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acedemic goals:

- sap hoc xong ly thuyet o truong va bat dau co cai nhin ban dau ve cong viec cua 1 kiem toan
- hieu rang nhung ly thuyet ma toi hoc duoc co 1 khoang cach kha xa so so voi thuc te. chinh
vi the duoc thuc tap trong 1 moi truong chuyen nghiep va nang dong nhu tai Deloite la 1 co
hoi quy qua cho ban than toi obtain nhung kinh nghiem dau tien trong su nghiep cua minh. toi
tin tuong rang, nhung kien thuc thuc te ma toi thu nhan duoc trong qua trinh thuc tap tai cong
ty se giup toi hoan thanh tot bao cao thuc tap cua minh
- Nhu da trinh bay o tren, toi co mong muon duoc lam viec tai Deloitte sau khi ra truong,
chinh vi the khoang thoi gian thuc tap tai cong ty se la 1 co hoi de toi tim hieu nhieu hon ve
cong ty tren nhieu mat. Day se la 1 loi the cho toi khi tham gia thi tuyen dr tro thanh 1 nhan
vien cua cong ty trong tuong lai. Hon nua, qua nhung hieu biet thuc te thu thap duoc, toi cung
se hoan thien hon ke hoach nghe nghiep trong tuong lai cua minh

I am going to finish three and a half years studying academic knowledge at my

university. Also, I had initial view of auditors' work. I understand that there is a far distance
between the theories which I have obtained and practical work. Therefore, having an
internship in a professional and dynamic environment like at Deloitte will be a precious
opportunity to obtain my first practical experiences. I believe that, practical knowledge
learned in this internship will help me successfully prepare my final thesis.
As I said before, I desire to work for Deloitte after graduating. So, the internship will
be a chance for me to learn more about Deloitte on many aspects. This will be my advantage
when applying to become your company's member in the future. Moreover, the practical
experiences in this internship time will help me much to finish my career plan.

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