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DEATH PAYS A DIVIDEND interest for him; the ‘trend’, not the ‘result wos The was intereated in-—whether the conference nde ina “agreement cr not “Sar Raion of Antara (qvtioning Mes Bs: (atailue) mightaid you and yet you are interested inthe teas Tena he reule shea oo "Hs Bars Bat oot nm dimgreement. Plss'do not get eee TT Sir Babe You iu: You have made « dtncon hich 1 Sens ty peor wid not shi to grap, but perhaps you Dull mak the ere to expan ju yy you were inetd Fate yaid ingen, rn v0 we tl Me, Bardo Because one indicated a rend, the other inc Md Indicated tend, the other indicated ‘The fine and meticvious distinctions made by. smamen ‘agate Bardo will perhaps be more eomipichemible to the reader than they seem to have been ‘The authors feel bound tp cones tha leeties escape them. PO iting Sen ine direc Bownezs" Moos a eee eee 2 eset concede mire es ‘countries. Tt did not seem Pre aiton el gicyeing hth er firms of aireraft preduction—the Fairey Aviation Gompany—supplid military aeroplanes in ie cf peace tne Sir Cary at arg na oh Hanigheds ppiag-nige ot See Meche Doh y Pagers aod Greece, Argentina. and Chile, end had works at Goss in elgium as well asin this country. One of the lagest American railfary aviation frms had an arrangement with the largest [Tapance fem for the manufacture of aeroplane engines. Great Tonwacts were made betveen counties soon to be enemies in thosiparin te feld, and they industeiously and prostably toiled to arm one another forthe later conc 4 Tolerelation between foreign and home trade in acmanen's (Leonside) a one ofthe mos! subtle and dangerous featues of the preseat gtem of private production .. . for {he more armainents are increased abroad Uhe more they mast Tnoreaee at hom This was the considered view of Admiral Lord Wester Wemyss asexprested in an offical memorandum lid before the Admiralty ih ron8, aewhich time he was the First Sea Lord. Tt did not take the Toamufsetorers long to epfead this traffic to the new air sreapon, ad flouihiig world trade in aeroplanes developed in the inter-war year Tetween wars, the attention of experts as ell a6 Taymen was focused on the possible wer in destruction and in terrrizaton towhich tis mew aerial weapon could beapplied. Astime went ing where aerial bombatment was wed in warfice (dhe Briah Governme Chiefly on the bomber to maintain “law and order” in outlying parts ofthe Empire and che bombing of cities and civilians in Ayentia and later in Spain brought the horrors and possibilities ‘fair warfare much close o the Western world). Ta.consequence, the demani grew in Europe for some sore oF agreement whereby the aerial bombing of elias should be prevented inthe event ff second major confict. Long before the Abyssinian and Spanish wats lind confirmed the fears of the more enlightened, the general felng had beea strong enough to make the question ‘fair disarmament or eantrol one of the principal problems of a Conference at Geneva ‘Small companies prior to the last war had grown into large airerat manufacturing concerns in lite over adecade, and their

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