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So brave,
you fled the path of your heartstorm,
evacuating four hours north
to where I clung, unfolding,
tendrils curled around knotted vines,
velvet petals veined with blood,
iridescent in the glow of love,
protected by my canopy.

So brave,
you raced inside the eye of the heartstorm,
touching down four hours north
where I clung, thirsting,
tendrils curled around knotted vines,
dewy petals opened as catchment,
growing toward the nourishing love
that penetrated my canopy.

So afraid,
I quivered in the wreckage of the heartstorm,
while you escaped four hours south
from where I clung, tempest-tossed,
tendrils wrenched from knotted vines,
bruised petals stripped and ragged,
a naked stem without your love
freefalling through the canopy.

© 2010 Max Gordon

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