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mz FIRST CONGRESS. Smis. 1. Oi 18,19. 1789, Contsmnsee Sue. 7, And be it further enacted, That this act shell continue in iadiseie force until the fourth’ day of March, in the year one thousand seven Inndred and ninety-sis, and no longer. “Arenoven, September 22, 1789, Guar, XV mtn fr alesing ertin Compton fe ue f the Wane and ote Cake ond io etary Gecealef he Carcass fay Szortow lL. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives Suteson of of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall cae, Be alowed tote judges of the Supreme tnd other cots efthe United jetces 28° States, the yearly compensations herein after mentioned, to wit: to the ani dauict” Chief Tustice four thousand dollars; (o each of the justices of the Supreme Jodges. ‘Court three thousand five hundred dollars; to the judge of the district of Majne one thousand dollars; to the judge of the district of New Hampshire, one thousand dollars; to the judge of the district of Massx- chusetts twelve hundred dollars; to the judge of the district of Connec- ticat one thousand dollars; to the judgo of the district of New York fiteen hundred dollars; to the judge of the district of New Jersey one thousand dollars; to the judge of the district of Pennsylvania sixteen handed dallas: ote jtdge ofthe disc: af Delve ight hundred dollars; to the judge of the district of Maryland fiteen hundred dollars; ite jedge ofthat of Vago ogee noel dol oe judge of the district of Kentucky one thousand dollars; to the judge af the dictriet of South Carolina eighteen hundred doliats; tothe judge of the district of Georgia fiteen hundred dollars; and to the -Attomey Commence. General of the United States fifteen hundred dollars; which compensa mSg2Nt: tions stall commence fom their respective appointients, and by pad Tox posable; af the treasury of the United States in quarterly payments, Avrnoven, Seplember 23, 1789. Searore 1 Sep 24,3760, Omar, XIX.—tn te! for allowing a Compensation to ihe President and Five aeeeaecaae | Ppa if te Cited Sater Spero 1, Beit enacted by the Senate ond House of Representatives Presidentand of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be allowed to the President of the United States, atthe rate of twenty- five thousand dollars, with the uso of the furniture, and other effects, now in his possession, belonging to the United States; and to the Vieo President, atthe rate’ of fire thousand dollars per annum, in fell com. pensation for their respective services, to commence with the time of their entering on the duties of their ofices respectively, and to continue 0 long as they shail remain in office, and to be paid ‘quarterly out of the treasury of the United States “Avrnoren, September 24, 1789. (By 10 ct puased Pehreary 20,1618, chop. £7, the annwal salary of the Chief Swaies ofthe Usited sustes was Pred a1 Gvo thountnd dolas, end the susties of the Justices of the Court at fout ound Bee pondrel dollars. “The acts taltive ia the compenesiion of the Attorney General of the Waited States aubsecuent to tho tact af September 28, 1780, have boon: Act of Marah 2y 707, chap, 3 act of Neayeh 2, 1709, ahup. 383 Set of Snbreary 20, 1804, ohep 12. By the get af February 40, 1819, chap. 1) the talary of te -Attore fey Genel rte Gted a¢Unes Uuernd fie hradeen dllact pet annvine iy the Th section of the et ‘SF atny 58,1890, ebpp. 198, a0 nidtion of Bye tundra’ dollaly peranonin Was nade to the alary of tbe eornoy General. Tn Ge general appropriation set of March 3, 1681, chap. 16, Ui sam of one oman Sve undred dollars wae sppropraal se Sompaneation of Diovan moeronpor ia the oma of ye Ato ney General. Authority so eppoiet s meszengor was given tothe ALlormey General by the act of Angst 236, 1882, cop. S12 FIRST CONGRESS. Sus. L On. 20. 1789; 3 Searors J. ‘Guar, KXi—vn fet lo cslabish the Fudieial Courts of fle United States.(@) Sopa. 24, 178 Ssortox 1. Be it enacted hy the State and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the supreme, Swprene coset court of the United States shell consist of a chief justice and five asso. [p, const of & ciate justices,(b) any four of whom shell be a quorura, and shall hold annually at the seat of government two acssions, the one commencing te. the first Monday of February, and tho other the frst Monday of August. 