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%metodo de miuller

function [x, y] = Muller(fun, x1, x2, tol, max)

% Find zero using Muller's method
% Input :
% fun string containing name of function
% x1, x2 first two starting estimates,
% 3rd estimate is (x1 + x2)/2
% tol allowable change in successive iterates
% max maximum number of iterations
% Output :
% x (row) vector of approximations to zero
% y (row) vector fun(x)
x(1) = x1;
x(2) = x2;
x(3) = (x(2) + x(1))/2;
y(1) = feval(fun, x1);
y(2) = feval(fun, x2);
y(3) = feval(fun, x(3));
c(1) = (y(2) - y(1))/(x(2) - x(1));

for i = 3 : max
c(i-1) = (y(i) - y(i-1))/(x(i) - x(i-1));
d(i-2) = (c(i-1) - c(i-2))/(x(i) - x(i-2));
s = c(i-1) + (x(i) - x(i-1))*d(i-2);
x(i+1) = x(i) - ...
2*y(i)/(s + sign(s)*sqrt(s^2 - 4*y(i)*d(i-2)));
y(i+1) = feval(fun, x(i+1));
if abs(x(i+1) - x(i)) < tol
disp('Muller method has converged');
iter = i;
if iter >= max
disp('zero not found to desired tolerance');

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