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Sample of a Vignette

The Great Wall of China is known as one of the 7 Wonders of the world. It is sometimes used as
settings in certain movies, and it’s the first thing people say when asked about China. On GAP, I
visited this wonder, and there’s no surprise why people love it so much. The trip across the wall is
extremely tiring, but the view of the mountains (such as the picture above) and the cold, refreshing
wind makes up for it completely. We spent about 1 and a half hours hiking through the wall,
mesmerized at its length and its structure, and from time to time we were allowed to have breaks,
simply staring at the view of the hills that surrounded us. Despite the fact that there was what
seemed like incessant and endless amount of stairs and slopes, it was worth it, as each tower we
entered seemed like a huge achievement for each and every one of us. Not only were we perplexed
by the amount of stairs that were ahead of us, but we also became appreciative, and we felt empathy
to those who built the Great Wall. Considering how the length of the wall is the width of the United
States of America, we were amazed and we wondered how much effort and how many hundreds of
years were put into building the wall. We took the view of the wall and we put it into our perspective;
the wall not only is a world wonder, but it is a representation of China; it represents the passion and
the effort the Chinese put into what they have planned. It represents their pride and the fact that this
building will always be in their history and people’s minds forever. We went to visit the wall mainly to
explore, but we came back knowing that we, too, will have the memory of the wall in our minds

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