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   () is a
broadly recognized, widely-implemented strategy for
managing and nurturing a company·s interactions
with customers and sales prospects. It involves using
technology to organize, automate, and synchronize
business processes³principally sales related
activities, but also those for marketing, customer
service, andtechnical support. The overall goals are
to find, attract, and win new customers, nurture and
retain those the company already has, entice former
customers back into the fold, and reduce the costs of
marketing and customer service.
V ×  ×lectronic CRM concerns all forms of
managing relationships with customers making use
of Information Technology (IT).
V ×-CRM is dictated primarily by the new
global, electronic economy.
V In the new net economy, the customer has
better relations with the company more
V ×-CRM, helps to integrate the marketing
sales and service function, so as to easily
serve the customer.
V ×-CRM, is the solution that provides a simple
view of the customer for the enterprise, and
a single view of the enterprise for the
V „ales Force Automation
V ×-Mail Management „ystem
V Interactive Voice Response
V Knowledge Management
V Call Centers
V Instant online querying through chat.
V Implementing the various components are
difficult, as it requires integration of various
V ×-CRM is customer centric, and not just
V It is considered more of a strategy than a
V It is designed to understand and anticipate
the needs of the existing and new
anticipated customer base a company

V ¦anking & Finance
V Hospitality
V Telecom
V Transport
V Courier
V overnment organizations

×very industry segment finds CRM·s utility,

virtually if they have a large customer
base, several customers touch points
and scope for multiple customer
interactions such as financial services.
V ¦urgeoning growth of online business
V ¦usiness in the virtual world warrants
personalized conduction of business
V Address, cost, quality of service and
customer satisfaction levels much like
business in the real world.
V ×-CRM solutions enable personalized
conduction of business and economic
delivery of service.

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