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The Horse's Ass !

A port was then destined in a storm,

Then we delved into a much deeper sin ?
Perhaps a given way to escape from,
A mere elegance torn me away again;
Some even disappeared again;
Amidst the broad yet barren sea;
To leave behind the values and principles of their faith outside of certain acti
vities in the same way,
They leave behind a coat in the waiting room ?
The modern world tries to seperate faith from that of reason,
Although for now most tranquil and elevated,
One can see beneath the breeze,

Although for the moment most our real tranquil and elevated amidst,
One can see beneath the fallen breeze,
One day all will have to fall to their knees !
The modern world tries to seperate faith from that of reason ?
The professional in turn from the personal,
The means from the ends,
Yet throuh a closed window one can barely see a way of escape ?
The fundamental principle that our forefathers fought to delegate !
Today there is no respect for the elderly anymore,
Lest I should deplore another opened door,
Abortion is the norm !
By becoming way too desensitized;
People have become way to scared to even extend a hand or a touch to confide in
another human !
They have grown to listen to all of Satan's lies !

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