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Attending to a Delivery

1. Prepares tray and position at the side of dominant hand.

2. Put on gloves.
3. Supports perineum with pads.
4. Support head during external rotation and feels for loop of cord.
5. Delivers the anterior then the posterior shoulder.
6. Delivers the body sliding hand towards the NB’s feet while
supporting head with the other hand.
7. Says, “baby out”
8. Places baby in drainage position on mother’s abdomen.
9. Clamps the cord.
10. Milks the cord towards the NB and applies another clamp
nearer the NB.
11. Cuts the cord between clamps.
12. Puts clamp proximal to NB
13. Holds on to other clamp, rolls cord over clamp and hold it
14. Waits for signs of placental separation
15. Delivers placenta into placental bowl
16. Say’s “placenta out”
17. Inspect placenta for completeness.
18. Maintain asepsis throughout the procedure.

Assisting in a Delivery

1. Notes time of patient’s entry into D.R.

2. Assists patient in a lithotomy position
3. Drapes patient with two abdominal cover’s and leggings
4. Gives perineal care
5. Coaches mother on bearing down
6. Notes time of baby’s birth
7. Covers and supports newborn on mother’s abdomen
8. Places NB in drainage position in bassinet
9. Suctions newborn
10. Places tag on NB’s left wrist
11. Keeps NB covered the whole time
12. Takes mother’s BP
13. Notes time of placental delivery
14. Injects Methergin into deltoid
15. Gives perineal care; provides pad
16. Transfers patient into stretcher.
17. Notes time patient leaves

Care of the NB after delivery

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1. Wash hands
2. Prepare instruments
3. Suction NB
4. Takes temperature rectally
5. Suction NB and spread vernix caseosa
6. Take anthropometric measurement: HC, CC, AbC, AC and length
7. Place newborn on modifies Mummy restraint
8. Milk cord from base upward
9. Wash hands
10. Alcoholize hands, discard CB
11. Repeat 11 using betadine
12. Make 2 forceps marks on cord ½ from base and ¼ inch above 1st
13. Fold cord tie into 2 mark. Cut ties leaving about ¾ inch
14. Disinfect cord with ROH, then betadine
15. Remove mummy restraint. Weigh baby
16. Put clothes on NB
17. Inject vitamin K
18. Wrap NB in blanket
19. Apply Terramycin ointment on eyes
20. Give NB to mother

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