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BUSN 110 Assignment Three & Four

The University of Glamorgan, Business School (hereafter GBS), located in Wales, United
Kingdom, is interested in articulating with the Triumph College, School of Business. GBS has,
for some time, been affiliated with other Colleges and Universities in Canada. If successful
articulation with Triumph College can be achieved; current and former students would receive
credit for courses equivalent to those leading toward a UK Bachelors degree offered by GBS.
The UK degree is recognized throughout Canada both in academia and the business world.
Studying at GBS would require residence in Wales. Students applying are automatically
considered for one of these scholarships upon receipt of their application.

Undergraduate degree Courses – £1,500 per year

Postgraduate degree courses – £2,000
Master of Business Administration (MBA) – £1,500

An added benefit of studying in the UK is students would have more direct academic
exposure to current, practical international business in the European Union (EU). On an informal
level, students would be able to travel easily throughout the UK and the EU for a fully enriching

Triumph College has affiliations with other universities. Although it finds the GBS
proposal interesting; the Triumph College academic management is uncertain how much interest
there would be amongst its current students let alone the alumni. There are typical issues to be
dealt with when articulating with other institutions. Courses and programmes must be reviewed
for compatibility and future alignment. There are administrative procedures to follow and forms
to process. Then there is the difficult problem of assessing student interest. This involves
separating casual, passing interest from genuine desire. Most importantly there is the financial
feasibility of studying abroad for those truly interested students. Considering these and other
factors, it was decided to form an ad hoc committee to investigate the possibility of a GBS –
Triumph College, School of Business articulation.

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