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A command is the name of a special program that makes your computer carry out a

task.Its a command processor which works as an interface between you, the user and
DOS.It basically interprets what you have typed at the DOS prompt.

There are two types of command, internal and external commands which are both
executed from the MS-DOS prompt.

INTERNAL COMMAND is the memory resident command.They are resident in the

memory when the is loaded in the boot up process which loads into
memory when the computer system is started and do not reside on disk.It is built into
the operating system as part of a file called you type an internal
command,MS-DOS performs it immediately which means that they are loaded into
memory whenever youswitch on the computer.

Example of this command are assoc, atmadm, mkdir(md), for,more,goto, if,

break, loadhigh(lh), lock, call, cls, exit, set, unlock, verify, vol, ctty, setlocal,
ver, pushd, erase(del), shift, chdir(cd), type, date, start, path, color, dir,
switches, pause, drivparm, time, echo, rename(ren), popd, copy, prompt,

EXTERNAL COMMANDS are utilities or programs that do not reside on

disk.These commands are files so they are not built into the operating
system.These are files with extension .com or .exe programs located on your
hard drive and normally placed under the default directory.They are commonly
external either because they require large requirements and are not commonly
used commands.MS-DOS will load external commands if and only if you
construct to execute them at the DOS prompt and in a batch program.

Ezample of this command are append.exe, chkdsk.exe,,

comp.exe, debug.exe,,,,,,, edlin.exe, emm386.exe, attrib.exe,
exe2bin.exe, expand.exe, fastopen .exe, fc.exe, fdisk.exe,,
backup.exe,,, help.exe, join.exe and
many more.

Microsoft windows components

Control Panel

Control panel- ALL

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