2", "That the associate justices shall hase precedence according to the date “Preedieace of their commissions, or when the commissions of two or more of them bear date on the same day, according to their respective ages. See. 2. And be it further enacted, That the United States shall be, | Thinecx di and they hereby ate divided into thirteen districts, to be limited end galled as follows, to wit: one to consist of that part of the State of Massochiusetts which lies easterly of the State of New Hampshire, and tobe called Maine District; one to consist of the State of New Hamp. Meive. shire, and to be ealled New Hampshire District;(¢) one to consist of N. Hampshire, the remaining part of the State of Massechusetts, and to he called Mag Masacbusedts, sichasetts district; one to consist of the Stato of Connecticut, end 18 be called Connecticut District; one to consist ofthe State of New York, and to be ealted New York District; one to consist of the State of New Jersey, and to be called New Jersey District; one to consist of the State of Pennsylvania, and to be called Pennsylvania. District; one to consist of the State of Delaware, and to be called Delaware District; ‘one to consist of the State of Maryland, and to be called Maryland Dis- ttict; one to consist of the State of Virginia, except that part called the District of Kentucky, and to be called Virginia Distriet; one to consist of the remeining part of the State of Virginia, and to be called Ken tucky District; one to consist of the State of South Carolina, and to be called South Carolina District; and one to consist of the Stato of Soeth Carolina. Georgia, and to be ealled Georgia District, Gee Sce. B. And be it further enacted, "That there be a court called a Aeistictoout District Gourt, in each of the afore mentioned districts, to consist of sa each district, fone judge, who shall reside in the district for which he is appointed, and shail be called a District Judge, and shall hold annually foor (eh 3 srg of the Consion of th Uated Stes enghes the Jada dearemsat ovata josindcton to Une fol extent of the constitution, jaws afd estes ofthe Unllod Stee, when eny ques. {Loa respecting them sel este sock aforq tat tho edteal power ie eapeble of acing ont) hat omer capable of acting only wheve the eupjoct ix adbomited vo f bya parry who aeeefia his right ie form preseated by lew. Ie then Becomes’ e3re,” Oshora ota. o, The Bank of the Umitad Sate, 9 wheet 1583 5 Cone Hep, THe (By the aes of Apel 29, 1502, chap. 31, the Supreme Court was decared to consist of u Chief Jor. tise] six eeuoclase Justia, and by fie act of March 3, TE, chap. 24, it was mado to cont oF & Gia Sue a pe smaie Tats f eccot entra nae By the act of april 29, 18S, cinp. 31 the provision of the act of Saptecbr 24, 1789, equiing tro anil segtocs of tne Supreme Cou, vas nepedied, ad to aa seelon of tha ant equate ake orate Jastce of the fourth circuit should tend at Washington onthe frat aendsy of Roget anna Liptto mate al necersary ror and orders, touching wuiteo setone depending ik the coure: his = nilon was rapenld by he Teh section "ihe set af ebranry 95,1599, chap 30. irae ny need MG) 8b Shap the cotton fhe Soprenis EX were dirsted te ome sneses onthe second Monday inJanuiry soevaliy, sited of the fret Monday in Febsvorgy to Oy a EXpuwed Jine ff, 1544, sessions oF the Supreme Coust were Crested to commence 00 the Best MMohday in December antealle 9 The jredicton ned powers of the Distct Courts have been declared and established bythe fl dowing eit of Gongrsns Ace of Sipenber Bi 76By act of Seed Tat, eu By ac oF Say 10, 100, wor af December ty i8is; act of Apri 18, 1810} ect af April 9), 1185 aot of Misy 18, 19207" acx of Biareh 3.1103. "The Gece of the Courts of the Uoited Sates onthe ‘The, Thomas Seflerson, 10 Wheat. 28; 6 Cand. Nep, 178. MeDoaough «. Danerr, § Dell. 185: 1 Cond. Rep. Bt United tases we Vengeiee, 3 Dell 207; 1 Conds Rep. 132, Clase etal. o. Fhe Bietey, Dall 61 1 Cond, Rep 10. ‘Tha Alena'v. Bie Mors, 9 Crunch, 889; 3 Cond. Rep. 313. The ‘Marine ot ak, 9 ivhent, 200 8 Cond. Rep. 683, "Phe Jonch Feqande, i@ Wheat, 41358 Cond, Rep, Mite “Whe Gollan Calls €.C7R, 18. The Sonor Fulton, Fate's €, ©, Re G90, Janaen Te row Chrniaaa Mtdatent, Bee'sD.C.R. U1. Tenaiogem Catwn. 4 Granch, 47 2 Coad. Rem 2." Tho Sarahg# Wheat, 9915-5 Coad: hep 413.” Peahallow et ak w,Doase's Adm'rs, 4Dall 4; 1 Cond, Rep. Sr phe need Staion s Riehoed Petes, 3 Dale 121; (Cond. Reps 6G. At-Lelen 2 the Catted Sates, Vor. E10 « jodition of the Distelct Courts have been + Th FIRST CONGRESS. Spai. 1, Cx. 20. 