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1. Your feet should be parallel to each other, approximately 6 inches wider than shoulder
width for each foot. Your toes should be pointing straight forward.
2. You can adjust the width of your feet to where you feel most comfortable when bending
over to grip the ball.
3. Keeping your feet flat on the ground, your weight should be slightly shifted towards the
balls of your feet.

Getting into the snapping position

1. Place the ball on the ground about one yard in front of you.
2. From your stance, bend your knees slightly.
3. Bend over at waist and reach your arms out to grip the ball.
4. Keep your back flat and parallel to the ground.
5. Your arms should be extended in front of you, where your arms are about 90-95%
6. You can adjust the bend in your arms and legs to where you feel comfortable.
7. Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground.
8. Do not lean too far forward. Make sure you are balanced.

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