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After my meetings with both Victor Frankenstein and his creation, I have come to

the conclusion that these two beings are both very troubled and blame all of their
misery on each other. Victor blames all his tragedies on the creature due to the fact
that by creating him, he has lost all of his loved ones. The creature on the other hand
blames Victor for his misery because Victor abandoned him in a world that does not
accept him due to his appearance. While both of their stories are factually true, I
believe that they must let go of their aggression towards each other.

Victor must allow the creature to have a female companion whom he can spend the
rest of his life with. Despite their possible motives, Victor must accept the creature
as a fellow being with an equal level of intelligence allowing for his demands to be
taken seriously and should be granted. Victor must see that it is not the creature
who is the problem but himself. Due to the actions he has made, the creature has
turned out this bloodthirsty for revenge. This means that in order to solve his
problems, he must not attempt to kill the creature but to merely apologize to it was
well as to him. For only with this true apology and acceptance of the existence of the
creature can he be at pace with himself.

The creature must understand the circumstances in which mankind was placed in
for they were instinctively horrified by such an appearance at it is not the most
appealing. The creature must also understand that revenge will not solve his
problem. He must not kill others for something that has been caused by his creator.
He must not kill his creator or his family but merely just ask for an apology and
leave the human world in peace. He must realize that he may rise above these close-
minded people and live either on his own or with a wife whom Victor is obligated to

These two should apologize to each other for all the tragedies they have inflicted
upon each other creating such troubled personalities of anger and hatred. They
should give each other a big hug and just say, “I AM SORRY.”

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