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It͛s winter time, December 17 to be exact, and Haruhi was up to her antics again, wondering

about what should be done for Christmas. However, on December 18, a horrible thing

happened,HaruhiSuzumiya and the rest of the world had been Changed. When Kyon goes to the club

room, the only person there is the alien, Yuki Nagato, who is now not an alien, just a petit high school

student.Kyon is very disturbed by this and thinks that Haruhi, using her powers, was able to re-write

reality to what he was in at that time. Kyon looks through the old clubroom, which is now just an empty

room save for a bookshelf that Yuki uses to sit in a chair and read. Kyon then bumps a book off the

bookshelf, and out of the book falls a bookmark. A bookmark that says ͞Program: Gather the Keys

Deadline: Two Days͟. Clearly this had been a mark from the previous world͛s Yuki that he had to fix the


He starts to search for anyone that could have existed before. He easily findMikuru still in the

same school as she always was, but she doesn͛t recognize Kyon anymore. Yuki is in the now-empty

clubroom. However, Haruhi and Itsuki have disappeared. However, soon Kyon finds Haruhi and Itsuki go

to a different school. They meet and he explains to them what happened. Naturally, they don͛t believe

him. So he tells Haruhi a name, it was actually a name he told the young middle school Haruhi. ͞John

Smith͟. It proves that he is telling the truth, although John Smith, doesn͛t have any actual meaning, it

somehow means something to Haruhi. She in this world still has her bossy attitude and is able to bring

all 5 of them together into the old clubroom.

The program starts. All 5 keys have been established.Kyon is now sent back 3 years into the

past. He now meets the time traveling Mikuru from the future, who tells him who caused the whole

disorder. Turns out, Yuki caused it all by stealing a bit of power from Haruhi. This synopsis makes the

story seem childish and silly, however, when reading it, there is heavy philosophical debates going on
about the characters and Kyon receives tremendous character development, literally, saving the world

and along the way, learns about his relationship with the world, and with God (Haruhi).

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