1769, ‘Four sessions sessions, the first of which to commence as follows, to wit: in the die Gaaly 1 * tricts of New York and of New Jersey on the dirst, im the district of ‘SHontaiat" Pennsylvania on the second, in'the district of Connecticut go the third, and in the district of Delaware on the fourth, ‘Tuesdays of November next; in the districts of Massachusetts, of Maine, and of Maryland, on the first, inthe district of Georgia on the second, and in the districts of ‘New Hampshire, of Virginia, and of Kentucky, on the third Tuesdays of December next ; and the other three sessions progressively in the re spective districts on the like Tuesdays of every third calendar month afterwards, and in the district of South Carolia, on the third Monday in Mareh and September, the first Monday in Toly, aud the second ‘Monday in December of éach and every year, commencing in Decem- Specaldiotict ber next; and that the District Judge shall have power to hold special oa ajonin SOUP AUIS discretion, That the stated District Court shall be held at come SAS the places fllowing, to wit: in the district of Maine, at Portland and ister, Pownalsborough aliernately, beginning at the first; in the district of ‘New Hampshire, ot Exeter and Portsmovth alternately, beginning sl the first; in the district of Massachusetts, at Boston and Salem alternately, beginning at the first; in the district of Connecticut, alternately at Hart ford and New Haven, beginning at the fiat; in the district of New York, at NewYork; in the district of New Jersey, alternately at New Brunswick and Burlington, beginning at the first; in the district of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia and York Town alternately, beginning at the first; in the district of Delaware, alternately at Newcastle and Dover, beginning at the fet. in the ditt of Maryland, alternately at Ratuore and Bas tom, beginning at the first; in the district of Virginia, alternately at Richmond and Williameburgh, beginning atthe first; in’ the district of Kentucky, at Hatrodsbargh; in tho distriet of South Carolina, at Charlee- ton; and ‘in the district of Georgia, alternately at Savannah and Ac. fpeclalcourts, gusta, beginning et the first; and that the special. courts shall be held ‘where held." at the same place in each district as the stated courts, or in districts that havé two, at either of them, in the diseretion of the judge, or at ich other plice. in the district, as the nature of the business and his iseretion shall direct. And that in the districts that have but one place for holding the Distriet Court; the records thereof shall be kept at that place ; and in districts that have two, at that place imeach district which the judge.shall appoint. Threechosity, — Buc. 4. And be it further enacted, That the before mentioned dis- sy bow dit! triets, except those of Maine and Kentucky, shall be divided into three Dteoete] citouits, and be called the eastern, the middle, and i cuit. ‘That the eastern cirouit shall consist of the districts of New Hoampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York; that the mid. Ale cirouit ‘shall consist of the districts of New deksey, Penusylvar Delaware, Maryland and Vir ica ‘consist of the districts of South Carolina and Georgia, and that there shall be held annually in each district of said circuits, to.courts, which shall be called Circait Courts, and shall consist of aay two justices of ‘374 Brown ©, The Tal {ed Sites, 8 Graneh, 11053 Cond sp. 08. Be Lovo 2; Bo et sh : tr sible Niger, Whoa. 4h 4 Cond, Roy Sah Athy heat, 360. “he Lite’ Ani, Paine’s GC. R-40,” Slocum e. Muybocry ot ely 8 Whedh, 13 “Cond, Rep. 1. Scatck The Posmay Geng 2 Pei a8 Divia'e A Ney. ine D.C. Smith v, The Pekin, Gilpia's D.C. R. 903, Peter Digest, ““Couids,"* « Hhivritt Courts of the Val Wherorocorde kept T Gallia, C.C, 1. 