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Rock Cakes(Rubbing in Mixture)

A)240 gm flour and 2 tsp baking powder/240 gm S.R flour (sieve)

B)90 gm butter/ margarine, hard (cut into small pieces)
C) 90 gm castor sugar
100 gm raisins
60 gm mixed peel / mixed fruits (optional)
D ) 1 ½ tbsp vanilla essence
1 Big egg – lightly beaten, if grade A is 60 gm


1) Sieve A in a bowl. Cut and rub (B) with flour till it resembles breadcrumbs. Add
some salt.
2) Put in C and D and mix together, lastly add beaten eggs.
3) Divide mixture into 16 parts. Put on a greased baking tray and bake for 20-25
minutes, at temperature 200’C till risen and brown. If too dry, can use a little
milk/ egg.

JAM BUNS (rubbing in mixture)

A) 240 gm flour & 2 tbsp baking powder / 240 gm S.R flour

B) 90 gm butter / margarine
C) 100 gm castor sugar
D) 1 big egg, 1 tbsp vanilla essence / 1 tbsp lemon rind
E) 2 tbsp raspberry jam


1) Follow method 1 and 2 as for the above Rock cakes method.

Divide mixture into 16 parts . Lightly roll into round shape.
2) Put in greased baking tray. Using the end of a wooden spoon, press a hole into
each bun.
3) Put jam inside the hole of each bun and bake for 20 min at temperature 200’C till
light brown.
P/S: rub with finger tips only….

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