the final 10 minutes of the subject's life as seen by
the subject himself. Components: A piece of a shattered mirror.

Choke Casting time: 1 action Description: The caster causes a pair of

skeletal hands to choke a humanoid victim large size or smaller. The victim
gets a FORT save or he is unable to speak. The hands do 1d6 DMG a round as
long as the Wizard is within LoS. Components: The skeletal hands of a
humanoid creature, if you have a skeleton nearby and under your control you
can use its hands.

Empathic Control Casting time: 1 action Description: Empathic control

allows the caster to control a single Humanoid, large size or smaller, within
LoS. The spell last as long as the wizard is concentrating. While controling the
creature he may make it do anything that is not self destructive, or it breaks
free. He may cast any spells it has, as long as he himself knows them. The
creature gets a single WILL save. Components: Black pearl, Crushed Beryl (
10 SP worth), placed into a lead vial. The components are consumed when

Living Link Casting time: 1 action Description: The wizard can see, hear ,
smell, taste and feel anything the target of this spell does. This can effect any
creature within LoS and if it is not willing it recieves a WILL save. This spell
cancels out the wizards only sensory input and lasts as long as the wizard
concentrates, even if the target goes out of LoS. Components: Piece of
bone covered in garlic.
Ebony Hand Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell allows the
wizard to store touch attack spells inside of his hand and use them at the
same time. They have to be melee touch attack spells and it can hold as
many spells as the wizard places in it. The hand last for 1 day. The wizard's
hand shimmers with an evil-looking black aura. Components: 5 rowan
berry seeds.

Bloodglass Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell allows a wizard

to roughly gauge the vital force remaining in any one living creature within
LoS. The chosen creature gets no saving through. The spell causes an image
of an hourglass to appear in the air near the caster. It follows him and lasts
until the creature is dead or the spell is dispeled. The hourglass appears to be
full of blood and it drips down as the creature is wounded. It does not tell you
the exact number of hit points. (If a creature is at 1/4 life the hourglass is 1/4
of the way empty.) Components: Anhour glass using corpse dust as sand
and a lead vial of blood mixed with Blood Moss.

Bone mending Casting time: 1 hour Description: This spell allows a

Wizard to repair damage done to a Skeletal undead creature. If the creature
is not destroyed the Wizard repairs all damage done to it. It can also be used
against destroyed or dead bodies with broken bones. (It may be useful to
reconstruct fragments of a body to see what type of creature it was.)
Components: A vial of holy water mixed with corpse dust and blood moss.

3rd level spells

Vampiric touch Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Ray of Exhaustion Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

4th level spells

Enervation Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Confusion Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Shadow Conjuration Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Evard's Black tentacles Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Rusting Grasp Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1


1st level spells

Burning Hands Casting Time: 1 action Description: The wizard creates a

120 degree cone of fire that leaps from his hands and reachs up to 15ft away
from him. Flammable materials such as cloth, paper, parchment, and thin
wood burn if the flames touch them. The flames can be extinguished as a full
round action. If it hits a creature they must make a REF save for half damage.
If they fail they take 1d6 points of damage/level up to 5d6 Component: Sage
wraped around a copper coin.

Shocking Grasp Casting Time: 1 action Description: This caster's hand

crackle with electricity. Anyone touched by the electricity takes 1d8 dmg per
level up to 5d8 damage. If the opponent is wearing metal armor you get a +3
to hit. Component: A lightning charged rod (The rod must be struck with
lightning while inside a small magical circle. The magic circle is made with
Silver powder ink (5 SP worth)). The rod is not consumed when the spell is
Feathery Flyer Casting Time: 1 action Description: Upon casting this spell
the caster grows a feathery membrane under his arms, extending along his
sides to his feet. The membrane appears to merge with his skin and clothing.
If the caster jumps from a height he can glide through the air. For each foot
of elevation he can glide 5 feet horizontally. Turning 30 degrees costs him 5
points of movement. (If he jumped off a 10 foot building he could glide 50
feet forward.) If the caster attempts to carry a medium + load he plumets
upon takeoff. Component: An eagles Feather.

