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Imagine that you were Mr Edwards.

Write a letter of about 75 words conveying to Mrs

Fenton your sympathy learning of her husband’s illness.
Imagine that you’re Robert. Write a letter of about 100 words to a friend, explaining the
trick which the old man played on the crowd.
Imagine that you were Inspector Robinson.Write a short report of about 90 words of what
Topham told you.Give Topham’s full name and address in your report but otherwise do
not include anything which is not in the passage.
Imagine that you were a man in the sea.describe what happened from the time you saw
the ship begin to slow down until you were taken on board. do not include anything
which is not in the passage.
Imagine that you were the detective. Describe what happened from the time you followed
the man into the restaurant until you paid your bill and left do not include anything which
is not in the passage.

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