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Global City Innovative College

Taguig, City
Values Education

Serrano, Madonna Kristina M. Values Education 8:00-9:30AM T-TH

BSBA-FM/ BA-111 Group IV


Bayanihan is a very beautiful culture that best characterizes a Filipino

everywhere in the world. It is a simple Filipino tradition in the olden times where

everyone is very much willing and eager to contribute participation in any community

activity which is best shown by a neighborhood lending shoulders and joining efforts to

help a family move their house from one location to another. It has been passed on from

generation to generation and have since evolved to be the hallmark of Filipinos globally.

Bayanihan thereupon was catapulted in full display during the historical people

power revolution events. Every single individual that participated in those events formed

a powerful phalanx that put down formidable government regimes which are seemingly


Thus, a Filipino by the spirit of bayanihan, is internationally perceived as

hospitality and generosity personified.

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