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Personnel Policies, Procedures And


Personnel policies are guides to


They serve as road maps for managers

on a number of issues such as
recruitment, selection and promotion.

They cover almost all functions of

personnel management.
Personnel Policies, Procedures And
A good personnel policy should be :

easy to understand,

based on facts,


reasonably flexible,

precise and

related to objectives.
Advantages of personnel policies

 Uniformity
 Better control
 Standards of efficiency
 Confidence
 Speedy decisions
 Coordinating devices
Features of a sound personnel policy

 Related to objectives
 Easy to understand
 Precise
 Stable as well as flexible
 Based on facts
 Appropriate number
 Just, fair and equitable: eg.recruitment
 Review

Coverage of Personnel policies

social responsibility policies:

equity,consideration,quality of work life
 employment policies
 promotion policies
 development policies
 relations policies
Evaluating the impact of personnel

The impact of human resource policies can be

measured through their outcomes:
 Commitment: how long an employee stays with a
 Competence: appraised through performance
appraisal techniques
 Congruence: nature and frequency of grievances,
disagreement, and conflict
 Cost effectiveness: measured through human
resource accounting techniques

You have been told to draft personnel
policies for Business school what are the
different aspects you will consider for
Formulation of Personnel Policies.

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