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live life love life..!!

take chances..!! tell d truth.. date someone totally wrong for u..!! say NO .. spend oll ur mony..!! say I LOVE U to
sumone imp life, b mean..!! make fun of urself..!! sing out loud..!! laugh at silly n stupid jokes...!!CRY ..take
REVENGE !! APOLOGISE ..!! laugh , get into fight..!! tell sumone how much dey mean to u..!! tell dat idiot how much u
miss him/her..!!ABUSE sumone who deserves it..!!sit alone..!! watch d rain..!! talk 2 animals... pose stupidly for
pictures..!! give sumone a hug wen dey need it..!! act like a kid..!! jump up n down..!! fuck people who dont care for
you , hate ppl who hate you , hurt them who have ever hurt you, learn how to kick some ones ass really hard , get
what u deserve , dont give a shit about what people talk about you, judge yourself, create your own rules, and break
them as often as you can, lie to your parents, love our friends, fuck those bitches and dogs who have been mean to
you , be rude , do as many craz things as you can , bunk classes, beg for attendance, sleep in class, get screwed in
practicals, make fun of the teachers, act dumb, get pissed drunk , smoke up, kiss someone you like , have loads of
crushes, sleep walk, dont miss any chances, be high on life.....

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