227, “aHadvon otal.c. Gucci, 6 ranch, 281; 9 Gond Sten : : The 8 action ofthe et of Congroee AF 1739, 0 oablish the Toda. Courts of jhe Voi States, ‘whlen proviten thee na punuliey wat, mtora of proces. jedgxcent. o.other erooeedngy ta the court, Bese at ute abe eOuad seca teagan tas ot mane of WPS ee enc fete et ace ere, co natn btn ced yt ergs Sfp ee ; Daur a asc cog aenseiable Mop tote ee ro th donot tna down tao eee oust, Htulingy, Te'Peters, 319, : ° es FIRST CONGRESS. Srsa. I. Ca.20, 1780, 1 the Supreme Court, and the district judge of such distriots, any tro of whom shall coustitutea quorum : Provided, That no district judge shall give a vote in any case of appeal or error from his own detision; but ‘ay assign the reasons of such his decision, Sec. &. And be it further enacted, ‘lat the frst session of the suid Fint sesion irouit court in the séveral districts shall commence at the times follow- of the ctxt ing, to wit: in New Jersey on the second, in New York on the fourth, Bolden! in Penasylvania on the eleventh, in Connecticut on the twenty-second, {Obata} and in Delaware un the twenty-seventli, days of April next; in Massa: chasetts on the third, in Maryland on the seventh, in South Carolina on ‘the twelfth, in New’ Hampshire on the twentieth, in Virginia om the ‘twenty-scoond, and in Georgia on the twenty-cighth, days of May next, mud the subsequent sessions in the respective districts on the like days ‘of every sixth calendar month’ afterwards, except in South Carblina, ‘whero the session of the said court shall commence on the frst, and in Georgia where it shall commence on the seventeenth day of October, snd except when any of those days shall happen on a Sunday, and then the session hall commence on the next day following. And the sest Wherehildea, sions of the said circuit coort shall be held in the district of New Hamp- shiro, at Bortsmouth and Exeter alternately, beginning at the first; in the district of Massachusetts, at Boston; in the district of Connecticut, alternately at Hartford and New Haven, beginning at the last; in the district of New York, alternately at New York and Albany, beginning at the first; in the district of New Jersey, at Trenton ; in the district, of Pennsylvania, alternately at Philadelphia and Yorktown, beginni St the ist; in the district of Delaware, alternately at New Casile and Dover, beginning at the first; in the district of Maryland, t Annapolis and Easton, beginning at the first; in the district of Virginia, ‘alternately at Charlottesville and Williamsborgh, beginning at the first; in the district of South Carolina, altérately at Columbia and Charles: tom, beginning-at the first; and in the district of Georgia, alternately at Savannah and Augusta, beginning at the frst, And thecireuit courtsshall _, Ceutcoons, Fhave power to hold special sessions for the trial of criminal causes at any Speci! = ‘other time at theirdiseretion, or at tho diseretion ofthe Supreme Court (a) {GT coun of the Oeuit Goats have been vogue by th fillowig eons Ta Anaanwa mast States 4 1858 Wo Axcunanacact af Mares 8 Sh ta Coumnomiea eo of September 2a 7ESs Skcot Apa fy fn9by acto March, 1799 se’ rch 8 ST? ne oP Ron O%GDEY oat bay #8 TSP" a cawateut of Seplomber 4° F7e0y ef Meh 3, 1067, ac at apht 99 300 Seo arc 4; HOU cor March SeA037, i Guambine-at of Septaer ba tg fet at aud 11, 1790; act of Apeil 13, 1792; act of March 3, 1797; act ‘of Apri ‘29, 1802; dot of May 13, 1826; Mar Suk B88 Mestrond ator March, 101; Sova Mares 8 1604 scot meee Fane Sekoerebrzt sort j stot Munch ae, 1008) Apr, 1a" Lootmasaet of Mach 9 TMLee oct of Mareh 2, 1801; act of Match 8. 19087 sctof March 30, 1880, Maartay Set of Sept Sh, 0 aot of Math, 10675 nt of Apri 0087 acto Pen), 1880; act of March as Mee Seubtre ant spent teat aah 784 suet fna 14; ct ofr tack SSSRRD ttre acl of Mash 3, Weoky achat luk 8:00 nc oF Apt S130 ac or iar Seta Morita of Marek 3.185 uate of Marek 6, New tasrantarset SPoupe tia ea of Musee 3 aly Seve RUE, OSs neat alaeh2, 1; actor Mea oe Have? gs of atch 3 tty ed ot pd 9515087 eta Marc 6 1a1E Wor Fane of Rat tembor'a4, 1780; wet of Match 8, 1797 sot of Apel 3, 1802. New Yous—aot of Septombor 24,1739; Weer atteh 3) 01s Pact oe her oy 188" ve beeen 11097 ache Maen PT ae aha BB Yao SA Se Wain Hab Ped Pally Yor nesty tof hay a, MOOS coe aah fe Ree Cansustarct ef Spiember ot; 1708) acta Apel 1 095; at of He Br hat Beek Si aor fags that sc say Paty et of ps So 1808) kot oF Mah HOU? act'ot Febrany 4, TIT" Snsnedet ot Pebry 2 (507s acta? Marek 30, TAOEY Sec of hoe 25,350 aot oF BEY #0, TBE6, Pevrevvame al of Segoe 3,184 ect oF Mas, SSL acl of March 3, 1797] ae! of December 24,1989; get of Apri 39, 1802, nat of Marsh #1691, "Revons Heayowictof Sune 3510005 0c of March 9 201; ae8 SF Mach 3, 17; nee oP My 32 roby ee aE Margy 3, Fe at Marek 9, EOL ae it Rig 8, 1608s te of Apel 1608, ck oF March 35, 182. Seer Cenoumna™nae of Sagember B17 net Of hogs Tl, TO, act af Rageh 3 bts ct of Apt 2, 1802; at of Apa, TBI6y act ot Bln 94 884, ace ah Naw 3 4885p act (of May 4, 1896) act of Februsry 6, 