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TOPIC: increased icp

Cranial contents:

85% - brain tissue

5% - blood

10% - CSF

- situated in a cranial vault for protection (rigid, closed and non-expandable)


Several neurologic lesions either by their nature

Inciting cerebral edema

Any lesion that increases tissue volume = space occupying lesion (cerebral

Intracranial tumors

Increased in production of cs


INCREASED pressure in the cranial cavity -> compensatory mechanism = venous

compression and CSF displacement -> exceed the compensatory mechanism in
adult -> escape for the swollen and displaced brain hemisphere is caudally or by
downward herniation -> as a consequence of herniation -> brain stem compress at
variable level -> vasomotor center compression, posterior cerebral artery,
occulomotor nerve ,corticospinal nerve pathways fibers of tha ARAS (ascending
reticular activating system) -> internal herniation – critical state of decompensation

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