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India is a land of Unity amidst its Diversity in all fields.

Its large size has given rise to

various regional diversities and they are flourishing. Each region has its own distinct style
and flavour in its folk form of music, art, literature and dance.

Indian culture is the richest in the world and diversities in the life style, religion,
language, food habit, culture, geography, climate have all contributed to its richness.
Diversity is there in all aspect of India which is a home for over one billion plus people.
India is the only nation with so much of diversity, stand united. Be it joining hands for a
mission or against it.

India won’ be India if not for its diversity. Diversity is also found in the school of minds,
where one stands for, another stands against. This is an added advantage, because while
one is looking at the positive aspects of a side, the other is hunting for the counter part
negatives. If we didn’t differ, wouldn’t we be non-Indians?!

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