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USE OF ALOE IN TREATING LEG ULCERS AND DERMATOSES (1973) By Dr. M. El Zawahry, M.D., Professor of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt Dr. M. Rashad Hegazy, M.D., H ead, Pharmacology Department, Nile Company for Pharmaceuticals, Cairo, Egypt Dr. M, Helal, B.Ph., Ph, Ch., Head, Phytochemistry Department, Nile Company for Pharmaceuticals, Cairo, Egypt Published in International Journal of ‘The use of aloe species for healing by man dates back to thousands of years be- fore the Christian age, Aloe vers, known by the ancient Egyptians, was described in the Ehers papyrus. Drawings of the plant found on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples show that its pulp was used ex: ternally for treatinent of burns, ulcers and parasitic infections of the skin. Hippocrates described aloe vera and its medicinal uses." Aloe has been used by the Arabs many centuries for the treatment of wounds It was a popular remedy for various diseases in China several thousands ‘of years ago, [tis reported that Alexander the Great used aloe gel extensively.* [A species of aloe was referred to in the Bible (John 19:39). Many species of aloe are currently recognized in various pharma copoeias, namely loe peryi Baker, dice, vera linné (dloe barbadensis Miller), Aloe spicata Baker, Aloe ferox Lamarck, and Aloe Africana Miller? 51.18 However, limited chemical, pharmacological and dlinical research data on aloe have been recorded in che literature. ie has been used with some success in the treatment of various dermatological condi- ions, radiation ulcers?-1®.15 internal dis eases such as peptic ulcer! and burns? There are reports on its use for cosmetic * profesor of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo Univesity ‘+ Head, Pharmacology Department, Nile Cow: pany for Pharmaceuticals, Caro ‘Head, Phytochemistty Depactment, Nile Com pany for Pharmaceutics, Cairo. Accepted for publication July 1, 1972 Dermatology, Jan/Feb 1973, Pages 68-74 purpoxes.! Preliminary reports ott the se Gf aloe vera gel in experimental uleers in animals were encouraging (Higuay. unpu lished data), This stimulated us to evalu ate aloe vera gel in the treatment of chronic ulcers and certain other dermatoxes in man. Our report deals with its use locally in chronie leq ulcers, seborrhea, ache vul fatis, slopécin (fait fl), and alopecia Materials and Methods The material used in our work was the fresh gel extracted from the leaves of aloe plant. Aloe vera contains 2 bitter substance, aloin, present in the pericycle and gelac inous material forwiing the pulp of the leaves. Different aloe species have notice able difereuces in chemical and pitysicl properties, so that the aioin from one species of aloe sy differ markedly from that of another species. Aloin includes several active ingredients of anthranol structure. Whereas most art cles in the literature on aloe concentrate ott aloin and its use as a potent cathartic, very litle scientific data are available on the gelatinous material. Since aloe varieties re spond to Borntrager’s test for anthra quinone, it has always been assumed that anthranols or anthranol derivatives consti: tute its major ingredients which are re sponsible for its medicinal setiviey. Invest gators fave paid no attention to the gel Thesefore, we decided to use it in our investigations. The gel was prepared as follows: the succulent fleshy leaves were cut trans -18- No.1 USE OF ALOE + Zawehry, ef a a9 Fig, I-Left, chronic ulcer on medial left leg before weatment (Case 1). Fig.2=Center, same lesion ater six weeks’ ereatment wich aloe vera ge Fig, S-Right, the lesion afer Il week's qreatment, the lower part healed versely from the base and left for 48 hows muslin. a preservative was added and ik so that the bitter substance would drain was stored under refrigeration. olf. The leaves were opened and the yel The crude gel was used as a lotion was extracted rom the heart of the leaves. without further fractionation. within one It way homogenized and filtered through — month of preparation co ensure its stabil g.4mfett. chronic aleer om lower ack of Taft ty before vecatment (Case 2 Fig. tier doco eee’ teatime ith alae tera gel, Nite partial Iss of Brie herween the two hale aces Fig, Doig alter even wooke" tearm, Nave canlete fs of ridge ai lelopmicnt a ew gest aly. @ iy, Anais of the ge ceveaed shat i compounds Ips, ser sean ch “Torte sultaca won. copee, slum Sh powaslum (eal sn Salty, 199) ‘Treatment of Chronic Leg Ulcers Aloe vera gel was applied locally on ulcers three (0 five times daily as dressing after preliminary cleaning of the lesion by simple washing with 1%, cierimide in war ter, hydrogen peroxide solution, 3% boric acid lotion or simply by waver. Gauze dressings were applied on the lesions after being soaked in aloe gel. Antibiotics were occasionally given systemically

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