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cy DEATH PAYS A DIVIDEND god busines in deathematerals in South America itself: Me ‘Writes to Captain Travis in haste when the end looks near:— A... If Webster aud Ashton are able to work fast enou ‘they may be able ¢o get the additonal nine or sixteen planes closed before the war ends, ‘The consul general in New York Seems to fel quite certain that the mess will be cleaned up ‘within a month, T certainly hope ve will be able to get some ‘more busines before this happens.” Captain Travis was of the same mind, and did not intend to rise any chance of muleting the warring States; in a lete: replying to Webster he eyncallyremars: Mimi ot ange Bala) Uy are our bo fSmateey at hepa ne, A smal county Su sy ba Clee sto wih calyx lon ola ne Ps eects fool beac nt mare ie wa ae” od about ron ister Wetner i wong fom lia (tre he went nul eae sr of ging ed) to Nev BP we dey at hed ly reel he tpperaes 8 fet tat Bava woul ego orb re hs ing ote yaa utr om irae nc ron ys open and te ine of Bee dartictrcramet yeti rhcute to ge bob fase ct cisfenans rer eure STi Ga eo a Jobe array al pera Lopes del vitae pt other materi which wl rm post to bensen $0,009 and $1,000,000. ee a eae eeepc oe ae is platy of aise. pee tld me ong any tod candela that Boia hao intention of ling eee wnt thy fot what tay were ser any i necapay, the etre Patio company col ack tc sand Mc. Webster had some time before considered that Bolivia 2 Nye Hearings Pat 4 exis ih eit sg det yn, fo1vn Us Tas DAY OUR LITTLE WAR &% would be able to find funds for the purchase of munitions, either fom Standard Oil, who have large concesions there (actually in the Chaco district), or from the Patino company, mentioned fm the above letter, which is 2 large tinsmining company in Bolivia. Tn December, 1999, 2 conference was held in Rio de Janeiro swith the aim of bringing the Chaco hostilities to an end, Wrote B Colombian agent to the vice-president of the Curtie-Wright Expart Corporation it is evident that efforts to convince the Government ofthe need ard advisability of making immediate additions 20 four airforce have been effeetive. ‘The likelihood oflulare ofthe: Rio Conference has sided us considerably in this endeavour Tn the whole ofthe Nye hearings there is only one instance of armament ynanufacturers or salesmen recognizing the ethical Undesrsbility of their activites, and chiefs ia a letter fom Me Jonas to Mr, Oven Shanon’ of the Curtis-Wright Aviation (Corporation “My pea Owns, "Thanks very much for your mort amusing cant, which gave me a laugh, and Lord knows sre need one thee days "The Paraguay and Bolivia fincas appears tobe coming 10a termination, so business fom that end ix probably finished. We certainty are in one hell of a busines, where a fellow a t0 ‘wish for trouble so a8 to make a living, the only consolation being however that f we don't get the business someone else will Te would be a terible state of affairs if’ my conscience farted to bother me nove.”® ‘When the inevitable lull came, the arms agents were still ‘ceaselessly plotting for stvations and circumstances to favour ther trae, Mr, Webster bad the idea that the appointment of one of thelr own nominees as a Peruvian Government official svould Belp their sales — 1 Nye Meaings Part xb ago, 1 Td, ei 8

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