Fire burst Casting Time: 1 action Description: When this spell is cast upon
a nonmagical fire within LoS ( such as campfire, lantern, or candle), it causes
the fire to flash and shoot firery bolts at any creature within 10 feet of the
fire. All targets get a REF save if they fail they take 1d6 +1/per level DMG.
Component: This spell requires a fire source and Bracken.

Fist of Stone Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell transmutes the
caster's fist into flexiable stone. The caster may not cast any other spells
while this effect is active but may still use magic items. The fist deals 1d6
points of damage and counts the Wizard's strength as 20 whenever he uses
the fist to attack, crush an object, break a chain etc. Component: Quartz ( 2
CP) powder mixed with Carroway and Sage.

Shillelagh Casting Time: 1 action Description: This spell imbunes a staff or

cudgel with the energy of nature. The staff does 1d10 damage while in
caster's hands and can part natural undergrowth that slow travel or make it
impossible. Also, anywhere with nearby vegitation, the caster can use the
power of the staff to entangle a target. The target gets a REF save or they are
caught by the plant. The plant does 1d6 dmg a round, and can be broken out
of with an opposed grapple check. The Plant has 18 strength, 19 at 5th, 20 at
10th, 21 at 15th and 22 at 20th. This spell last all day. Component: This
spell requires a staff that has been prepared with a sage and carraway salve
and has a emerald socketed on the top (worth atleast 15 SP). The staff is not
consumed when cast but the Salve must be applied during each casting.

Barkskin Casting Time: 1 action Description: The casters skin becomes

hard and bark-like. The caster gains a DR 5/Axe for the rest of the day. This is
a DEFENSIVE spell. Component: Hardwood Bark and Sage.

Obscuring Mist Casting Time: 1 action Description: A misty vapor rises

around the caster. The vapor has a 20ft radius and is 20 feet high. It moves
with the caster or can be moved to a location up to 30 feet away when cast
and moved 30 feet each time the wizard takes a standard action to move it.
The mist is disipated in a moderate wind (11+mph). A fire spell lvl 3 or higher
dispates the mist as well. The spell does not function under water.
Component: This spell requires one of the following conditions, A high
humidity day, Nearby Rainclouds, Rain. or a nearby watersource of atleast 10

Endure Elements Casting Time: 1 action Description: The target of this

spell becomes immune to natural weather conditions and temperature
ranging from 120 degrees F to -50 degrees F. The spell last all day and can
be cast on 1 target per level. Component: The target's needs to wear an
amulet made from twisted vines wraped around a quartz crystal ( 2 CP
worth). The amulet is not consumed in the casting.

Dancing Lights Casting Time: 1 action Description: The wizard creates 5

lights that glow like candels. The lights can all be moved up to 30 feet a
round as a free action. If the lights are concentrated on a single target they
will outline that target. They will continue to outline that target even if he
attempts to hide or becomes invisible and will follow the target if possible
whenever dimensional magic is used. The light can not move more than 500
feet away from the caster and lasts all day or until the wizard dismisses
them. Component: A candel made with honey wax ( 1 CP).

2nd level spells

Enchant Flame Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell causes an

otherwise normal flame to become magical. This flame can not be put out
with normal means. The only way to put out the flame is to first dispel it then
put it out or to use a spell. The flame it is cast on can be no bigger than a
torch to start off with but if the flame is allowed to spread, it can grow to any
size. Components: Sage and fire lizard glands.

Flaming Sphere Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell causes a

sphere of fire to appear around the caster. It is 2ft in diameter. The ball of fire
floats in circles around the middle of the caster. It can be commanded to go
to fly towards a target and strike him, he gets a REF save or takes 1d6 dmg
/level up to 10d6. Once cast out it can move around freely floating above the
ground 1 foot. In this case it moves at 30 feet a round on the caster's turn,
wherever the caster likes. Any square it moves into with a creature in it
needs to make a REF save or take the damage. Components: small sphere
of iron (5 sp worth) and powdered sage. The piece of iron becomes the
sphere and can be recovered when the spell ends, if you can find it.

