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Name: ___________________________ Period: ________ Date: _______________

Lab Partners:_____________________________________________________________
Mu of the Shoe Lab
To determine the mu (μk) of your shoe.

1. Measure the weight of your shoe. Record in the data area below.
2. Record a description of your shoe (such as brand, type etc.)
3. Record a description of the surface on which your shoe is to slide.
4. Measure and record the amount of force needed to pull your shoe across the
surface at a constant rate.

Shoe Spring Scale

?N Pull with


5. Pick another surface and repeat the process of finding the force required to pull
your shoe at a constant rate, recording the data below.
6. Increase the weight of the shoe (put the other shoe on top of it, 2x the weight),
and repeat the process with one of the previous surfaces.

1. Calculate the μk of your shoe for each case. Show one complete sample
calculation here:

Data and Calculation Results:

Fg = __________ Description of Shoe:__________________________________

Surface Fpull (N) μk

One shoe

One shoe

Two shoes

1. Compare the μk calculated with one shoe and two shoes on the same surface.
What would we expect to occur based on the theory of μk? What is the percent
difference between these values?

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