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Toward a Science of Security Analysis

Benjamin Graham

THE SClEN'I'IRC METHOD ingredient. One plausible answer may be that

As H. D. Wolfe pointed out in his paper in the last diversification is essential for certain types and
JOURNAL(Science as a Trustworthy Tool) 1, scientific objectives of security analYsis but not for others.
method includes among its factors the wide obser- Let us classify the things that security analysis tries
vation and recording of events, the construction of to do and see how the element of diversification
rational and plausible theories or formulas, and applies to each. At the same time we may raise
their validation through the medium of reasonably other questions concerning the scientific methods
dependable predictions. There are many varieties and predictions operating in each of the classes.
of scientific or quasiscientific disciplines, and the I suggest that the end product of our work
character of the predictions based on them will falls into four different categories, as follows:
vary greatly from one to another.1 1. The selection of safe securities, of the bond
At one extreme take the microphone. An type.
electrical engineer, having rigged it up carefully, 2. The selection of undervalued securities.
can predict that a word spoken into it will be 3. The selection of growth securities, that is,
immediately amplified. The prediction is precise; common stocks that are expected to increase their
the verification prompt and unquestionable. At the earning power at considerably better than the
other extreme let us take psychoanalysis---a disci- average rate.
pline sometimes compared with our own security 4. The selection of "near-term opportunities,"
analysis. Here prediction and verification are less that is, common stocks that have better-than-aver-
definite. A layman who finances psychoanalytical age prospects of price advance, within, say, the
treatment for one of his family is apt to be slightly next 12 months.
in the dark about such details as the nature of the This list does not include stock market analy-
illness, the method and duration of the treatment, sis and predictions based thereon. Let me com-
and the extent of the cure, if any. About the only ment briefly on this point. If security analysis is to
thing he can predict with certainty is how much it be scientific, it will have to be so in its own right
will cost per hour. Between these two extremes lies and not by depending on market techniques. It is
actuarial science, which to my mind is more rele- easy to dismiss this point completely by saying
vant than the others to the scientific possibilities Of that, if market analysis is good, it doesn't need
security analysis. The life insurance actuary makes security analysis; and, if it isn't good, security
predictions concerning mortality rates, the rate of analysis doesn't want it. But this may be too
earnings on invested reserves, and factors of ex- cavalier an attitude toward an area of activity that
pense and profit--in all instances based largely on engages the interest of a host of reputable security
carefully analyzed past experience, with allowance analysts. That stock market analysis and security
for trends and n e w factors. Out of these predic- analysis combined may be able to do a better job
tions, with the aid of mathematical techniques, he than security analysis by itself is at least a conceiv-
fashions suitable premium schedules for various able proposition and perhaps a plausible one. But
types of insurance. What is most important for us t h e burden is on those who would establish this
about his work and his conclusions is that he deals thesis to demonstrate it to the rest of us in un-
not with individual cases but with the probable equivocal and convincing fashion. Certainly the
aggregate result of a large number of similar cases. published record is far too meager, as yet, to
Diversification is of the essence in actuarial sdence. warrant conceding a scientific standing to a com-
Thus our first practical question about "scien- bination of the two analyses.
tific security analysis" is whether it is actuarial in
character, and has diversification as its essential FOUR CATEGORIES
To return to our four categories of security analy-
sis, choosing safe bonds and preferred stocks is
Reprintedfrom The Analysts Journal (August 1952):97-99. certainly the most respectable if not the most

