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ÉJjÊt p+lriJt ijti..i ô,tA, àJ&U.

2008 LJljr ôjr

;r-rd,ijll , àrU

,!_yt ;+-à+ (1
I J! 1 ù. iir" ;ù-!r, +L- A3 r^j,r _
i-tr)! eL'A4 ;J-t) 1j)) _
: .^l rlujlr r' ;i:Jr ,r ('
Versjon A ,!!,)l alrj J Ve|sion A ;Jr! rtr.i *
Version B ,"L)1 dr_j J VeGion B :!,!l Jtr,i *
(QcM) !rF!l )L1 JU- 1oo (Jr, rL5Jl Lr_di (3

éLl-) ;-r, li;-r-lJ i?l_l J-j4 Jl-:'- j< (1

n{-)j ajrr rLç u ré;*ll ,r<ll J i&)rll -_-5 ir

code â Barres i,l 4 JLll
(,*!trt,lr) JJll i-i-Jr û u-.:ll rKrr J !^itrj r)U.LL!t ij-)Ur .._j (2

.a,l> jj :irJ é1, e\.)\!l

a,..*-,lr er,L-)r. çLlr é1-:]r J Jii-Lr J (x) a,)!ç
ô,J, (.r
r,.t- ,ry: ;r_,!r yî rylr (BtC) .;L!l inl J..aj (5
.\_J.*,ll l-r.J (BLANCO)
s,Ur Jrér lJ, (6
.,"r,)t ôrJ rt lj
.ilj-lr JIJJiJ À1,!r ôj. (3
f ,-

,oao. o" n*1rD c 0.. oR o Àq' G''r,{ sÊNcaTr FÀrr sr\.LN.r ,o, ÀeÈ .o c oo)L
f. " '""rr,
0'0 F orr...s,Éàn rad rr. aoe r.orhe.naq 1!h Fd'oooêd
| '
'= B oo' co"ô 'oreroo,.oro,
I u5ï--
- dei r - è'ar-ê
I "e.o r " rhpj !!!j!
È" c oo* D."-.
aJ0-ùt.r r,(do-qa> r ..i.-eèib{o-esro4
B cio -'o' D ô-.e."o
I ol"'.0 p.olr- t..seq...mâ.a F oêv"ropeo (0, 1 e,,s 141!j-.r"oe rh.,4r,ze* ,o ..
I ^.. '"" B. o.--o c a.^ D .,e
D d."n;n ùê\o,o e,"1Âù-!t!fôæù. eloy_ . s
B ôÀôr.d 0...,_
16 %opb 'orm', rà.e('edo
a dôLbr€ B second Tc ro"r". h ^*
)7 Màiy youno womên rrom ooor.ounûEs
. b! bemq ro d thev fl I be d
- v.n
wà ke$es ry![û counr;ies tn rêlttv lrren ocled iiro fôred orô+r hon
A.expoired B used

l:g":ltr s. indepéndênr c D
l9.Tl!! ladâ san

!101m haviôo such a qoôdtmâ 've ooneto pâd es tor

lll so whâtdo
c. D.

lz,Hewon ... !Ie-g!E! qompèritoE scorcs sere mûch owé,.

H. d., .q, C , ,o" o.or D
'1.-hfleÉar a ÈÈa;a;.. .. orneer re. àrorohe, r!o-eno-sriies
a. dinê,ênrarq md,ffrûæ c. a,n",",t,a l-o orr.-"
- . -- o!!!!gi
,llq. Laptalr Hc9!
B. C. lamôus D popùâr

qq. !!j! ! L",Lsq"S

d I sdilfictrrlobreakthêm

qq4. 4 !Ia!!( yer! l,etê thelholghtlhat ..r.......

B. .rbstrôphÊ C D.

rjh;"lh,"p;i Ê reetotaler c. drunka'd 0.


Q41 Atholqh wewérè poor.we*rê neverin

A. wanl Ê poverty

Q42 Edusl on É hiohly

c D

q43. Peôplê cân hùÉrônê ânôthe/s

A lryng B c D.

Q44. uôspitally s a . ... naturetôlheserijêqOlY vilâqe6. rhèvâlwzvstr*tthekques!! YqL

B urây
o4!jir!s494 i' sqt!ry !! plorl! !!e
B u


J B t.*-


c. D

q!!!rhè oort

I vorâ.ous
Q!?=E!!ry pupi hasrodôthe, .... fwe wantthèfunfairto beâ success
A duty B. bt C. conr.bùr on D rô Ê

Os3 l!!! !!ldrorut r whèEtlt!!9lrs

À.tu g beonged C. D

g!4]!-p!!!! lcYe ! !!!:= '.

A assstâncê B. oroqress D.

q!!rhe mdaser. ... ùs tharrhere hàd béên !doetprôbrên! inlhê.ômp:ny.

Q56. .. .. someoiêes,.

Q57. Thequenswônled somélêâ

053, Thê rêam lrave won


gsq q!ll1r!sa!!L-- . peop esw msoofien inrhêssa.

L do eee ,ô. C ..,,-.

oj!-l m 9!l!! l!l!r -abourà.h æoræ
À.,. o, O, r' 8. 1,,1oD,. 1 C..,
o6l:l&tlânièd qttEht and w€ déôided . .... .tolhèhole msnasù
A .o pr.
rctegilo !i9ln!e44
Ieilet EIg !Jêt{f!3E ?Sô

u* 9o, o_ieà,or or rrrohd o, ô1 h6e s.erl{s

^ ^^, -,,o*,* c.
: '-*' AIr rhehosr
I- r r,r lô_.e Ëu9,r-:r) sor.
B ."e o, c ôor ,o. I
l!! tD!.tqcitilr a__.. to rle
. âtr
lrqui4q _e
",* _ ]e *r D
: a hèsitalès i3 !$1,

l llslq tqu!!9: !l !&

-- '.=.!! !tL!po,1.

