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Congratulations on Engagement/Marriage

A. At the very outset express your happiness:

1. How happy/excited I am to learn about engagement/marriage!

2. My happiness and joy knew no bounds when I came to know about you marriage.
3. I am truly overjoyed to learn about our daughter’s wedding/engagement
4. You don’t know how eager I am looking to attend your marriage with…..

B. After expressing happiness, convey congratulations:

1. Please convey my best wishes and congratulations to your daughter/son

2. God Bless you on this happy occasion

C. In order to convey your special interest on the occasion add one two sentences in
praise of the person(s) fiancé/fiancée:

1. I am very happy to know that you are getting married to a girl of your own choice.
2. Your fiancé, who is our family fried is very fine cheap
3. I must say that you really are very lucky to have him/her as your life partner
4. With all my hearts, I wish you a blissful conjugal life
5. I take this opportunity to wish both you and ______ a long & and happy married

D. Close by summarizing the message:

1. Congratulations & Best wishes to the newly weds

2. Please convey my best wishes to your son/daughter
3. Best of luck in your life
4. Congratulations and wish you a happy life
5. I am eager to looking forward to join you on this occasion

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