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How did Benito Mussolini establish a dictatorship in Italy?

– The liberal state is facing two main challenges:

• First world war
• Socialism
– The war exposed the state – obvious problem
started to appear therefore socialists influence
– the war divided Italy and led Mussolini to break
away from socialism and created conditions for
fascists to gain power

On the 23rd of march 1919, Benito Mussolini formed a fascist party in

Milan. He made promises of a strong leader and law and order. He
used the fasces, a bundle of rods with an axe, as the fascist symbol. He
promised an anti-communist government. Between 1919 and 1922,
Mussolini built up his party, now called the blackshirts because of their
uniforms, and fought against communism. He soon decided to take
power by planning a march on Rome in October 1922, but rather than
sending troops to fight him, victor Emmanuel invited Mussolini to form
a government.
In 1923, Mussolini made a law saying that the party with the
greatest number of votes would get 2/3rds of the seats in parliament.
In this way, the fascists gained most of the control in Italy.
After this, a group of fascists killed Natteoiti, and eve though
Mussolini wasn’t involved, he claimed that actions like this would have
to be taken to ensure a loyal population.
Mussolini decided that he would rule by decree, and banned all
other parties apart from his own.
All press and radio was censored so that ideas would not be
spread against him, and he formed a secret police called the OVRA to
arrest anyone found to be speaking against him.
In this way, Benito Mussolini had formed a dictatorship.

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