. - te!lcv+!qc!lL{!1!aEa!4osæ 6 àn.
uv,ns a ser na i-"-
-r f:l 1 c. aouehr D AUY
Ielsiiq ......
!!9!!!4!!!!!]!!!!!!! lo
!s!tci! d!9! .. ...
:.niH:ili,si. i. p99Lç c he pubrr. ûosr
iil,:":l,ix,: D
: ou d]nq r beall/fû bùrd,ng
r!!!!q!.1--...!&l!!ef prinler
ilrd use A. cah ùse
!!l!grj!l!! .9!!s
I1ô,:1"' ",,""."{9,.L:ll: D.

t"tl C, s
rtqçi..- .- - i0
r -qn tlls,E !a!e tS !!c9!ll\r! ry
jjl,""t, ic.nùd'
e. e,*..*r lc.
jô *h.r do tlqdo

q6?& ws!.= . roE

- D
6ql&4 aj!!. .'s' tân ànd womên ln sonê induniGa

c. dnereda l;.
g!4 ll!t! !r cr!aù:, . .

' had beè! rô ove, 40 counr êsrhÈ v!!i:

A unb€idiigy B be€ved Cibere%be D

Q66. 1 @ rhmiddte ot lhe nisht d rhqe pæ a .. s teice nrheod hôusê

-..!!!!!t!1!!û c.

a côùmun.alna C..ommun.âbê
school But oulslds schoô , he shows hs rrué ... ... whenheusesfoul

B ôo ". C .û", D. .o

qqq!e!! pM. 9i!ry!!s !! !t4ls q! !!ett!E ?!9

À a mode B. a piclure

070 Àoô. o iso .ftÀ,r orr

!1 j".ry ' ra*,
c câ

il! :!rre!!!l!!!l!jq:
Q71lsôpponênlswérêno. __ror!jL
a ôro",,o r 1:* c ..1 o
q4.!scpqç49 edq ? !i!!-
A -" A, stândard

473 some hsh

!!!9!91! rqu :!!!qz nes âre very werrpâ d

074.1!81!9! fq!y! !!ts

Q75. te givên ô wêêk3 afterlrredeadtne io pâyyôùrtine

Ê ":T1 ":.:"r c. -*" r s*

!!!:Jhe q!lrv!$o ehbarassed thal shê lu êd âç#d æ!-.!: ... ,- _
lroliday you dn male
Q78. lts a itlleteracêdhouse 44LsonorrervôLdfalhoned bul ..... creânardverycosy

Q79. allthé confus oô wêdidn'rre lthen

qlljlqlqss twàs ..
erp âineddudnsrhè mêèr nqthât
ngtlrè mêèt
T-^^:* otwhatshoudhave
Q82 He.... ....
q!3,l!!!9!. donqthât.

B D.

cl!9. rhqja! q!1!he ofAâska was cove.êd n sn.w

B. lrâ f C. any o

. pageto find outwhat s n thê book.

C .ourdnl vou

moBol . .. ...lhanahêlp
f " '..*."
Q90. the d verhad his cmwndow... bythe lhielwho qiolêhis be ôngiôss

Q91. c à6k irv know,.-

j-r-' . r""' il."t'"rr".
Q92. Havêyôùseeimwâr.h....- .. . tnthe
o. wnereuer l

: ? !!4!!9!!!lhe/6 reerinG qi!!4!-... .. ..... to

Q77 ry
' c *ron*
Q78 l\a itlletemced housè.And soarôlvéry old
r-r"r*.r, fe ""',t
o7s al the coifus on we didn tte ltbem unti rhe nert monln
À. Becâuse of B. Dùeof

Q30 f lhey'd ... ...... himmorctime

B givLng

Q81 Theboss èrpLâ nèd dmiiqlhe leetinq thatitwês of whâtshould have Dioiry

032 Ne ... .... -.

B. repled

084 H€s
E. $ Sod
ôfAlaska was coveEd n snow
. rra I C. any

Q86 -oor al(Fe _ paercrmo-l dFrhe ot

B..ôrr" . C ô"t D

llr !!!!!l!!y qL !!m er

Thepzas rt9!&qEd Actùa Y it's

A. qu(e
-i...^ good Ê loogood ic notqo.d
q89 'â'iào EÊ oe sro eo l!.a"eL
fn-r"a**" B æs sraT: Lc
4 flbnainh€nr

Qso Thè d vfl had h s ca, wi!!bL, .:!v !Lql!q!y!!9!qq.hÈ belomhqs

A. smashed

d !ân
Q91 Cân lask
L49x trvoù know
ilyoù mo! ......
a l!!:IiL B :l!!
Q92 Hâve yo! sèèn mvwâtôh . . nlhê house? lqanttjnd (
la. "^v*n*. B. nowrrere lj jïl*"a
comsê30thal hecoutdspeâkthe ânquàqê

gqrL!:si2pm. rt's.......... ro,aboyoryoura

til" h.,, r""
Q95, BÊzi isrhe...... ......orcdu.Erotcoffee

E!! q! !! 9rqc!!!
r i

9i I!!9i!t!! !! d&r1

q98. She... ... .....h$husbàndfôrbenarudelothesateshân

eqr. !!!!rrr!f4!!! . lo bèrieye rhar rhe abominabre snowmân etisis

unreâsonâbe D. crumsy
Ql00.Thls srrctch ofrhe ivêr is


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