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Ecologic Model

A. hypothesis

B. predisposing factors

1. The patient:

a. Age: 56 years old

b. Sex: male

c. Attitude: The patient is a security officer in the past, to relieve

stress, the patient smoke cigarettes.

d. Heredity: The patient has a family history of heart diseases,

hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

2. Environment

a. Lifestyle: sedentary, with vices (alcohol and cigarettes)

b. Biological:

c. socio economic

C. Ecologic model

We use the Wheel as the ecologic model due to the fact that the
predisposing factors clearly gives us the idea of what specific factors
are to consider regarding the patients present condition.

D. Analysis

The wheel model is a form of ecologic model designed to de-

emphasize the agent factor of the ecologic triad. Specifically, our problem
focuses on the multiple factors that predispose the client to have CVA
which are mainly due to host factors based on the assessment and it is
Intracranial Hemorrhage generally occurs in small arteries or arterioles
and is commonly due to hypertension, intracranial vascular malformations
(including cavernous angiomas or arteriovenous malformations),
cerebral amyloid angiopathy, or infarcts into which secondary
haemorrhage has occurred. Other potential causes are trauma, bleeding
disorders, amyloid angiopathy, illicit drug use(e.g. amphetamines
or cocaine). The hematoma enlarges until pressure from surrounding
tissue limits its growth, or until it decompresses by emptying into
the ventricular system, CSFor the pial surface. A third of intracerebral
bleed is into the brain's ventricles. ICH has a mortality rate of 44 percent
after 30 days, higher than ischemic stroke or even the very deadly
subarachnoid hemorrhage (which, however, also may be classified as a
type of stroke.

Older Adults. People most at risk for stroke are older adults,
particularly those with high blood pressure, who are sedentary,
overweight, smoke, or have diabetes. Older age is also linked with higher
rates of post-stroke dementia.

In most age groups except older adults, stroke is more common in men
than in women.

People who smoke a pack a day have almost two and a half times the
risk for stroke as nonsmokers. Smoking increases both hemorrhagic and
ischemic stroke risk. The risk for stroke may remain elevated for as long
as 14 years after quitting, so the earlier one quits the better.

Genetics may be responsible for many of the causes of stroke. Studies

indicate that a family history of stroke, particularly in one's father, is a strong
risk factor for stroke.
Genetics and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Genetic factors account for
between 7 - 20% of cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Ruptured aneurysms
that occur in such patients tend to happen at an earlier age, are usually
smaller, and are more apt to recur than in those without an inherited
condition. A study of people who had suffered subarachnoid hemorrhages
found that first-degree relatives of these stroke victims had a high lifetime
risk of between 2 - 5%. Some experts recommend screening for aneurysms in
people with more than one close relative who suffered a hemorrhagic stroke.

E. Conclusion and recommendations

I therefore conclude that the host factors of the patient have contributed
most in the present condition of the client rather than environmental factors. The
patient has disease because of his age 56 years old his gender male which is the
risk factor in CVA. Another big factor is that the patient has a history of CVA. People
also who has a hypertension is at big risk of having intracranial hemorrhage and
mixing it with vices such as smoking and drinking can really cause CVA.

Patient and family members should be given proper instruction and

on how to help the patient to cope in his condition. Dealing with emotional stress
changing his sedentary lifestyle can reduce the risk of stroke. Patient way of living
should be carefully understand to limit the anxiety and self-pity. Showing emotional
and moral support can aid the anxiety and self-pity. If family members adjusted to
kind of treatment to the patient, a fast recovery can be possibly.

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