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Date ordered: Pulmonary and Inhibits RNA -Ê carious skin -Ê Assess -Ê Instruct
extrapulmonary synthesis, eruptions laboratory patient that
Generic Name: tuberculosis decreases -Ê Fever examination compliance
Isoniazid (INH) (TB). Lupus tubercule -Ê Lymphadenopathy : sputum, with dosage
vulgaris. bacilli -Ê casculitis chest x-ray schedule for
Brand Name: replication. -Ê Hypersensitivity before duration is
-Ê Nausea treatment; necessary to
Classification: -Ê comiting monitor gain benefits
-Ê Gastrointestinal every -Ê Caution
Dosage: disturbances month to patient in
-Ê Liver dysfunction detect alcohol while
-Ê Peripheral neuropathy resistance in therapy
-Ê Anemia -Ê Œonitor may increase
liver/renal risk of liver
function: damage. Give
liver every patient written
week directions on
-Ê Assess CNS which foods
often to avoid while
-Ê Assess taking this
hepatic medication
status -Ê Tell patient to
-Ê Assess report
hepatic peripheral
status: nephritis:
decreased weakness,
appetite, tingling/numb
jaundice, ness of
dark urine , hands/feet;
fatigue hepatotoxicity
-Ê Assess for : loss of
visual appetite,
disturbance nausea,
that may vomiting,
indicate jaundice of
optic skin or eyes
change in
may lead to



Date ordered: Ethambutol is Tuberculostatic, -Ê Retrobulbar neuritis -Ê Pregnancy -Ê Advise
used with other it suppresses the with a reduction in (cat. B) patient that
Generic Name: antituberculous growth of visual acuity -Ê Should be compliance
Ethambutol drugs in the tubercule bacilli -Ê Retinal hemorrhage given in with dosage
primary however the -Ê Hypersensitivity reduced schedule
Brand Name: treatment of specific -Ê Confusion dosages to and duration
pulmonary and mechanism of -Ê Disorientation patients with is necessary
Classification: extrapulmonary action is -Ê Hallucinations impaired to eradicate
tuberculosis to unknown. -Ê Headache kidney disease.
Dosage: suppress -Ê Dizziness function and Remind
400mg/tab emergence of -Ê Œalaise dosage patient to
1 tab OD resistance to the -Ê Jaundice adjustments come for
other drugs used -Ê Thrombocytopenia may need to follow up
in the regimens. -Ê Nausea be made consultation
It has also been -Ê comiting according to including
used as a -Ê Anorexia serum ophthalmic
component of -Ê Abdominal pain concentration appointment
regimens for the of s.
treatment of ethambutol.  -Ê Advise
opportunistic -Ê It should be patient to
mycobacterial used with monitor for
infections. great care in and report
patients with adverse
visual defects, reactions.
the elderly, -Ê Reassure
and in patient that
children visual
whom disturbance
evaluation of will
changes in disappear
visual acuity several
may be weeks to
difficult. months after
-Ê Ocular end of
examination therapy.
is -Ê Caution
recommended patient to
before inform
treatment physician if
with pregnancy is
ethambutol suspected.
and some
consider that
are necessary
especially in
-Ê Patients
should be
advised to
report visual
and to


Date ordered: Treatment of Œechanism -Ê Dose-related -Ê Obtain chest -Ê Instruct
active unknown, highly hepatotoxicity x-ray and patient to
Generic Name: tuberculosis in specific and -Ê Nausea C&S test take drug
Pyrazinamide adults and bactericidal for -Ê comiting before and continuousl
(PZA) selected Œycobacterium -Ê Anorexia periodically y as
children. tuberculosis -Ê Thrombocytopenia after prescribed
Brand Name: hominis. -Ê Sideroblastic anemia treatment -Ê Stress the
with erythroid -Ê Obtain importance
Classification: hyperplasia baseline of
-Ê cacuolation of hematologic, compliance
Dosage: erythrocytes renal and with dosage
500mg/tab -Ê Increased serum iron liver status and
1 tab after concentration and monitor duration to
breakfast -Ê Adverse effects on regularly ensure
blood clotting during therapeutic
mechanisms therapy success and
-Ê Œild arthralgia -Ê Regularly relapse
-Ê Œyalgia assess for -Ê Remind
-Ê Hypersensitivity hepatotoxicit patient to
-Ê Gout y also comply
-Ê Advise
patient to
monitor for
and report
signs and
of gout,
and other



Date ordered: Œaintenance Inhibits DNA- -Ê GI disturbance -Ê Assess lung -Ê Don¶t take
phase treatment dependant -Ê Nausea sounds and any new
Generic Name: of all forms of polymerase, -Ê comiting character medication
Rifampicin (RIF) pulmonary and decreases -Ê Shock and amount during
extra-pulmonary replication -Ê Diarrhea of sputum therapy
Brand Name: tuberculosis. For -Ê Anorexia periodically without
continuation -Ê Shortness of breath during consulting
Classification: phase of short -Ê Eosinophilic colitis therapy physician
term anti-TB -Ê Pseudomembranous -Ê Œonitor -Ê Rifampin
Dosage: treatment. colitis patient may be
200mg/5ml -Ê Liver and kidney compliance prescribed in
Give 7ml OD dysfunction with conjunction
after breakfast -Ê Gastritis treatment with another
-Ê Flu-like symptoms regimen medication;
-Ê Hypersensitivity maintain
-Ê Confusion dosing
-Ê Drowsiness schedule of
-Ê Ataxia both drugs
-Ê Dizziness as directed
-Ê Peripheral neuropathy -Ê Take
-Ê Blurred vision rifampin 2
-Ê Transient hearing loss hours after
-Ê Œenstrual irregularities meal
-Ê Skin reactions -Ê Keep
-Ê Thrombocytopenia appointment
-Ê Elevations in blood for
urea scheduled
tests and x-
-Ê This
will discolor
urine, stool,
saliva, tears,
sweat, and
other body
fluid a red-
brown color
-Ê Report
physician of

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