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Hi Friends

They allowed ECE, EEE, CSE, IT

Selection Process Steps :

1. Written Test
2. Technical Round
3. HR Round

1. Written Test
In written test three sections are there. you can choose from JAVA, C, C++. I chose C++.

4 parts in each section

Each part has 20 or 25 questions; so aprrox 100 questions
Each section 25 mins

First part was C, C++. questions on fundamentals, programs and their output, objective type

Second part was Verbal and Non-Verbal R.s agarwal contains figure pattern, ages, sets etc

Third part was again on C, C++ little more intensive objective type long programs like reverse a integer,
sum of digits of
all numbers etc. tests your fundamentals

Fourth part was OS and Networking questions on OSI layers, heaps, stacks, queue, dequeue and like that
routing table etc.

2. Technical Round
They will ask your specialized subject and ask questions according to that.
I said Electronics, C++, up
they asked about diode, then how to count no of 1's in a given integer in C++.
what is difference b/w function declaration and function definition

then they started asking some aptitude questions. not that difficult though

3. HR Round
It is an informal round. They ask about HP. What do we expect from HP.

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