1839,."Trenansee—act of February 24, 1807; act of Moreh 23, 08, set of Meek oy taby ae ot emma ae Bale Venema oar 1s aot af March inbox of May 24,1106) sf Mah 97 1707 set of Apel 9 1600 nal of Merck 2318. ‘Vinarnia—act of Sentemher 24, 1789; act of March 3, 1791; act st Apa 13, 17985 act of March 3, Tait ee of Ape 39,190; at of March, 1907” Seo the Gene Ke % FIRST CONGRESS. Srss. 1. Cn. 20: 1760 Sepremeccert Sno. 6. And be it further enacted, ‘That the Supreme Court may, by fourned by fe siemsed 2) any one or more ofits justices being present, be adjourned from day to.dn FLEES until'a quorum be convened; and that a cuit court may sao be ad- guts 'edjoura- journod from day to day by any one of its judges, or if none are pre- ian ‘sent, by the marshal of the district until a quorum be convened :(a) and that a district court, in case of the inability of the judge to attend at the commencement of @ session, may by virtue of a written order from the istrict coura_ said judge, directed to the marshal of the district, be adjourned by the sdjoamed. "said marshal to such day, antecedent to the next stated session of the court, as in the said order shall be appointed; and in ease of the ath of the said judge, and his vacancy not being supplied, all process, pleadings and proceedings of what nature soever, pending belore the said court, shall be continued of course until the: next stated session afler the appointment and acceptance of the office by his succeseor. ‘The cours See. 7, Andbeit further) enacted, Thatthe Supreme Court, and the fare power £0 district courts shall have power to appoint clerks for their respectire sppestcletks. couris,(é) and that the clerk for each district court shall be clerk also of the circuit court in such district, and each of the sxid clerks shal, before he enters. upon the eteention of his office, take the following oath or affirmation, to wit: “I, A."B,, being appointed clerk of ‘i do solemnly swear, of afirm, that T will taly and faithfolly enter and record all the order, decree judgments and proceedings of the said court, and that I will fatbfolly and impartially discharge and all the duties of ty said offco, according to the best of my abil understanding. So help me God.” Which words, so help me God, shall be omitted in all cases where an afirmation is admitted instead of fan oath, And the said clerks shall also severally give bond, with sufi- cient sureties (to be approved of by the Supreme and district courts re- spectively) to’ the United States, in the sum of two thousand dollats, faithfully to discharge the daties of his ofice, and seasonably to record the decrees, judgments and determinations of the court of which he is clerk. See, 8 And be it further enacted, Tet the justices of the Supreme Court, and the distriat judges, before they proceed to execute the dutios of their respective offices, shall take the following oath or affirmation, 10 wit “1 4B. do solemnly swear or afizm tat will administer ju tice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the et rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me as . zovording to the best of m abilities and understanding, agroosbly to the constitution and laws o the United States. So help me God.” Disrctcourta Sno. 9. And be it further enacted, That the district courts(c) shall ERE” E" have, exclusively of ihe courts of the several States, cognizance of all, crimes and offences that shall be cognizable under the authority of the United Staies, committed within their respective districts, or upon the By the aot of Marah 10,1 atthe Buprene Court in rojicedt aitnd Wat one cat tn the dsets of folane! inci, ant Michiges. [By ca nct passed in 1844, the deste of the Sapromo Court ere cmpowered te bold but one session of the Circuit Court in each ict in thes eoveral ee Judgon of the Distict Courts hola the ‘Bon provisns of tho edlouramete of tho Supreme Cour io eition th Sr st ls Se etc me en ti a far si gecesi se eg ily tata ae ae de oie Sia tm te ose tenant he PP SS Se Ser i enhaed imate reverting eel ino i Vnted Sen teh Perse 8, Sh cho Sita pvtad ie ae cae Soe Uta a sen spe: sta ala ark Rl Se ficagieasent eee eves appar cal bean 9 een eo econ SONS pe ensa ican, Rent ig Habe otenon ho ett of ton and pw oh ition ee: tn dee ea eee eee ee et a eae ae 1a; ct of Pebrunty Sb, 1507; ely 165 sel of Bares 8 1815} soi of Apel 16, 1818, abate Sd TNE Bis, SF EI hea a ee GS fart

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