FinancialAnalysts Journal / January-February 1995 25

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exciting occupation of our guild. Not only has it typically, if the analyst can soundly establish that
major importance of its own, but also it can offer the enterprise as a whole is worth well above the
useful analogies and insights for other branches of market price of all its securities. There is a close
our work. The emphasis of bond analysis is on analogy here with bond selection, which also re-
past performance, tempered by a conservative quires an enterprise value well in excess of the
view of future changes and dangers. Its chief debt. But the rewards for establishing that a com-
reliance is on a margin of safety that grows out of mon stock is undervalued are, of course, incompa-
a small ratio of debt to total real value of the rably greater; for in the average case all or a good
enterprise. It requires broad diversification to as- part of the margin of safety should eventually be
sure a representative or average over-all result. realized as a profit to the buyer of a truly under-
These viewpoints have made bond investment, as valued issue.
practiced by our financial institutions, a soundly In this connection I want to throw out a broad
scientific procedure. In fact, bond investment now and challenging idea--that from a scientific stand-
appears to be almost a branch of actuarial science. point common stocks as a whole may be regarded as
There are interesting similarities (as well as differ- an essentially undervalued security form. This point
ences) between insuring a man's life for $1,000 grows out of the basic difference between individ-
against a premium of $34 per year, and lending ual risk and overall or group risk. People insist on
$1,000 on a long-term bond also paying $35 per a substantially higher dividend return and a still
year. The calculated mortality rate for men aged 35 larger excess in earnings yield for common stocks
is about 4 out of 1,000, or 4/10% per year. A than for bonds, because the risk of loss in the
comparable "mortality rate" might be applied to average single common stock issue is undoubtedly
corporate enterprises in the best financial and greater than in the average single bond. But the
operating health, to estimate the risk attaching to comparison has not been true historically of a
high-grade bond investment. Such a figure, say diversified group of common stocks, since common
1/2%, might then properly measure the risk and stocks as a whole have had a well-defined upward
yield differential between the strongest corporate bias or long-term upward movement. This in turn is
bonds and U. S. Government obligations. readily explicable in terms of the country's growth,
plus the steady reinvestment of undistributed prof-
BOND INVESTMENT: A SCIENTIFIC its, plus the strong net inflationary trend since the
PROCEDURE turn of the century.
Bond investment should take on more of the
character of a scientific procedure when the mon- RRE AND CASUALTY RARES
umental corporate bond study, carried on by the The analogy here is with fire and casualty insur-
National Bureau of Economic Research and other ance rates. People pay about twice as much for fire
agencies, is finally completed and the mass of insurance as their own actuarially determined ex-
statistical data and findings is made available to posure would indicate--because they cannot
security analysts. The greatest weakness of our soundly afford to carry the individual risk them-
profession, I have long believed, is our failure to selves. For similar reasons the overall return on
provide really comprehensive records of the re- common stocks appears to have been at least twice
sults of investments initiated or carried on by us as much as their true overall risk has required. An
under various principles and techniques. We have interesting relationship at this point appears from
asked for unlimited statistics from others covering the Keystone chart showing the trend of the Dow-
the results of their operations, but we have been Jones industrial average since 1899. Both the upper
more than backward in compiling fair and ade- and lower lines happen to rise at the rate of one
quate statistics relating to the results of our own third every ten years. You will recognize this as the
work. I shall have a suggestion to make on that 2.90% rate of compound interest realized on U. S.
point a little later. Savings Bonds, Series E. What this means is the
consistent Dow-Jones investor has obtained the
SELECTION OF UNDERVALUED SECURmES same increase in principal value as the savings
The selection of undervalued securities appears bonds offer in lieu of interest; and in addition the
next on my list because of its logical relationship to Dow-Jones stock investor has obtained all the
investment in safe bonds or preferred stocks. The annual dividends from his holdings as a bonus
margin-of-safety concept is the dominant one in above the Government bond interest rate.
b o t h g r o u p s . A common stock is undervalued, The reasoning I have just indulged in is, I

,26 Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995


believe, both scientifically valid and psychologi- basis does produce consistently profitable results.
cally dangerous. Its validity depends on the main- Thus we have a worthwhile field for more scien-
tenance in the stock market of the substantial tific cultivation. Here inductive studies carried on
disparity between bond yields and the price-earn- intelligently and systematically over a period of
ings ratios on stocks. If as happened in the years are almost certain to be rewarding.
1920s--this very thesis is twisted into the slogan
that common stocks are attractive investments, SELECTION OF GROWTH STOCKS
regardless of h o w high they sell, then we would The third objective of security analysis is the selec-
find ourselves beginning as scientists and ending tion of growth stocks. H o w scientific a procedure
as heedless and ill-starred gamblers. It may be a is this now, and how scientific can it be made to
fair generalization to assert that the top levels of be? Here I enter difficult waters. Most growth
most "normal" bull markets are characterized by a companies are themselves tied in closely with
tendency to equate stock risks with bond risks. technological progress; by choosing their shares
These high valuations may indeed have some the security analyst latches on, as it were, to the
justification in pure theory, but the important coattails of science. In the 40 or more plant inspec-
thing for us to bear in mind as practicing analysts tions that are on your scheduled field trips for this
is that, when you pay full value for common convention week, no doubt your chief emphasis
stocks, you are in great danger of later appearing will be placed on new products and new process
to have paid too much. developments; and these in turn will strongly
influence your conclusions about the long-pull
INDIVIDUAL UNDERVALUATIONS prospects of the various companies. But in most
Turning now to the field of individual undervalua- instances this is primarily a qualitative approach.
tions, we find ourselves on more familiar ground. Can your work in this field be truly scientific
Our work with this group readily admits of the unless it is solidly based on dependable measure-
scientific processes of wide observation and the ments, that is, specific or minimum projections of
testing out of predictions or hypotheses by their future earnings, and a capitalization of such pro-
sequels. The theory of undervalued issues must jected profits at a rate or multiplier that can be
necessarily require an explanation of their origin. called reasonably conservative in the light of past
The explanations are in truth quite varied and experience? Can a definite price be put on future
taken together form what may be called a "pathol- growth---below which the stock is a sound pur-
ogy of market prices." They range from obvious chase, above which it is dear, or in any event
causes, such as an unduly low dividend or a speculative? What is the risk that the expected
temporary setback in earnings, to more subtle and growth will fail to materialize? What is the risk of
special conditions such as too much common stock an important downward change in the market's
in the capital structure or even too much cash in evaluation of favorable prospects? A great deal of
the bank. In between lie numerous other causes systematic study in this field is necessary before
such as the presence of important litigation, or the dependable answers to such questions will be
combination of two dissimilar businesses, or the forthcoming.
use of the now discredited holding company
ORIGINS OF UNDERVALUATION In the meantime I cannot help but feel that growth
UNDERSTOOD stock investment is still in the prescientific stage. It
The origins of undervaluation are pretty well un- is at the same time more fascinating and less
derstood by now and could no doubt be set forth precise than the selection of safe bonds or under-
in an acceptably scientific study. We do not know valued securities. In the growth stock field, the
as much about the cure of undervaluations. In concept of margin of safety loses the clarity and the
what proportion of cases is the discrepancy cor- primacy it enjoys in those other two classes of
rected? H o w or w h y does the correction occur? security analysis. True, there is safety in growth,
H o w long does the process take? These questions and some of us will go so far as to declare that
remind us somewhat of those we raised about there can be no real safety except in growth. But
psychoanalysis at the outset. But one thing of these sound to me more like slogans than scientif-
importance we do know, and that is that the ically formulated and verified propositions. Again,
purchase of undervalued issues on a diversified in the growth field the element of selectivity is so

Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995 27


prominent as to place diversification in a second- dictions. Who of us can say whether or not this is
ary and perhaps dubious position. A case can be true? In view of the importance of this analytical
made for putting all your growth eggs in the one work, in terms of time, energy, and money cost, it
best or a relatively few best baskets. Thus in this might not be a bad idea to subject it to a thorough-
branch of security analysis the actuarial element going evaluation.
may be missing, and that circumstance undoubt-
edly militates against truly scientific procedures
This brings me to my conclusion and my one
INVERTED RELATIONSHIP concrete proposal. Security analysis has now
There is undoubtedly an organic but inverted reached the stage where it is ready for a continu-
relationship between the growth stock con- ous and searching self-examination by the use of
cept and the theory of undervalued securities. The established statistical tools. We should collect the
attraction of growth is like a tidal pull which causes studies and recommendations of numerous ana-
high tides in one area, the assumed growth com- lysts, classify them in accordance with their objec-
panies, and low tides in another area, the assumed tives (perhaps in the four groups suggested in this
nongrowth companies. We can measure, in a paper), and then do our best to evaluate their
sense, scientifically the distorting effect of this accuracy and success. The purpose of such a
influence by using as our standard the minimum record would not be to show w h o is a good
business value of enterprises in the nonfavored security analyst and who is a poor one, but rather
group. By way of illustration let us apply that to show what methods and approaches are sound
thought to three California concerns. The shares of and fruitful and which ones fail to meet the test of
Roos Brothers, a local retail enterprise, will in the experience.
nature of things tend to sell below their analyti- This suggestion was originally made in the
cally determined value for basically the same rea- articles published under the p s e u d o n y m of Cogita-
sons that are b o u n d to produce overvaluations in tor in THE ANALYSTSJOURNALsix years ago. At that
the shares of Superior Oil or Kern County Land. time I wrote: "It is unlikely that security analysis
I come finally to the standard occupation of could develop professional stature in the absence
brokerage house analysts and advisory services, of reasonably definite and plausible tests of the
namely, the selection of issues favorably situated soundness of individual and group recommenda-
for a near-term market advance. The usual as- tions. ''2 The N e w York Society is n o w taking the
sumption here is that, if the earnings will improve first positive steps to establish a quasiprofessional
or the dividend will be raised, then the price will rating or title for security analysts who meet spec-
improve. Thus the process consists essentially of ified requirements. It is virtually certain that this
locating and recommending those companies that movement will develop ultimately in full-fledged
are likely to increase their earnings or dividends in professional status for our calling. The time may
the near term. You all know the three basic haz- well be ripe for the Federation and its constituent
ards encountered in this work: that the expected Societies to begin a systematic accumulation of
improvement will not take place, that it is already case histories, which should make possible the
discounted in the current price, that for some other transmission of a continuous, ever-growing body
reason or for no known reason the price will not of knowledge and technique from the analysts of
move the w a y it should. the past to those of the future.
It may be that despite these hazards it is When this work is well under w a y security
possible to obtain worthwhile results on the aver- analysis may b e g i n - - m o d e s t y , but hopefully--to
age from competent short-term analyses and pre- refer to itself as a scientific discipline.

1. H.D. Wolfe, "Science as a Trustworthy Tool," The Analysts lysts Journal (1st Quarter 1946):18-21, especially at p. 18 for
Journal (March 1952):45-49. quoted material.
2. Cogitator, "On Being Right in SecurityAnalysis," The Ana-

28 Financial Analysts Journal / January-February 1995

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