Gust of Wind Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell creates a

severe blast of air (approximately 50mph) that originates from your hand. It
extends out 60 feet in a line-shaped gust. The gust continues to blow until
your next action. All creatures size small or smaller on the ground are
knocked to the ground, if they are flying they are blown back 1d6x10 feet.
Any other creature on the ground with Strength less than 12 are knocked to
the ground, less than 18 can not move foward and require a balance check to
move at all (or they fall to the ground) and creatures with strength higher
than 18 are not affected. Flying creatures with strength less than 12 are blow
back 1d6x5 feet, with less than 18 1d4x5 and higher than 18 are uneffected.
Missile weapons that must pass through the area effect are pushed blow
away unless they weigh more than 10 lbs. Components: crushed sage and
a opal (worth atleast 1 sp). The opal is consumed during the casting.

Scorching Ray Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Heat Metal/Chill Metal Casting time: 1 action Description: This spell

makes metal change temperature rapidly, either cold or hot. Normal metal
objects get no saving through, while magical ones do. Upon casting the metal
rapidly becomes hot or cold and causes 2d6 damage a round if someone
touches it. This spell can effect up to 25lbs of metal or the metal equipment
of 1 creature every 2 levels, no two of which can be more than 30ft apart.
Components: This spell requires a ruby(15 SP) or a sapphire (15sp) for
heat/chill respectively and the ash of 5 units of sage.

Spider Climb Casting time: 1 action Description: Spider climb allows a

target that is touched to climb on walls or even ceilings at a rate of its base
movement speed. The target must keep atleast 2 limbs on the wall at all
times or fall off. This spell last until the end of combat. Components: A living
spider, which must be eaten by the target.

Warp Wood Casting time: 1 action Description: You cause wood to bend
and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. A
warped door springs open( or becomes stuck), a boat or ship springs a leak, a
bow or staff becomes useless. You may warp a single target no large than a
door per caster level. This does not work against living wood and items of a
magical nature recieve a save. The target must be within LoS. Components:
Water mixed with carraway seed(5 units) and a rowan berry in a crystal vial.

Web Casting time: 1 action Description: Web creates a many-layered

mass of strong, sticky strands. These strands trap those caught in them. The
strands are similar to spider webs but far larger and tougher. These webs
must be anchored to two or more solid and diametrically opposed points -
floor and ceiling, opposite walls, or the like - or else the web spell fails. The
web causes those who enter the area ( or in the area when the spell is cast)
to make a REF save. If they fail they can not move from their spot, and can
not make another save until they break free. To break free they must have a
strength of 20 or higher or make an escape artist attempt DC 25. If they have
a small slashing weapon they can attempt to cut out vs DEF 5 and AVS 14.
They must do atleast 10 DMG to cut themselves free. If they pass their save
they may move through the area at a rate of 5 feet per round. Attempting to
attack while in the web gives a -10 to hit and attempting to cast spells gives
a 10% spell failure. You can make 4 5ft squares+a 5ft square /lvl of web and
it can be cast up to 100 feet away. Components: Spider web.

Summon Swarm Casting time: 1 action Description: You summon a

swarm of rats, bats or spiders (your choice) which attack all other creatures
within its area. The area is a 15ft square and can be summoned up to 50 feet
away from you. The swarm causes 1d4 dmg a round and enemys within it
move at half speed. Also spell casters must make concentration checks at -10
while inside the swarm. The swarm moves at 30 feet per round and if no
living creature is within it, it will move to the closest living creature. The
swarm can be killed, it has a collective DEF of 8 and AVS 1 and 20 HP. If not
killed the spell is over at the end of combat. Components: A living creature
of the type you wish to summon. The creature is released when the spell is
cast and runs off when the spell ends.

Acid Arrow Casting time: 1 action Description: An arrow of acid is shot at

your target. You need to make a ranged touch attack to hit. The acid causes
2d6 points of damage/round and cause the target to lose 1 AVS a round. The
acid can be stopped as a full round action. Magical armor is not effected. The
spell can be cast at any target within LoS Components: Alchemical acid and
an arrow.

3rd level spells

Fireball Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Flame Arrow Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Wind Wall Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Sleet storm Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Water Breathing Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

1a Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

4th level spells

Stoneskin Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Ice storm Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Wall of Fire Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Wall of Ice Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Flame Strike Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1

** Casting time: 1 Description: 1 Components: 1



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