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-Why do you come here?

-We just come here for tourism.

-Okay. Your passport, please.


-Do you travel alone or you have someone waiting there in the airport?

-We are traveling alone.

-That's good…All right. Have a nice travell.

-Thanks, bye!

-Hi! What do you want ?

-Is the bus / train passe for ...(el nom de la ciutat) ?

- Yes, it’s the fourth stop.

-Oh, thank you.


-Another thing, please.


- Is the stop near the street ...(el nom del carrer) ?

- I don’t know. A moment that I ask someone.

(The woman asks a man with face to know the place.)

-Yes, boy. When you will in the station you will find a map where you can see how
to do for go to your destination.

-Thank you, again.

-Hello. I want a kilo of potatoes?

-How much is a kilo of bananas?

-I want some chocolate, please.

-2 kilos of apples, please.

-I want four fisheries.

-I want a large saucepan.

-Bon dia, em podria explicar on és aquest carrer?
Hello, you could explain me where is this street?

-On esta el Carrefur més proper?

-Where is the nearest Carrefour?

-Com podria arribar més depresa allà?

How could go more fast to there?

-Quant costa un tiquet de metro?

-How much cost a subway ticket?

Quan costa un viatge de ... a ... ?

-How much cost travel ... to?
 Quin creus que es l'estat econòmic del país?
What do you think is the economic country's situation?

 Sincerament per a tu, creus que el tarannà del país es el adequat ?

Honestly for you, do you think that the mood of the country is right?

 Podries explicar-nos quins son els principals problemes aquí?

Could you tell us what are the main problems here?

 Quin es el menjar típic?

What is the typical dish here?

 Hem podries dir un parc natural famós, per anar a visitar.

You could say a famous park to visit.

 Que hem recomanaries per anar veure al teatre o al cinema?

What you recommend us for see at the theater or cinema?

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