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What gender are you?

Male Female

What is your favourite genre of music? (Please tick more than one box if necessary)

Pop Rock R&B Hip-Hop Indie

3. Please list some of your favourite music artists in the box provided below .

4. Please look at this list of features we would like to use in our new music magazine and write the numbers of the
features you would be interested in seeing in the box provided below.

1. A front covers featuring a reader of the music magazine who would like to make it into the music
2. Top chart of U.K artists
3. Gig and Album reviews
4. Advice on how to get into the music business
5. World exclusive interviews with big acts
6. Style advice and features including style steals of celebrities
7. Other entertainment sections

5. What forms of music channels, websites or magazines, do you use to see the latest music?

6. What would you like to see in a music magazine?

8. What price would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? (Please circle your choice)/
 £1.50 , £2.00, £2.65, £3.20, £4.80, £5.00

9. Why do you listen to music and what does it mean to you?

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