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# $Id$

# Expose Joomlacode Files Scraper Tool

# Copyright (C) 2010 GotGTEK. All rights reserved.
# License GNU/GPL
# Version 1.0.0
"Expose Joomlacode Scraper Tool" is a PHP script, its purpose is to extract the
Files list from a (GForge) project and display it as a "clean tab
It uses the "PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser" by S.C. Chen (http://simplehtmldom.sour
It is released under X11 License (aka MIT License) which is compatible with GNU
GPL v2.

- PHP 5.2+
- allow_url_fopen set to TRUE (php.ini)

1. Extract the zip file.
2. Open "joomlacode.php" in your favorite text editor .
3. Go to line 27 and edit the $url_base variable to it points to your project.
3.1. For most people it will be enough with replacing expose with the name of yo
ur project.
3. Upload the 4 files to your webserver (joomlacode.php, joomlacode.css, simple_
html_dom.php and index.html), prefered to a subfolder.
4. (Optional) Create an article and copy this code:
<iframe frameborder="no"
height="600" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling=
hp" width="800">
5. Remember to replace the line "_REPLACE_THIS_WITH_CORRECT_URL_" with the URL t
o the "joomlacode.php" file.
6. Enjoy!

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